"Once I developed that, it was hard to go back to regu- lar nursing" But wtren Umana discow cred there were no opportu~ "Through the role, we attempted to put emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. I saw the benefits at an individual level, a family level and a community level. I realized it waswhatlwanted to do. "With so many social problems up north, there is so much more chronic ill- ness," she said. Umana had worked on licensing the role since 1990, after being trained as a prac- titioner while working as a nurse for the federal govern- ment on a native reserve in Northern Ontario. "it's really a win-win for everyone. It's a win for the practitioner. who is being used in an expanded role; it's a win for physicians because we can do things that you dont have to go to medical school for, which gives them time to focus on more com- plex situations; and it's a win for patients because waiting times in the emergency room are cut down. and they are able to see one person." "I've always believed nurses could be utilized more in an advanced role." she said. Sharon Umana treated everything from iacerations and breaks to minor illnesses such as ear infections and colds her first week on the job And while she is thrilled to be the hospital's inaugural emergency practitioner, Umana believes the role is long overdue. Area's first emergency room nurse practitioner is on the job edical history was Mmade at Grand River Hospital last week when the area's first emergency room nurse was titioner began seeing patients, CMEdN"htr'fhmiai: , Boneless Sirloin Tip Roasts Boneless Pork Loin Roasts Lean Stewing Beef or Extra Lean Ground Beef Deli Sliced Black Forest Ham Stone Crock Sliced Peppered Bacon Mozzarella Cheese Ourbecfis cut from Canada grades A, ANAAA BY Mum Bum ( hrunicle felt SPECIALS Described as an expanded nursing position. nurse ptac- titioners are permitted to per- form four additional acute care duties, which registered nurses are not able to exer- cise. Those duties include pm scribing medication on a spe- cial list, ordering X-Rays or ultrasounds, ordering lahora, tory tests and communicating a medical diagnosis qr Nufses 'pmdauy licensé'd After years of promoting the benefits of the position, Umana, who, in the mean- time, had accepted a job as a primary health care nurse practitioner at the Grandview Medical Centre in Cambridge, finally saw her dream come true in 1998 when the provincial College the role with the designation of RN "extended class". "That's then'l started try- ing to get the position into the_emergency room," she nities for practitioners in the provincial health care sys- tem, she was forced to return to the emergency room. "lt really iiecreases stress '3.59m, '4.59m, 8.99m). s4.49m). '3.4%, '4.49m, The only work left to be done with the role, Umana said, is to introduce it in other areas of health care "Seeing patients on a community level, we are able to help them make healthier choices for themselves." she said. "With our help, they have a better chance at stay- ing well longer, living longer and having a better quality of life." The fact that the Waterloo region is medically undemer, viced made it even more nec- essary for the role of nurse practitioner to be intro- duced. on the medical and nursing staff," she said. "And it gives patients a choice of who they want to see." "Nurse practitioners still 3.9% Financing On All Remaining 2001 Models delivery. Ptease stop by and visit our new Audi showroom facility where we are ottering great values on remaining 2091 Audi models. We have a good selection of A6, allroad and TT models left in-stock for immediate "3 9% fmancang aeailatye for up lo a 60 month levm on an 2001 Audi models Purchase exampbe $50,000 00 financed at 3 9% over 60 ths. mommy payments ot $919 64. cost cl borrovong $5 120 " and tota, to be "rpaid IS $55120 40 Downpaymem may be requured OAC try Audi Finance Offer ends October 31 _ 2001 Crosby Audi, AND GET ONE NOW www.crosbyvwaudi.com 1175 Webs} 'tirtif." 894-8300