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Selling or Buying merchandise UNDER $250? stiiriiifu (Ea. m call tttit 41083 ,'l8ai'a'l, "COB CADET" Specials Mode“ mo " hp STS99 Model 2166 16 hp hydlnslal $2599 Fvnanong and ship on; available Maynard Equipment, Hunlsvule. Ala- bama (256)7764M35 or wsu wtvwmaynar0esppmentuvr $29.0DPIIODIYHN " Gay money back guarantee No money down. no payments unlrl October 800 MHz lnlel computer Mm onllne o a C mvw1buckattaycom Call l, 888-855-5527 B.tlttI5 'MTE, SUM merry wood. dune pudendum, 6 him! an“ M5. mu] bullet New m can Cost $tt.500. sacnhce “200 5724†All! CONDITIONERS for sale 5000 Bro. SHO, Upngm 6000 hrs We slum-g wmdows $175 apartment steeee unl 3‘75 10 000M!- aonlal $250 15.000 BTU 220 Hulls heart duty, 5150 Money back guarantee 658- 6811 l have seven: lhousand yams ot new Slammasver and 1m won camel Wm do lmngroom and hall for 5319 Price Includes carpet pad and Insulator '30 sq yams' Call Steve SIS- r387 FREE ELECTRICITY tot your home" Regain to M. Ienu mugs In you: mu Go to our woos": mlmm com a cal mum 156385-1212 IN6 DODGE Anes New makes exhaust radiator Sewing as us. or parts car Askmg $300 B" Best diet Cali 8-5 p m 836-1080 AWAY PRODUCE New w town? Lost much m1" your ttrstnttutDro Call 622-3964 BECK APPLIANCE We buy and sell used an pl-arloes We also speclallu In last, prolessmnal sen/Ice Io " makes ul appliances “24081 CHRONICLE CLASSIFEDS ttt WE COVER THE am CARPET J I " I ED TNI' I. r 17% Reach over 107,000 Homes! a Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! ~. £139“? aii it JL-iii-i-vii-iT/si/ri-ir,-;,]) c,,riiiirFiii'itiihm I L',:,,-,,-),--,;--,-,-;-,',,--,,-,,-,-,,-) e t. -,rvt0.'v' ',"r"ii"/li Elma $4395.00. New super Lumbermate 2000. larger canacmes, more op: Ions Norwood lndusmes, marulaclurers of sawrnllls. edger: andshddersr Free In- !ormauon 1-800-566-ii899 an 200 -c LADIES COWBOY shun. Mute. short steeved, Ilka new. black Innge Mamie Noah " Gram to! lune 1tBntan9. Mg-2363 , SHIRTS aM towns. Kettle Creek. W and w. sure 9. 3 shuns. 3 Sims and Realms. 3kr $5 742-2363 MEN'S SHIRT, dressy, long 3080 or 2402769 ' PEG PEREGO Ehegame 0am carnage mth bassnel. bone tmatemcatthtrott$150 Mn 658-95428 Mtgt am, good Wm SSO 89T3618 ttFt GLOEAL posnmmg system» made by Lowrance. ml Glob-l Maw 12. brand new um new use $250 741-8202 "rthtttt new radtiiiita has, 23/856116 an m. I limo: tr-gain ‘Wnn’g mmum We: NTI, M03025!!!) 6534514 tMrs ie “com im 9310 sleeved. like new. beige an?! black pattern, large. cMamss $5, brand new 712-2363 6000 GURU" mttan sel (m mth 4 chats 21W common Pan! $1.200 ashng l unit on pamtogs t240 71666518 if)?!» TW' venmumalm slung my $50 new sin!“ W61 min’scal» some edges $175 mama Atthailt, WIRE topped Atlas mart 5:12 Sealers $25 a dozen 6537514 usovaim mm l 2 was than: fat tarp was (truck), mad- by - lot Chrysler, In an cow-r hon. slams: 'teel "so obo 741-8202 immune“ um KARDON my and may co Water will venue $200 (tyr set 653. icAsoiiiiriarriuisi l cudiiiitiiiiiijNE iiwvriiip1z1iripitsu VCR has comb-nalmn console style $1 821-9310 WESfEiW1 5" saddle. made um Dram colour new Iteece Mung $250 ear-93m e0rtttattrWtghttetrrfr colour manner. 2 years OM tt50 aha 1tiiH852 CghttrCEtrtTigt Mriiii: heavy My. mum: washer anuayer. gammy order $250 7406â€? mmimmfacei. Ienl condition. ll WI.. 4 WW, New 7407605 POMAELE _ WICKER bass-new um: leg Includes beddmg EIDB'BTI! mum" $50 8218451 cEtrhrr Fine: rags" £5 sad! 6585352 "eatrtciiias axoelent conmmrL Evenflo $40, Century $45 321-9451 sMrtWehWs, "mo t 32000, May. baseball and woman 'tal ooo Mir 8146 SINGLE ttox swig and mamas S75 Flame enra 653-8473 limit: GED. "an! and ed $240 653-8473 Sena Period - MEN 'tWiorinsrartoiar tress. i210 65343473 up“? Iee?1es m- RECORD PLAYER, more CELL PHONE. dug-ml. try Emsson. mush! m pathage, never used. too many tea- wes low, msmhcany‘ mg Ease. charger. manual $75otro Eat-W36 In out COMICS, mystery advenlure. 19554965 m- Iage. very good clim $150mr me In! 82241338 tmi cm in 5 and; WWW) 22041659 my coma Mo 767mm GTE?) mourn. 350 7670181 31mm“ 767mm 33$.“me mum 3294115 in.ucaeatgej?2oatsi? 1 LAR-trt 3ty wills ST. 852- It will cost you ONLY tr. No writing cheques. licking smmgs. No VISA or Mristercard. .. it Is convenient]: billed on your ELL" phone, bill, It's that easy! All you need to ave ready is... descrip- tion of Item. price and phone number, in 20 with or lass. 66W. 36“? 356 Selling or Buying merchandise OVER $250? DEADUNE: MAPLE. ETHM Allen thitiel with much, take new mom 32w 7mm FSTraLiskkr tmaristrultets, t can 1 maple 5100 cam 740-0320 66ml: -gtatmtEstind ho: sprung mm logs that screw Into II 8200 865-8309 ttFtuntWt,- 6’1, Trw, me: $25 Far M straps extra 65Taxig tFt0EiitWtttW 7'me and "libel, Wale mm manuals, excelsnl sandman $250 8370298 "i5rtCtrCrt7itm"chrir 5% 5242151 ftlRWETthTEeLFtM, ove? sued. ween. 4 years old. like new. excellenl common Exsnumik. may, mm as 7676725 PM“? magnum. de mth bananas and margev $50 621621: MiwtTWFiok b. Mr nmq mm. not can mammaryxzsoohoos IS mm Motion} MATE. Fs'rywfrC0 Animal gas lumace. good Ior 5mm 624-2161 "lm-graft-thy) 0 do For parts 8860525 ' -tf? karar t%rimNe. $20 5214521: spoon" t5tTaWm6l, (rum around the world 850 623, M23 sFtt0tt WY’mi $35 6213423 tWit Whig cab cap can, ttgatittmt cumin, lot shot Mr and: $200 one 62027“: extends 44 m 66'L131'W130'H $70 Bib mm: thd, Cam. Gold. users tkt wtr 536 mm, “In; mm. fftFmNE can, an. 'h.a,ms%rhssmxmttslats.2 you; oh! t IZ'LXWIZ 5m $t25 mEE $2035va W320 651m em TOWEN, ITEMS FOR SALI WE. USED mm set $T75 624-5098 fatAL7,HeTrtrt," 4 itrakik was $10 624-56M WEISS??? Ta/d $15, tam-5693 sTF'EI’V‘ Mitt-tarid/q acnvily buggy. alum now, may used $45 821-9290 BOOKCASET shéias win [up whiny, wow com! $15 16343250 $1BtTa TINA“? tsed mm 3 drawn and mattress no mega stud __ moi Gtjaige mm 2 mils 520 76343250 mmi. sin!» E i smal person $25. 763-4148 now would plum, um. I as: CD and 2 up: nests $125 6216678 ORILUW 53K in. If: works mm 515 62» CA7, FREE, mu Pawn, 6 years dd. ail sNhs up to dale. tttttia-i, wade. canals. very Madman. and; home mth no any: 'RRWo0mRr-sToFe 9150 My» 324-219: air-R-tA-by-dui rv min remote count! $65 aha 8224270 sumo TWiCdih-/emsTd mud, excellent ctmtgtitNt 325 6501566 FIFE tMCsfaoTt. DEE: metal. almost new $25 763 4148 FISH WATS?) tjioonTiixy 837m WV ENE 50 351in 837-0892 306! W) 6aFe? aid no imam. mum sumo. 12am 18'tgade$125 621- rinmsou’ 7' It com W I “w... w... w. a: W 1150 mam $250 "#2!†$W0FWrrikirim with my m. m cam mono mamaw. 8N9ar we†one 82FglM WEI CAR saaf 'is has m sun all. mm $i0 ti2t, 8857 = 50W, fuses" _ _ 56min» win gray 'ttstripe From Sears, its trc9"I yous $25 82r 'rRrFEraortM twtttt? AI. nan. that was tag, Avenues Amenca brand $10 8868956 'wt' PM: may. we won. Firuslme man my Pol) skin. law. - mod- IgM. aquatic cap and 5100 min. rad and an In my 3100 o b 0 Nat B50966 LITTLE TYRES rocking horse 540 3239168 WK 'rtftCrrTirii W931. meslemem. Ime seat and char. scalable to: rec mom or outage. my good Manon. 62143294 $250 was: twart Shier. navy blue 3125 Extra wheels and cam seal women 823 9168 IWttuartttairiooTtiiki 7W2: 20' M. 12' frame, um sex. we new $45 mth helmet 6533535 Ftt9t-ttrETttartic, tFfiFrai5 $50 837-9219 1Trrtt5trnrtt 'AL iiJnk"§45 6220731 ttttttta-TMR. tt won coder an AC am. in net Pan svssasmg $75 621-3269 trrcWFtrE- siireej$tj Excellent mm 163- an. my! tsseeftas Duo “WEEK-F375 B2r4M44 mm mm W Hidit, tr-At,+tne.rottws, minimise 62Hrrit mm. inf-M W curtain†62M?†fitTttWCW0WttT0VgekTrii: barman trilt $45 337-9219. t5FtgtTtttjg66 79935669? and â€at camera my 5150 6379219 TitNFtlhWt3r a, W Emmm 763-3895 WM†minim" E WWEW asHN 50 M1 mold Exotica! canon-m 765 WW?“ 'Wiik, inn Deadline: The Deadline for ads inTuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 pm. Wednesday's edition is Monday at 12:00 pm. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 12:00 pm. Payment: Ads prepaid by Visa, MasterCard, Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for l incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. T " ailm- tll-ttttttt an! Basin“: all: iii call 851-2397 or Fax 851-2355 tC, gleam“: mos $90 621 1233ttt 7402M blades. 3 lo “dung along: $t95 229mm mm WILL "(in 9mm wow 872 Good on» dim â€MODEM mm m. ta; Good very warm mtailtt30 bonus taxes asking $80 a b 0 8354078 COCKTITEL. FREE lo a 90mm Youmnmvde your ow cage and snakes 1651758. 13mm mun. h James Stepmen drum make. Panatatttth Gmamala. Sept 96 5250 8214353 house, amine In: mm to large any $90 B2: .4333 ROBERT BATEIIEH all. Kudu Bull 1985, 750350, mm. m. mum tramed,7 IIZ'XH'SZSO 821, FtrT0TRE0rn L97OMCIax DWIIBY. unmet. iaz, Samar. WI. PC tas, MSG center. Indudes paper Don sonware $N9hrm 324-5171 in" cuss We mm Jass and mus n Mad: $50 7153- 9728 â€and 0mm, eNRENMREfiia7ifrW. $r75 220055" " SCAD! Jet 3300. We new. ICtrhWrNh"sirat.jNTtrs, $20 â€We" 7639728 amtMtm 7mm m“? m3?!) 624- UM Mt “W135 horsepower track 5150 Lang no»: where It falls sham â€on BTU mammal an commoner 3115 7636623 cm iruts-sTEFtFimuieat tale 340 82-7197 “W can: 'arye', 9000 mm common $50 83649105 W‘WGISCU'S tide 330 6382386 3252133 trtrErtrwtertr CEN- TER, sm" comet, 11130130 350 034-508 E%RRWthsttset.sete d may decorum [was my M. M cut-dim no 6:57 Mr Valor tank 535 767-230 LARGE WINDOW. 59'sriy mth Mom side! and screen 5150 624-5ti82 1W3. - Mtln6sTtrttt dueler HIT 2557mm. 30.00sz Sill) lot set d A 337-0222 LAqhrttThTEit, has: ano Mel. gleam. mxes well $25 837.0222 used 530 8370222 FTrtWrro"tGiat9i, , 9337061 Pad 5150 astmg VS, 624- 1517 Gust 52000110 7635623 WEE. 5230 far IN um. 14'. 5 bolt $20 its 19