Dr. Neil Naholin (left). a podiatrist and one of the founders of the Scholl Institute in Toronto. provid- ed a free foot clinic recently at Hillside Park in Waterloo. Taking advantage of the doctor's expert advice on foot care was Ann James. THE CITY OF liti'i'l'i "s. QlWriliTiiitoo This little â€WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY Assoamon‘ All "A" tryouts will be held at Albert McCormick Arena. There will be a $5.00 tryout fee for each tryout. Players not registered by August 8th will be subject to an addi- tional $20.00 administration fee. Novice Born I992 Wed., Sept. 5 5:00 me 6:30 pm. Minor Atom Born 1991 Wed., Sept. 5 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Atom Born I990 Tues., Sept. 4 5:00 - 6:30 pm. Minor Peewee Born 1989 Tues., Sept. 4 6:30 - 8:00 pan. Peewee Born I988 Tues., Sept. 4 8:00 - 9:30 pm. Minor Bantam Born I987 Wed., Sept. 5 8:00 - 9:30 pm. Bantam Born 1986 Tues., Sept. 4 9:30 - Il:00 pm. Midget Born 1984/85 Wed., Sept. 5 9:30 - 11:00 pm. AAA, A & MD (Rep. Team) players must be registered by August 8th to attend any tryouts. Players not registered by this date will not be allowed on the ice for tryouts until the base fee and an additional administration fee is paid at the WMHA "ttice. Players not registered by Monday, September 10th will be subject to a late fee. Refunds will be subject to an administration fee. What a better way to kick off a new hockey season than having a golf Mmrnament. The $75.00 per person entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, dinner and prizes. Space is lim- ited. Registration forms available on our web site or at the WMHA omce, . Wednesday, Augu§t 2t' Thursday, September tP Wednesday. Augqsl IP' Wednesday, Septenbtr 51 piggy The following groups will be participating: l. Asahi Judo Club 2. Waterloo Minor Hockey 3. Tsuruolm Kai Karate Do 4. K-W Gymnastics 5. K-W Minor Football 6. K-W Skating dub All)!“ IAN.“ H070 There are six tryout times for all divisions. Check our website mryr,yrrttrrhtttitist- or call 725-1434 for additional times, may. gum? a}? 2001 /2002 REGISTRATION Waterlgo 2001 FALL AND WINTER MINOR SPORT REGISTRATION 500 Parkside Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2L 514 Telephone: 725-1434 Fax: 725-0387 e-mail wrnha@goidertaret www.waterloohockey.on.ca Albert McCormick Arer1a0iockty tlflict Albert McCormick _Arerys-H_ocktey otfict GnLt Tgumgmgnt Minor Hgkex " .†Tryoufs Tues., Sept. 4 Tues., Sept. 4 Tues., Sept. 4 Wed., Sept. 5 Tues., Sept. 4 West. Sept. 5 Conestoga Mal! Conestoga Mall t?asTa Wednesday, September 5th & Thursday, September 6th, 2001 5:30 pan. to 9:00 pan. Conestoga Mall, 550 King St. North, Waterloo Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 4 AsgimLiatim 10. ll. 12. 6:30 pm. 8:00 pm. 6:30 pm. 8:00 pan. 9:30 pm. 9:30 pm. I 1:00 pm. 11:00 pm. Twin City Hockey Skating School K-W Youth Basketball K-W Synchro Swim Club Waterloo Minor Rimtette R.O.W. Swim Club Waterloo Minor Soccer COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 I 2:0(k6202pn: I 5:30-9:0hnt I f:3th9:0ftm1 l 3:003:03.)er tt The City of Waterloo Fire Department is conducting scheduled maintenance of fire hydrants. This on going program is designed to ensure that the hydrants will operate properly when needed. This year's program will involve all hydrants in the City and should be completed by the end of November. This maintenance program is quite routine. However, it may cause some temporary inconveniences such as poor water pres- sure and in some cases, coloured water. If coloured water is detected, please open a cold, hard water tap and allow the water to run a few minutes until it clears. This situation is temporary. City of Waterloo Utilities and the City of Waterloo Fire Department thank you for your co-operation and understanding. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Deb McKean, Utilities Customer Service Co-ordinator, at 747-8613. www.city.waterloo.on.ca HYDRANT TESTING - MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WiiiirrTiitrtiiiich"iir" Honoured E 13. I4. 15. l6. IT. Mk across Ontario loAnne Gallaway. a teacher with the Waterloo Region District school board,' was named "Outstanding Role Model for Women". an award that maybepresented annually to an active mem- ber of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (EFFO). Gallaway has been a teacher for 26 years and is currently a special educa- Skills Plus - Hockey Development Programs Waterloo Minor Girls Hockey K-W Thck & Field Association Chen for Kids Ltd. . K-W Diving cut, Ten Pin Bowling Waterloo teacher was recerionoureti by let colleagues from lion Nrmostofher mash: has been an active member of her federation and has u= saved many years on her E local executives. including a , current term representing E; elementary teachers in the L central area. g In1996, shewastherecip- k ient of the Mary Johnston Pi Award fry tring a positive g; role model for women who had contributed significantly to the federation and to the advancement of equity. teacher in