New and used Items, bqurcir nun goons tylecircmtcs. clam m Lemar. widens hacks C3 S, wash a-e s-che: Clj s. wear: an: swam] meats ‘am Pest, Eggs bake 'atle. ite:," mean cans Curr" macs new was"; amd arrNues alt Iv 3er we rcol Come Satu- Jay and SLFGa-f Ce-5 261 Hespeer across M?" ttte YMCA A Camcnoge CASH “0W Payday loan 'ranctrse Eam $10001: _ $20.000 no! (norm Com plele lumkev Fun Ivayf'v'u; No "panama needed Ir vaslmenl New '94 meashnow ca You Imp l tt6ti-rr8-2996 The ideal candidate wuuld possess the following crlterm . Self mo6vated and well organized . Have relevant automotive technical knowledge. . Energetic and enjoy a fast paced work envirnmm-m I Customer oriented and display atruve average communication skills Regular work week to include Tues-Thurs. 3:30 pm to midnight Fridays 3:30 put to 10 Fm, Saturdays 9 a m to r, pm Above average wages and heuefits cummensumte with experience Plitse send resume & references to the attention of: Steve Zehr, Manager of Service and Parts Operations No Phone Calls Please w? Pam, “hum m SERVICE ADVISOR Grand River Flea Market Fund nu! huw PREN’SI lRE pt "NT THERAPY r art pnwihly when: yum pth-ms hv attemhrvg d Ct 'N1PLNENTARY Wt )RKSH( )P E------------.--------. (um) flnw r,vnrlr fig!†tum}: "vll assist yum hmlr lupin-nut: "Upfrll'l'd liv.tlth, "Addrrv tht. (junta 1m: II'Ir ‘vt-Iqllmm _ FREE - 2 week program Including Introduction to the Internet How to Search the Internet Conducting a Career Search with on-line Job Banks Writing and Posting an Electronic Resume Career, Employment and Skill Training Resources CLASSES Sum Up MONTHLY! Fore INFORMM’ION ON ENROLLING CALL: If you are unemployed 8 ready to return to work check us out. \NHEV: \NEUNESUAY [UlY I Ith fr: ill-Him p_nl wrmT _stl.lDupom fu: East. Sum- JIH. Waterloo "HELP MAY BE AVAILABLE! t9Pholls [running "r, EXTENDED HOURS SHIFT. 3131 King St. E., Kitchener m IM FAX (519) 148-9904 " w pm 3 [WM COMING EVENTS with Dr. Bryan Lawmm e. l).('. You Will team How In Find A Twat Prvssuw Points in: “W aluwr (nmhtinns Pressure Hunts J n- arr.“ of Stored Stress In] " m'rvr pathway. Has An Immediate Opening For A â€Am In In "r, 1...." " "4...!†mm] mun trt n. Huldm hm, Fallguv Nu k Pain. Alh'rgies Sinus or l‘hgt-sliu- pmhh-nu Kevpmg You Hum enjoying Lift-i A Jam! Venture Offered Through Navar- FWysourcerr [)p-quL-na'wm 19s Develcornertt Canada 'essr; urms m . W a n2 s Ca r 308 (51 Bl 836-7280 To Supervise Our OS" KOSH.“ and much mare" Crgorerys gently used :ycomg - AWESOME ONE DAY ONLY SALE _ Sunday Isle 8 12 not! until 3 00 L "T at me Fergus LEQIJW, 53:! ire T St {Bermd the L580. were Bla . St Andvews Sr: In: mir- NOW FRAN CHISING Fan'as‘.’ s’es Mama arprrMmys ' ham mg er, Foyallv ow ‘Ian mm lee Ir, ms m (Mam Emu-shed we? Btat*ot0 Cal IJJ77 3i?i? 2t53 280. were Bla . S: meets Andvewn Sr: "5am tc o!" sues Cash 0m,- 35215): \\rlllnxbm( mu. " , ARE WANTED: FULL {me t'g"ty mutlvaled Wgteosl must be a team player Send resume Ir.5 Box 626. The Guam Pte we. 650 Woodlawr Fear: lepr NIK IBE MACHINIST WITH Haven ral Bum; “In Ewerence he qu red CY well estabusreu magma»? snap In Ecmcoran AB permanent 935170? Tax resume T 78046154312 Mr tr, dlsnuss your eqal fCrr'CPArth and GIMME! your nn‘cns Cw! and Ctrttt1trat matters was Can Gram law 0mm t!i19tNiri1303 Member. lawyer Reloval Service N FREE m HOUR consuIIa rkoatol I~. my " "(In-mu! I Ju, xl Bum CAREER TBAININI mm or r'19rrm'st Ham-2v Wink guaramccu Poterha M an to S153 OOC Tea' No exoenence reqwre0, ml» rram No awn paymen' mm approved creat Ca; Man-Fr: 9-5a6fi"4r'79 1388e2r 5114.: " YOUR OWN BOSS Start a business uni" a we var ewe war Error slwgrl pan6mg Neede0 In: "me 'e "cepiromst ttsii Ime PO A _ pan Ime "men‘s! Ftephy to an: 626 Gui-mu Tucune 65C Wucalann Roam NM ‘88 DENIAL OFFICE MAKE EXTRA MONEY “'1'." "'W".." Work al mm mm; SSE-C: 2'ltr 5500::an m P11 in q m _ mm 3Nest cum or call 1 “a" 99mm"! ass-70.75539 PrP'? _ _ ' .FIIIII WEI." ELECTRICIINS . BURMAN 06m. labour/Assembly ' Fellows Group vequl'es ap [57-100va premises and Vance-1 .hec. App-y In nelson "mans tus cmrcw haw MumyFmdm El aroon0 Onla'no & lo the 9a m -3p m u S Ovemme anu cannon 29 0.1383“ St Sote 232 pat plus all expenses :nclunr Camoudge mg Iravel accommodation or lay vesne to 62-1788? Med Oahy allowance plus Ct apply k: Deny-Is Fax resume '11 mmnngplus corn $543144“ mlrmg Plus swing PERSONAL nous cums SAME BONDED awn SAME noun†RATE mun FRE6ESUUATE WE CLEAN YOUR WhW musEeARo “mass Lll' Matluo ' WU 21 Meyer Dr, Guelph . ENE Programming, Set-up 8. Operations . Conventional Machining . UP-Tn-DATE [INC MACHINES . HANDS ON TRAlNING -CWB Tickets . Welding Operators Certificate *** "14. serm4 . "an Pinanrinl ""1310an nun he nrailnblp In those who qualify For information an enrolling cull L-str, T \NDE?‘ _,,,.-... "t. _.'ir:'d',"'r a 1. iii..1k, 1519) 836-7280 ext. 619 JP MACHINE SKILLS TRAINING . pl Maver Dr Guelnh ll you Arc " uh» prutcssionol lmlklllg In “at": .I llmlllun “uh a nigu‘wxlul And plxlgrmxlw u-lllll’lullll'} um amp-r puhhshuty â€prune-n. ac nun luxe " Luv "pportumi) Inr )nu In wruu' .ln csIohhshcd Ic'rruory III stllv' "l the rcglnn'\ mou pimpmnu» markciplaccs Previous adsrrtising or telemarketing experience is a muxl. Supcnux uNumcr wn Irv and orgunvatwrtul sktlls are cswrutul Rcsporvnylucs m" mvhulc. prmnlmg .l high luv! ol unlumcr whim: and wks ~uppurl. umrdmallng and wllmsp (Lusllicd \pumlll} nigh. regular clusulinl adxertvvtrry and dIrectoricy, umrdmznc aod upaml promouonal “nodules mlhln the dcpdrlmcn’l and "reef ‘IE‘gTL'NVIHI grouih mmLm-vn». Haw sulary and mmmmn-n m un'll IN .1 comprelicmsiw hL-nclil [Lu My lexc wud )nur rcmmu IO Lynn Bartok Regional Classified Manager Fairway Group 240 Holiday Inn Drive. Units B & C Cambridge. ON N3C 3X4 Hm“. mad REQrlRE0 FOR A GRUI'I’ oF Qt Allry Cl HIMI'NI'I'Y NEWSPAPERS. ..I-.n. sun s-Treo, ..; a. l u,- .m- 'tr" n. MP x... i. Til-ram: I... n'? lrr l 2 GREAT TRADES TO CHOOSE FROM IPOS Da N Inside Classified Sales Representative VISIT OUR SHOP &, an; L CHECK os OUT 27mm CENTR m0 APPOINYMEIW mmssmr "l-----, f F min Mum: ' appreolrce wanted to! busy modern shag In Milton Drive Clean er asset ml n01 neg essaw Cap, Bram (1|le 875-‘522 LICENCEO MECHANIC and OHM W5 dummy-u can. unearth“ am 00mm ales ocunomov Sum" up (op. an Milling field) 05mm I Bacchus 06ml!†Shop Hand ot#eWrs 059m! .t4evy equipment COUNSELLOR TRAINING Mel-IMP a-ZC'edllen by PPSEC become a mates clonal counselor (hump th' campus m correspondence courses Free calalogue l. â€Lass-7w F or CatrxarqpsNttcrene, 1%teloo if syrir10 o.- rrro 'gh 120 Malcolm Rd. Units 10/11, Guelph WHEN} TRAINING WANTED! arm.» ENS“ CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE will» my iurrurr"rmrr F/tsu.- We mauve a m8tWattettte0 sell-miNrvated nan-3mm skkled m Minor Pumom9 glean-cal anc dry-mar ky our sluden! rental ponlouc We war campehlwe wages and nemle â€Outs Im the sub :essful candluale mm appalr mamas m fry; (me. pan (me an: contract work ile- mas required PWase new: resumes to Haney Really Inc an 116 Ed: Sueel, w Walerioc AVAILAB TRAVEL THE WORLD leaving Endish Thousands a! new no: Mmlhly' 5 any TE SOL anneal-on summer course are"? g weaken& being Wave :n K-Ichenev Hamilton g Niagara Falls Call 1-888-2d64) l? mm Gsmiartwstcsiam, Call MN 689-9812 munvpeasou “EEO! Expenenced body repair person tor busy Collision Centre, Fun umbody experience mandatory excellent wages and benefits, rotris HELP WANTED *** THE DRILL“ Packet ' Times Jon Oppommvy he Packet A Ilmes ' now " ceplmg Issumes lor the Dov small a Sensual Assgnmem Reporter Job Desciipbcn The Pactet a T "was As a small only newspaper with a lvaumum DI emoua‘ extel arcs- We ave looting la! a reporter Mir exrcerlent '"rN and photography skulls Can males must be maimed lc, work an even ‘gshlfl Chal- lmcamns he 3|an will be a courage or mwersrty granule mm preuous em penance as a manner Can, amazes Should be selrstarr ers mo are athe In: ploduce 9000 way my and mm» rarely A workmg knowledge of Adobe Pmlosmn Qua e Xpress and the meme! IS an asset A dtrvert licence and access lo a venue are required Howlo apply Send resumes and samples ol mark 10 Mark BISSEI Mam agmq Emmy. The Packet a Times 31 Cotborne SI E Danna Onlano LIN 114 Fax numbe' 705-W5-6033 ATTENTION ENTREPRE- NEURSMETWORK Mamet ers _ Hsicry proves xhal Ila-nears ot new category tuwpanies gel we miin"s share' Don't muss mus one' WM: pros erm mlhpu'A 9059mm ihTa TRAVEL. TEACH English Jon guaranleeu 5 Cay-$0 TCU' IJJ'; 18 22 Tcrcnxao TESOL Ieacper "iErrt'rcaticn muse lor an, cunesct mrecanadan9r:6ynet Fry Vee trd0reraivn DAEKEQE ca! lull Ives 1-Mr270 PW SUMMER LEARNING at 1 TL Wu'O-mg Imnroven 'ead "9 wnnng an mam skulls Freepackage 52mm Free Tuition’ Become current in computer knowledge For people who are unemployed or referred by OW In less than 5 months learn basrc to advanced skills T? 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Mmmu'" tv"'- res'men‘ $3 Arr, Ca l 57,1 3.458722 A GROWING COMPANY Feeds new _ trrse mm Work trom yum TCCP Compute an asset Ea'n SEED _ SSCEC‘ p 1-H per mantr- mm wan?" :-:m ‘-858~ 215-2440 AHBHIOUS PEOPLE wander: Io mat oupawahleis 'rcm hams- Exrellem earno9 polerha Sena S A S E Pot We “wrath Mantel r; 2372 ttmge 5L, :9. Torr)" :.: 0N " 2EE ATTENTION! ACCESS lo a iomDU‘e'7 Work al Name an me S50C, _ S'50tL'dmo WT SFiy'y)s F T wave mimic negrwne Com '-800-39i?. 6888 ATTENTION! WORK mm 500 Company needs "N Eam 5530582011 arm ugmo pl." 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Fol a career m names“ IQ my nr seroo and Ire mommy lc want me ulnar If? new Call Jane al AOL 749-0313 Cict husincss [mining munching and “mutual support while you start Vim wwwdiEBpropram com or xxx-(m: or call l-KlMIJNT'JI‘JKZ lor more Inlnnnulmn Program sponsored by Human Rcmun’m Dcwclupmcnl Canada SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Do you enjoy childlen, nke lo dim. willing to work 3-4 hours per day? Why not drive a school bus? Aw Coach Lines will provide in-bus "Dining. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! 747- 1230 $t.00VS WEEKLY the Lazy Way' Uma mohlable 1. 9-31-35 psych-L Gamma e'onca. emg's Famous tel- ewm execmvas tever maneymakmg ‘s-Ectels" Free took' Call 24st 1-800- 7717mm. Ext 420 at my mum 9Cr3secrets com ATTENTION: NEED one“ wen-:11 Hecate vc use 2-343: ms Earn arcane"! new? as; was»: trs ms ssmme" Ca may HOS/3453252 CASH-M - CASH OUT DON'T CALL when tcs oanl ry earr SNL' momum parl~lwe I'cm "me Crt 513-5932“! mm “cm? mammal Calm Peps, Hayes: M8 td el-: He'll mince venues tr' you' aea Nu se'hng FT, P T We lr'.tSCment S13.980 1-888-57tris7E 24hrs', Memner M: at am D 8 (I Prctirs Work mm nar'e Fey Inge delaus saw s A s E In Freeoom ENE:- cases P 0 Box 42030 Caneslcga PO 5511 Keri; SI N T Waterloo. 0N NEL 6K5 NOMEWOHKERS NEED- El!!! Assemoleng our Ivo- ducls _ MmlrngiPrccessrnq cur C [culars T coprmomg PC ask c'yglam Pee My "awn send S A S E " Cratrs 3111: new St Oepavvmenl 331 Concord Drum Lak 'Y? FIRE YOUR BCS:; Wan a' home mun? S2130} . PT t 87? man: www '23er NOHEWDRKERS WANTED $529 27 weakly Paces; marl or assemole products ax home M'6J03 5655 24 " meshqe www My'ree Hamel o. mm Co-some- 5335 Yonge 3' I251†it tannin ON WV 124 WORK FROM HOME Him- EXTRA INCOME Huge an: Nutnt an I"duw'.. 5503 Sr'00 P " 5iTtre Sris'.r" F T IVE-3713 .I‘ "am n3 pro-oer: A“. Ice 766-9884 _