WLU's University Players will present Keeping Tom Nice by Lucy Gannon. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays Theatre & Company presents Problem Child by George E Walker, Nov. 1-17 at the King Street Theatre Centre (down- town Kitchener). For show times and ticket information, call the box office at 57i-0928. . TIE M Theatre on the Edge presents live improv comedy every Thursday at 8 pm. at the Waterloo Community Arts Centre. Admission is " For further information. call the arts centre at 747-5049. The Ctntre in the Square's Great Canadian Play series for the 2000/2001 season kicks off Nov. 6 at 8 pan. with Sibs, written by Diane Hacks and Richard Greenblatt, with music by Rick Sacks. For tick- et information, call the box office at 578-1570. Bragout 09m Omani Finn F mung Frudm "THE CORNER BAKERY" Solution: 14 Letters (4 Words) D12, with special guests Kottonmm1th Kings. Bionic live and Sunny Ledferd, will be at The Lyric Nov. 10. Tickets available at HMV in Waterloo. Canadian comedian Ron James will perform at The Centre in the Square Nov. 19. For ticket information. call 578- 1570. Canadian blues rockers Big K-W Musical Productions presents Olivert, featuring such classics as "Nod, Glorious Foodâ€, “Consider Yourself" and "As bong As He Needs Me". Nov. 15-17 at The Centre in the Square. For tick- ets. call 578-1570. Henry V continues through Nov. 4 at the Stratford Festival's Avon Theatre. For ticket information. call the box office at l-Mo-Mi?-'. l/ttTull Lu! ' ' T puzzle I Annual: 1... AUSSBNATIONS The Waterloo Chamber Players' Strings and Song string orchestra concert will be presented Nov. 3 at 7:30 pm. at The Cedars Worship Centre. 543 Beechwood Dr., Waterloo. featured will be guest conductor ten lngrao and soprano Jenny Enns. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 For seniors/students and $8 The wu, faculty of music will host a concert of chamber music featuring Laurie! stu- dents, Nov. 2 at 8 pm, in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. Admission is free. The Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society pre- sents the Duo Concerto, fea- turing Nancy Dahn (violin) and Tim Steeves (piano), Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. in the Music Room (57 Young St. W., Waterloo). For ticket information, call 886- 1673. 42 " Nomgin 45. Sour pawn " Lair 48. Canadian Cinema and TV 15. Every one of 16. Austen novel 18. Pushover 19. Fonts: film 21. Smomh wood " Small him 24. Gift of food is 2mm 8. 30. Hole In one 31. Canadian 35. Mahit a 39. My 40. 'An SUMO" 52. Rajah'l We 53. Having dean EA 'e 54. 55. Enoush ml 5. Slacks parts 9. f,,St,' novelist 10. In boat 12. Thigh Brmour 11%â€!ng The DaCapo Chamber Choir, directed by Leonard Enns, will perform "From Death to Ugh! - Music for a Time of Remembrance", Nov. 10 at 8 pm. at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church (comer of Duke and Water Streets). Featured will be harpist Lori Gemmell of the Kitchener- Waterloo Symphony. General admission is $12 ($8 for stu- dents and seniors). TheWLU Jazz Ensemble will "ll-ll ___ ___ -5F.Tdiii" perform under the direction of Ron Schirm, Nov. 11 at 3 pm: at the Maureen Forrester JUWERTTSERS appreciate ft Mien you tell 233:"3“ Tickets are $10 them ... I saw your ad in the Chronicle. The Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society pre- sents the Medici Quartet, one of Engiand's finest quartets. Nov. B at 8 p.m. in the Music Room [57 Young St. W., Waterloo). For ticket informa- tion, call BBS-1673. Improvisation piano duo Casey Sokol and Glenn Ruhr will perform Nov. 6 at WLU's Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. Admission is free. 1.Hatmatttrial 11‘mmupo "LItu._Tretr 12.|m.u mm“ 14. Head: " (lg','.2rlgt, tr, Imam mu.) 20â€.»de e,t_'t-o"tretg Emu-r M. 1mm 6, Auatmtianbird [MW 2. German mm Ribbed “It u OIL SP] " 210 Woolwidl St., Kim" "tearuttqsry&EastotHmdge Su E wwre.trid-ttertutcotis [iii " " " [)1 1Tijii-jsis7,ifl)% 34‘Clpokphy 30.Vuyrnany 37.3mm 33. om/Ur" ZIP.“ "w--"'" 29. ansorof 33009::(1887- 1 31. Add! male - 32. Edemain .e. Phu, Quinn! 49. Bom Hi " I FHNESSC:LABBK3B mvwnonmvwiaEana 01 'hNtClitDuTF<rthAVHEALTr4 W I1NEXRtCC3LJT_AuSTrtFtNqE IhNCrTCcArrFCrqTHAT Ct<DCXDLATECuUCE. M. l 7eitia585TFirBt:gurH Ft IE - . LESS DRIP (new) OIL !l. (519) 584-2525 [rr W [5T ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S CROSSWORD FOUND ON CLASSIFIED w PAGE a RT "