Waterloo Public Library Digital Collections

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Aug 2001, p. 24

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C mm TABLE, metal me E 334-5423 E 3 BABY name W 5 tot 'd all 6514358 g 7 BABY Bath lunch. "alum moms 510 69-0850 0mm Ronni bikini leaf no 6 chairs cream 001ml excels"! shape must be seen $250 Hausa Met 5 p m tmESSeRAttDmipitatse, a drawer. needs to be teln- shed m minted. good week- end plqecl $50 140116;}, After 5 p m ’ SUHBOOF 32MT', mutated black hmsn ah navdwave Indudeu excellenl common $50 837-1803 KINDS FREE head set lew- phone ulacx never used Purchased at Radioman $40 837-t803 MISTY HATE caning sysem. nose anaches te outdoor “Minnelli sprays IIne caning rust, new? used Sto 837, '80T FABRIC VERTICAL binds. "e'Jitiy comm 101Wx92‘L. mchdes valance excellent common $25 TN-4489 2 FACE slrollers, mm! sonar tttyn 4 months old each Graco $75 a Euvooean Peg knack off 595 8379998 WASHER. FULL sue 1llts?ngnouse $225 761 3510645“:an Elana noun Io mam royal "r We layout, mm! couion E " 6200582 3mm an com-now a 5.000 BTUs $50 mm 65! a 0397 E IOP" VAC. wevuvy vacuum, g 3 2 galon capacny'szo 626 s: 1995 DRYER. FULL sue Morat $225 7672380 FREEZER. tiatr. 767-2330 GARAGE SALE colon set 01 1 win Q's“; Ir-, P" cor-Mm $10 620 calmer: tt0ttttu M m was”! $250 761230 oiPert PLATE swam 250A Northtahe an Fudge, loveseat. misc househotd “ems, and much more” Sat., August " tt arm-noon To place your garage sale Call 651 -2397 SOFA BED, good common $75 a no 836159? STEREO SET WHICH Includes radio, :1th tape deck record player and calmer $75 a h 0 83611691 me mu run. '2350sms. his Ford F150S30 8214870 1601?) milks tar, 195310 1969 $10 621-4798 12 HARLEDLIII b00165 -tfi? 6214798 CHILD'S RIDING Suzukl Dower mean 1 wheels. 12 veils. 2 weed mchargalAs battery bowled $25 654- PAIR OF annque invoice" shng sea'. deck was nth gygpyuns $75 a pan 654- CNILDIIEN'S t 2 wheel blkes and Inqcle. needs reliant $12 for the 3 745 1779 th all trade lot some Inlmllws Nomngwls KENMORE. HEAVY duly washer and my, water lee- trts, vannus settings. good womng common. museum still usmg $175 lot nan 654- ccu uErrs Immune; £12» 9, Had! and pllple $50 0 Do Good combo” 3359905 ttte BLACK and pisrrehsir mm. new never used $20 836-9905 COFFEE MEG. mom oblmq $50 a h n 8369905 UNIROYAL TIGER paw has. we P22505815, mm on nms many new $65 sad: 6212836 OLDER DRESSER mm mir- to: 6 small dinners Slde by " al the from $66 or wade for maker doll buggy Nu momma calls "6-1779 '80tmtt' um: In on) Incl tour puma tummy: and belongs man yours "mung. mule!!! common $10 each u D 0 62445788 USED IEN’S medium Dame! leaner - $125 tr b 0 Luc 3374332 OMAN. BEAUTIFUL wood en wrap ammo 5MB With ple- sets and a Speaker 3250 (Nil-2‘29 EVENFLO SUPER Sauce: excelhenl common $40 "r 4520 2AM obnrluuaers. one brand new $250 The other $150 80th m woollen: emotion 7506159 2 ”TEE whens. one Air stntxtetttetttirle median male 7musyu W31 31 Ihsmires St Gi ui. tyrartttttg TMCE, emsksrit common S100 658-2197 HANDliADE 6AK calms! makers loo! box 3100 651F 2197 ANTIQUE ENTRY door 3 panels, glasson Mr$50 651V 2197 14' Arttttttiotr "ms, Ion Fora w Escort. 4 hoe 5150 oh 0 6235496 steWGttlt _ patttt {Me benm must seq $25 MO- 7679 MOUNTAIN ms, ecu Excel unisex 24' was, 18 Weed. 19" llama. 3 months old $75 653-3535 LAtgTi um - ”Eli Em and Stratton molar. good runmng order $60 621642‘. str" sift. Mini-{mi “Simian seal. up to “315320 7&6258 WOOMN BABY Bed $15 FLOOR MODEL lemon Eledruhome $50 8503623 Aphltttttrtt SIZE masher aOf Ewen Kenmore S250 ti0TS saris. loads! sue a. Banners $20 622-5358 mime trMrqtt, $125 6226358 FER PERRY) double strollel $250. 622-5358 _ _ LOVE SEAT, brown 550 550 DESK. s with? e-W common $15C ara 621- 7676 SIMS" I” am Balecivonl new small business S250 Sharon 621-7676 u: ash legslev, loo many lea- lures In mum excellent for 'rutieRt Bet" ttir Tdi-y" 3310 an!" ttttttthet, man‘s. adorable, grey, black and Mule uh SDOIS $10 886- good mung emotion 550 6586555 MBlrlRWs1g_rrtmr, use. box and mamas. me $225 7403310 tilia$EttjtrtCmTrFraria mung mast while 315 7108310 cushm sue, 8TL, Hanan Promctal$2a) 891-16" RABBITIGIMEA p9 cage N 7661831 an“ “You. by Fm: Pnce $20 7661831 LEATHEN JACKET. London Fags?!) 1661831 BARBECUE. su’uiul 1mtrwmgrCWTriiai 821299 CM'S thAt ems Im on (Iran was 5. trust be n 9006 arm 704520 {Win LAW an up 7661 571 BUY 6n trade uban s mm lure Stanley Cups ttl anyyeal 62.41250 Mtiott CONTROL tor Sears Craftsman garage door opener 624-2liil ttWi? garage dams 79 m 9000 comm mum W CONTROLLER. games and cinnamon 1RW9598 MEGS? WEDtClttE and beer ham M Omauo stone ginger Deer botlhts 'rom Canada Plus memorable from Preston Hespeler Gall Bert" and Guelph 658-8260 itTtFtWttaPW0MtWirid mm used 65ir1321 PRESTON MEMORABILIA posltar6s, "015mm mum woven-r books. ow calen- ders. Rod battery 4etrts, "It bums, emu; dd 1mm Preston 65(rt644 ttm, Slim 6 a! mwe, labial: of m at Mon Kathy ii5baglt OFFICE DIVIDERS Wanted Four 1001 lengths and at was! 5 feel high 4-5 needed Please call 651-2397 en 2m BABY CHE. excellem com:- Mn $70 82! 9700 CED“ FEWCE vats $200101 50 fills 3627525 Art0TthWLWmtttt curi- ous. black Inner Ira-nan. Modes War but scram post and we. Kee Io good home 7609641 PiliE tastlEttt 13km, was 100 cassettes, excu- Ienlwulmn $15 76557033 CHEST FTtEt2ETCurrrtFg canyon. approx 1014 cub-c Ice! $50 0.00 6503571 6t)uwmfriizmariturin ptrsrctMsassellasheats.1 much mum. auto Imam dttlttst excellent common «am, used $t25 mm: (ERIE RWETt' iii bahy sung. the new $75, BZHSGS tth rug bike seal; Rater used Pam $50 asking $25 821-7565 Eli? WIPES iarrmir ER $50 asking $25 3214565 " 7'me Acdalm fur Dans. new Iron! mes 5100 6501568 ALUIillUIi HOEKFV in Christian batters, “gm GS hem Alana hockey slack uh gramme mod was. excel- lent mndiuun Dom by new {game aslung $50 NT I EEAUTIFUL men's suits. sue at, one tae, one rewiar $75 each 821-8507 2 DRAWER 111mg Bani! pink wooden stereo catmet $10 each or both kat $15 74ih 7679 METAL DESK. wood loo, 'Ile drawers $50 82¢-2587 WOODS DWIGHT freezer. wood gram Mor tm 821- 258? LARGE NOVA Islesuope by Bushnell $225 824-2587. BEIGE SUPER stye sofa and malt mm sales We Take it away Iree ot charge 740» 7679 __ i - nil Let us dome selling so that you do not have to I. . wan tor the Marne to ring . . have "tto-shows" . have strait ers in your home "M$rN8tq Make one easy 'lll'li',l call and we mll take we a ot tt lot you We will lake one item .. or a m Gil. Art at “m" household Pick-up and delivery available (519) 142-4033 Punishing! fermion: without Mg 3 loft-net QLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE ITEMS WANIED ma. 'Mmthtxt masses mom's mo [y um.m,m 'ytamaer ClCmqw} past and new! 7630486 NYLON HAD! IN Bug Benin. 1 and 3 wood 90" cubs 22005.5 grtgrtt “if cub and Gnu: Ole umber student can no" 2200545 rut gtthtt k, pane any mam-w. id! remove. have message 656% will “TONER or "and. hoe or mm TOtithER BED mm ml- Iress. 'Rttt6tm IN steel frame. must be ttt element cm 1m 62041455 lLUilllllliI EITENSION lama, In good mum and reasoning owed 8910662 ceTttmEtt CAR. pissed emissms lest. necessm [or 1at8inreedw9elarotmt' No my. olter $5 82t4B12 HO HODEL 11am sleam engmas or diesel eng-ne, assembled houses and 3003550095 653-1562 FAX HORNE In good work- mg cum-on, theml papa (fay Budge! or Paul 822e BABY CAR seal gene. breast pump smeaim 3240322 5.505 BTU an Whaler. very good shape $120 623- 3453 GOLF Crurs. powemmll. culalrons, 3-PW 5175. mm new " nude gnps 535 'rttrt-tfreairgatt Emmi mom 658-i?960 40mm" '7' iriis4Ymtrait 5582940 KEITH: 1kiamiotier, 900d mm $80 623-3453 SUNVALLEV SNOW suns. gm sae 24 A 30 "mm. excellent com-hm Paid $120 each asking $70 101 bum 6214B98, COLLIEWS ENCYCLOPE- MA couplets set, amateur condition 5200 Bangui Io: $1900 623-9352 “an CASSEI‘TES. brand new Bought $100 asking $50 623-9352 t2Rrtt5Ct IKE T? meek, blue colour. yea! common no 334-1633 ”ENE WELL, new and small $45 822029! SWHING PM slamless steel stem $75 Bbo kt moan MIME gym aFr:Cse 5915150 D no 8434839 DOG HOUSE. Arge, painted and InsulaIed $125 822- 'eri:-m%FTaTftiiis-wirire" many August 27-0! call now last sedets, 620-1668 FOLDING COT jrame tto elm B22800! WW CONVECTION men $75 6215538 WEE EDUAGE plants $15 621-5538 LINE SEht. $125 621 5538 2 CRIMES $40, tioutre SSDobo 622-8004 ITEMS FOR SMI . new to you: L timeless furniture Mu! tgt and Rik: ei "Is We t . t We?“ hm an fl'l','l'il'l'lda, n (from antique to modem) d dim? ms bedlonm sets, ohe and en lath, desks aedenms, his, iritiUfiit1, hymns, tugs, Mules, mind and ninth mom postéE, dupe: ana‘ia‘smed-Amrtismg‘g WEE Willi“; Mm. wood. Mum slam. excellent con- thtton, pal! $50 62b7934 ttaw ‘siw’ sits" Stand, Rockwell model IO, 1c? hummer mom 6!le mum 5130 6237931 WWII Gd gai dryer. t5 years. excellent can dilnn $225 lot the pa" 888- 7459 ttWCttrtttAstrottEjtartt. a [lace seems $50 888- 7459 CtuttttEUErt FOR slan- case, peach based fass 3 ter$50 883-7159 DOU§LE .htrest and box spnng, no frame needed. Fees mm legs $200 885- WIRE FENCING. " plus Metal poles $20 763W LAWN MOWER. ETD. 4 housepwer, rear bag. 2 m I mukner, brand new $225 2200545 KENWOOD awt'trFrEtt, 5200 &0-0531 . MtrtthNE" (Risa Adio mums. avalahle In 2 was 3250 N545” t FIRES. $10 each 826- 5337 "Will! chhttttrt, -miver used 515 8364297 AhtAtus, Ski phi, Evy and cream, reversabla hon Elude"! common ass-12's: HELP-WHI‘IE and brown and tatol. nests a lama home, cage and kxxt Md- ed. tree, 763-2788 c6Wumt DESK mm butch, Vtt wluurod wood. mm 5mm Chan $75 62T 090 QUEEN SRE head mam mh oval may no a $55 623 0347 350 DANCE, Muse and rap LPs. some rare expands and ammo songs $175 NT Over 5200 sq. ft. total. Currently 3200 sq. ft. open concept office space wired for mum phones, computers. etc. 2000 sq ft. dock space With two loading bays. Excellent 401 and Highway 24 exposure and access. Mrnules from Kitchener. Guelph. Cambridge, Available Nov. 1, 2001 or TBA. For more information contact: Carol Lamb 519-651-2390, ext. 222 Indoor Space Available OFF SEASON Oct. 1 thru March 31 Boats, Seadoos, Trailers, Campers, etc "OO/sq, ft ' taxes Must be prepaid PRIME CAMBRIDGEi LOCATION FOR LEASE 886-841 4 ,4 HEAL ESTA“ TRYLIGNT FLOOR mp $8 821-5544 7AM) Chi", 7 cute leel 320 3216544 stwr- Iii: dgiit asuiar phone. compact CDMA phone mm have! and chan er $59 (416) 935-5165 Hal's SIR 9 sieeu' 166 boas, never worn Ms WE) 995-5165 BEE “if. Why pawl. Panasomc model In": belt an) and one: s manna 761 5195 $35 CtftlW Fame couch. Mi the, we. no Mon mamas, will time! $150, 8214139 ELECTRIC BARBEOUE. free muting, smokeless, "moon outdoor. excellent tumattm,news1fTrttmS75 826-9NO HIGH BACK Inldmg than} minimum. harm used S25 821-5544 " 250g bags of camel corn t25Wcase red ”HESS I%rttt%tieb, Siftféiu ll, $20-$50 each 744- Mlrriiarmirritgi: em. holds to In 4 was: cl hmsge, new m D01 $50, "6-4852 Mt TrheuittGiif, RU card $225 746-4852 sttt6btt5ti0t-tttTesk mm $75 821-7639 BLACK. SWIVEL. Tamer chart aM ioot stool 950 BEN-1639 CurputEit" sum); 350 321-1639 ttETi'sTtttrrcbE," i0 speed 515. 654-90!2 CEDAR “WEISS?“ jiris mum grade 8C rec cedar sttates.N_nthctness $25 a WV 553% ArrriWttt0mtkElt aim BTU, works 570 530-5426 250 WAtr hiiirr" prissuie sot'urn hon. We!!! mm! 540 5805426 WORK BENCH,’ 179‘ waged steel trams, 2B38, very heavy $50 8269760. HEA’WWT'V' riitie imam kt box and (agate of 82-93 Ctters10trurtmsrs75mm $25 3269760 EBFWWTBI aim, is? d room couch sat, ruse and lawn callus. Mae and and lanes. and lunch lamps $250 10! " 65142544 WHITE GUI!!! today from Seals Ousl $429 astrN " 65146aa 2 WIFE let»! in. mistat Hung and no $36613 3 IEIW _ kt5tars and Shanon lam my. good cannon $35 56W89N LITTLE “WES 7min rde cozy an+ bed Cost Ma) My $150 5510544 FRENCH '1tthirtWiaL if Wig STUDENT NOW WITH GLENN“; SERVICE Gmat house luv S, dishwash» er NW Seamus base- man! apartment (or 3 bm ghs l vows Joanne 579 9413 GREAT .0055! Good lo calions' Cool Lmds' Non renting student houslng Ityr September' Close to both umversmes‘ 716-1“! trr m "awn com HANEV REALTY INC. spunkmg m Watertoo‘s um- versuty on campus housmg " you ate lookmg to buy or set a student ploperty. " ney Realty us your Educated Chouce' Realtor (5191834- 78N. mvtoanereMyarrrt ANTIQUE 9 pace iroog room suite. Induces millet and mm cabinet, Pnsme common 32.500 740-0320 93 cousin Chevy, 4 door, V6 Ml,powevm. mrm $1.800 as :5 cm: 5163857 or 576-5599 after 5 p m old $5,000 74041320. ' *Wth7tlrtCE mm; Tdisk ar, Gothic strte, my on M25 14041320 Ht50tutiit, 2 ti, bruise 119?}er at $400 each usadmsxzoo 32.4708 COMPUTER $8ttNrTtht when Penuum Elm-Ml, 4 pg [mes ot hard lime. 32 mega was ot mm, 5tit tax modem. Windows as. We: 97. CD rum th" IBM "mm. 1200 We let Dunner 5350 62b0972 Animus KRttstrt and labia, 5 panel mom dimer. hand maniac. Ton bench with lassels "23/043 ANTIQUE DINING room sum. 10 was. Indudes Mal able and banal. 200 years t906 FORD Wmstar. 130.000xm. very good com:- llon Take over paymenl. Royal Bank, mm 51013686 sauna "TIL!" TRAILERS, 5110. made by Canada Trarlem. tttwt 'Ott," sale 14 $100 65b5624 sxun Maui: ttrung mom suns, mangllat Iable. 591 (mm to 95') Mel and hutch. 5 chars $650 a D 0 6534.90 1rfFot 36m), side 653- sum canon Gleam Wrmmplay screen $50. 220-0143 USED CARPET, several Mb, good qualivy. sacs approx 5'31? $5 per roll. 6214“!) I"? ROADWEK motor home Dodge Ram 250, have and park van. slave. marmave, mags. lush mm wrung. tan, good "usage 513.500 624-5617 or 620» qERCfSER. tttttr 65'6- 1$htum am than new: $35 rams: swam-Ian MIT, the mm.hNtMNsttmsoamttxw with: has may $175 821-3299 tXttt$tGtttbtWctmts, 3320 t 03913:" cm" $25 Ttiir $125 8214069 am NV sung $45 521496. I: an mimic?! seal $20 621495. In new WI) WEE’GML we! model. lurks vary well. magnify SIM/Ices Wig delve: mum at”; mum“) 6l?1A92StM YREIIILANT: SUIIIER recreation and relaxation at " New From chalets Io Mum mounlam vacanon Wmtes "emblem Sumtar‘s sinuous 1 to 5 bedroom residences feature " the canton you "perl m a he country home MosI may ‘uccass Iowa! anabonch l. 800-75l-a736 In"! new tMntsunswcom Conmlmurn sleeps [our Everyman; them "mules from Disney World Avail- aua Week Canaan (5t9)763-5036 ORLANDO FLORIDA. came 8830758 SANDOWNE Iii/COMES- TOGA Mall Luis c4 me. at. \enllm aclmlles and Ln lot " ages new», was and meals Reterences. rermpts PIT . " onempcvary we!- oak table win 3 leaves and ti thaws. walnut sian $700 725-166t OLVIIPIC WEIGHTS, 300m Set With Dav. WNW Dena. curl bar. 150le regilal sleet l! almbhells 5500 o no 76+ 8t89 SINGER SERGER Mal Mn 5 lineal: 140 10 stieh ow locking machine. sewnng speed Is LSOOSPM may mum. Sharon 521nm “AIDA 5800 4a4 exlenoed can, 170.000km, needs thl perm best Met or for parts 658-N97 STACK ‘Ell We. excellent common washer and myer mth slacker $600 650-5757 BEAUTIFUL DARK enter- laulnenl when " lop TV 000' plus #ass was 8100, 6505757 DAR! WFET and hum 9000 cam Mal 5505751 saw bell amen. cast mm lathe min all accessones $1.000 650-2032. Curttt?."sy!rrTariri saw ttttmit. scooter. exmlltmt Em mien, on board marger. new bakeries. uograoed saau mm head test. shopung base! $2500 767-2129 trryii:h urroibark' paw" $1206 mo. serial We 7635623 ttj"tbKoFtfttet liAL We YRAVEL ”(MERE year COW -----. "at. MIN ttrDETWLtortxsdta5 740 Mme, washed oak, can 'Mitt. 10 yams old $2.500 6N-5682 COW snow was on Honda ttms.Bluzahs,usa0ttrinter any Pan $600 sellmg $300 837-0222 if: FIBRE F150 um mar-den can an imam“ cap. but); and madam goon 6534369$1250u no 5057 “(if digger. F-8 t)anuser,roastnalut 623. 2572 'WmtltoetEtt. CANON. PCIO, 8 1l2xlt' $350 621- 12x50: 1402990 \ , 'rTtTrttlt CKBIIETST U grandam mmurw. WytTrqtNEdTGiFtrtim ttht up awn-n9 and some emu $3,500 one 848- m, n.. pm $2,000 (mo 576357 or 5755599 Muslim 'pettiottrttaus,n.. ‘no

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