,_vv _ -- "e---""-"-""-"---"""-'-'---"-""---'"'-"""'"'""., I l I . a 1 4 1 N A A Piano i: 1 l l t l D 1 For Your r's, 3 ' H I 'i l ome . g ,' l ‘ ' WURLITZER PIANOS ',f,-i, j - ' - ‘ LrCT'8 u from $2599 g j n _ Choice ofpolished ebony or polished cherry E l T_-ee, t E ‘ LE l INCLUDED BENCH, DELIVERY, E , C", C" TUNING & GUARANTEED. l ' a _ BOB GRAY MUSIC LIMITED ', M»; ', 1-118 Weber St. Mr, Kitchener 0 894-0110 l BI iiB, - llrlnt-n Hours; \lmL-lh'd ItmBm [huts e: - Ill-9, Sat, Ill-5 ', IIE I? , l _ L'i)'r'_, I UptowrtEreworksofftsrsavurutyofstyl- . GUARANTEED WEIGHT w-Loss' ( l ish frames in many colours as well as pre- . ['. l I scription sunglasses in brand names like a" e , - " " l l l Oakley and Persol. H (“AI " u I h ( l frame not only looks great, but also that scriptions to get a feel for what their cal] ME u tll 'ttlt! (i Ig l 1 i it makes your prescription requirements new glasses will look like when they try l ' hr'.) l and lifestyle as well, on the sample pairs in the storeTo solve N F N 7 We will - . . . . SN118t, imh ofthe ytayl I Martin has been in the optical business this problem, Martin uses a digital cam- "ia' - q e 'F-eil/Aa"' ' iiath., iiiiti :?L'tl it A' g iiii' irii' 1ig'tril 'titiipi, a. i, . ( long enough to be able to ensure that era tf' ta.kf pictures of his customers ' :5 . I Mi " quay r if I his customers leave: the store with the weanng different framesjl'hen he down- V t right pair resting comfortably on their loads the pictures from ills camera to his ’ r nose. In 1990, when Ernest Barron computer and you can, View the pictures a l retired from Barron Opticians in C,', the screen wearing your elusung a "lNtilB1MBllll, [ms a MI Smite Programs ( Kitchener, he took over the business, g asses, kr, URL" up In , IN “wk a No 1lmmlliglgI link and in 1998 the store re-located to its So for the best selection of unique, Ll r a (mum ‘lvnt'lu-uzzhl INt a â€llama Avril-(tho current location in Uptown Waterloo wearable tryewear, try Uptown l " , “(Newman 1lmBMMgMllllillgt across from Waterloo Town Square, Eyeworks. Martin Bell is sure to have a ' r “I ‘ e ‘ r ‘ . I . ‘ - ‘ ‘ At Uptown Eyeworks, they realize that frame that will make you look picture- Ilium ' l ‘ it's difficult for clients with strong pre- perfect, nah-tin tee%tilllrg irii'&d lg Mum e hull/II i l U ptOWh mgliitWtiiliitimIiriBiBi1iBlmit ; . . tilto amltititttit Watorkx) Kitchener . . "lIllMmtlm ' "BimmltNalr" I . a . - I . _ J "Milli, Plum [mm mu I Ila "ttIN w " " , Wm Lum.» j 379-733; 888-9963 MMNMlll 104 King St. S., Uptown Waterloo 888-1784 ‘ gr; is. , - w - Il REAL LOOK LIKE A MILLION [ s w. ' it'llwé-QULM WlTHOUT SPENDING I . iT. e 2 J. T ‘ SUITS FDR l a. “A ,aefl Mr'. T A FORTUNE . . L L . . . . " F EAL WOMEN F p, it " E a Twice IS Nice . at Fir, PID. t ' ' ol' F Twice the Man Gang . 3. THIR l Y q _ Er , , “I (it Modelling , Illllllllhtillllllll gh' " lriil'15t) . ' Foster Grant Sunglasses B. a Q ~: ., g $5.99 to $12.99 a a l Lrc, i) Wt OFF r , 7 r rd - ’ LT, u 1- y -""-"__77 (Regularly pnced from 9 99 to .9 WJ V ll "NV" I. 4 EDGE] - l . Great Style b Selection Jisr Men, 'l v ,- . SW'mWC‘a" , . Women ' Children r . LN t v' , 2 ~ . . t f ‘ â€a: stores with a difference! I l " I '.r» l ' “l t I t d m . FITNESS mum: we 7,, '. e " l l, CLASSICS M» It, THE ATRIUM p " IllllltlglllMl " Erb Street W, Waterloo ‘ , PE KING STREET SOUTH. ’ N, . . u ‘ ' ATERLOO WM SQUARE Mom. Tun. Wed. 10-6:30, 747-1424 747-1199 mm. m ltr-W, Sat. 10-5;Sundly1-5 747-2552 l _--------.--..--.----, a,