Enioy Total Home Comfort c Providing the best L Rit' '.'ii)',ltit,qt quality service and “My insteghrtiemof 19",",'i1r'"r"', Lennox Furnaces St ‘ _ L 'c'?)" ", andAir _ / “"8" 'cr, 'ur' our 20. . 5 ' (iit)) ACN ste"') E CRONIN EMERY MECHANICAL Kw Area 742-2551 St. Jacobs 664-3741 o-moil: itthqemtirmtttttr.eom - ifEeAhrlReh-L- - _ " An: 742-2551 St. Jacobs 664-3141 "ttair, 'tththmtittetmttr.ettm todaearrdsieemxmmgemsrcus- torrteestotrittheh*ricsarmles, peirttcttips.etc.rnrcoodimtirt TrlthattistmyM83yea"inttte mg Minus. wearepemadtotre Curtadistirstopel_mttiet'. . W'i'i'i:'ii,?iitti??iii, Vtattvirexttoyotrramtio system for better movie sound, your mole control pro gmmmedforgreaterease_- tions,oryounceda ' (ei:',;,'::')':',:?,?:',;,?',?-',..} wire.nojobistoo smallortoolarge. Wouldn‘t you love to have awe- your VCR, great and ekects with your NiatendoorPuystation, appreci- atetttefimdigitalsmmdofyoursatel- lite dish, or enjoy your camcorder set upforetnryvCRrecmdirtorwmdd ymtiikeDr.Hoertosettqrthatnew syaemymsiustbmsght? CIIDILHOOKUP W amtyourNrnarmreatytbr it? Ifyrmevetthesittisedto sayyesthestwecanhelp.mrover20 yearsChminEmthasirtstaihedand planetary pmpoal to install m ener- gyefficientti-justintinteror those long, cold winter months. And of can. our trained service technicians can provide ‘TbC' amt: to keep your mm system in peak operating cooditimt. Call Cronin Emery Mechanical toaysormwmt'ttteidtirtthecdd.t Stow T4b301 'Dlnctm A great - of. "ttatyr-ddtirdistttisttrittg%ty, well known in lulu-ed: for being I ttatiiityatll.Haeirsthrtad.isawms- dexfuttomeacrmonadettyartancient Momandsttrtmimsesttreamtttter exarrqentttteirrqrMttorrMotrrreb- timtrttipwithttte mimic. Cancun mrrqtenNntseNov. 1hhat7.00prt mLtigggyttttt. tips.Nowislhetime to service your snow“ eqsttmmtmrtttetxtmingseasoec Rorthe-ttiottoftjaetmlataF 1ems,ttteuseMaNelstatri1imris ttightyrecxmmemkdroreveqdeyuse. Ptrtsammrwinsto_etlttsthe new line of Toro single stage for the last year Ind a half wihmmr26yearsexpeei-Deating insvm-tic.vinytandemtttteyare Notttsemhastr-y-tislamt can claim and wild all yourhackyud needs.Noethemisc-ttlyexpandirtg to indoor munitions for the winter monthslo save K-W not If you mash/lie-ttFREE-ATE-aria price. all Norm I 58l-844I or visitouwebn'tc. "mthemhasbe-rycom- DECK a FENCE Northern S-era-hors-'-, 'S-s-ret-rm-q 120 King St. Uptown Waterloo 746-0737 THE RIGHT STUFF FOR THE -lTE STUFF. M Years Experience Fully Insured Superior Craftsmanship Design/tmild Pressure Treated Cedar & mel Products 'MTtlWatBMM-tgNatr1t 427 Alb-n H. tptgtq-4tro "54.60 1Discover the Magic OPEN HOUSE November 17, 7 pm Treats, Music and a Draw Phone 581 -8441 Waterloo, ON wwwttortttemortleteca northemotapestrywetxcom 'N-ttttttd-eight TORO (CR 3650 GB ohmquI-um millSmhll “humanism 'meh â€pH-mum" Wham-Mu melanin-Mu torowm