Waterloo Public Library Digital Collections

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Jul 2001, p. 24

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g owns Funmruni em: _ lane and miles (we who T, male $200 65}8452 ‘5 SUPER sums qatet mad- ; as! ream unev anu mam ii stat S20 8222398 o ADJUSIABLE heavy aunt cc mime sen Mammary E 837-3806 . CIICKEN LAM. in? meets a ted am: wane 53 SC ‘a Sa - am 623 812? f, A PAIR beaumm owes $'T 5 MI! E23-8127 ts 11' " nun-mu m g S200 763-2903 OLD AUDI 14" "ms $25 'f, eadt 76b2908 Ia 'atyAtFtfa9E" $7811 Bir5 3 22mm QUEEN 5le bed frame 55 22Gui30 as CAVALIER wagon 5500.: ON! 65T6167 1 - SEASON TICKET to Canadas Wonae-vanu 590 7102245 FREEZER 12 cu ll, veal goon $95 324-0603 WOODS CHEST freeze, IF, cult one: model thy real good 565 52mm mr POODLE 3 was oltl all shas. house named. Mule lemme $350 82'-3997 TYPEWHITEN. Brother (mum: IGXGGGC‘. correc- lrcrnc mm trite? pert, an :arman $30 822ti44 HECUMIIG couch anu than" musl sell heme July 15 $200 TAKE-15!? alter S p m 2 _ BEAUTIFUL 4mg roam lamps 5 minus ae $85: nan 829-1666 LAPTOP Toshoa, Pertum 00.126 ' hamme mm 'aw mcdern. mmewh card. BM98.tybce 2000 826-533? COMPUTER 286 At {Jammie phnler IS' "7va In! and my: Make an elm 621-361E ”CROWAVE $50 my 6303 NOTPLATE 533 ?43-6333 KENMORE washer and Gwen heavy Duly $Wa2 pan N+5568 BREAD MACHINE 4 years yo 548 6203453 ucuuui - - - rim/er MicttyMrimtyl system 540 6233453 unis It' WE. SEEK» 9-153 CORDLESS speaker phone wt ullum-naled mums, 20e cab' name msuay. was: mag, nter'com spare banerv 5153 74143202 PSYCHIC ONE Amswers m1! {mm-w. M'anl‘a Pvar arm ya Iuatr'p ms-gr'ful hem law- My,“ Creel Rena xnnstucs Lemma Arvee. F'vonmv l 08!". AS! 9607 St Wham w. XV? ’ . _ i» {t , Pi. v'iaiWtit.i',t, name display can naming Gleam m emu Mtce new 3175 FM 8202 SPACE MAYER SOWOBYU S80 82341412 COLONIAL SWLE tom case mama'u a: mum mtg T orawev dresser an 'tatt 52013: Dem 653 'Jvi UTILITY TRAILER w M mes 6, gowcor‘dlmn $258 BZVQGSS HOOKED 0N PNONICS 5'00 6234397 evenmgs MINE DESK, smalle' sue 5234397 eveon9s years an $65 62fixyia WHITE NICK!!! lumen table "Juno w! glass lop St0c 3270292 2 - GREEN; BLUE mum in!) mans $25 each 82743292 SMALL TRICYCLE ook $5 537-3996 LITILE TtKES mlanl swung cums: " 837-3906 SOFA BED 560 623-3742 6 WEEK OLD Shepar& Border coma cross pup $40 623-6245 COFFEE TIME and 2 Mar lar chaus mule and yellow $60 826-9699 FOLDING EIERCISE Duke new m box 575 76,3-7948 'ummm 510m door, 3t x 80 $50 821-r16? BELL CYBDLM 3000 can EntTtrrthilCtCEttt -uu, white as glass dams $75 327-0292 T SAHCK ACOUSTIC guuav In: case like new 511-3135- 7‘63 PERENNIAL'S uleedmg MMS "5 ans yellow day lilies $2 Each 8373336 mummraugggusr w 3 2t" COLOUR IV $511 T4C- 1‘62 KIDS REEBOK SCtCPt 6935.5:193 new $15 IMO, "62 KARATE UNIFORM am: vo- 18¢!va- eqwmenl, Us 5 lo 13 yearolus SSE “(I-”162 WEB TV PLUS unlemel or mm N. send, recewe ernad, boil-m 9mm port, 56k "may! 5200 62279922 ELECIRIC TYPEWRITER 5mm Corona X04603, Spell we mplvcnam memory ' exam unions and dasy was $100 322-16'5 WEED“: BhWpV Mite beaotths, ‘ong Iram head piece and ounwelpl bowels Scam and weaned Pam S’ZCO ashngSZOC 650-9839 PSYCHIC SPIRITUAL C m 2 mnu'e tree readlm; Spm' ual counserN on ova wa' Nags tmsrnesh County-1 wormed rived answers' We (an enluj'wle" and gun)? io. mlh one :m In" Free ' 866 348 '89t a: , RM. 14?! 1892 Wilh'HK‘ USED DOORS ethtcatrtmai, ’eugnous meow an Freon: $20 522 HUS LARGE DOG CRATE up nay S?) 82d 16% LOVES!“ me "cw $125 621 5538 31mm CMUIOII men 575 636536 - OR DISPLAY Holes $Hieasm EZLSSJG UTILITY YEMEN Stfe' x 6, steel was mood mom. 8" 'tneels. no sway on mgn- way $350 6580216 ESORTED‘WL ae-o Mm new mom 6534595 FISHER PRICE hug?! mam “sea 6 mums $30 821??1? EVENFLO exevsaucev S35 823-77?? LARGE CHERRY wee. you ml and take wood 520 885- 4979 CHEST FREEZER. Kenmore $50 623-9699tx BEA-88?? EXTENSION may $25 523 9699 01 624-887? IREADMILL Mama‘ w‘ electomc speed, mslance am my control $95 82C m4 CERAMIC KILM 06 ex"; exievvsams 51513 A48-491t KITCHEN TABLE ser 575 780-144! EN'IERI'AINMENT center tti) 73mm PLUMBERS TORCH w: " B-tant Dame $90 714415 CANON SWIVEL base wt mull: ant-n9 ky any duwrmiy 921 $75 744.4405 NEW NOIORMDU‘IH my Paris" askmg$8 8222398 2 - HALOGEN Iloov Iamos SID 837-8284 2 _ END TABLES glass top 525 3313284 ' BIRD CAGE wl slam]. black 350 62171976 BOYS VETA We 'anng Ntl. met " MM-4225 cums»: was mu lengn diflevenv lypes All 'or $40 8844225 LARGE PAIL OF concrete wedges tor opslroc1tryy ol ‘umdauon mans S30. KM- 4225 GAS MOTOR. 12 Game Fsstoer, bracket wgun! Var canoe S250 8946613 Linc: 'citvsnL - man?» her amp wt sumo base 5400 6514595 GARDEN TRACTOR Wr mm- and 4 (Sade annque S50 39445613 WORRIED ABOUV a Dv'\<\ no (”gr-am]? Bunny-[7| or P", "as momma FPS? " oracrrral 'elp S79 ms . 4C CANADIAN Man women careeelace mask $130 MF 3691 leave msg MOUNTAIN BIKE. boys VB Smell 19'trarm 24'vmeets stand renews qeteyet and mac; 555 6533535 HALEGH JR. mounlaln nuke 16'Mleels 12'lrames sungIe speed mot common $25 W385 PICK N PLAV Grace my yard as txegtnette men 575 3270954 BABY SWING Grace ogen too battery operated, 6 speed $75 8216354 SUPER sauces, Evenllo, excellent condition $50 82F0954 COTTAGE DRAPES, wash able coarse beige slnpe. Wed lap. needs cleanmg. 201 il and 20 198‘ SP, 3865939 LARGE BEAT" mange Janey, Mule enamer case 5100 58675339 ELECTRIC mm) 1932. works well $50 883Otgl FRIDGE mo STOVE. vs Donavon St75 each 82" machine m cam-sex $125 824-7933 {@ch TyfWE11 gang, '77 'oT60r"t'aerirycre Mes. sdeer and way $50 each 8247933 COUNTER TOP IO wi our the Sink. laps. etc you lake any $.75 8868838 um 0mm Warm w "tr deluxe made sleellwusr. lime rack 8250 hm 8235595 WANTED gas operated my pet supper or gas Inmmer, @0060"me 76617753 WANTED Fund may luv meat am Waves. must work 744-0819 WANTED tyiecmc operated hedge Inmev, swan or men» um 7667759 WIN/fa} leak Basie ird chars 83friri88 NAMED Canon AEt 9003 cow-non veasananlv pnced 823-5664 WANTED insulators, all: lays, marbles, max bones ad page ew, ham WI Ball or Beam 655-8260 WANTED someone lo we small lied 'mm Mom Bay In Guelph are m: pay $25 82} ()237 WANTED tree used 2 I As 6N-?liil mum: m soho wood or ours-De door 621 2161 WANTED 4 wroorrl "or van- cov- Nye brackets 624 2t 61 NAMED enoromer'laly lnendly push mower my gas otod 83043311 WMYED German WWII mull raryllems SDIIVPHIFS “elven etc "23691 emu) "M WANTED musl be w 8284 WAN! ED WAHIED mow nu we 'vav'prymp m qcorl Wan» an ass 1 NINTH} M [WW (at m Farm! 82" P855 WANTED an my mm!“ a Onesl ‘m a war Ne, 836- b95,9 WANTED small N sawllu'v dlsh any Malta #11:"qu nnl ~le mussanhw Pu R?O? n too have any at these Items and wank: hue to sell mam f. make one my phone all and my no the selling W m . . Cnma camel . comer cupboard 'qtqtr8qtt. . magazine mu! . wasnstanas 9- -- . sc% rgble I unable or queen bed can 5:9: Avg at WW . mo " (We . small desk I519) 1124333 - Create {ration Home 7 without spending a fortune! [Do in CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE naiu'a' gas bbq gum shape 837, ITEMS WANTED ITEMS FOR SALI COUNTER. Heme“ Packard, 0km, good order 510:- 824-7933 0 AMA MEAL slaves sys- fem, new In box '00 watt total output. mum amp, 3 cu changer, dual tasselle arMm lunar, 2 way speakers $499 399761 AIIIFII STEREO. cassette B track w: l tape, comma speakers. EO, do“ w1 alarm SITO 8953761 KWCHEII TABLE 54 x 36. 18' leaf $t60 894-9761 ttho CAGE me' accessmes Silo 6502326 IS“ CHAIN SAW. Benchmark. 38:: an opera 10's manual $98 8854227 Ieavemsg c. CFIIB “ANNESSES $5 and 510 826-7403 ORANGE AND chocolate "unis $2 $52388 §OiJARE triECwaFiiyirte" 134m 15 515 5214798 TItttED GLASS must 30 g 59 $50 621-1793 HEW “Wilma mm SHALL'HAIELNUT Me Sk' 8 36-2388 COlLEgTWLE amwaphed Robe”. Baleman urge" mime Dnm bot# 5125 742-3591 eave msg puny. $1298 525 6214793 SMALL STOVE: mm! sell Best War 324-7218 BED FRAME double. wood Mus: sey IR4-7218 SCREEN 000R mm 0999". MIKE 32 I 80. all hardware 5125 725-9916 WANTED nicer Incense plates pie-V960 or 1mm uthel mammzes arm states 658. 6883 WANTED BM)! we r gym. and] common Call Wesiun 40-0773 WANIED pans lor 91 Shadow wnosmeid as mm} elc 7503219 or 8 WANTED canvas. my! and i',1i',irWd, moan camper "BM! 7 412'ch 831-3806 WANTED We staM to hold 6 Dukes “$688.7 WANTED sand pirM shares and Dresswe Imam! lumber E23472! WANTED antique goo lame and related news 55-4935 WANTED carpet mag; cleaner nea 0.: _ 90 condemn 'tian/hh; WANTED sleel crummy. (1PWerTStee, does"! need 70 be sanded 6246730 MNTTD my? Mme Cibatts mo Stanley cups, any year 65t-64W, WANTED tent and camping gear yams WANTED unlam He lackel WI" pay up In SIC 6201853" NINTH) Key/Imam svard 740‘266 WANTED MH gents 82y "t57 vecmauon and 'elaxalmn al "s leer" From charms to ‘muv'ous mounlam vacaI-on homes fremolam Sunslar's \oanuous I to 5 bemoan! wandenms feature Mt he rrwlrm you expect o a Me 'n|;""’y tTome Most Pry" amass m pool and tteach l goo PU 8736 wwwvvem Arwmnstar no" YREMBLANT: SUUIIER Meet Mag: and Rim at K-W's Mime wasignmenl ”new: have on admit (awn (from antique to modem) of Mr? sets bedroom sets, toffee and an Mares, desks credenms, (hairs, i0G's/Tiia, lumps, rugs, pictures, minors and much MON. timeléss furniture HEW 2, ypu BBQ S35 ”64872 2 _ REC ROOM chants $20 each 83513679 LEATHER "amor, new $125 385-6679 IAfERNIYV CLOTHES smart. casual, gimme! tops tank lacs, mum's etc Most $30 and was! 884-8018 SOFA HIDE A BED, Camel we.» w“ tnt gay swam pal- tern 5160 6238158 NEW 25 CHANNEL. 2 kms cordless phone. no" w Iot- Ievy Best mm am Sun 725-2355 10K GOLD CHAN "r w: cmcmx $60 125-2355 ALUIIIUII DOOR, Known. 311:2 I 81-12, '98 ham! mnge S30 321-7355 ALWIIUIA pane dam $45 650-3884 _ as" INTERIOR Mom doc! 510 821-7666 DOUBLE STROLLEB 3‘00 651-0427 GOLD STOVE $85 65143127 orertm IABLE and 4 WERNER $150 623Mt43 , - BACKSTHEET Buys Nk ers. ACC, sec 304 Sammy July 29. $200 a n o M6-8564 leave my FIREPLICE. Gleystme eleclnc $75 7635839 COFFEE AND END talhes. Pass mp black and brass legs $30 7635839 IMPLANE w: remote con- " $50 8372794 to os GALLON aulmard mole! gas tank S30 622- 8238 My 9 30 p m BABY CHANGE lame. sol-u wind all nammg nmdeo‘ S35. 74084303 GRACO PLAYPEN Pack _ day wely used $50 62t', GRACO wen lop Sam-g a speed exieuem cmlm $90 NOT-73 YOUNG “ENS black sun Dougm at Stas Menswear. size 36 lackel 29 pants and tuxedo star. mmonce 575 62H!“ am To Buy Low av sci dawn Your avea loveclosed wanes. salzures tar sales vepos & bankruplmes Fr, unsung and iwlstop for tme 71920893891 an tyr11 HANEV REALTY me. speoalerrg m Wale mo 5 unr versity w campus housing I' you are looking to buy or serl a sr.uderl property, " may Ream 15 m "Ertucate0 Chauce' Realm! i519WIM. 7888. m hamquhy Dom STUDENT RENTALS . Great houses, good Inca tons. Crxy Landiorm' Swyles and groups welcome 46 HI V. mhmeypm com noon FOR RENT -n Kath (Emma's Home: Condom-mum sleeps law Everrth ng there uznu'es ham tysney Word he” able SIOOv'wewk Canadian .";!9':?63 T.M Gd, orjorarwesmosm area 510000 unreal Cah 5713208 REAL ESIATI t50tetiRhtElerirs ‘5ng "ss:) 75mm MENS Ill SPEED mung rake goodcmm $50 749-8237 "RIFLE DRESSER cream w: brass or handles new summer 3100 621-149! FINE REPRODUCTION dry smk SIX] 8244207 DRESSER. 6 drawer wi mun rot $65 Call between land 7 pm oolr.746-ir79 COFFEE "ELEM-1e con- [empalary sttte square Sim 621-1494 r PIECE mm set Pan) 5620 aslung $120 622-8238 after 9 ao p m SYIOLLER Grace $30 7660538 HUuNGBIND ICE Mable tistt lndeL mp ot the be $175 821 " BOOK new, Secret ot ma Indians $3 6239062 BOOK new Catch me Once, Catch me Truce $4 623. BOOKS, new Nancy Dion names, as 13 SI " mt my. remalqeabie Pad 590 mm 540 743-5095 3 - “HES Mchelln J 85075816 excellent cm maavinge E SSS MAS-2365 JVC COMPACT IMS can coral 18 power manual, T cotauvLCD screen MI range auto locus. halogen vndso Mg“. m. needs m m 3100 8962965 JVC NC POWER answer 23111 a $20 In: all 3 623 $AA-VttU, 6 wall curate" NIMh vemargeanle Danevy. 6 mm 0pm memory tree NAM recha'geaue battery All ity $175 8%2965 2 - BI-FOLD DOORS $45 eam 8225815 FLOOR LAMP w: Irma laws Madmen! $55 822-8815 RCA FLOOR model ram record playe' 1909 5285 322-6815 mini" cm SEAT, 5 lo 29 tbs. Erermo. we canopy $20 823-9168 WASHER! DRYER. aim mentsue 5245 821-2931 LEITHER JACKEI. like new sue at} 575 him no 8953 COUCH AND CHAIR match CN. famdy mm: srtte 8'50 7108953 [WEEWKE 55mm. i-kr: mm 520 Ntr8953 POND FISH abrm, camels and m, thflttenr colours and sue $2 In 3 each 448- 4911 DOG CAGE. medium sue .. SZOlllm 62.43785 WFWG¥G hséd once 530 Mn 624-0785 DOG CAGE, see M Meet ovens an mm ends 535 623-2376 - LARGE DOG ‘ARNER Pale $113 asking best one! 650, GREAT HOUSES! Good Lo canons' Cod Landlms‘ Nor venting smuenl hugging ior September' Ctse tc, hum umversvhes' "E-1411 a! mu» Haney/PM com INNEEIFIVE bedrooms student plopemes Sept l $325 $350 per Torn One year lease 579903 CRMMAL RECORD? Par don permanently sears a cmmnal record and mamas Ihe castings Warver anon you to legally smev me US Free "WWW booklet Call 1%0066’ 5554 mm mm» sewmewmda row LAKEFROMT COTTAGE Fry renl on Lake Huron mm- nl Guam-w Good {warn swarm-mg supple0 Manama week a! Augusl 26 and September 2 Prone Kay B93-460? FREE CLASSIFIEDS . THE BEST DEAL IN THE REGION! Gleam shaver - SM 91073er $125 82TBt15 cam I15 I 15. mst rose 575 82-4556 SPAM IBIS my“ hand " duos and bag. used 3 lanes $250 um alter Thursday 3214953 GOLF HILLS $3t dozen 821-1963 any Thursday UTILITY TRAILER 5 I 6 $200 8234974 PLAVPEN low In mute, like new 540 38445670 DINEITE ova! lame wl ezlensvon, 4 beige chews 595 8846670 BOOKS. Centers Ctr,' VN l 1010 S15, -tyi70 ROOF RACE Val Ford Ranger 3200 821-2277 GIRLS BIKE Hi' I rear on $40 821-1565 GRACO BABY SWING Tsar (an! operaled use new 375 (am-75% MOSH JELFLEI Me seal never used Pan? $50 aslmg $25 821~7555 DOUBLE STROLLER. used 1 sum $70 843-3203 E3tTERNAL vowel tax truism. n box 310 843- CREE? FREEZER large loan and mm welt S90 IKM. NIKON FE 0R Fl mom um: $225000 823-8115 ITEM! BUMPER fdrmd Rangeuwu S150 821-2277 Kevin W, txhAte lass silo er, 39 x 62 $40 T67-3'34 after 5 p m accessms 520 ES'-3416 DTRY DEW Isokerinate vac uurn.exct9trtCtrdttron Mio 826-5993 STAND-UP FREEZER Mio 526-992d u - RESOURCE BOOKS HIRE T carats m-a/Fin-emo' 634231 ttgre 19' " mm; sto 624-023! FREE GERBELS to good name 6229453 Kewh 4 -ALUIIIUI RIMS for Ford Range: Surg 821227? FREE trgawage rusty 55:7 needs palm tot) 761~M42 FREE sungle box smug on let; and mattress. you [act up 757-1442 CALL ME! Pele s Inlenm JM HETHERiNGr0N we Extenor Eavesvoug'e Quality Homes meaning, mate Venus PV Custom II s cane"! mes Local carl STr Addilious 0t95 mama... "mm-u... tgill? we»; I l,stte,l't,l'lstt,i,i,il movement, was. clan etc All tor 560 5240231 BUDGIE AND CAGE w EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady available Frlaavs . Lu ttrotxv1Jowersttr' area Mon. dayimesdav _ Budgepmls Em St am Cat 570-066r MORE SERVICE, Same day repa-r to all M1995 stoves washers, dryers. mums dishwashevs, ha waler heal em SIS sew“ call Guar armed “21388 aniline GAMBLE HEATING t Air Condilioning Central an Irom $1399 insulin Furnace deanlng, central an 0:23an 8 Stamp $19 95 each Gas 01mg, 880 mes Vumace A sheet metal 520-3171 5724179 cat, Semng Canbndge & area lor we! 25 years Cream"! Custom woodworking CunDoams marines shew- mg wall un Is 8 mm work Call Harry DUMFRIES CUSTOM 521-4102 HOME IMPROVEMEM we Bis-2128 " CAVAUER SE 2 com 5mm. whim cum-m 95000 km. pone! ms. cas sette no at: $5000 DOC mF1203 leave my; KrTctert IABLE, A mans 2yrsarsoet 8450 7403252 BOAT II as up. Emnruoe indium $800 6240370 DINING noon TABLE, 6 charm and Man use 6221 ave: Ali CONDITIOPER 92,003 BTU, Damn. used 1 season Mm 8218026 FREE PREVIOOD‘ ya: me down trees and vemoue 623- FREE Kenmore mash-3' dryer and buit-in slave Mule Tits! We El 3 76667! as; In good home temat cal I yea: raed shots undated 62l-2976 FREE (3ng lull sum you WANTED upnyxl acousit pane meter Newman" 12t Mason ' Rict, VIII pay up 10 51.000, when makes wall be consumed 822M282 ”NEG! many new pans we“ maintained. semheo mums 52000 8iyi-5849 Nash ”CHARYSBOOOD 0 B247 " an SIS extended can an cap $500 sums KRACO ”Russ Dam! FOLDING WALLPAPER lathe Siva-gm edged mum} ed saw 2201630 90 DODGE CARAVAN, 7 seats: many new pans SL000 Fem 2201630 U? CHHVSLER LEBANON coupe. excellent body am: mlemr. driven dairy neeas some mow work o! 9000 tor pans as ' $600 763-1985 WIS ROOM SUITE coun- lry style sofa bed We sear than 1 yea! BIO, Pam 52 2x34: askmg $12M; MUST SEE FINE _ HWVEST tame antique boards. 36 I tr. ham: made 856-2800 alley 6-3-3 pm CART " may: nose, whee- spnng snail $450 62mm BRA FOR 95 Lumma car $50 5535190 5' BOE LINER kn Chevy Shannon pickup. BB and at! S80, 763-5548 DAKOTA box Hner. 92 lo 200(- 580 7636548 sprayer c3955! - Pm w: 50 nose and lips $999 220- We can help Touch switch» es sockets was. malever Is wrong we repalr them a ELM-Imus; m Hes peter Roa0irbgnway 21 Cambridge mes-ac Essa: (h;ertMrWertt06Frs5 " 1G9sat105sun'Q4 movmq, baseyems. arms garage owned, wM washing. oodums Carle-thm,' 88bil831 PROMIMDYIIAII Catww I m mm D00! 1513mm, rep-vs new Dons Quality workmanship & velerences Call 8856445 RUBBISN amour. mn- " Lawn work cleanups renovatoris. pamlmg, \vec shrub VBMOVBI or pianmg Jam 5715,97 LAMP REPAIRS LAHNS) 'loTr0oolG' ALLSORIS 0F SERVIC~ (summed. Call Consumer Crethr New" I" um "1'le mam“ We can ia your bad Clem Cullom Nouns Addilians cm mom M9.62bg269 STOP 1 -8004166-3258

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