Jifiiiiiijui RY . JOHN KEATS Joy orever Are A 'im " N Itt .. At Knar Jewellery, the world's finest little treasures , é , TS 'f,ii,r?' "riGPd93, " N await the season's shining moments. ttk',' tit-'!,:.?,;,)"')', ' Our "Holiday Seletions" are prepared to become _ . (,SlF,:ir'iii:'r"i_'".r eternal symbols of love. oF" _ "pferttTcs ' w To you, we wish the Season 's Very Bet! ',;s,i(, MI I; ti",' tri' rr 'il w'. K: ,,ijr'ii:'iiri,virir?r, iiiiiiiililtlg! J“ ‘ 3? . trif f; ' ' f 1 F . l ' q Tali?" u. a." a. sap? I 3}" . . , . . " . C. ' YC.,,,,,,,'., I 9 Mitt _ , tA'-" tsilt' 't'ittiitf E:ECS1 .' 'T, t , 'ir$lSl N?" Fi'; Ji _ thi p I " b: s'sS' ll . a , "ss,--,::':',,', At Knar Jewellery, the world‘s finest little treasures await the season's shining moments. Our "Holiday Selections" are prepared to become eternal symbols of love. To you, we wish the Season's Very Bet! ‘ ’. Citizens' advisory committee aims to reduce car emissions Open Monday to Wednesday , 't 5:30, Thursday and Friday , - 8, Saturday , - 5:30 80 gingstretsouth, Valerian 56St George's Square, Guelph hsmssrmtWterkroTtxmtstuare-88M2in nextmRtyaltkmk-82r7882 HEARTS ON FIRE DIAMONDS, ROLEX, FiBERsg,"CARriER, Gucci, TAG HEUER, SEIKO, RAYMOND WEIL, SWISS ARMY, SOHO, MONT BLANC, SABRINA ,rotecting the environ- ment from unneces- By Axum BAILEY “WHEEL the strategy behind a public education campaign gen to be launched next spring. The Idling Reduction Task Force (IRTF) of the Citizens' Advisory Comm- ittee on Air Quality, Waterloo Region, is now in the planning and develop- ment stage of the cam- paign, which will aim to bring knowledge. attitude and ultimately a behav- iour change in motorists who make engine idling a habit. Over the course of two or three years, the task force will target different groups, beginning with municipal staff, to set an example for the community, and move to develop specific policies on idling. The campaign will then move to reach other audi- ences based around school zones. worksites, business- es and other community venues. "It takes time for social change to happen, and now is the time for change," said Shelley Bolden, co-chair of the IRTE Bolden said all campaign initiatives will coincide with the region's Clean Air Plan, created to improve the According to an IRTF report, during the months of April to October. the Waterloo region often expe- riences extended periods of very poor air quality. rapid decline in air quality the municipality has seen over the last few years. Oh some dccasions, the area has had the worst smog levels in Ontario. Air pollution contributes directly lo respiratory and cardiac problems, and asth- ma has proven to be a par- ticularly sensitive illness to air pollution effects. The need for an education campaign was reinforced following the Idling Reduction Municipal Workshop, held in Sept- ember at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Com- plex. When asked why motorists idle, workshop participants attributed the act to a lack of knowledge about the issue of idling, lack of awareness of the impacts of idling, lack of time andlor interest in the issue, lack of environmental and social supports to dis- courage idling, and person- ‘A little bit of change can have a pretty big impact," Bolden said. the Watedoo regional police _ service has hired 52 consta- _ tries, bringing the forces l cunent strength to 572. The , service is authorized to have 605 sworn police officers "We want to use the campaign to increase awareness so that residents will adopt the attitude that (refraining) from idling is the right thing to do," Holden said. In motivating motorists to turn off their engines, respondents said there has to be more public educa, tion on the benefits of not idling, visual reminders, in the form of signs or decals, to shut engines off, better planning and zoning in cities to limit opportunities to idle, initiatives that make it more socially unac- ceptable to idle, and pro- motion of incentives/ rewards to encourage behaviour change. al comfort and conve~ nience. "We also want to deal with some of the myths that surround idling, like that it does more damage to turn off and restart the engine than idling it. Holden said. while other municipalities have intro- duced bylaws pertaining to engine idling the IRTF is not promoting the same concept. "We want to make sure there's accurate knowledge out there." "We want to bring about an increase in awareness." "The problem with a bylaw is that it's difficult to enforce, we don't have the resources m implement it, and it cant be done without education," she said. "Right now we are focussing on policies that will assist us in striving to improve air quality in this region." Bolden said the task force intends to launch the campaign at the annual Clean Air Fair, set to take place April 20. 2002 at Kitchener City Hall. Twelve male and three female officers have just returned from basic consta- ble training at the Ontario Police College where they studied a variety of academ, ic subjects as well as defen- sive tactics, firearms, officer safety and suspect appre- hension. Five of the new officers are following in the foot- steps of family members already working in policing in Ontario. vice is anticipaiing hiring another 45 to 60 new oiB- crrtiIt2o!n-sottrth)rtyr, In addition to the 15 new badg