1llaitttlflttd CLASSIFICATIONS storage . vacation properties . music Imlruclmn . Imunnu rlasw, . Imunng cLtsse, . “In-or [mining . childcare wanted . rlnldrme avmlaiole . accounting . taxes, Kr rmance . unnpuli’r SPFVIfl“ . “Manges. loans, Ht .ForFiwxale-amx -Fotlumzanm " Mmhanm L%'l"2lr"tCGhs . electrical :hnallng . plumbing . pamnng and \hared armmmn datum accommodation wanted townhouse,tcondos houses for rent apartments for rent furnished suites decorating. etc my. man an.» Ws so easy and FREE! Get rid u] that inky m that old chatr lust have the folltrwutg mm ready description of Mom, pure and phone numher, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES MHINCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE. ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILD- CARE OR BUSINESS AOS. Terms 3. Conditions: Both Hm; and $7 All}. can he placed 24 HOURS a day, 7 days A week, Reach l00,000 homes and over 100,001) Poten- Hal readers. Your ad Will he won In the l iur-lph Tnhune, (hunhndgu Times and Waterloo Chronicle, This service applws in pnvaw party ads only. it ITEM PM AD - His!!! 3 ADS PER WEEK (PER HA2USEdNu2 We reserve the right in determine ll your ad Pi a privalc party ad Deadlines up to Friday midnight [mm In nuxl wetks editions This Mer subject In chartge, Have you encountered problems placing your FREE ads in the taassitied Marketplace? Did you remember to call before the deadline of Saturday, 5 pam? Did you remember lo leave your phone number and price oldie article? Did you limit the item million to 20 words or less? Did you limit the number of items ymire selling to 3 or less? ll ymive followed these procedures then you should no! experience any difticuities placing your FREE ad in the Classified Marketplace. - Selling or Buying merchandise UNDER $500? $53 union St E mm. (In 5‘35"???) a: n; call 651-0083 2853125., noun r3 payments unlu September 2001 ihh7 MN: computer "rrs. scttteBre, 'itiptar cameras. paw ms mime ‘earwmg Apply mm mm 1bueckadaycom Can t, 8884656527 AWAY PRODUCTS $29JNWONTH!! NO mtylet' New m lawn? Losl 10ucr mm you" oisrrtrulorr Cal 622-3964 pcdvslal um and "er: ANTIQUE DUNCAN FYFE HOBILE WASH Eout MEN! Dynamasl "1| vale" "eater nae-n IF. no BruprASoUDn engme 33m 25% p9 gar“ {mm SW 2m CAU how Vac $500 Geravaim Moo Heavy mu m mats $400 each ly', m (but)! ma mmnw $300 50mg "ytt mun mm: $600 EE - we Yum SPC, i5'9y621 was , race seeeeal “News"! ya'ns ol new: Srammaslw ant! "ar. mm CED?" WM m; ‘Vmg'gnm arr, ha} ‘m Sm P's; mmnewarm pad and mlamm 'V VI ya'ds" Cat Shiva Eh“, 738? BECK APPLIANCE CABLE-SAT SALES-SE RVICE CARPET I $7 .1“ hum thIau-d 24 in " I RS a day, 7 days, a week. Reach 100,001] homes and over 200,000 polan It' l ’.u1-Iph Tribune, Cambridge Times and Waterloo Chronicle. This service applws m privaw party ads IS PER will (PER HA2USFM1u2 we reserve the right in determine If your ad Is a pnvalc party ad OWE OWNS SUITE. we chem] _ We peteslal mule fr “and men mews Mimi (we! New w crave Cast S11 500 satubiyt $420C 572-6629 HESMURANT AND Resort Re'nge'ahen and Ccuuvng Eannrnem A New and usea _ ceastN. Ream and Foam: mg amiable liept weâ€. arr; lemons-mm com Ar ecu u- men" Wa'va'vrerx Try. Free . BEE-52845528 SAWMILL " 995.00 New 5.4»- Lumrwvmale Him Arp" 'apir, ms mrm up ', F', Mum “I mnuclv M CORDLESS SPEAKER S" CAR TOP n' k was SUBARU (haw WV C wan "lsq"'al Ser? V? M L42“ CLASS 2 CLASS 2 "mm: mm my H3“ WV {wand Maras; sir-u SA ago 3 can. v m- mum-m Nrus S“? wumq 54% 242 FROGE, KEWE Sp's BLACK AND Osmium push rmww $df 65? 1760 SINGLE BED. rim m1m1h hm RUN] and mares um, on.“ cmmvuon V00 673 DOUBlE STROLLER, 0mm “my GIFWM am “of 'tk', 220 1229 W19 (y Mgnn-mm r"-"-'-),-,,",-.].,-.,-.,,".",.-..-,"-" WW.“ -.._ icAMiiiiffRjii" TIMES! l GuelphTRIBQNE i '_eiitrt1irivsrsil PPO?"" ‘wtwawq rl wtat sit 111-745 Ftnp W431: Rut r,899 Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! b' Reach Over 107,000 Homes! ACOUSTIC 12 slang gum: war hard Shel case. mason» ably sandman $230 one 763-4210 ELECTRIC STOVE a'mom wow " years M. good wrung cm‘vm Shoo a b 0 63-2261 GOLF CLUBS and bag Ie’l name-1 H pace set excel~ ‘enr mum-er 533 2201229 2 EVENFLO mum Alan: came' cat sears var" 7w aw mm quad NS 5213 S S2' 653 1036 1 BREAST we»: m orc- 51m ti5)3i'r'X, CHERRY PROVINCIAL Id my lamp grv an at S'5t BM 47-- NEW UPHOLSYERV 'al nuanf grim." 297-191 “F T, 2', iar:1s sy £31 971- PORTABLE CUPBOARD QUEEN SIZE - “w t-n'vr. 'Tor, "amass up MW tvox base. warn Paar! {tn-3'1 c r I a." JF WEIGHT manma Urs' , Harv!“ Ham‘s [wk le" hem-n prp% mvxle‘sua" mung {mm rrynaltCe' 9m no.3. 8M 2637 DESK WK ho we" "JD hoards and mawvv lam wood Melarmno Sm 0&0 RR! 2617 Til, ttr" GF Ham ow. am "PM? 62‘ 6‘â€? SHE! ENIEnumuEMT um. “(it)" 2T W â€I‘M S‘IP 68 6rP1 STEREO SPEAKERS, (WWW IIW'I‘WHI'U V)“ Ml 21234 DESK. SYUDENT, sand wood 4 tIra- 30 ’Q'MNW‘ZTD $50 on 0 884 2914 f vis36 'h25 II will cost you ONLY " No wnlmg cheMups, hckmg slam b. No WM or Miistercard, It IS Convenient†billed on your glib phone " " that easy! All you need lo have realty ts, descrTr mm of ilemfgmce and ghone number, in 20 words' or less. NOTE: Dol _ mm '19WfiYWif 1i.A.y.8ir.3PAyiTArE, 1?r6siutiiiittitNii) eiitL6chiiE" bk BUSINESS ADS. DEADUNE: SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT M.“ q nnn an: f M a "DIME; Selling or Buying merchandise OVER $500? call 1-900-565-1414 :gc'gsrizso rt! lates FRAMING and imwn colour. 9:12 'rs 8862934 GREENE!“ “warm but; m mu m {with 651 "rt IliTERMTY cCortes, sun RUG. OVAL branded, gold metrum lo large. may ao woes 320 8311908 STRAWBERRIES -Leeds BERRY . r. ' f: " - , Stl l V 1-79!) . l I l _ ' r / td (cF , ')) B, I I q PICKED ' PICK YOUR OWN Pick Your Own Quality Berries From Kitchener stay on Hwy 7 East: t km this side of Guelph. Look for the radio tower on the right in our Strawberry fields and enter at the stone pillars We have Blackberries too! We grow our berries in mineralized soil and do not use insecticides or fungicides to produce a healthy, nutritious and, of course, delicious fruit! Our homemade ice cream is made with organic ingredients and our own Homegrown berries hm ELHW I“! am lawn†In». H' M HERA swim in awnzii T m =1 Moss Berry Farm II'S PICKIN' TIME ITEMS FOR 31 BABY GM. m sues H my ttor um messes tc, “$936 WTORCYCLE JACKE". men‘s " made 01 Shots. Al mm 5300 ton' 569.3912 We. excellent eardrum new $125 hm 3219518 “WRESS. RASPBERRIES COWBOY BOOTS, News 8 liar): lizard Skit'. made by N-kona boas. Al madam 3‘50 569-8917 HARDWOOD WALL mes 342 616’ fries some um my: new» and too bade! smps S20 TGSum Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday?, edition is Monday at 12:00 p.m. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 12:00 pm. Payment: Ads prepaid by Visa. MasterCard. Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for l incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. " ttttmr class!!!“ and BUSiIIBSS ads 519-843-4437 Located 2 1/2 mules north of Fergus on Hwy #6 Also Raspberries & Black Currants SEASON STARTING SOON PICK YOUR OWN OR ALREADY PICKED “MUS !ilfItMmilitItllIi!i STRAWBERRlES Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. 3 p.m,-7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Corner of New Dundee & Fischer-Hallman (formerly Westmount) WATCH FOR $101135 SIGNS call 651-2397 or fax 851-2355 AT FERGUS GARDENS Watch papers for stamng date “DONG Gum. sue 5, classtc ste. sotl (Ink satin, while deiall weaned. are served $450 Very beautiful 623-157! LAWN BOWLS Sela! 4, we t 128' With case my good cavmw $45 8854647 . Already Picked 0 Pick your Own The Henoeberg's SOFA BED. swam manly and great ctmtftton, tea; green $150 0 o 0 76747358 LITTLE mes at†mach- ment mm m $7 Ni4%l DISNEY BABY “they nus en, law seo 7664901