Leslie Beck Chapters Waterloo - 428 King St. North (519) 886-4015 join us and meet Leslie Beck, Canada's leading nutritionist and the bestselling author of Managing Menopause, as she answers questions and discusses her new book, Leslie Beck's Nutrition Encyclopedia. Monday, November 12th from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Chapters Presents Prentice Hall Canada The University of Waterloo unveiled its new mascot last Friday and he goes try the name King Warrior. K-W for short. King Warrior toured the campus during home- coming events including a special Kids Club event at the UW bookstore. Curling up with a good book, and the fuzzy mascot was Micah Hilton, four. The King and his court FINE AUTOMOBILE BODY ND PAINT Mercedes Benz Dealer Authodmd mucus Restoration Original Paint Rnishes We! (olden not FINE AUTO INC. 15 Centennial Dr. Knchener 578-2052 PORSCHE JAGUAR MITEH May How to Get Rich In 5 Years Or Less we}: wt“ more wealth created than at any lime in history. Wu'u: seen imam millionaires even unmm humming But if you thought the In! few years mac good, tht: "cut 5 years' u: going 11- be cum brtter especially if yuu want Rt create wealth quickly The Key To Want In Todsty's Economy Ray mum] Amm'x latest research has uncovered T fotxes that at prupclhng today's “mummy Understanding these lvmwrful forces n the key In creating “any. Those who t'ct',,'e',',d, these forces mi: have t _ Mi“ In as! rich “it mmimnl risk thnw' with don't "ill WAIT!“ oo - In thc last to 3%. he 'ef) hc'mnd “(numb Cash Flow Surprisutgly the suateWes Raymund Aaron hm dhcou-ml will work for “In ttboot nnytvnc mgardlcs< of age. cdocation or IhnorondAarorr, Canada} at Bannnm ' Inn-Mme!" (bath. “Hi Show km Hon Ott tbr-ferr Iâ€, 21 a 22 :n Farcrloo Guelph & London In hum Ryder bun-Hum»: warrr Specializing In IOI - PHOTO experier1ce. They can G en be used to email: a regular monthly cash now "All you new} is The right knowledge. a bit of mutivatiom and you can hxnmc fmanciall.x indrpendcm." trays Raymond, "But you must act m the mt 4 "g months to maximizc your protis," Innovative Ways To Create Wealth Raymond Aaron is C anadn‘s H business and inucstmem mach. ll: Is famous for his unique ahility In uncmcr at“ and innovative "e" to crane “calm, lic " the founder n!" the Monthly Mentor program which has mote than 500 Canadian erMrepreneurs and Invetiutry as members. Raymond ts the audtor of the up: [magi-am Double Your Inmate Dnmg What You [tyre and n WW as on: of North Amma's best public speakers. He hm been inducted imo tlac "2001 Intcmatiortal Who's Who uf hummus for his innosarie lashing; A mulli- mrllmnaite hung": people an)» Canada have made hundreds of lhmmb of dollars mu the past I? years by fnllowing Rn’mond's ranching,» t am Itavmg here In": a revrsvd <’\'t‘th’M!F' tttr pnmnul and timmcurl haminrrr' “ilhlm "mun Catgary. All 'I nrbmultdgr and Wm the tmw mu mot In do mar numb. The (ml mm]! of war uuri am! "hm rt educating an will: calmly edge koowtrdgs _ A “HID, CT' CALL , What People Are Slying iris kmlIman - Edmonton Alt Slur Stunts _ Vancmn tn "c Wed. NV. 21 - 7:00 PM Thur. Nov, 22 - l2:00 NOON 'qummld Mira]!!! me to take charge qf my financial Mum and non Lied co1ridrnt m mung the Arse Haunmry h, mark my gnu!) No! only did he mum-ale me ie gmv me a great, new and 2:011:33; moi ro gal {hum .-I rec! aw (rpm-w , Tanis Hofmann _ S'ictona. BC Call no“ In purchase yam ticker. lickcis are only S39 per person In advance and $49 at the door. ikc accept VISA. MastrtCard and American Fxprcss [24 hours, T days a week including Sundays), Call no“ to guarumcc yourself a seat, of his Murmur. Raymond “ill present The Bess lnu-stmem System her Created' damned spccirrcatly 1n maximirc profits and mmimue risk Holiday Inn Guelph tOt Scandal: Driw Latvian Tuesday November " 12:00 NOON & Tttm PM llilmn I undo“ Ontario Howl 300 Kings Sara lat Relungwn sm- m MoerNeh Curl-ice! 1(1)de Anon Inch his mnmr with the folk-mug gunranlcc ‘ , or any mm during ttks pawer,tul wanna! you dun? feel mu": "a am! Jr In"! II? ttmey your wank mm: plnnr mm m "so had and v.cll glurlh gm mu c: Wp, rctund " Qumran: A seed' h'sssiaLad4gsihmis At thc cod Total Time 3 Hours “interim Inn & (or-{cum (mm: Thur. Nov. 22 - 7:00 PM l-800-286~8523 ext.46 475 King Strret North 'aterte