K-W Little Theatre's One Act Play Weekend offers a guide for the 'Modern Man' ey gvys! Ne you sick of the same old weekend routine - watching your favourite team lose ton 250 different satellite channels), watering the lawn (this Sunday is it your side of the Street‘s turn). or barbecuing your favourite prime cut to a car- bon crisp (trying to water the lawn and watch the game on 250 channels at the same time). Isn't it about time you stopped burning CDs off Napster into the wee hours of the night, or visiting one vacuous chat room to the next (Thee on One was a total cyberbus0. Sorry about your luck. pal. ___ _ Well, say no more. k-W Uttie Theatre's One Act Play Weekend has the perfect one far all your same-ole- routine blues The Modern Man's Guide to Theatre tea. tures Christopher Durang's 'Demity Crisis directed by Paul Woodward, Match Made in Heaven directed by Rick Females, and The Last Touchy-Feely Drama of the American Stage directed Rob Legend -?.' three men with a vision, and boy it's a dimmed one! Thing is, are you modern man enough to check it out at KWIT this weekend - with a date of course All of these directing men have picked plays that are surreal, absurdist comedies. "These plays are not absurdist in the classical sense," explains director Woodward, "but they all 1ooeatrealityandyankit90 degrees. We thought that Br Com mam mr the Ommlcle UESDAY , g HURSDAY g j T Cs, ATURDAY _ ijt,, l ', Hi ' . I m o t ‘3‘ "V '0"! 'FII 'ti.h" .. there mighttresomethingin this You have three people that independently pick three plays that havealot of similarities between them, and a possible theme. The choice of plays all came together at the same time. Tanya Fekk (left) as Jane Carrot and Melanie Young as Edith Fromage perform a scene from 'Dentity Crisis. one of the productions featured in tt-W Little Theatre One Act Play ARTS FOCUS One of the fallout: picked a play that's he wanted to do for quite a while about the same time I was reading through a book of Durang Nars.hhe other play camé almost at that time as well, and from that we came up WWW") with the theme that unites them." New York playwright Christopher Durang is crazy. His kaleidoscopic view of people is fascinating. like a comic book Bizarre "trid. Once you have been 'duranged' there is no tum- ing back. "Christopher Durang" laughs Woodward. "If there is a theme to Durang's plays. it is always looking at a uni- verse that is sort of turned onitsside.There is alwaysa central character for the audience to identify with, who is not in control of their universe at all "The central character also has tiaws, and is every bit as twisted as the rest of the world, but because the audience sees things looks-that mich more biz- m I think 'Dentity Crisis is rl? exeptiorrto, that we." The plot - Sweet lane Carrot f Tanya Feick J is recovering from a nervous breakdown. Mommee Edith homage ( Melanie Young , has a lot do with it. Her sex- pot brother (Derek Czajkowski , doesn't help matters. Eventually all plunge characters, and her psychiatrist, who has a few issues of his... er... her own to sort out. Sweet lane has no 'Dentity anymore. These days it's "I am me and sheisheandheismeand we are all together.-" A guy who always wants everyone together is Cupid. Match Made in Heaven by W. Brendon Waller is about a IhrPugttheireyrs,thewtsiid Continued on page " TheBlythRstivalbuntsirttosongwiththisrar's Canadian classic CtuelTearabyKhnMitrhel1 and HumphreyandtheDumptrucu1t's"tmmtryandwestem opem"asadaringymmgtsur*drherwooahisbms's daughtrrsmtytrthWtealousyandbetrayalmundthebend ofadang-oad.thititasdestaibedouel%arsair"an astsmisNngtheatsirasiesent'ihessittouresiarzmsOnada in1970anditwi0eequallytittmloustuhenBlyth'atasod- ateartisticdirectorEtic0tatrssaheDrawerBoylret6es thistoe-tappht'handusdtief-wringin'rnusiatl. uuelNtrsfeatusesartctaatMactorslsingessinduding Adrian 0mm Beverley Elliott (Booze Days in a Dry Cmmty), Middle Fisk (That Summer, Thirteen Hands), Maximum Ebetting OtristopherMorris IDeathof the Hired Man), Eric M and Adrienne Wilson (That Summer). MithaelTtMttr (Many Hands), Mf1aughtrm and GlestSoulispmvidethemuaictbrthisproductiom ThedesitntearnamsimofAganwiheeatsetandcos- tumedeaigner,anduuiseGyinandastightistgdesigner ChuelTusscttntirtuesthrougtrsepthTtrordertiderx call the Momma! 523-9300 or 1-4977-862-5384. Paradox Theatre Company has announced a sadirat departurehomitsfirstaeason. intmduringanewanistic teamandasmmgerfbcusonactortrainingandtheatre educationin2001-2002. Jtmnirerurrbett, 26, and KueThompsorrAdlem 29, will sharetheartistichehnthisyear,andarepromisingmore "theatrefbrtheadventumusmind",asweliasanewcourse wnimlumto be presented in partnership with Kitchener- Was-ion New "mextendedoursehesatittietoohrinourfirstsea- son," saidThompson-Adiems "andieamedalot inthe process Thisseason we're going to focus on developing the great talent that's here in kitdtester-Y%tedmx and bring that talent with us into a single production." tnthewmuisauniimsity-leyelActingShakrspeare coursetaughtbyThompson-Adihohaspestbrmedin overathisdoftheStakespeareantamon.Thecmsrseteill dernystitythelanguageandmsseofShakmpearethmugh aarefutanAsisanddtaracterstudy,andwil1beopento peopleages l4andupAddiu'onal sectionsandcoumes mtrytteaddedduringtheseason,depertdingonputotic intmeatMoretietai1swilutemadeavaiiatFhentiatesare HamletattheRegistryTheanehornNx8-23,am As well as regular evening performances. Paradox plans to add student matinees to the performance sched- ulethisyear. ortsteorttettandThomptmn-Adhessplantopre- sent an dying ap-teats Wop of W's Blyth Festival offers a great Canadian classic Paradox announces ‘radical departure' 2MKhirgSt.&,Water%o icumeriso1l!tio" l, 741-0770