(WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION‘ All "AAA" tryouts will be held at Albert McCormick Arena and the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex. There will be a $5.00 tryout fee for each tryout. All Waterloo players must be registered with WMHA prior to August 8th. All non-resi- dent Zone players wishing to tryout for Waterloo "AAA" teams must submit an OHF Tryout Form completed by their home association before being allowed on the ice - no exceptions. Players must tryout in their own age division before trying out at a higher division (e.g. Minor Bantam .. Bantam). Seven year olds wishing to tryout for Minor Novice "AAA" may do so, but are sub- ject to final roster approval by the WMHA Operating Committee. Minor Novice Born 1993/94 Sun., Aug. 19 7:00-8:30 am. Novice Born 1992 Sun., Aug. 19 8:30-l0:00 am. Minor Atom Born 1991 Sun., Aug. 19 l0:0Gll:30 am. Atom Born 1890 Sun., Aug. 19 11:30 a.m.-l :00 pan. Minor Peewee Born 1989 Sun., Aug. 19 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Peewee Born 1988 Sun., Aug. 19 5:30-7:00 pm. Minor Bantam Born 1987 Sun., Aug. 19 1:00-2:30 pm. Bantam Born 1986 Sun., Aug. 19 2:304:00 pm. There are ten to eleven tryout times for all divisions. Check our website tit www,wggglmhg&§gg.gn.ca or call 725-1434 for additional times. What a better way to kick off a new hockey season than having a golf toumamenl. The $75.00 per person entry fee includes l8 holes of golf, dinner and prizes. Space is lim- Ped. Registration forms available on our web site or at the WMHA office, . AAA, A & MD (Rep. Team) players must be registered by August 8th to attend any tryouts. Players not registered by this date will not be allowed on the ice for tryouts until the base fee and an additional administration fee is paid at the WMHA otEce. Players not registered by Monday, September lOth will be subject to a late fee. Refunds will be subject to an administration fee. Waterloo Minor Baseball Association is accepting applications for the 2002 baseball season for both AAA' & 'A' for the following divisions. Please submit a written application stating your coaching qualifications and the divi- sion you wish to coach/manage and mail it to Waterloo Minor Baseball Association. C10 Albert McCormick Arena, 500 Parkside Dr, Waterloo. ON N2L 514 by August M, 2001 OR E-mail your application to tenttta2Mehstinr,satm, JR Rookie Ball (b I994) Major Peewee (b I989) SR Rookie Ball (b I993) Minor Bantam (b I988) _ _ Minor Tyke (h I992) Major Bantam (h I987) _ Major Tyke (h I99l) Minor Midget (b I986) Minor Peewee (b I990) Major Midget (b 1985, I984) Interviews for these positions will take place on September 4 & 5. Waterloo Minor Baseball will he having fall rep tryouts (or AAA on Sept. 8, 9, I5 and I6. A tryout schedule will be advertised in the Waterloo Chronicle the week of September 3rd. For further information call WMBA 888-0244 evenings 7:00 - 9:00. _We4nesday, August 15* Wednesday, August 22'" Thursday, September tP Wednesday, August 29* Wednesday, september S"' THE CITY OF lilllr'i.] Waterloo l (a Z???) 'a'ir.iri"tt // WATERLOO 1iiiiiipp MINOR BASEBALL ’/ ASSOCIATION MANAGERS/COACHES NEEDED FOR 2002 SEASON F ridgy. Augggt 24th 2001 / 2002 REGISTRATION Waterloo Minor Hockey 500 Parkside Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2L 514 ngphonf; f?H_434 e-mail mha@golden.net www.waterloohockey.on.ca Albert McCormick Arena-Hockey Omce Alben McCormick Arena-Hockey Office Albert McCormick Arena-Hockey Office 30H Toumamgnt AAA Isr_uis Ass: 725-0387 Conestoga Mall Conestoga Mall - KNEE! 1101f Club Assgciation COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 5:30-9: 2:00-6:00an 5:30-9;00pm 2202mm 2:00-6:00pm f 2001 FALL AND WINTER MINOR SPaRT REGISTRATION Waterloo Minor Soccer is now accepting coaching applications for anyone interested in coaching a competitive rep team for the 2002 outdoor season. Anyone interested can call the WMSC onice at 578-9680 to receive 1 coaching application form. Application forms must be handed into the Soccer Omce, no later than Wednesday. August 29th. Interviews will be held between September 4th-8th. Waterloo Minor Soccer Club nekis com- iupitive teams for boys and girls divisions. ages 9-18. , 2001-2002 Part-Time Employment OForiiinities Guide? Now Available Lo! maintenance standards were established for the safety and visual condition of yards (exclud- ing buildings) and vacant lands. _-.' Yard maintenance includes the removal of rubbish, 5 'srcrc.rrai g? E garbage, litter and debris, excessive growth of grass, ', cl:?),,?.:'",').]:")');":;)"") 'il ' ; 1 . . weeds and bushes. damaged or decaying trees. bushes f-cr-ic-c""-"-"-' a _.L tl] ' and brush which pose a safety hazard to pedestrians ' BNI " B '-,~. i ' j"; Fr A and motorists, wrecked, dismantled, unlicensed or J', $.12"! L! 'iljip,ii _ inoperative vehicles, trailers, machinery and appli- 1373121.â€; <27} ljwï¬iwafls‘l ances. dilapidated or collapsed buildings and struc- _ 37". 3: YI, , ‘5’:;"<=Z:¢"’%‘3:ciér-l lures. T, '. , Lu rumba-:1}. Lian: A conviction under this bylaw can result in a set fine of 3105100 plus $20.00 victim surcharge fine for each offence. Inquiries and complaints should be directed to the By-Iaw Enforcement Department at 747-8714. Watering of newly planted sod, trees. ornamental shrubs and flower gardens is permitted during installation and during the 24 hours following the completion of the installation. Lawns being treated with any pesticide, herbicide spray or fertilizer may be watered while being treated and during the following 24 hours after application. Inquiries and complaints should be directed to the By-law Enforcement Department at 747-8785. Should a water supply ban be declared by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. the provisions sel out above would be void. Inquiries and complaints pertaining to a total watering Pan should be directed to the Regional By-law Enforcement Department at 575-459l. The City of Waterloo Water Regulation By-law 100-62 regulates and restricts the date and time in which lawns and gardens can be watered. The watering of lawns. gardens, trees. shrubs or any other outdoor plant by means of a hose or other attachment connected to the municipal water system is prohibited except as follows: . Premises with municipal addresses having even numbers may water between 7:00 am. to 10:00 am. and 7:00 pm. to l 1:00 pan. on even numbered calendar days. . Premises with municipal addresses having odd numbers may water between 7:00 aan. to “100 a.m. and 1:00 pm. to 11:00 pan. on odd numbered calendar days. 5 BEE [l.,li I}; B “a l"',' l", i 'tAi: For Fall/Winter Positions with the C Hy of Waterloo. Application packages are available at the Human Resources Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo Memonal Recreation Complex, Waterloo Public Library - Main & Albert McCormick Branch and all Waterloo arenas. _ Application deadlines vary with positions, so pick up your copy today'. A ' CITY OF WATERLOO LOT MAINTENANCE BY-LAW #89437 by " 'vriyrcvir,,ri ' w - '/ WM“; W' " I - s.riNirf::rr'Pitt', ' tRI . . Tr-fC-lee-', C/T) 't LAWN 8. GARDEN WATERING Wednesday, September 5th & Thursday. September 6th, 2001 5:30 pm. to 9:00 pan. Cane-10p Mall, 550 King St. North, Waltrloo Watch this - for further tgtAmatntim, next week www.city.waterloo.on.ca WATERLOO MINOR SOCCER CLUB REP COACHING APPLICATIONS 2002 OUTDOOR SEASON BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PROTECTIVE SERVICES: