In Remembrance ... G04 Belmont Ave. w, Kitchcncr Insurance Brokers Ltd. and Financial Services 404 K-W WING ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION DUTTON DRIVE WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2L 4C6 (519) 884-1272 (iiiiti))R,ememhrartee Day, D.A. Kurt www.kurt-inscom As in past years, the K-W Poppy Fund is sending out over 109.000 envelopes to every residence in the Kitchener. Waterloo and surrounding rural and urban areas. Each envelope contains two poppies and an insert, which describes the purpose of the Poppy Fund and the manner in which the funds are distributed, and what the Poppy Fund's special projects were the past year, The envelopes were prepared by Students from Life Skills and Developed Mentally Challenged Programs with the Waterloo Region District School Board. Mrs. Laurie Charlesworth. who is currently the Head of Special Education at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, oversaw this project. The Poppy Fund reimburses them with a payment of approximately S3,815.00, to help their program raise money. They do an excellent job, for which we are grate- ful. This past year the Kitchener-Waterloo Poppy Fund gave $15,000.00 to the Grand River Hospital Foundation which was designated toward the purchase of an EKG machine for the medical unit. St. Mary"s Hospital Foundation also received “5.00000 that will be used to meet equipment needs. Our direct emergency assistance given to Veterans and/or their dependents as of September 30, 2001 amount- ed to $23,983.23. We also gave a total of $l8.6l5.26 toward bursaries for Veterans' Children and Grandchildren who qualmed and are seeking a higher education. Each year, the Royal Canadian Legion under the aus- pices of the K-W Poppy Fund conducts an Essay, Poem and Poster Contest for all schools m our area on the theme of Remembrance. The first. second and third place win- ncrs In each category receive a small monetary prize and a framed certificate, which the fourth place winner also receives. This program has proven lo he a great success. "I; 'e,',Tat,',ra/',r,', The 1r,i1c,1'1",Sa'5, lhIrAd place win. The LC BO , Tum Honon's, Banks, Convemencc "To you,from failing hands we throw T" nu» In eac category renew; a mu"e and Stores and Yanous Businesses have granted pcnmssmn to . b . . " a framcd cemticate, which lhc fourth place winner also the K-W Poppy fund to display counter top boxes and The torch; eyours to hold tt high receives This program has proven to be a great success, poppies In (hm; slows from November Isl lo November Yours m Comradeshtp. This year, more that 278.000 poppres are hang dts- llth Tagging privileges will commence on Thursday. Robert "Boh" Westphal tnhuted Ihmugh the household mulling and io all the ele- November lst, 2nd & In], Chairman. Kitchener-Waterloo Poppy Fund 579- 5440 National Poppy Day is Saturday, November 3, 2001 Branch Poppy Campaign is from October 26th,_2001 to Novemh CITY OF WATERLOO REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2001 10:30 a.m. C.W. TWEED & SON LTD. friend " 886-2710 GENERAL INSURANCE (SINCE I925) 13 KING N. WATERLOO " mentary and secondary schools. in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, The main purpose of this mass distribution is to ensure that everyone has a poppy to proudly wear. This campaign is our once a year opportunity to remind our fel- low citizens of the debt owed to the more than 114.000 Canadian men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice while in the service of Canada during World War I. World War ll, and the Korean War, The poppy calls upon us to remember not only those who have died, but also those they left dependent and those who still suffer from hon- ourable wounds and disabilities. Wearing a poppy also pays honour to our Servicemen who are still serving as Peacekeepers in various countries. When you receive your self-addressed envelope, please forward your donation either by mail or in person as soon as possible, All donations of $1000 or more are eligible for income tax receipts if you mark the indicated spot on the back of the envelope. Please PRINT your name and address to ensure that we have the correct information. If you are mailing your return, please remember to place a stamp on the envelope, or we will have to pay the Post Omce double the price of the stamp. lf you do not receive an envelope by mail, please notify the Poppy Fund Office at 885-l00l. The K-W Poppy Fund's achievements are a direct result of the generous contributions of the Citizens in this Community. Your response to the mailing campaign has always been exceptional and I am confident that you will continue to support this very worthwhile cause with your generous donations. which are truly appreciated. zehrs MARKETS ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION KITCHl-INER FRED (HES BRANCH 50 48 Ontario St. N. 745-5 1 01 MULD00NG 473 Forest Hill Drive A“ “’"“ Kitchener VETERANS Phone: 5734254 408 Gage Ave. Kitchener Fax.. 745-2796 "ft-l 97tt CLEANING SERVICES Specializing in: f, . Carpets . Upholstery . Windows . Walls . Floors . Painting . Eureka Vacuums & Cleaning Supplies Canvassing is carried out by the Kitchener-Waterloo Poppy fund which consist of Members from the following Service Clubs: The Royal Canadian Legion Fred Gies Branch 50 in Kitchener. The Royal Canadian Legion Polish Veteran's Branch 4I2 in Kitchener. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 530 in Waterloo. The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans Unit 247. The Royal Canadian Air Force Association No. 404 Wing, The K-W Naval Association. The Korea Veterans Association Unit 52 and the ladies Auxiliaries of these Service Clubs. The Cadets of the local military organizations also assist in tagging privileges. The Cadets provide a great example to our older members, especially to our Associate Members who are urged to take a more active part in our Poppy Campaign by volunteering their services. Remember your oath. "to promote the work of the Organization including active participation in Poppy Campaigns." As a point of information, anyone wishing to place a wreath at either the Kitchener or Waterloo Cenotaph on November I Ith may do so by contacting the K-W Poppy office at 885400]. A l4" wreath will cost S45.00 and a 20" wreath will be $70.00, After many years of dedicated service, Comrade Joe Oberholzcr decided it was time to "pass the torch". Consequently, he did not run for the omce of Chairman this Ierm. However, the Executive ofthe K-IN Poppy Fund voted unanimously that Comrade Joe be appointed as "Honourary Chairman of the K-W Poppy Fund". His past contributions and devotion to service are an inspiration to all of us who succeed him, He is indeed, a Comrade! to November 11th, 2001 "To you, from failing hands we throw The torch; he yours to hold it high" Yours in Comradeship. Robert “Bob" Westphal C hairman, Kitchener-Waterloo Poppy Fund Floyd Bast Printing Ltd. 102 Breithaupt Street Kitchener, Ontario N2H 5H1 Bus. (519) 579-0450 Fax (519) 579-4325 UNIT 241 ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE VETERANS .