Wilfrid Laurier University's student activities team presented a life-size Monopoly game for students at the school last week. Participating in the fun were Meagan Solomon (left) and Darryl Patterson. ARgrutrgiAtutFVrtrgftr BA, CHM Rem Master, Pmmmnu and Teacher Workshops heal Yoursell and Let Your Stress Go Reilermooy (fl A C l and Hm Touch Cami-ed Prammoml 5 oMoctor of . I ' Mane mu sun your humus» won mm!" Iran to tlutrk about he - y loam-Ins: qIII~uom "T . l l lan mu handle ttul known: 1shere mm nm [In Ihc'qu " I _ l ' W IommI: irunP . I 'a f. [1-) Mill have the tash farm-x In pm \uIIr ipersurul ': bells for = " G. um , “HIV 3“ i un “III! Mum-s» Jinn " lb: hum and In Nun! numb Jacitttie Prrpke Ilm .ll" IIIIIqusII In ww I V" an“ a hum-I Imlvr m lull-mew S How dun u-III .lDI' ' um! :suurressteoorre " l)" mu lure be MINâ€) hatt,tra In mmlx. Iilr uruss and tVinauast - ik, um Use wIII mum: “mum: hum-rm K "(II Inn-II are Inn MIL"); I†wk icctm ulirr ‘l Ust the Inll -, raw» um mu thatii ti) \url rJtts llll\xlll‘\\ il “III still want In uan mm Imuuvss but luIr mmr u-IIIrnn Air-ml thr tmat" ul wit you mm“ “In In sun lun IIIIIr Allll prom“ II- " Lune um r Kim huuriev, is “uh Jun 5th Acupressure Autumnal Alignmenl Vherapy Consultalaons Canned Courses _ . " e " . "_.. »~_ --- .. - h' A " . M 4 him! Call Jacquie Ptpke if you hare any CARmR PARINIRS questinns m (5191 513.171; 'tNANit W " y.'vlt (t I55 lytion St. E.,tb'aterioo,0N N2] In H. Carol Schmidt (519) 835-8385 (519) 885-4312 Carol Hueck, HTJSI, CRT, can (STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS) §mart Talk for Women Go to jail A Salute To Our Local Women In Rm: Grand Master Teacher, Acupressure, Haiku Rainbow thls Health Massage Spunual Consults"! Mentor Canaan Courses m Rein a Energy Therapies ' Associates 43 Bridgeport Rd. E. Waterloo, ON N2J 2J4 Rev. Patricia Howie: Antone". "LISP lnlumve Development Employee Assaslante Programs, l mrmslucs l desMes m the Workman (519) 569-7101 (just past Peppler, 3rd driveway on let!) These brief, 'profiles are designed to introduce our readers to a cross section of business women in our local area who are ready to help you, the customer, with whateveryour needs-may be. ANDIIA BAILEY mom Owner ------_ - lJnda Nelson, armed with a Degree in Horticulturc from Ni m College and Jo wan In the industry. ulung with her husband Bub '/rrai'a,r,'ll thunemns Hum-r Sho In I9tli, Camerotts “a estahlished In NH. mth same I)! he urigmal “all still working there lucky amerrms firmer Shop has a well tgmed reruulmn " high-quality and Illlil}lll’ arrangemeMs, created In an our h-m stall [mused on customer sails mum They ram , Road supply of etrmc ilosers. a: well 1x a selttlitm oi plum and glflwarc Cumertms Rower Slurp under Linda's ownership ml! continue lu provide excellence In customer wmce lo both their long-term and MW (Hammers Slop in lo see Lind: and her friendly. dedxcaltd will, for all of your [lord nerds As part of the program that saw more than l00,000 avid gardeners and flower aficionados attend the annu- al event. the Ontario Flower Growers sponsored a stu- dent floral design compel» lion March 14 for students in floristry programs at Ontario colleges. Waterloo student wins floristry competition Walerloo's Sasha Wilbur, of Conestoga College's Retail Florist program, took home first place in the wed, ding design category at the sixth annual Canada Blooms Festival held at the Metro Toronto Cortventiort Centre during the March Break. Huh Master, Prmmt and Teacher, Therapeutic [ouch Dhaka 8alanong Guided McMahon lmuclm Readings Wurishops lor Petsonal Growth LINDA NEISON Jacqueline Rule 7 can, ma 1t'gtltlSiiiiii Auto Bod 'i'llltliiili' Complete Collision and Refinishing Service USO Albert Street, Waterloo 88 (519) 651-7518 683 Belmont Ave. w., Kitchener Tel: 71325684 Fax: M59175 eatail: salesOczmcronsllowcts.com wwwxameronsi1owetsxmt, Tracy Bauer CRM Rem Master, Practmonet and Teacher. Bring Naca ' Ivanouohly to Your Heart Mind ' Body Heal the Maid the Body WIN Follow Heated Stone Massage, {helium-c Touch Reftemlotry Rent: Mum": You: Wellness The Retail Florist pro- gram is a part-time, cerlifi- cate-level program at Con, esloga College consisting of six core courses dealing with design, management and sales for the thsral industry Waterloo's Pat Doyle was also in the wedding competition. while Waterloo's Jill Dun- brook took part in the theme arrangement competition. Wilbur won the timed contest with materials and information supplied by the Ontario Flower Growers, and Judged by a panel of Canada Blooms management per- sonnel. (519) 729-6034 (519) 745-5971 Niki Klein BIS, CRT - Fr. l PersmtatattmtttmtJbrymomd w your wine! CZ? _ " What has made 3mm FINE BOT. T pr so successful? Ttme Ilium HARD WORK We pm o the long hard hours PATTT POM-USS We gte the fob done Ind done ndtt “(WEDGE We can dino people to make the ridtt wine [or their “M Cocstamleamingattouoineskmpsusirtthekrrekrmtofonrtkkaml allows us In prrm& the mfnrmalmn vim our clients need to know about that wines LOVE We lave whal We do We lore dialing With people and pmvidmg our elk-ms wnh the parka wine for the perfed (me We know that our chettts love comma m here There is always sommhing new and emung lummr my: at SIMPLY FIVE WINE It's I comfortaNe and hm plate In make mm (We m also a farsuls run haunt“ and w in {my in love the aaf here J Irene Vania, IA. (n Adv-uni hum-n! Mummy Keep more of what you've already t' ‘rncd. I can help you take advantage of some of the I as! significant nu- reduction strategies available Call mm for our complimentary Special Repurl Hiet the must from your RSP with 8 Smart Tax-Cutting Strategies," 201-80 King St. li Waterloo, Ontario N.?.) 1P5 Wm Ph: 5l9-886-2360 x252 molar Fax: 519-746-5596 irene.vasalo®inveslorsgroup£om 3‘7; : “A c3 Gary MW ' Petals G Pots Inc. Flower & am She; TAX BITE T00 BIG? JUST SHOW ME WHERE IT HURTS! ENirEtuiQunlL SIMPLY FINE WINE Immune! 725 Ottawa St s Waterloo. 65 UniversnyAve F _ttil74t-7et 7 7 7 Call "s-tot, Bnghl ' vibrant & Including spnng flowers YOUR 1 STOP EASTER SHOP.' EASTER CENTREPIECES .A __. SPRING BUNCHES ROSES Assorted colours EASTER LiLiES 620 Davenport Rd., Waterloo, ON N2Y 161 888-6272 SIMPLY FINE WINE Sundav lt-A E SEFACES '25 ' $935 1 4t.s,