As a service to our citizens and in accordance with statutory reporting requirements, the year 2000 financial summary of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo is presented here. Also presented is a breakdown of an average property tax bill for 2000. This shows how the City portion of your property taxes was spent. It is our hope that this information will aid your understanding of City services. Lynne Woolstencroft, Mayor Complete Financial Statements can be reviewed at the City of Waterloo 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo Ontario N2J 4A8 Please call Wayne Steffier at (519) 747â€"8778 or Doris Hon at (519) 74 7â€"8766 The City‘s auditors are Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants Your property taxes in 2000 included iile porticns for City, Region and School Boards. The proportion relating to each area is shown here. The environmental services of water and wastewater are City responsibilities, but their costs are paid on a user basis, not through taxation. THE CITY OF PROVINCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS FOR 2000* Effective in 2000, the province of Ontario introduced a City Performance Measurement Program. The following are the applicable measurements. General Government: Planning: % of paved lane km rated adequate Council cost per capita 4.49| % of new lots within settlement areas 100%| _ % of winter event responses meeting standards Council cost as a % of total cost 0.81%| _# of new lots within settlement areas 848|Environmental: Municipal admin as a % of total cost 11.37%] â€"% of agricultural land preserved 100%| _ Sewage & Storm water collection costs/line km Protection Services: Transportation Services: # of sewer main backups/line km Fire services cost/Assessment/ 1000 1.4 Paved road cost ane km 1,04 Water distribution costs/km of pipe Fire $ losses/Assessment/1000 0.19] Unpaved road cost/lane km 2,08 # of breaks in watermains/km of pipe Winter control cost/lane km 1,07 % of water consumed not billed * Please note the results of the measurements are affected by the following factors: * _ Population â€" the population used by the Ministry does not include students (83,318 ve. sus 98,923), this increases our per capita figure by 18%. e _ Allocation of expenditures and interpretation of formulas â€" municipalities may not allocate expenditures in the same manner. s _ Demographic makeâ€"up â€" each municipality is unique in demographic makeâ€"up, 1.¢. Waterloo has two universities. e _ Level of services provided â€" different municipalities provided different levels of service. _ General Government: Council cost per capita 4.49 Council cost as a % of total cost 0.81%) Municipal admin as a % of total cost 11.37% Protection Services: Fire services cost/Assessment/ 1000 1.1 Fire $ losses/Assessment/1000 0.19 e e oeneee o e o eviesievs _ h c nc uons 4 MRH UA nA Lnalr 2 aW C‘ aia n PPBE EEEET oo vAdtnhdbe‘v + +4 + 1 a m 4s HOW THE CITY SPENT YOUR TAX DOLLARS IN 2000 The 2000 average home market value was $138,000. This equates to an average tax bill of $2,066.71. As noted above, 26% or $544.70 of property taxes went to the City of Waterloo. Below is a breakdown of how those dollars were spent. IN 2000 YOUR CITY SERVICES ACCOUNTED FOR 26% OF YOUR TAX BILL Corporate services Development services Library Protective services Parks & Works services Reserve/Debt charges/ Capital expenditures City of Waterloo School Boards Region Total property taxes Recreation & Leisure Services John Ford, Chief Financial Officer The Corporation of the City of Waterloo Annual Financial Report P COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886â€"1550 $544.70 950.69 571.32 $67.11 19.54 35.717 134.60 119.12 99.71 68.85 Total revenues Current Expenditures General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total current expenditures Cash and shortâ€"term investments Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Longâ€"term investments Investment in Waterloo North Hydro Inventory Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Employee benefits and other liabilities Net longâ€"term liabilities Capital lease obligation _ _ _ Capital Expenditures General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total capital expenditures Total expenditures Net revenue (deficiency) Increase in nonâ€"financial assets Increase in amounts to be recovered Total net assets Change in fund balances aâ€"pcrati;g fund Capital fund Reserves and Reserve funds Amounts to be recovered _ Total municipal position Taxation User charges Grants Investment income Other Equity in Wloo North Hydro Holding Corp. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES YEAR END BALANCES OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 2000 (in 0OOU‘s) 1999 (in 000‘s) d shortâ€"term investments $45,616 $ 5,701 rceivable 4,207 6,955 ts receivable 4,546 6,441 rm investments 3,301 11,339 2000 (in 000‘s) 1999 (in 000‘s) $ 29,111 $32,804 25,060 24,760 1,592 1,415 2,507 1,297 7435 8,.729 $ 25.689 64,522 25,718 14,358 (78,909) 128,599 $ 92,862 3,301 62,894 16,097 1,231 5,180 23,700 48,353 25,689 1,592 2,507 7,435 62,894 7,269 7,182 5,126 13,268 635 778 12,528 2,823 50,184 20,846 253 32,059 82,243 46,356 46,502 182 2,838 6,105 1,816 575 49 $ (20.670) (20,670) ©2,043 (5,662) 15,356 (32,407) $ (1,021) 77.93% 100% 282 14,935 4,046 5,291 27,116 69,005 (4,168) 25 3121 3,632 7.353 7431 15,483 12,514 2.381 1.462 51,207 2,863 0.03 4,829 0.15 1.52% 21,966 73,173 2,189 169 3,287 1,535 97 7,248 6,841 697