WINNER ACCESS Wm mine a! home um pan time Cali 16774192807 w ti?Xatutr1 can m SERVICE. Same day moan In all lodges. slaves washers dryms healers, mm M1 water hem- us wr seam: can Guar nmeed 1424333 awn-me Wg} GuELpHcicslERlliliBil1 General duties include vehicle detailing, and managmg wash bay. Clean drivrng record required We requue another mumdual to add to out successful sales team. It you are motivated to earn what you are worth. [IKE flexible hours. we have an opportunity for you. We provide a modem. clean. comfortable working envuonment; benefits package; demonsuator program: on-gmng (raining and a real chance to earn an executive Income MALE . FEMALE Required by LW. Ontario's #1 Volume Infiniti-Nissan Dealership established for 22 years. This is on executive position with LII training, ongoing by dealer and manufacturer - Sabry $20,000 aqnuaIly All types of roohng (shingle, hot asphalt or gravel) Over 25 Years Experience - FREE ESTIMATES All Types of Repmrs . Work Guaranteed 35% éoinmission Inn "edit. and den"ka1" Monthly Volume Gnus Year Gd Bonus $5,000,000 New 8 Used Inventory Opportunity for Advancement Fox résumé to: 822-2752 Ann: M: . mild Main: Apply now In perspn to: TED KOHU AUTOMOTIVE SALES 805 Woodlawn Rd. W. Phone: 822-9200 PthmM-B0tett-tttK In The Guelph Auto Mall BUSINESS SERVICES LOT PEfl$ihl 821 -l 741-8213 EARN EXTRA CASH!!! m, nay Property WWI 6 Wang m lampovary house cleaners Var me panel! ot Aug 20 _ Sept IO, slanmg al 38 00mm It you are hard mmnng and molvvalea can 519746-14†may" BOOIKEEPER - Fulleen vea's expenance. unsung trtFrpingtramrtg.arrpr mum accwmmg set-up and warm For Wuhan amtrattrstarthmme 7252657 ht DRIVERS . Ounu Operators vammeo U S Ianaam Hal Dec Exceltitnt muleaga pat package A more' Mule Oak Tvanspon Lumen Contact we Siam Department . 17883-257- 3t36 em 26 m mama» Iransuou com 8min 'niM"neeoaktransprrrl com SEASONAL HELP wanted dos-rag smmmmg pools Sepirvntrer-0c1otret Phone 6962596 2eerl mgr animus warms cusmu GAMBLE Hume LAMP S May - m I [ “may! CREDITS cm REPAIR Wednesday _ Conestoga Ststving Cam 3 area & 'git a, tmm my LWS) not mxmv Malt Way . law-DIW- Immuzsyws mu tttgt-tt We can "up mum mau- am Rd 5700561 mum Custom FM (â€WE as. snakes, was, mm: motitotm mmwawmawm usumwareoaumemau Wuhylmes. shew 549953105 "WI Lac, Itt Ner mwmamm summons paler now/mm» 24. Catt a." Wt shad mew Camtmdge thew: Essa) f 621-4102 mam up... mm m Thus I n -Ga2IGrriaTiGFAG" M“. was. loss-n 134 ir" i'iiiit'il', 886-2830 wATiii7ii'i"i"jii'i"isijMcIE Khan» Swim ' Cate Night 50mm Full 5 Part-time Slat! lav Kitchen & From of Hous- - Day ' Nght We one: excellent twmng. connelme wages and Mmtitt amiable Please apply m pawn or tax your resume lo: 519688 -6 143 t70 Unwersny Avenue West Unwersrry Shops Plaza, Waterloo The Waterloo Chronicle requires responsible adult carriers for door-to-door delivery on Wednesdays. - Various in-town routes available CARRIER ROUTES AVAILABLE Waterloo ls W09 lot tun. custtttmtt-amtrtuttt team players to join our team HUME IMPROVEMENI Castleiield (0 I -40-3500) Universety Downs Cms. (014247507 Camnglon I Leighland I Strathmere lol-tT-tW) Bayhampron I Harper (0140-2200: John I York t Park/ King (OI-264800) Roman I Calvinglon I Quecnsdale t0l-l7-0700t Glendenc I Gienforest t Elrmidge lol-t l-ISOUI Brrgamme tol-M-IMO; Alexandra I Mehoume I Somerset (Ot-2.7-0500) Drummerlull (Ol- [94400) Harvard /Btuevale (0l-32-2200) Erb I Bluevalc I Cardinal / Terrystone / Arlene (01-33-0400) if interested in any of these routes please call 886-2830 x225 WATERujtrtrftft0NIcl,E in mm» 'CLASSTFUED MARKETPLACE Sum-nu AWARD mum Knmouay Lodge Late and mm In the moummns Located An Wa- ttttlan Lakes Manon; Park We we amenity seam-g or namlc mammals lo m the low-mg mums ‘Evemng Cnel 'Fnad and Beverage Sewer Tmot Desk Agent . Room Attendant Year round. lull-lune pnsmons Tremm9 and beams! Send resumes Fax 40T859-2342. E-mart mlomeater1ort- pare mm msmm bolts Guam 'Axertams8tqy 5 Mormon-s Calms HELP WANTED 'EEHOOL BUS DRIVERS Do you enjoy chdmn, like to drive. willing to work 3-4 hours per day? Why nth drive a school bus? Aw Coach Lines wlll provide in~bus lmlning. fllmomfowomm" 50 AZ DRIVES PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED For Weight Loss, Smoking Winn Centre. Evenings and Saturday mornings. Fax resume to 519.888.8857 25 AZ DRIVER Required lmrrtediatetw Running local & Southern Ontario 2 yrs. experience min. Weekend Sat/Sun Local steady contract TOP WAGES & BENEFITS Please Call: 1-866-810-5152 itumutt Multan - c.V.0.R.) 747-1230 BE CHARLIEâ€! RESORYS. Bantt and Jasper Mars the Wm Inn-lune posmons all†I‘m Room Attendams, Dosnmasnets 2nd Cooks n 2 years expen- sncs], Front Desk Guest Samoa Agni: Comm Alle son Flame tag 750-852- 4263 Emag gaspeflchart Rrmmorts com WINS . We need you! For casual part lune hours umlung m a Gnmsby long term (away Please in re- sum 10 SOS-9454239 ALLSORTS OF SERVIC- ES, Lawn work, cloanuos. IQHOVIIIMS pamtmq. tree sumo removal at Naming Jam STA-5197 EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Fa a career m WW 1.? day In sum am me opponunny to mm me aha! 1:2 day' Call Dane alAOL Dem Blue Veal Inc, a leadrng commercral veal moduchon and research farm complex has an Immediate openan tor a FIRM HELPER We need an lndrvnlual who meets the lollowrng reqmremems . reliable. hard worker amiable to work spill shuns . postsecondary educalron would he an asset . mlhngness to work allernale weekends The rob consists at leedrng, general amoral husbandry, ham maintenance and other dunes as assigned. The pay is salary based. We otter museum: wages and ttettetit9 to the maimed ind'wrdual Forward your resume no lam than September so, 2001 Only ttuahtred applrcams wrll be contacted No phone calls please, 'httTffttlt.p WANTED Dem Blue Veal Inc. 162 Sang; min. 01mmâ€. an MIT 184 Main: Human Hummus 7 7 - - 7315191634929 749-0313 - - o..,...."., 'are ttKG5irl'-re--a, a I n a-ii-tNP? -'Tel'rTa" Trix 2&5: sum vnocssmns WANTED! WILLING PLUS named rmp Wm: moa- Fe: “WW: STAFFING has comu:ashmrouFr Mam Rtrcrumng mass 5 Vein-i cannusx mm! Not “LIA ttgtttiMC' m me “We, atea Wm. new home mm a " Ima- Mm hm "mun-m. Males-‘Iemales ages 1-65 and all sues (Domes web camel In: lasmonlhalr, caiatogue, W 320-390 per -_--------_--_ Home ' Hm ssmnces - Mar 9, m 'tf,,',' sachusens Caseworkavs T 290nm St Sung 202 Imubled adolescents to Cm SNK, benefits. excellent or tax resume to muggy "ammo Inlerwew . 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CAMBRIDGE Is, st 623-5991 Fax: (519) 523-9545 mum ttr-Pho BLISS A TECHNO!“ or 3tttt YEAR "PRINCE am: can 8. um BAY WERNER v - --‘-- .f [ s'Fitii-NiiibRt .6lteartFry (ch-gum m. outurtatr an. oCugtom.r Sonic- up (up in my le. 063ml Shop HIM 0W ohm W Call Comm Cw Mu Du. m! in! CrmfWmtwl two-8663258 or tax resume to 6208831 " may ttt mm trdhngArs com WSW-lg Plus SUM Maqhyouvbaqmdl card when! STOP "Ga, Roaming males 5 females In In NW8! alea Open voggsIraIIon Friar Aug 24 m 31 to 1 pm Wm Busmss Game 675 Queen St s Sane 208 (Comer ot Charles a Queen St J At the Wake you can vdunleev plowing ttmfr, 118mm suppmwe listening in mmms am are can"; In unslress We pmode com» plete Irammg you provde tre gahtathe gR gt yum we compassmn and "swung wanting mimnaum am ate pregame Islands to canals VOLUMES“ m Muca‘ _ Team street chloral! v Bokt Ialnnes _ Comm AOS! 11 mo mam m CA a South, em Alnca Stall with work camp m CA Program fee Grams and mm: mm mg 95304674082 . V Cal Today m-ms. £1011 or vusnl VOLUNTEERS REOUiRED ARE You ABLE TO VOL UNTEEH A FEW HOURS WEEKLY DURING THE SCHOOL DAY AND MAKE A LIFE LONG mFFERENCE To A CHILD" THE menus same 0! CM H A mlches adult volunteers win We" Mm need addalmal 509904 In their school semng Are you (alum. patent, gnome am! care mm well being of whiten? Phase cali, to dayto Mutant! a we . 744-7545 and. an IK ml mannawmonvca A and mu be glad you at CAPABLE WEN a men careers trom Plump-ms, Alnoa and other commas womb†Exwlenced Omen. "6grcam and full Mahatma SponstrrsNp ready. Call roll "no LEGS» 8954M! LOSE VEIGNI‘! FEEL GREAI‘ t0.2il lbs In 30 days Call “377419336 m muslin com access miss“ “amt-mind, YOUR "IE IS VALUABLE!