TEAM OF THE WEEK This week's Waterloo Chronicle Team of the Week is theWaterloo United Under- 11 Boys Rep soccer team. The Waterloo team won the Unionville tournament last weekend, defeating North Toronto in the finals. The Under- 11 team opened up the tournament with a 3-1 win over New Market. They faced North Toronto for the first time in the tournament and came away with a 4-0 win. They finished out their pool play by downing Markham 5-0. Tournament shutouts were earned by Matt Mayer and Ryan Murdoch. Goal scorers were David Shanun. Brodie Barth, Jack Fleming, Antonio Alves, Greg Vandermay, Ryan Willms, Carlos Avalos and Shomie Chaudhuri. Members of the Waterloo United Under-ll Boys Rep soc- cer team, pictured above, are: (from mtv) 64 Grand Ava. s. TOWEL & BEDDING - " Benjamin Rd. 622-5542 MILL OUTLET 746-91 " W' PILLOW JUMBO “IMHO EXCELLANOE 300 T.C. PENCIL! $79.3 PILLOW left to right) Chris Embro. David Shanun, Cameron Woolfrey. Carlos Avalos, Brodie Barth, Josh Veiga, (middle row. left to right) Jack Renting Ryan Wilirns, Ryan Murdoch, Shomie Chaudhuri, Antonio Alves, Matt Mayer, Greg Vandermay, Ben Shamoon. Vince Wojtaszynski. (back row, left to right coach Nestor Shanun, and coach Paul Veiga Missing from the photo are David Schumacher, Aaron Silva, Nigel Henriques and manager Karen Shanun $599 PILLOWS express to the _500 markup! C) derailed over the weekend Thehigers lost the first game 3-2, before blowing , Sr. Tigers drop 3 of 4 games after losing both ends of a double-header to Brantford Sammy. _ - LtieadandiosingthesmxGi gamtti-5. _ _ - The bouncxxi m v l'llU'lC IUI (CC UII lllllC U sdlfytlt,eJaidrgo1x,i21t C) 333.0575 (O t, by! dmpped a tough 66 W.C. wwwwesthillmeadowrcom '/itji,tqet5i,t,',tsTei'rt1',d,g 0 0000000000 0 to6-Hootheseasort. Ideal for patio pots PERENNIALS 1,000’s of summer blooming varieties ready to add color to your yard For long season bloom try . Ballerina Geranium . Aglaya Shasta Daisy . Goldsturm Daisy . Variegated Silene . Blue Clips Campanula . Coreopsis 1541 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, Ont. 745-9876 Mon.-Fri.9-8. Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-4 PLASTIC PLANTER SPECIAL 25%, OFF "i-i-i-ii'! CONTROL LAWN INSECTS YORK NURSERY Since 1946 PATIO SOIL MIX 9 kg bag covers 300 m2 reg. 29.99 while feeding your lawn 14-4-8 Box of 4 reg. 1.29 now 99¢ 4" pots reg. 2.49 now 1.9 '), excludes large, bushy geraniums MT ,7 re; 2-99, buy 210; BEDDING PLANTS SPECIAL 2 l .99 SPECIALS IO" size reg. 14.99 HANGING BASKETS now 11.99 99t 1.99 9.99