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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Sep 2001, p. 31

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I!" JEYIA Volkswagen Gas. aulo. no" mamlalnea 243300 km Bony m gum mum camv EDIGIOE All) vansmuss-m mm 1988 Caravan 5‘25 eattt " 622-1352 01 MOST“. venom trans mtstilon 3L, tttr. WA ht M. runs welt "eons may um new [rates $250 836-0255 Allen 5 p m m5 CARAVA'II 3 seam benm sen from we yea 199tF95 mam 560 624 2 BF Gnomench mud ter. la» TA radnaI Mes. 31 no on Fad Ci" nms $125 8?? BOA! MOTOR, 49HP Emmude reveal tune up 658- 5814 $209 ask lot John whit TtttLE minim Mat was up In 99 horse pale! E11908, hie motels and patties Induded $250 o b C New Vision Conslmchon Ltd Penman-o" Stecalea Carvenl'y Panning Harm-1:001 Finn's Erma: Gaweral Remus Ceramcs (5‘91823‘3332 82378213 (in. Part a , All Ivpr's ol "Mimi; 'sirov,1r. hot mph." -Ir gran-l: "a: .1‘ Yet» kxlxiarv . FREE ESTIMATES Ali Types oi mem. . Work l suarantved Find out how PRESSURE POINT THERAPY can possibly relieve your problems by attending a COMPUMENTARY WORKSHO with Dr. Bryan Lawrence. Dll You Will Learn How to Find & Treat Pressure Points forging above conditions. I-----------.-,----'.- Learn how gentle. 1.9mm will assist your tit to promote improved health, "Address the Cause. mime mummy WHEN: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25th 6:30-8:00 p.m WHERE: .30.Dupont St: East. Suite 204, Waterloo GO TO THE HEAD OF THE CLASS! lpnnh mo Mhnl to [um CALL 746-4 “HELP'M‘AY BE AVAiLABLE! Is a "spotlight" on early learning and , childhood development. This feature will be published in the Waterloo Chronicle Wednesday, September 26 For more information or to book your space, call Laurie at 651-2397, ext. 206 Pressure points are areas a? Stored Stress on a nerve pathway; ARE Headaches, Fatigue Neck Pain, Allergies Sinus or Digestive problems Keeping You trom enloying Lite? 741-8213 HUME IMPM11EMEN1 CAR STARTER. lame cm In) Pro Stan Diana nevev teen used 579 76705“ FBERLWE TRUCK can wsed ktm0ass, M: oath duct Fi?H96' $235 654- 9018 Gm PICKUP hauler mm class 3:101 62iHrN5 FENDERS $75. gnu sonar mm to m 1981 Fore may 'l,3i'tth, DOORS, 5.goodoomum to In 1981 Fwd and“) 837- 8997 FORD ENGINE. 5L Im 1986. ans ml. can be heard $203 622-0798 FORD TRANSMISSION 4 BRA FOR '995 car $50 553 speed amomalnc ovemnve, rear wheel me. good condu- tem, can he dmen $150 62? 0798 DOUBLE SNOW Home tram er. good common $225 823 0374 Jn-eo-pe/sr-e mix: um. to be duruled m m Tmxt Bank Snwlrg Gamma: ' was ky Over 25 W'ars Creams Custom mmrkmq Cum'ds vanities. stteis w; waw unlls 8 mm york Call may 521-4102 JIM HETNERINGTON Quality Homes Custom Hams DUMFRIES CUSTOM CABINETS Comma "naval-nus 51 9623-9269 COMING EVENTS mace is Limited MIIIIL‘ KEIMOOD “DASH songs CD days: with detacham vane [we 925 269- :254 HOOD m fur Fort 2X2 560 394264 HYDRAULIC PUMP. tot Snow- plow 575 6214798 BLUE LIGHTS Vov sum. M535 62‘4198 "ttEiaieis 'shtmee S sews. pct A? Vally urns mm centers rungs and nuts As new $t50 6237566 no BUICK Le Sate. s' .230 obs WWIMMIW‘ no at as 's Tom ct Guelph 763-2576 1‘st ’sua atkW, am. pone: seem; nearer brakes Dower windows power was. we! antenna 2 not)! lufk model Ongmal pawl no rust 6224709 I!!! CHRYSLER Laser nalchback. needs rumor work. easy lo calm. passed Elesl as 55809 obn 324- 9833 " p m only LAMP REPAIRS LAMPtS) MOI WORKING? We can mm 7mm smur- es 50215515 was whatever vs mung we may thaw an al Lighting 4 Less 'I' my new HoacJH-ghwav 24 Cambndge vbesme Esso; then ":;nt3e' 335 In: h h i9%ITt"eSurt"i'4 PRO-HANDVIILN Cavernsram tmtr18TafWe 003' ttstarwars. renews dew nuns Quality workmar‘sh , s relerences Call BEE-64‘s RUBBISH REMOVAL - Lug“ mowing. basemer‘ls alltcs garage Oeaneu wMwrssrog odd mus Call Jen Hardmi) 884-28Y ALLSDHTS 0F SERVIC- ES Lawr' wort. cleanups. lenUVathS. panning Itee shruh 'emma? or planlmg Jam 576-5197 "" HOSTING GT. black V, 5 Speed. 151mm S2Jia7asaubo 8800791 CAR PARTS, Mustang Sew-m hood I 'Ar calc $350 680-0791 1993 FORD Tempo, 5 speed, ve'v dean ”on bmoter, 16r 5mm E Ieste0 new mulch new [wakes S2300 7436632 ms NISSAN awn power mnoows and mirrors. an: mom com Wnne cu-om SIM-300 ass 62043-156 " CHEVROLET Lumma. ion kilometers. power tyrouws. powev locks $2.500 one Ctms 531-7W2 '9itir0Rhtrteg"as.auGiit i'.' at signer, - common very dean. 2 com $17CX) 000 6514369. leave mes- 1962 PORSCHE 924, good Earty am $85 conmm $2959 sacnhce (MurtttatloFMay'! 6M-8591 Tony 6692533 New and used Items, llama} nun goods. electronics. cloth- mg. tewelry odeos, books. C0's, fresh and smoked meats. Iarm fresh eggs. Bake table, fresh mead. mans, cams. Ramos. body mum and 3mm " un- derail rool Come Saw day and Sunday 9-5. 26! Hespebel, across horn the mam Gamay: GUELPH DISTRICY Shune Club ussems the Great Ca, nadian Bmwiog Festtval a1 the Guelph Sports and Err- lenammem Canine Sept 20.21. 22 We “068% 3233094 at m gent nel HUGE Piano sale comma soon IC Conestoga Cottage Gav 1-m231m72 Ior unim- martm Appommenrs wal aye Eva's pus Enema! 8 New: wow Peascnable rales mswunls tor sewers Can SEHE‘Z Asa w Gauge PROFESSIONAL PAINTER we references am mammal incense Phone George ever» ‘ngs 569-6512 EXPERIENCED PAINTER Get help now' Wrth se- cured Vlsas. debt reso- when and credrt lepau Call 1-866-548-1118 For a tree cons Malian CREDIT PROBLEMS? T:lNe;'fi?MNtiititiifistikh Grand River Flea Market QUICK CASH 0m a warm»? You nuaw No cred" check‘ wavy/4175 HANEV HEALn' INC. speoalong mWateiimfs an warmly on campus housmg " you ave Ioolung lo my Q' sea a student prupeny, Ha. ney Realty IS yam 'Educalea Ctuyce" Ream" (519188' M88, m nameyveally cum MOBILE HOME ti? I l? All appliances Gashleplaoe Water sonenet deck are more‘ Must be seen $79500 Calf 886-4838 at ter E p m nee! days ane toe a avanahle Also early mummg lune St Ja- coos and Ema arenas Prime me $121? FREE tl2 HOUR consulla~ "on to thscuss your legal contains and dlscnvev your optorts thl and cnmmal matters. web Call Gran Law Orhce (519IMir0303 Member. Lawyer Referral RELIABLE AND TRUST WORTHY, will proode mmg are lot your pets mule you are away Hewleno'es Call 749-2666 LIL T1mNItNtt Heading. wrrtog, math and more In WWW com Free package 581-0973 MORE SERVICE. Same day repair lo all [ridges slaves washers. dryers freezers wshwashers. ml water Pear evs S15 92mm nah Qua" anleed 7124383 anfJme LAWN CARE f Law mung aerallrlg. demalchmg, hedges Warned. small tree removal ga'den IO‘U'llang eaves "aligns cleaned and mm to the dump Free eshmale Call ”the al 7133909 PETSMOUSE WE mi! REAL ES WI "NEE BEDROOM. enu um! Lanna!" village Nou I Garage 1 was $82% 579-903 GREAT HOUSES! Goon Lo moons' Cool Landlolm' New rennng suaenl nousmg lav Sememnev' Close to 'Jroth unwemnes' 74640” or m HaneyPM can IHREE BEDROOII newly venovaled (Jack spa semu Lakeshore Ocl tNoe , 59% No pets. no smokers 5nr-9433 OE All II'IIBHU dewramv mm cur great ttome-slu0y course Can '0: your tree nrcchuve 1-800-267-1829 Snemeto School ol lmenuv Desan 007-36 McAthuv Ave Ottawa, ON KIL SR2 LEARN SPANISH NOV“! Expenenced name speaker 18A Manrlm "minimum, small groups Recommend- ed. Humane Call 725-3251 TRAVEL THE WORLD Teaching English Thousands ot new Ions monmly' roar TESOL cemhcallon ran some evetwngs s was In Magma Fals Sail arm Call 14Ba-24trti512 m m- te:6tegeeM0t2crmrn GUITAR LESSONS _ MICHAEL BENNETT MU- SIC, oersonalued Inshumlm In eieclnc. acoustic. Class- cat bass. am New 576- LESSONS AVMLABLE _ Alt .nslrumenls Beg-nne' lo advanced Reasorta0terates Cap Lurca at Walenoo Mas-2 to create a you need a grep}... Maxi-3' -rl - Le'tl 059350!th Chm Hyman eptryletas8ttt.rmJtett Mom has.“ mucus-nus Iryrnstvan"rstr'0asr. “catch least" 551-2397 "Classified Special tWy" Call 651-2397 for info jeat tttiiitd ad. Some restrictions apply _E THIS SIZE An ORLANDO FLORIDA. Condommmm sleeps (our Everytmng mere Mmules ham Disney World Malian-e Sept ' New Stun-Meek TREIBLAIII <FALL> m love mm Tretrrlyant's mag- mhcenl autumn colours Scam: mum stapes and wauresme blues at men at tunable best, “on nuns for $35 00 per new". pa my“ based on 4 adults m a luxunr ous 2-Dam vacation Home t lt; 5 Bedroom vesmence ave-lame 1-800-754-8736 'rwwtrem0laNsunstarimm Cain-nan [51917535034 COUNSELLOR "MINING Institute Acmemen by PPSEC Become a makes smal counsellor Waugh wr campus or correspondence courses Free catalogue 1- FREE 128 PAGE 'Career ommmmoes' Gums Show: you now In [tan at home tor lop paying Ms Earn more Call Granton Institute today al t-80tr361-19rl for your TRAVEL. TEACH English. J00 guaranteed 5 name hour (Oct 111-va 4. Tarm- IO) TESOL teacher oenulr cam course (or bt EOIYESpl owwcanadarenarnel For free mlormabon package can toil nee t-888-270. 2941 tree gude ACCURATE AND Amazing Canadas most miles Psy chucs Fun "validly and al. ways prolessmna! Mysllcal Connecmms 1-yXr677-58r? of “Se/MC 1-877Mr8-M10 6 a m -2 a m IPac-hc Trme', li" Sl 99mm mm mystr cal-ct-clots com iifs' sit: lA-i GOVEMENY Fums Government assaslance pro- grams mem avalaue lor your new or air-5mg my ness and Iarm Take " Haulage ol me government {rants and loans can 1-300 505-8866 AUDITIOUS PEOPLE needeo to man our pawlezs rmmhame Exoellemeammg polenl-al Send SASA lor tree ofopace Ma'krrtm9, 2372 Yonge St '9, Toronto ON M4P 2E6 ARE YOU counseled" Learn to earn un-Ime Income In": beslcyuermz com (80ty323-7362 NEW! BREMYHROUGH nusmess naporlumly NO selling or MLM Home based Amazing pummel. S9 995 mm Invesxmem Return 100K m hrsl rear alone Call 187135-6913 i24 ms 1 EASY WORK! Emelem Fay' Company needs home work ers 10 process grocery wu- ports Full-timeiparl-tous Full dexavls Can LEGO-279' WPS 24 hours THE SECRETS OUT' Huge matel new In Banana Make money ewewhme Vyneme buys grocenes No selling Full sewn and sun- 901 Fun new-Is can "-888- 279-8129 WORK FRO! Mme rams t" Lgolung var semus ndmc uaxs Ina! wan! lo be Inau- caNrtxhTen0enl 1-885-21E 2440 m W888 com BECOME 10115 m~boss Warn contracts avaILable lo slan four busmess 009mm; a cube van, S-Ion sltit; m we: or hlywlay luck.“ a» Wt"erece no: "Noted w-ll ram No ' payme'II WIH'I engraved credit Call Moo-Fr, 1%50'3779, 1-8884P74i0M REM iT'OW tiNStt V rmaonmmmn 'ss-ttHP""."" La {aa- lav Ms mun BIRTHIIIGHY IS cavmg. rmyudgevwnlal. aid mung " help you Waugh your pregnancy Free and com centval Call 579 3990 MIME ”WHILE”. mammal ti-user-tpert' _ iiifithit1fiiiAtta ,lhtt i WKEIS NEEDED? Assembling wounds . Ma L mgiprtrcessog mama's Copysmarlmg PC um war gram Noemenence new»? Free mimmamn ser:, S A S E Cram 5 7777 Keene sr. Denanmem 702. Concord. ontano LIK IV? HOIIEVIORKERS WANTED $529 27 weekly Process mad or assemble mounds an home tAt6tr03-565,5, 21 trr message mum Mvaee~ Into nel th wnle Comm-9v 5993 Yonge St 3259433 Iowalo. ON MAY IN Immons . Product mas wanled! Have your producl damaged and pmlessmnwry presented to manufacturers Patent assaslance avaulazule Free Iniormauon 180076?! LOVE". CLOTHES? Ema Income? Trips? Balance Fashnm Is one cl Ina "as: successful ttttttte-bac) staining muss In Cana- don Fashlon' Gorgeous clan-lung plus accessor‘es Become a Casual Coosuearr for only $19 99' Tc! Fm _ 1.87r-565-5646 wnw La! anoelas'uors com MAKE A LIVING on T'.. trt IemeI - nghl Iror' . my home' Well teach vim 3150' Dyvsiep Mall ome" E '2'" meme (519l324 :46? mm esuCoesscentol y ", CASH-IN -- CASH CUT Cote, Peps Mcstps< ‘8 M. an: Rem" comm sp" dons In your area No sci "g FrT PU Mm unveslmgnl 513.980 143886715376 " ptsl MemtyerAVA a' ', D s B CRIMINAL RECORD? Pan dcn permanently “an. a 0mm! record and "3frv'tqes the mamas Warm any“ you ltr vegally emu me 'JS Free nforrnallnv‘ beetle: Call 14OM61 5554 m pawn» seretcescanada com SO mu Dm'l have troute med-w; peach - Iusl havog trouble meelmg We ngm one' "my the: Immrluo Inns 531 help Call 619555} 4204

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