tlata-tfled CLASSIFICATIONS . businesses for sale . open houses . properties wanted . lots. acreage . commercial! industrial . omceiretaili storage . vacation properties . shared accommu dation . accommodation wanted . townhouuv'c0ndos . houses for rent q apartments for rent . furnished suites . music instruction . tutoring classes . career training . personals . lenders . birth; . childcare wanted . childcare avallahk- . arrnunling . taxes K finanr" . computer wrm m . mungagcx, Kraus. on Z'IEUTHII: hmllng . plumbing . panning: and . Fire Fmoca independence 'For Tas Mnumlzanm I For 1rmnyrffurrtiry Let's may tar again: decorating. m hound»! PM: PAP Ws weasy and FREE'. Uri ml ol that hm or that old than hm have the following min 1mm drsrnpnun ot “rm. pnu' and phone number. in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES NLO' INCUJDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE. ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILD- CARE OR BUSINESS ADS. _ Terms I: Conditions: Both Hilil: and $7 Al 1h (an he placed 24 HOURS, a day, 7 days a week. Reach [00.000 homes and over 200.000 poierr lial readers. Your ad will be seen in thc t inclph l'rihune. Cambridge limes and WaterlooChronicle. This, service applies in private party ads only. (1 ITEM FEB Alt - UMLr 3 ADS FEE WEEK [PER 1tQUMiN1L_l2r We reserve the right In delermint' it you] ad is a prn'nle puny ad. Deadlines up In Friduyat 4110mm prior [om-x1 week's editions. This otter sublet-l luchange. Have you encountered problems plating your FREE ads in the Classified Marketplace? Did you remember to call before the deadline of Friday, 4 pam? Did you remember to leave your phone number and price of the article? Did you limit the item description to 20 words or less? Did you limit the number of items you're selling to 3 or less? K you've followed these procedures then you should not experience any difficulties placing your FREE ad in the Ctassitied Marketplace. Selling or Buying merchandise UNDER $250? REGAL CAPITAL PWBERS I53 Union Sit E Human. Ortt smsunzz (El. 21" call mit-thtm 2856313 1. mu CAN mm a camper Ct $29 OCIrnonm‘ No “one? new no vaymenls uny' Seplem'oer 230V 883 MHz we :3mwev cure 'eam- A"; apply ww ce 3 a C wms1tnacka0aycom Ca, L 885355-552? AWAY PRODUCTS New IT Van? £051 Inner min your a swallow? Cal 6223364 BECK IMIANCE We buy are sel', used an- puances We also specuat " m Iasi. moivsmcna‘ seMce 1-3 all makes cd app-axes 742M081 , Fave seue‘al Thousand gym a! “an S'.asnmaster and lar, Mir/v Lame! Wm do nun-g-cu" ano rml tce S389 Prtyyt.yo:ies Carpal pad and osWitton '30 sq rats" Can Steve ERE- 7387 CORE To Trmeess Mater- als Por av dryer) mmtle' Pre senry we have m slack Wat's! sawr: [ed can 'rom f?" 10 S" ntc-z Ash dba ny' 10 4' much Frrss and sectme. Com"(1r' pine 2'IE‘NE Cust-w Mtvng avalame r." stle JCS Newman ' Walevloo 883-e.7'r.r wccd Giulia pe0esrailaNe 6 ram: care0 than mm. SV, Ex mum"; a-d p-cqram to" mm tad D sun-ml Pies F: all css Proqrammoq Equip menl DINING SUIIE, sum? '9'", DSSCANUCK COM SAVE SAWMILL $1.995 all New Super Lumm-maw law any†capa". ttss; mop vi". wins Nnrwcm 'r'oustuer. mam'aclnmn of Sanmnlg Mai-rs and sttd0prs Free mhprrrraton l RI?! Magma DIV PIT-WC L-ulle' Nee n crale CARPET semi-re 542C J"""',' "W' a (a “a A .t-' w: "W" ~~ "_qitr' T,' 'a'"'-.,, i' 'sb'. " il ll 'I 2% Tli'"'"!,' 't bf, '., J% atb, ‘ . v i syir cl Jf. _il,i' :w $1 _ , T' " . " E f), c)), A; t: . , 1' ik, 'i? :t,: __'! E l MARKH‘PLACE MI CONDITIONER 12-5-30 BTU, surgle p"ase, 240 volt. mndcw style SUI} mi-9fri', AIR CONDITIONER 5302 BTU WE'lOF‘IaL SC", 2P0 34%? AIR CONDITIONER 5000 BTU 8‘70 F4346“ MI CONDITIONER 1XO? it, rules a mums an w some warm-w SW', Tbs-HES BTU‘wmuow style. Sears 5225 88573975 AIR CONDITIONER 5000 BTU Sl30 336-2791 AIR commoner: “mom. 'srre $75 623-9153 Atrt CONDITIONER V3603 BTU. Kerr-3m $225 Bit 8553 AIR CONDITIONER 53-30 am 5125 65868“ AIFI CONDITIONER 8-330 BTU SIRE 652i-@rl Mt CONDITIONER Tiyyg BTU S250 658-683f AIR CONDITIONER 8630 BTO mnzcma‘ new $t95 E2145.†AIR CONDITIONER “was MR CONDITIONER l 203C Mt CONDm0NER ZCHIC-Q BV! SSE-W Pi3-8115 AIR CONDtT10hER m“: em V Gran Edi?“ Mn CHEST FREEZER $201] $95 2940 FRIDGE 'rcojee ‘R "w." Si cc, 7-17: 7817' GE WISWERL DRYER Vii SIC-Iv BTO $225 322365 in: CONDITIONER rm am am: DRYER 4“"va w» Sr"rc BRA H‘s WASHER/ DRYER v.01 CM trr't wry ttncr.' “an-1hr" S245 nzamm 30" STOVE $1"va but 2 w; FRIDGE 52’": ESE! 294'? " MONA! STOVE MW em puma-n hz-nnn'a Sears S2Cf Ji6tr95.5 IMGLIS WASHER ttrs MICROWAVE Quinn]! 3:179 MICROWAVE Dam Past m mm " EUR!†arm trunrh‘ur-n 55C (irq my. o m. 55:: 834m :1 H’ TT,, . rr r'rlw '7 1 lr _ v-rt" I â€m.“ LCAMBRJDGE TIMES! l GueiphTBIEUNE I jWATERIbo CHRONICLE! " sen m C lassified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! Reach over 107,000 httmttttl Fare mgr» may. Ea'ons. harm: worn $150 3239263 2- SWEmekevs ughxtwam to: $250M 58-13551 OUI’DOOH PM? slrucruve pressure Irealeu mic-:1 2 slow]. a! shde lander elc S350 822739? POKEMON BLUE gameoov game 540 8374H34 GAS FURNACE Clare, mgh MENS BLUE BLAZER. XL gummy men went. 70 ay, BTU in 'Amurn, wen! we we carvers“; plug $200 an t: 83.10481 LIL FOLKS whole can and mamas $120 823-2222 JOLLY JUMPER islmxxe' blue, goon can-34mm 540 823-2222 EVENFtO Exersaucer Pos SM: 823-2222 WEDDING DRESS, 5-1-3 IO, 'rrer'w'rcat't new "ask“ yeu'det, brim? lines Poe" new; Imes needs new warn 353:. 537925- 60 GALLON Cascade Inglis Hem; MW Mater w‘ sin' Kei, used wr- son oale' only " ww SW}? 622 6686 ENGINE HOST tame arhuMaye 7n whet- '» 2 "an raparzrv $rfF E22 ixEdE LOVESEAI and 'uaxrmr-‘d Mm lam-s tall†rablv am arms M ‘m S'O", EN EN. STEEL CABINET cr .,A<W"» atdis arnrnat0 mp Vim/1n 0m ane In.“ M x in†r W 12 56% "MFR“ LAWNBOV MOWER 2r a whim ‘shm sleeve 6 ‘ram bead and SEQUIN new? 1eom Pan} F' 20C ask-m; $400 826, 3- CO STEREO w speakers 52% 82605“ NEW SAMSUNG Z com cam ma Tt ha se 1F,3-56rCt4 PiWe W; DRIER. apar'mnnl we Mi, Fe? 5.1134 may ms; WHIRLPOOL 1.21% We†SW? fi: i 88d, " TEMPO " w 1r3rnl cycle. seeprcoo'eo w mmmm amwr- SW. 9.55- "fi3l? ROOF HACK w irks atlart; WWW S"i', RP“ â€19 “DID oe Gai _ sh TTao", WIS 'ornprmnls and mm' $785 8881519 It will cost you ONLY $7. No muting ctwqups, licking slams“. No VISA m Miistvrcard 7 u th cobviiiemi trilled on your ":11." phorw hill It‘s that any! All yuu nced tt? have ready IN.. dmnipm tion at Item, price and prttmtrpurrtbyrr, in 20 "PM." or legs._ ._e.'. iiifrii: ",,i,ijiij,i, 11qu EMU br: minim SALES, MAL ESTATE, ACCOMN DATt0Ns,CHiLDCARE on BusmLss ADS. DEADLINE: SATURDAY AT 4:00NP61FAXES call 1-900-565-1414 ACCEPTED Selling or Buying merchandise OVER $250? BEDSHEEY SET tw Carmm plain whre navel user; 525 fem 6244657 ' METAL baslemali Nyl In: widow $50 835-5122 I - WIFE DECK chaxs new $20 M5-5t?? COFFEE TABLE Pass Ion want! Base Ase $20 555/ 5122 6241057 GE ANSWERING Wayne. musl sell SIC 624-435? BEDSHEEY SET in; Ca'wn 80' OF NEW wellhead nylon momma SS?, 3212.57 C6WeThtCnirrrasFrdi; $75 578-1968 I . "HES 2357591), law madman SAC 578-1968 2'le. NICHOVMVE Sy.? 624» 05? 2 v TIRES i?05 759“? I orOton 516 1,75 Vivi “(EA FURNITURE A FENDER ACOUSYIC gunv v. Mammy we no». 34‘“ Tof/ry? FENDER DUAL sferMiir ammlvm w chorus like â€W- $450 “$5199? BROWN SCREEN a“! In ham? arm (an ans 'nveseal an". fair " 73043993? minim C OSU"? tnC('S and h'tqes warm h?T"c. $t2N path 57? 1865 PEREGO STROLLER: PW“ Magma. Inga. basket shack amorte's In; Mums mee um Iigtr" polka was SIS-'- gnaw 2 - CROSS COUNTRY " ort run-1W5 Sf Mix Edi COMPANION Ft f" NATIONAL Gmapaptw ha; Aims 7‘? RI BPsler Nr NWT I' fii'f RG3} ducts w N mum.» rang 62% 897? ’34:": Georgian Biol: allm mull privuty. minum to om) Ai L Georgian hy' “MAMA! hwy with elegantly 'dal. oversized moon moulding yrnaoux living t enter 1 tummy. solarium, spa Inn: (allot. squash (nun lush gar dam. with. mime landsmpmg ' innedihle mm surround tbs My, wwlilled (anally will: Stale of than my l system and the finest "medals, upplmex, $atmty g but? but: tire xlandanl thraughout the home This unique selling JG, a yam-round *rgrmmd la! the entre lumly or lav n‘ (warm when! $2,250,000 (II 705-445-5740. (OLUNGWOOIQ/BLUE MOUNTAIN ITEMS FOR SALI "t "f r414: ma ah GOLF BAG, [arm new .5911 62?-33i?5 LAWNHOWER C'a'lsman se)loropelle.0, green w; catctter tag SSS 653-5963 3COMM 16 pom hm smith $45C 242-9294 ULTRAGLIDE exemlsev new S'50 650560 BRASS SHOE ram S20 822-2265 KITCHEN RULE and char set Mule 5250 8222265 ANYIOUE wooden youlh be!) 5290 822-2265 STLVEWKWE, #2}in B senmgs ' was. 63 mass mm Wdhares A Rogers wood Case manned $209 622- 125.1 DOUBLE BED "aw-55 ar0 tax sww , my, f, '51 an vc, *1 Sly" 65mg» [my my: TOY CAR any» trr l 1.5 iec" (II-15 35:} 19343ij Huang DOUBLE HEAoaoanu arid?" w W Wm M T', 525 828-tWe'i? va'ed Lolau's 5:19 W. pews. mnsl‘v Alllayar $3 nay! Cp B ro KY) 12% BUNK BEO, ttea par: 1. ma'l'Ss'ws 525:1 822 3.715 Wave ms:) SlNGLE BED " hum-2am and Mann-v. t.P. 885 2487 ahe' 5 9 m SINGLE BED * NwFa'tl and Sear: mattress in“ mm I pm "A 321-1 M5 2',83 alter e; T QUEEN SllE rm w m; am manna“ $185 65d “N WOOD DESK 5m '38c 2K3? a'ter S u w NEOWIENE ‘PDV Mann's a qraerv,lts avdm sup W 5%. 885 222,: GROlSCH BEEN Mm“ mm LINES SUCKS 'O 2C6 Baum“ 885 van dries MASTERCRAFT mm er Snags E Shanon 5 "p molar $25 8853250 SECIIONAL COUCH our gurdy $25G 653-Mr3 irmt 27.35355 â€aims COUCH AND Ioveseal. micmng. excellenl canon-m S3& $51-$72 evenings FISHING a ' ID urs saw nonnalls SIC each 833474? atm S p m DOUBLE SIZE SOFA ted 3100 7401266 ELECTROLUX upeght rta'cur, um used 15 "mes $245 8800634 SMALL 11312? eryyi vmmd w“ drop lea' and 2 ma": weary new Elm-3684 LIVING ROOM are" and nfly'an $7C 8800664 19" COLOUR N w vane-Ira 5-55 823-‘577 ELECTmC GRILL mm- Darveque ro 52242-345 METAL DESK rned‘um we 3045 Edvawgb $28 In M HONDA ICCDRD "1 WINDOW Am Stoc 74C CEMENT HIIEH c, . P 1 wars ch: SZCIG ESE 0768 2 - BACKSTHEET BOYS 'tceefs 1le 2’? Wy) 85.: M39 way-.1 mm K Iii. 7574 COMPLETE BATHROOM dii mmry smk Tame“ mm andxghr roc 7F]; '07: SOLID WOOD DOOR M 1 ao w/ bass am plate 5m PER W10? ma CHM $23 625245] I - SHIN TZU CROSS {up pm team not‘ wpet SZSL 6512-0235 BUN I mrGrf 'o0er magi mam! muscle grams a9:y enema: woman! "ustate ravslanm ran te ssed as "9mpuw" ctr rock-w; than "war-mm 32W,- 93.11831 nuts" "are (ml-"g system. METRE to mm: umtyreM \[Hay‘ tne my w Man“? "rt and Stu-MW" was VIP-4w NM bu; an mm 3M ornma", loves? qrnfe‘ now†Imp-1 $200 a]: 'RP, Lamar ttfomt my Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 pm. Wednesday's edition is Monday at 12:00 p-m. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 1200 p.m. Payment: Ads prepaid byVisa. MasterCard. Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for] incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost ofthe space occupied by the error. All Other 6ittttsirtttti and Business and: CD player um; Mfr, call 651-2397 or Fax 851-2355 FRONT ENTRANCE m solid wood 34 I 80 $50 i!37, COMPLETE bam'nom Mr randy faucet lode! and hghx $125 83-1-3353 HULTI MODE Ibre opus catVoratrgeytrxe' SI m meter A16-985-5165 LEATHER JACKET Damn? stws. nan): hum The Bay, Mans we maxim!“ chest 38 5‘25 896-2423 MOTORCYCLE male" meh um 911 dark Glue heal shields new w- Dag 585 996-2429 'Km5rtt2rtV p2Ekr, atr. lam-rate at Honda CBREC-CIF3 SM', 59672429 SINGING CANARY male 555 8231396 KIYCHEN TABLE am 4 char new raw: $175 62C- 9936 COUCK L~shacm manna coioum Wr ilthhye oulout bed 5230 62079935 NEW AWNING 23mm 'ce camp}! rrarieCcomplele Ar pores.? 1 MEWS! E In a lor 5195 1552955 POWER WHEELS Jeep a. a banana charge' 2 walk? lax-es ard pr Dank Sift; “BATH GRACO DUO buggy Few Pang good 2.2mm» 58' trrm 551 it??? GRACE) BUGGY BABY CHANGE Lthir, _ 'moo. as paothr'g mum-1m $35 MCI-8809 ,9?! Sd:":, EE â€132-39 any; 'W'. tytMON9PEWPacy not; met; used 550 6293588 GRACO avert lop swung 3 ween excelent can-3mm" $9C 340-9'73 YOUNG "ENS lilac: Sort, Dough] at Stars Menswear snle 36 iaorel 29 panls and tuxedo shun worn was $15 62! 'M94 MENS lit SPEED racing on good amihbort $50 7498237 IRIPLE DRESSER. cream w? brass on hardes, new nonunion 5'00 62I-1494 PINE REPRODUCTION " $an SEC/C- 824-iy207 DRESSER 6 mm wt‘ mn- Kh $65 Call between , and F p m only, 7.164.779 ‘ewu-sra'y mm square rx 621-14941 BRA FOR 95 Lumoa car S.5c 650-5t90 GM BOX LINER krt Own-A smnbor pom:- EE ard up NT, 781‘ 55-13 DAKOTA an: mu Vi M 203?! 583 7615‘"de gt msWoitsce "an 32>1 wry Jrrol Sl "fy FM“¢.EH "DIE GYM m4 Veac BAR STOOLS “at 1am stir 2 rmm' l 'aplars he mu. SIU,) 'r.: ax ' w, wravali- Fif J2M . COFFEE TABLE Mule con 9264127)? _ M FORUM: F mum 'ar‘imrlmn 353-“ 74 q - TRANS All mn' "ity Ir-s my“? suo 'nul': E man-Ir; tcr all 'rurlfl 11eveioprrrtr?nt 52:1" ii2? .7914 may; -sms 4'72!