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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jun 2001, p. 32

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51-0-3 $31161er Ieaszmam mum 6217753? (TALL women terrors "id mum? phi-3:1 cleaner! CCPh- 9rco F2'i'509 CAGE FOR y'all Bel mu removable hne- Par "21:13: sl ear 'ht8 ass-3243 auv Damon. Lawsm.a Ur? Slamey mas 6981's BUY 0R Fade gahatl s tome mp5 “his year 6536121 NINTENdo " tvrcis Super 9'35" er::ters 746729! FINAL FANTASY 9 gem: "Y Ut x Poayslal‘cw 74v; Q's? GASKEYBALL NET, WOODEN SCREEN mum SUV on 1rd)? um ' ""', 'pe SIAM»? (”at d' T iv "(#325.‘ ‘r , 2'3 2'6 0 BOYS BIKE BE A SUCCESSFUL mum m!” cur great "crme-sturte cause Send lor me Free Back te, explams iaw 1 800-267 1829 #WW qua) Ivolcnmse tern Ouatity rv' Course Onawa,0N COUNSELLOR "MINING Insulule accred fed by PPSEC Became 3 mm sauna [0071de than! on campus Cr cyrrespco6ence courses Free Cala'ogup ', BWGEEJGM a an Aa. AR SEAT I Lay vauE in NHOUE _ le out on me Haw mm avanabw Ior summer Ava l able Por all ages Can Mo Due “7465? SUMHER LEARNING a' L It Torrtnny lr'pvaa roam“; m “n; and "a" was we parka? w mm _trdN FUTON (Fl-DUE '. I 'ttNG SU‘YE RANGE R I Hill ‘qu h. YABLE "",rh'""rt (Haul!!! '4.J'(lu'~~ '.'u-( any :2.:' m. ~L-.-.';~fn.-'.'s VVHI:\' \K'LDNESUA‘I " IN 4th b: itl-lrrh,1 p m, WHERE: ill ”upon! St. [mt Sum- 2H4. Vultwhm HELP MAYBE AVAILABLE! hum gt uni W'nwsun' p, 3mm ET. Fmtter 4 pear m RR“ \n-nh. m liluiM-w 't Nag-Inn}; Irott v'a-m rm i. (.s.rl'llC,r"hlAt'x'"t .'. rl. I" HnanIJ 0.. IN M I i" xrn Hum «ma fe 'tttis tot tra ka i'iiis Aki I {(-4th hrs, Rm Nt-, k Hun. All,-, PINE QUEEN SEE PiNE mums: .s 2010‘ LEMHEH DVNE NIGHT MEI LOFT be? 717695 ANYIOUE POOL may "I yum :02“ tt?laFsC dams 8554935 CRUSNED STONE. tag 62V-5539 BUFFALO um 5:: 55m GARDEN of0tgMEtlrs tri' 5529 CHILDRENS OUTDOOR [my gym mt," wonder Ior1ess and Slim; ser ertem son am accessures WI Te'"it, exam»?! conduw may 531-21 Nil-3752 ARCHIE COMIC twins .0! f: tear am My 8363959 VINYL FLOORING tor V018 game“ shed rree in area: 52-1-1855 UNIVERSITY OF WateroC MlCnEN CABINEY t Fil IIU' pr .5321 been are: packer, Size large J" bugger w ' pay lop xii-"a: 35:33-15 PERSONAL HOME CLEANS SAME BONDE0 CLEANER SAME MOUNT RATE YOUR FREE ESTIMATE WE CLEAN- YOUR WM" HOUSFGAR0 65341365 ti-si,--,)",:))))';),)),-; _tiitli) 'lil)); T "t' “05”., 53mm 1530 “um- Vi's Kym (mm; ‘AN "ttts mr .I\|'.'a\ ot 95H?! fmnvs,, n " "t'tNt" iro1lw.:oy. Are You New lint mimi- To The Community or Having A Baby? Our “rates. fidts and [nfnrmaunn are the Kev to Your New "nmmurutv lids-I III-739' At _ W’)N 1‘0 "t_------"-----." "l mud \uu- hum tn [mun ‘- t "trst' an" m. n-nplu-m HIIRU‘ [JKKKHI ll 'rv. b- I): Hm w Ihlrnh ' unnmnnx a DINGV .'~5"<k.d{d: Sr HAYERNITV CLOTHES smal m "1-an (wey l, an.» S‘AI. w m mpamtr mo wnnE crumumx wogtED CEDAR SHINGLES EMF“ HIGH CHNF RIZ'CN‘NG ORGAN N S100 PAID by ,t.'ec",Cr lot our: pcrlett slalfzutxmve spa" eis 53439763 are: 20 ganans m urge: and access-sues 62-1-1338 HO MODEL I'm steam enquire; mam enqnes at assembled Muses 65T ‘562 PRESTON MEMORABILIA cesium: VWUSIIIM Tc1ures souverm 000WS. Od cawn- hrs Roe: breaery laws 11qu bank-s a’w‘mmg 0121mm Preston 6534644 PRE 19309096325 Tm; 'eg. Ia' pad $501644 SMALL SATELLITE Oistr, any mane [water or dam ape0 W po up 74412-32 AQUARIUM. AQUATIC LARGE OCTAGON men; tame gcm :0“th 82!- 7E-2é “on goods electronics. clam- mg yrsetry o6eos. boots Ctrs hash and smoked Feats tam Mesh eggs. bane 'able fresh Dread malls cams, tattros. body pteemganttarowes alm- dermeruol Cone Satur day and Sunday 9-5. 261 Hespelev across Vom the VMCAanammdge New and used Items. Mania OS" KOSH... and mucr more" CmWent germ used clawing VAWESOME ONE JAY ONLY SALE _ Wm Jule 8 '2 noon an!" 3 00 pm ax We Fergus Leon)" 500 Blair St {herma- the [CEO We Elan SI mm SI Ana's“ Sl) Nam In tr'rulrt sues Cash Orw BAR SVODLS Grand River Flea Market n :l y th, lv-ml Elm-l. SHAW TIWalalIm ITEMS foil Skll QUEEN SHE l A' TABLES Jun 2 aniline: l .c4tee I; glass myrrh A GL4; CLUB 's., PEDESYHIAN Wb' n1": GAS MERAYED glass mm ”(a or sttqpy S":'AWr 9'iorl caddy. 76:33-39 Sump-n a'ea only VACUUH TUBE vae h ,4. gear any cmnmon Dt pans amp was, memos em 622iu80 CHOKE" WIRE ant sue an nurmrr screens on cages and We! numerals I) make 90190 We CIWer kw gamn 154-3836 SHIRT htfstWti,' 1w Hcpog luv nee pants or cur rungs It you rave alias can and: Al 7638830 PLASTIC FAILS. or when pm“: commas M was 1(1 ID bangs can nth no 7639330 WANTED an to 1W2 car or wimp wee-any Dom mark. nus! be 9m: memancarv bN 391t 1 a!) 5100’) S WEEKL' 10005. REIURN D" mesh “em Ea'n 'CCM erm 5 in)"; year Even») an: sate c.ucowy ten IN] canc’xmun, m each market Vrrm..m .r vest-rem b9 995 Call “Fl? 44276722 FIRE YOUR BOSS' Work ar were MM": $2310 ' FT 1 BF? “ESP“ downy VJEI gala CCC', AHBITIDUS PEOPLE 'ANOV JESECIPIS m" Needed Fo man our pamphleis from Mme Excewanl gaming Wanna! Send S A S E lot use "unpack Malkelmq 2372 Yonge St " Yovon- to. ON IMP 2E6 AIBII'IOUS PEOPLE needed to mad our 03th from home Em.“ 2am manna! Send S A S E ith use mlooack Marletmg 2372 Yonge St, '9. Toron- Io. 0N MAP 2E6 " SEEN ON TIrs Dawn) Elm 's tfitswN We Ive web sues" Make U S B! Mule you sleep V-aoosaw 0727 ATIENYION: WORK lrom name Internahonal Fonune sou company needs you Earr $506 to $3000 and Wh no prrFr Ho erperrP"CP Hacksaw We rd ham you step try step Call rodav' , 888 6iB9)r9 CASH“ _ CASH our Calm Pepo Hnswss MA M nlr Rah" CtriCr winds“ w yam 2mm No sPllmq FT P-f u a lmsslme'»! Vi new 'GRP r?? 8,176 dumb-mam: map " THE "HERD!!! Damavn nan-p whuw, GrPw HEP“ av new 73m w! 'mm ' n rmnm‘w Make "urn m hm Frcemsrt nrnnw [tr- vanv‘ax Erma” :1">n9 mvwdma-K mm EU” UGHI x' mm Am] Led " q Herr Sin; ti21 'tb F BIG 3 "ttNh PA] CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE GENEFAL TFri 1990 Suzuxl and 2.36st sy M 5, _ "a: an: "Ml-Jun; 1:“: Se? CORELLE ”9125 w _u CHILDS CLIMBER n )m> it (“t “in BABV GYM .tur, 3-er r', w y', ' lt Chit l-JEHNAYDR WANTED Guam BIRCH L‘GLF Magneoamr (zany memes 622iA80 WANTED raon gunner any brand. pew." FO manna» ctr nughe! 163-5' 32 WANTED "flea Sholgms m ham guns, have Incense Leave mg and EMILE 622 0798 WANTED enema Iveaamm WANfED my: dehyjmm work OF ml prefer Awncan Harvest Snack Master 75.1 WANTED elem; Iveaumm awe: 2432 no Wr powev WE'VE and WIN; tract 65T WINE!) nmdslcme mean ortret “Memo-'9 7E7 2524 WANTED warm Items rs0 rugs, vases. tigunres an: carvinr 658iiB6 WANTED catrarls Bye mm Sranley "ups has or But 5565553 EARN EXTRA FIRE YOUR BOSS) but Kero Ca" was Curt, “-1 busnwss Rump-meal. "aw mg mam-envy wet, backup ane mum Dar I want rcv-e areas soil available Asn arm)! Cm' Kl"! Slam Pu?.. gram . 800667 b3Tiry 6111 46572733 FIRE YOUR BOSS" Work St N _ wit-am an ‘421. w. WM m 7381906 com Houewodxeas NEED. EDI! Assembling our pro- ducts "mlogtProcessmy our cuwlars . coprtmarlmp PC ask magnum Free um matron send s A S E to Can; 3777? Keele St Department TCI Sword (Mano UK W1 m CANADA'S FASTEST growing home party man . ’House ol Lloyd', 2 tabulous Ines. ”Upon lnvrlalnon‘. war mung mm; home A gar how rorre nnlme 320009? T Can 'ol- tree. Lanna den decor and 'cnnslrias Around the World' Great Pay' Free Inns Fabulous start up miter Toll tree I 800-809 5723 MAKE PAS! CASH as Duveway sealng asphall 501an wslerns, Ime palm em no! bores htrl Dom crack machmes etc , Rotr465 30?! - 0mm: Iasprtaltcom Fal'uay CommumN News panels m mm m Maw; '04 ad cement and ‘5 no! ham tor evpnls tters/r RESPOND " OWN RISK WHAT INCOME " E LEC'HIC WHEELCHMR Ie raw-mums my pe, a , "3 03-3 BTU :Lehcm or 9 PIECE WANTED 9ulrrr, ary make d"r0 Laminar Wtl) pump , peed veasonamy 82t-3731 WANTED old new car an, Comm 821 2855 WANTED electric sewmg machme was: De m Foo common 8223323 WANTED Bert Exp'essuu [enemy 220-0545 WANTED Patna stones used hx E a 6 area ma 'mve 837-888 "358 BMW FREE tl2 HOUR cansu'ta- hon In 0tscuss your legs; concerns am “we your whens Cwl are Lr‘mma! miners appeals Call Guy .aw (y, ce trsr9i.'46-tC3Cr3 Mer-ter Latsyer Reler-al WORK A' te " WORK FROM H . TE HOMEWDRKERS WANTED $529 27 New Pugs- “a” C" assent“? c-maucls al "arr-e tdrt)t?03 f.655 24 hr messy? My»: Matte? Ha ms! cr qrtN? Ccrsumé" 5838 Vmge 3| .2597433 Torah:- tIN m'v' 124 daymm J'Eqéju a- ACCURATE AND AMAZING Canada 5 mos! gulled psy- chics Take stage ol your Mara and some! your dest" ny Fun Inenay and always prolessvonar Myshcal Cots necmws ram-6775372 av 'osalUC 1-877 478-141-2- 6am T 2am Paul: Teng 15. $2 99mm www mystrcal- maxim: an HIDDEN YREISURES ot we HEART Ave you New amen" Sunday July 15, 2001 Call 57143581 Illa-DAME THE latest mosl elleclwe way In meet people horn your My Eeptmeoced , MIN dates m one Ln blled evening Cal “9763172978 or WSW m spawns cum! mun-dallnqtl mm. W more Ink) Tree Im women' '48; pDttTIAC ”use“ piss'" By " pcretmer't Outraus (My 59' SrTY? NOWHIRING" PERSONAL SENSUAL Ye Vegnar'y’ 84%»qu Mt on; 'rms progranay test and wad-m he‘ll no “93 WORKED "OUT a “Av PSYCHIC ONE [Mum's run run. W‘s mstertt Pro “an “mm m nut-um halo L'VVP vay Carver Rv'a vmshlps [mom‘s Anynme Frde‘y _ am I'd 9607 1111mm In. “Baler 1992 NWA Cm: egceilery, Luann» auwmatw mam e ICSIE‘! 163 XiV my drty mammal S' J! m", 1998 Swarm-m um series 13ut 'Gerwturgeere. Mmutes Imrn Dsaey World Ava-r we Simmer Canal) an (51W763-50M THEIBLAMI: SUMMER rec'eal‘on an] 'elaxanon at us hrrest' From chalets CO luxurious mouNam manor: Names T'emuam Smslars soacncus l 'o 5 heavaom yes-dances feature atl me comicn you expect In a hne country Wm Most 2mm acCesseo poo arm beach T. 533775475315 wan Irem Gantso “star com ORLANDO FLORIDA CASH NOW 913,31; HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS" L TTCE CAESAHSI PIZ ZA " awarding single mm a. aupa trarucmse lag-crummy. 4? SUD cessiul years ‘n can mass In " csunwes 3500» ‘ucahcns For {rancmse Iniormahon call 1-B88,B22-79B, lo- day FREE CLASSIFIEDS ... THE BEST DEAL IN THE REGION! ADVENYUHOUS. CARING warm Alncan gel, 26 Su- nan wesmem, seeks scum if; lor meaningful I0lall0'" ship Ptease teNe Box 59% Stator, Don WIS, Toronto. M A: Y" um mm mm and email ARE YOU "RED or meehnq pews who area! what they seem or arent looking w a comrmment" Mtsly Rwy Mom-ans _ Ontam‘s Ira- when!“ malcttmaeet ir9)658-C04 EXTREMELY APPRECIA- TWE male mes sage or married gm V865 Mm Is super lull~lvqured lot regular aWechmale lun Cal Don al 8%»1022 7 BREW tast eddle s WHEEL ' "ioRjccrssEir ti0tdES HANEY REALTY MC FRENCH RWER a Conestoga Sailing Schott) Spurn still :nuil'ahlr'. Mtes 8-18: Sdult classes tout M” 1-2 neck ~1~ssinnsJIII)-& August Bus tranhportation from A-H & Elmira mi: the (nnmmga Sailing Club "" Cmtestuga LAe, or call 742-1055 www.kwsailing.org "Classified Special Only " Call 651-2397 for info IS Some restrictions apply REAL ESIATI and l‘IllllH r' nus SIZE M STUDENT RENTALS GRE M MOUSE S' Great Nausea 9000 I02: um Cw tendons Smit THRFE m1 gin-ms 'rPVA;Wre F att mm tus"etpm .‘cm 'FWE

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