KOHLER SHOWER, 5 §$900 o b o 622â€"2908 14" COLOUR PC momtar good working condition $45 obc 623144 SILVERWARE, _ ROGERS 9.b.0. . Siver tea serve, tray Teapot, cream and suga‘ best offer over $200 763â€"1422 PLAY PEN, folding Eventio good shape $38 740â€"1921 MENS _ ROLLERSKATES size 8 $10. 653â€"7681 LONG GOWN. pale yellow $125 000. 763â€"1422 2 DESKS, one wcxer and bamboo. with a. solid wood Irame $200. One sold oak olo office desk $50 Yamahia keyboard with sland §$125 ©22â€"6061 BARBIE DOLL nouse in per fect condition $35. Kitcher furnture §$12, tegroom §12 763â€"0558 COMPUTER. PENTIUM 75 1847 serve To CD rom. 14" colour monitor speakers, mouse, keyboard prinier, Windows 95 $275 624â€"0452 JIGSAW PUZZLES 300â€" 1250 pieces. 50 cents to §! B24â€"9884 3 PIECE living room set steai futon, wooden table set Best offer 588â€"9479 3 MODULE office paneis, beige, one is 5%4‘, Iwo are 5x5 $125 each. 650â€"4075 PORTABLE DISHWASHER ings, white, excelient condâ€" tion $150 0.0.0. Dryer, works but noisy, free. 826â€"9047 PET CARRIER suftable for small to medium sized pets §$35. Love seat, beige and blue $65. 20 galion aquanum with waler filer and other accessones $60 821â€"9678 5,000 BTU air conditioner, 2 years oid. receipt supplied §275 Free metal desk. 836â€" LAZER DISK movies, §20 each. 624â€"5689 386/486 COMPUTERS win hard arive, monitor $100 740â€"3729 DRUMS, â€" WESTBURY 5 piece, 22° base, Faban B8 cymbals 20", 16" and 14" used 2 months $650. Kitcher tabie, sobld wood, 42" round, extends to 60° ovai with leaf, 4 matching. chairs. $200 Wing chairs, maiching pair, pink and grey foral patiern $150. AK in good condiian 851â€"0761 WANTED, BABY crade, reaâ€" sonaoly priced 8235503 WANTED, 1989 or 1990 Topaz, 4 cylinder 4 door To: parts only 740â€"BC18 WANTED, PATIO stores ana won raling, 855â€"4588 WANTED. SOFA and chairs in beige and brown corours 837â€"3906 WANTED, QUEEN size bec ‘rame. 620â€"9006 WANTED. FLAT bettom boat 621â€"14°4 WANTED. 2. tow outor accordion and rall away bed TaQ 3414 WANTED, OUTDOOR stane omaments for garden andior to hang on lence, and wnd chimes 621â€"5599 WANTED, 5 star nms, ‘5 4 bot, reasonably priced 241 9260 WANTED, RIFLE shotgun or haneâ€" guns. have hoense 6224798 WANTED, STRAIGHT sice projector Irays, posicards and world wide corns 823â€"4289 WANTED, MARRY Head Nuggy cap or sait and pepper cap. grey with snaps or ciaps on bnm, size B or smaller 622â€"005" WANTED, CONVERTER box wth_ remofe contrcs, for. old stye TV Reasonably pncec 824â€"7031 WANTED, BATHTUB stoo! with or without ack 821 4147 WANTED, . HAIR : styling shampon sink. 653.3065 WANTED, FISHING rackis see . through viewng. lid nc classtmom use must work well 824â€"6206 lours . rods . reels and Tackie boxes 658â€"2894 WANTED, INCUBATOR wir white 2 seats 5 pus c NEC COMPUTER mondor «n goo¢ working condtion $25 daj duh6 INGLIS â€" SUPERB . si beage. very goo¢ working con atan §150.5 t 4606913 WHITE STORK Crah <ut incluging mattress.. tolP i excellent condition $6C. 522 0OG CAGE laige size $5¢ WEDDING DRESS se 21 Aitred Angeto. A Iine Ste with beaded top and train Paic §1200 asuing §60C. 7402940 SPEAKERS, BÂ¥ Zeach g6od condtion $40 per par CELIRON 600 CC tumer. CDrom s t% tloppy . Win 98. 56k mocen $1900 7402940 MENS, BLUE mounlai tike *8 speec, 26 ams $7G.c b o 740â€"1772 ROUND BAILS of hay $17 per bail 621â€"5084 FREE, CHILD‘S organ with bencn , plays good, two xeys need repait, also the bench 822â€"4596 SPORTSWORLD . HAWAI H2O water park season pass, valtd through September 301 $35. 886â€"9398 RADISSON â€" HOTEL â€" in Kitchener, . standard room double occupancy, lor one complementary room, bes! ofter over $35. 886â€"9396 WATERBED, QUEEN size, black fabric win head board, heater drawer space and padded rails best offer 886â€"9398 YAMAHA KEYBOARD paic $300 asking $200. Stepnen King books. pnce negobable Cabbage Patch kids, stil in AMPLIFIER, PEAVEY KBâ€" A" 00. keyboard acoustic gurâ€" tarvocal amp, very versatile $350 _ Bell = lelephone, Cypertink 8000 wih call disâ€" play and visual call wating computenzed directory infe: net emai, white $165 Cordless speaker phone, aluâ€" minaled buttons, 20 number call and name dispiay, voice mail inlercom, elc. spare batâ€" lery $165. 741â€"8202 HIDE A bed. 2 seater, high back. 2 tone eige, opens to single bed $150 obc 836â€" 2328 HAMMOND _ ELECTRIC organ . earphones... iamp bench and books $200 0 b c 896â€"2328 box, $30. 0 b a. 826â€"9532 WANTED. OLD stairless steei ‘5 gallor beer «egs T6>B353 WANTED. GUITARS any make any conditon. wil pck us it ea sonabry proed. 821â€"3701 WANTED. DWARE ounny Irom breeder 843â€"3207 WANTED, PING pong lanie 884â€"1105 WANTED, UNWANTED guos for retred genteman . Have FAC wl pick up £84â€"5592 WANTED, 2 pay pens 62‘ bGat WANTED, ANY sze. sham ar condihon lish sns with or wihout accessones . Lignts plan‘s, fiters, etc 8246766 WANTED. USED Litfle Tykes actwily sets. outside: play house and. cirer qutdocr achwity sets 6249173 WANTED, 147 alummum boat, $ 9 mator 653â€"512) WANTED. SHELVING of any king 740â€"8953 WANTED, DISHWASHER WANTED, CHILDREN‘S :1 moor wooden sming 5e wi WANTED, 1988 and u Toyatas or smail pick us ‘rucks needing body repai 622â€"3991 WANTED. _ THREADLESS insulators old toys. marbles milk bottles. old papers, post cards. photos and memorab« ia from Mespéter, Presion and Galt 6588260 WANTED, OLD postcaras trom Hespeler 658â€"8260 WANTED, WHITE Iruck cap tor 1996 lur size Ondge Ram 740â€"7224 WANTED, AQUARIUM canopy for 30 gallon "anx anr smaller 824â€"6766 406053 FMS W NANTED egal 1977 YAMAKA ET250 snow mobie. new skies and seal excelienl . condibon . $800 cto 7253076 EXERCISE MACHINE 1.\ bedy: wark out stepper. with waeo $*50 ob o 822753 CD PLAYER Proneer: digital auto single disk playet $75 2 metal hing cabinels wilh 2 dawers 824â€"1300 FRIGIDAIRE, FROST lree GRACO MARQUIS strale $100 Exersaucer $35. 654 PAIR OF crass country Shes and poles $35. Childs Dicycle seat $25. 15 cute ‘oct treez er $140. 8242038 BOOKS, WIDE vanety, looxs ol Gaosebumps $20 for ail 1985 PONTIAC Fiero, white, 4 cyinder, good body, new brakes brake cable, hres battery, good intenor §600 a b o 620â€"1871 or 249â€"1024 MODEM, BRAND new mace ty Compaq $80 firm 220â€" 1987 PLYMOUTH Reliant, new tires and brakes $200 o b o €20â€"2204 1985 FORD LTD wagon, was on road as of March 10 $100 624â€"4837 or 239â€"6463 SAMSONITE UPHOLâ€" STERED card tabie, 4 chairs, lke new $175 obo 886â€" 2552 18 cubrc foot Inage. rown $75. Agmiral, 30° wnite, 4 oumer range $100. Equaize! 20 bard §$100. All in goec TRAILER HITCH 2000 pounds. fits Venture Van 1997â€"2007 $110 obo 653 NIGHT TABLE, white $15 2 makeâ€"up lables with chan One white wicker §75, one black chrome, brand new §40. 621â€"7076 WEDDING GOWN raw sik af shoulder, size 10M12, dry cleaned $500 0 b o Maltress set. queen, luxury, hirm, Trom Smity s $250 653â€"3760 MENS SUIT, new condition, 3 piece, size 4244 §39 746â€" 4472 SCREEN OOOR, tyight design white excellent conâ€" dhon. 328C all hardware includeg $*25. 725â€"9976 SATELLITE RCA system includes gish . recewer and programmed HU cart new .n nox §550. 622â€"0450 WANTED. ADJUSTABLE heaters 1c aquarizms 824 WANTED, PRESTON memo rabeia, incustna photos milk nottles ~arbles elc £5C WANTED. PRE 19308 post cargs ‘op dol‘ar paid 1944 WANTED. BUNNY B43â€"3907 WANTED, 7" or ‘arge taddes £22â€"45% WANTED, OUTSIDE pond vacuum clearet WANTED. DRY 1960‘$/70‘S HASBRO G Joe ‘iqures. cathes. vehicles Any condition. Cal‘ Craig 740 F39R FREE 1/2 HOUR consulla hon to discuss your ‘ega concems and discover you aptons Coil and cmna matters: appea‘s . Call Grat matters: appea‘s . Call Gratl Law Offhice (S19/74¢ o93 Member Lawyes Relerra Servce GIVE US THE bc. 220â€"0896 651â€"2355 21 OvER STUFFED chai con lemporary design with. hiow ers, wnde. grey anc beige $75. Roung coftee able with melal legs. ching catinel §200 780â€"0306 2 PAIR austy rose: balloor curtans. custom made, rods nauded $100. 836â€"7555 CCM SKATES. $130 837 2365 KIDS. CAPTAIN: bedroom sel. incluges righ: table and dresser. both have futthes wih ghts $300 abo 622 1313 FISHER PAICE nie ced coup. in new condition UoSt $%0 asiing $40 d85â€" 4985 2 MIRRORS, large. very ceco ralve with art frame, excellent congition $10¢. 745â€"0225 ROAD BIKE Garan 5Sm trame, witr Stumanc: 105 components $450. Mouniain frame, wir Shimanc 105 components $450. Mouniain bixe, CCM, medum size ‘rame $700. Desk. walnut veneer 25‘deep by 40" wide $35 0 bo 885â€"1638 2 AXES 36° long handles hardwood, 1 3 palm and a hait, \ 5 paim and VV2 $10 each Bicycie frame, large $5 6210674 ENTERTAINMENT UNIT igh wood grain, double cabinet, 2 drawer. giass in 3 sections for stereo, 2 shalves, 46 1/2 long by 16 1/2 inde by 46 high, like new $100 §36â€"1143 MICROWAVE STAND oas fimsh. iamunated top, drawer and storage, 36° high, 23" wide, 25° deep §65. 836â€" 6189 FULL SIZE truck board tox, like new $60 firm. Enterprise kitchen, white: wood stove 31x24 $300 Fiotabon wheelchair cushion new §60 8214738 BRINKS FIRE proot sate, 1 5 cubic foot in size, brand new still in box $200. 654â€"9295 drawers, wiIh mirror, good condrtion $75. 821â€"4945 36" CULTURED maitle lop sinx lor bathroom §75. 418 staimiess steel shaet $50 Carpel. 3 years. old, smoky bive, very high grade, one piece 11x 18 & 819. Pad $1000 asking $250 836â€" 8764 1988 _ PONTIAC â€" 6000, 19€.00Ckm, unning condiâ€" tion _ many new parts $300 as is. 622â€"0855 WALL UNIT, 71x72, mult adjustatle shelves, slding glass, 2 side out crawers $200 623â€"3577 LARGE DRESSER wih & $198,000. â€" Trree bedroom ‘wo baths, plus in<aw Sude Custom kitchen, prcturesque yard w t" pond: 32 West mount Re. South. Waterlon BÂ¥ APPOINTMENT ONcY Mrs Reimer B82â€"6018 Towrhouse condo lo: Waterico . Many upg Move in condticn Ga bedrcoms, 1 1i2 baths and stave incuuded . C appointment . io 15 19:808â€"2" 96 $AVE THOUSAND§ Se your property on the Internet for $39. canadianhomesel!â€" er com is Canda‘s Natonal For Saie by Owner network Zern Commussions Tall Free ‘â€"877â€"668â€"7355 o $3 Down! Crownland, Tax Sales Financing available For info cail Toll Free 1â€"800â€" 82â€" 3801 HANEY REALTY _ INC. specialzirg in Waterioa‘s un versity off campu$ housing it yau are looking to buy at sell a student property. Ha ney Realty is your *Educated Chaice® Reallo® }519,884 7888 . www hanevrealty com FORECLOSED HOMES Low closed homes Listing Into Tax & Shemits sales F nancing available Fee To Free 1 ACOâ€"BB2 X3B1 LOW OR So DOWN $99,500 NEAR UNIVERSITY CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE tor sale upg‘aces "TIMayHW ndge ITEMS FOR S/ BARRYMORE CHESTER: FIELD 8 iong, soft yellow tra drmonal styling, like new $300 Tnomas ville coftee table and 2 eng tables. pecan hnish excellent condiion $260 Parr of Diacx and goid table lamps, while shades $200 822 357 1988 FORD Tempo, excelient condibon. new brakes, Lres and muTter $695 or wil trace for motarcycle 653â€"1971 2 CERAMIC lamps . brown and yellow, very attractive cords are Irayed $10 each Oval ug $20 5643413 DOUBLE SOFA ved, good condiion $35. 822.647° MUTCH IN green imill pairt wilh pine fop, very attractive $1% 2 love seals by Barrymcre . with â€" delicale flower paltem $800 Pine table 36° round, pedestar styie, like new $150. 653 ANTIQUE FOOT stool $30 Brass knocker, antique $20 Assoried hardware, bolts screws, hinges, eic. $20. 822 SOLERFLEX MUSCLE gym with extras $700 0.b.0. Solid chrome . barbeli Dar with 2 25ibs weights $60 0 b 0. 822â€" 9171 GE GAS 30° range. black wth stainiess steel top, like new $400. Canavac Central Vac canisier $100 0 b.o. Range hood, white, with heavy duty tan $50 0.b.0. 821â€"3623 E* HARVEST table, sold dark pie with matching hulch LARGE, BEAUTIFUL wall und 6x8, 3 sections $160 STATIONARY â€" EXERCISE bike. good condition $35 ob o. 836â€"2328 DRAFTING BOARD 43‘x84°, adjustable heignt, with scroll attachment . $400. o.b Humiditier, water wheel, 2 speed, . humudistal. wood grain tinish $75 o b.0. Safety shoes, size 12. biack, all leather, salety toe. new $75 abc 804â€"2934 CONICA FAX machine, older model, works well $25. 823â€" 9766 INDIAN RINGNECK nard leed home raisec baby $200 623â€"3448 DISNEY BABY cnib set, includes cnibs skirt, bumper pads. comforter, wall plague, boarder. sleepâ€"eze. cushion anc diaper tag $35. Boys GREAT OPPORTUNITY! Established dollar stores for saie in Kitchener and Camâ€" bridge 65°â€"2266 {leave message) 1 BUY PROPERTY! Any lype: Any condilion Cal P Ball 519â€"888â€"6874 TEXAS USA PROPER TIES. Only three 20 acre parcels available Localed in wes! Texas $8,495 ea $15Qimonth . Call 1800â€"875â€" 5568 STUDENT RENTALS Great nouses, good laca hons, Cool Landloras‘ Singles and groups welcome . 746. 1411, www haneypm com UPSCALE STUDENT ac SLIGHTLY DISABLED 61 year old . women requres. a person to prepare two meals a day and do some lignt house cleaning in exchange tar reduced rent in home which includes Tull use of commodations 569â€"7766 leave message. See Page 4 nome with Iwo bedrooms and full use of basement . Must be clean. kind, Irustworthy and dependable B44 6973 10 clothes size 1824 months box hul $35. Girts clothes ‘2 24 months, bag full $15 All in good congtion 243â€"0670 REIS 15K couble pmol, 5in whees hitch and etecinc braxe switch . $800.â€" Interstate manne battery $50 Solar mig weider $450. 836â€"3005 NEW, MOTORIZED treaomill Free Spint, 24x4Bx64. van able speeds. 5 moniors adjstabre haight $490. New denumidiher ty Sears, 30L capacity. excellent condition §$149. New, lood denydrator Tamity size, ty K Tel$60. 766 9955 GREASE VIDEO, it stereo §10. vamity: tor bathroom, cream colour 2 door, 26 UZx22 §$10 Wnie lace valance, with 2 long lace side swages, includes 10 $20 65 GALLON fish tank $300 everyining included 90 gallon lish 1ank $400. everything nauded 620â€"9866 81 CAPRICE 2 door. hatch back, 5L. as is $600 0b o Doiby surround speed, new condibon $300 622â€"2237 or 658â€"3974 MOTORCYCLE JACKET dark blue. like new size 40 $75. 740â€"8953 TRAILER HITCH universai $50, fits Dodge K car‘s, width 44", length 127, hitch ball 1 34° e21â€"4378 ANIMAL TATTOO kit, comâ€" plete. Characters, green ink, pushers, brushes, mint condiâ€" tion $75. 821â€"9378 WEDDING DRESS | size 14/16, simple: Cinderetia V neck, plain bodioe, applique on train $300. Elegant neadâ€" prece with crystals and pearl. 3 UZ long. Paid $250 askung $75. 766â€"4901 3 BIG baby dolls. 1950s, excellent condition $30â€"$40 653â€"5585 POWER SUPPLY cord tor range, 24 amps, new §13 824â€"7736 FLOOR POLISHER like new §20. 623â€"2206 BENCH SEAT, like new hits GMC van $60 647â€"2547 STEER HIDE rug, new beauâ€" tiful full size, 6 12 x 4 112 soft brown and cream shacâ€" ing Greal for Sania Fe or Rustic cowboy decor §550 6539723 26" ROYCE Union lully aljustable suspension tike Shimano _ equipped, . 21 You Will Learn How to Find & Treat the Pressure Points For: ® EATIGUE â€"% HEADACHES â€"® LOW BACK PAIN # NECK PAIN ® SINUS & ALLERGIES @ ARM and WRIST PAIN iCarpel Tuanel Syndrome! ® NUMBNESS & TINGLING (Arms & Legsi Learn How Gentle Light Touch Will Assist Your Body To Promote Improved Health. "Address the Cause, not the Symptoms" WHEN: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 6:30â€"8:00 pm WHERE: _ 30 Dupont St. East, Suite 204, Waterloo , Pressure Points are areas of Stored Stress on a nerve pathway. I Partcipants are asked to bring a nonâ€"perishable toud item to be donated to the local Food Bank Call 651â€"2397 for info "Classified Special Only" Some restrictions apply with ht siereo unopened baihroom, Dr. Bryan Lawrence D.C. THIS SIZE AD KENMORE DISHWASHER excellent shape. connects 10 witchen taps $150. 622â€"0684 UTLITY TRAILER, 5x8. all steel wih atlached Joading ramp. neavy Outy (2" im $800 622â€"7169 WHITE CHRISTENING gown. 06 months $60 624 4791 DOUBLE STROLLER, naw bive, back Io back $90 hm 6505240 9 DRAWER dresser, 54" bed roll away bed 624â€"9057 COMPUTER, GOOD ‘or parts with monitor $100. 740â€"3728 LEATHER RECLINERA char, De Boer, blueigrey colour $250 o bo Bird cage stand black melal, almost new $35 Casserose with siver plated stands, 3 lor $3G. 7634148 ROUND WICKER pian‘ stand 40" tall $15. Wicker coffee lable with glass lop 30%30° $40. Wicker an Dack chair. New $250 asking $75 6537229 LADIES â€" MOUNTAIN | bike with loddler seat already attacned $100. Mens Boolay cowboy boots size 10, pard $200 aslung $75, excellent condibon. Giass chandetier, paid $110 asking $40. 620â€" COLLECTION OF semiâ€"preâ€" icous stone animal carvings 30 peces $450. 823â€"1891 CHAIR, RECLINER, medium brown vinyi with plaid fabnc etecinc with vibration, good condition $175. 725â€"3680 BLACK LEATHEA motorcyâ€" ce jacket, size 40 $150. 653â€" BLUE DEMIN jean jacket, medium and demin jeans size 34 $50 for both. 653â€"8944 MOTORCYCLE HELMET, Beit, medium $30. 653â€"8944 glass, molded seat, foot braces, double paddle inclucâ€" ed $225 0 b.o. 824â€"7666 19508 BRITISH hand forged putter $75. 19505 Ben Hogan 3 wood $50. Art work, dated 620â€"9645 BOTTOM BUNK bed malâ€" tress $30 Piano key ‘iving room mwrror, slightly tinted . apprax. 28° $50. 623â€"009€ MANUAL TREADMILL exceilent . condition $200 766â€"9955 1984 FORD pick up Iruck with cap. good motor. runs good, lots of new parts $500 ob c 741â€"9283 13° KAYAK light weight fiber COMING EVENTS PIGEONS, MADINA "bue" $10 each 6238127 MENS, MEDIUM to large size beige ai weather coal with 1p hning, cleaned §20.747â€"4533 WHITE STORK Craft crio with maitess. both in A! with maliess. both in Al snape §$175. hirm. Baby$ Dreath vaponzer, BL. warm air with buit in meaicine cup $15 tirm. 767â€"2214 ANTIQUE MASON jars $ each Sel of Funk and Wagnall encyclopeia‘s $10 8231936 CASSETTE TAPE hoiders hold 100 tapes x 4, $5 each 632â€"7599 BAR FRIDGE, Kenmore, large model $60 Breaq maker Post Masler, digtal. never used $6C ob o 836143 7 PIECE diette sel. aimond, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, excelâ€" lent condtion Paid over $1000 asking $500. 650â€"2207 ANTIQUE PAIL stand, pine, beautifully . finished, . 34" length, 36° height, 4 stepped surtaces §550. 650â€"2207 OIL PAINTING in frame of Crestman _ Woods . in Kitchener, !all colours $65 ob.0. 7474533 QUALITY WOODEN wagon §50. Ezâ€"skate, skating bar for beginners $30. All in excetient condition. 621â€"6904 REAR FACING Eventio infant car seat with car seal with car base, good condion $60 827â€"9199 1970 Kâ€"W Winterlest mug, goid, rare $50. Wooden collecâ€" tors spoon plagues, white $35 ob 0. 4 different sizes. Prano conservatory book, brand new, book 2, New Milennium senes §15. 742â€"2363 HOOVER STEAM Vac, lke new $89. 745â€"2824 CLOCKS, FRANKLIN Precision minialures, excelâ€" ient quality $75 each. Hockey magazines, earty to mad 605. wintage, excelient condition English and French $10 each 822â€"3838 GIRLS CLOTHES 3xâ€"6x, 139 pieces $40. 624â€"0370 LITTLE TYKES washer and dryer with ironing beard and iron, excetlent condifion $40 Jolly jumper baby swang $15 1949 Singer sewing machine $ 824â€"5236 COMMERCIAL MINO grater basket and 6 sorters, 1/2 price. Teak: head board queen or ling size bed $50 Chandelier. modemn glass §75. 763â€"3949 For all grades and subjects Toll Free 1â€"866â€"888â€"8677 COMPUTER _ TRAINING Days. evenings & weekends $75/seminar Seniors 10% off Bring a friend 10% off Book 3 classes 10% off Progressive Software Train ing Centre (905)353â€"7289 TRAVEL. TEACH English Job quaranteed 5 day/40 hour {Apn! 4â€"8, Toronto) TESOL teacher certification course [ar by correspon dence) _ www canadian gtobai net . For free informa hon package. call toll free 1 888â€"270â€"2941 YACUUM _ CLEANER win power nead, very good cand: uon $65. 623â€"2206 FLUTE, EXPEATLY has crahted, Cocobalo wood. ‘ :k mahogany colout, bea.L!s tone $300. 653â€"9723 KITCHEN TABLE win 2 leaves and 4 chairs, sold wood, new condibon $450 a0.0. 6651â€"2374 FRIDGE, AMANA, 19.1 cutic teel. greal condition $300 York 2007 home gym $100 Hewlett Packard colour print er $150 624â€"0465 1990 OLDS Sierta, 3.3 V6, excellent booy, new lires lor parts $450 658â€"8260 ANTIQUE TEA wagon $600 822â€"3018 1988 TOYOTA Camry 4 coor 5 speed, excellent body good mechanical $990 622â€"391‘ CROSS COUNTRY swes, fiperglass, 18Com, excellent condifion $45. Ski poles, 130cm $10. Crysial wines glasses, never used $25 sach 9 D.0. 883â€"7956 MICROWAVE CART buicher biock top $20. Uphoistered rocker chair, brunt orange colour, good condition $30 823â€"9766 PEG PREGO double stroller, tender model, demin fabrc, DECORATIVE, WOODEN bird cage, 15‘x15‘x25" $25. 2 artificial floor plants (trees| $15 each or 2 for $25. 239â€" 4282 HOCKEY, BASEBALL, loolâ€" ball and basketball cards, over 100,000 cards. Asking $2500 0.b.0. 6§3â€"5137 mint condition $450 firm. 622 1993 FORD Tempo, 4 door, 115,000km, very well mainâ€" tained $2700 certified 0b 0 821â€"2712 1998 MYSTIQUE aviomatc, power windows, power locks, casseite, great condibon, berâ€" Wied. $10,500. 763â€"6721 1985 JETTA _ approx 130,000km, avtomatic, certâ€" fied. emssion tested $2500 BMW 3 series convertible black hard top, fits 1987â€"1991 model. excetent condition PUPPY LOVE and Care Pelsitting Service. 1.1 TLC exercising, feeding. basic nome secuiily competitive rates. 896â€"6262 puppylo veandcare@hotmall com $1500. 888â€"7582 ARE YOU underpaid and cverlaxed? FREE semina® on how io save $3,00C $9,000 or more on this years taxes! Saturday Marcn 24 New and used items. hqudaâ€" hon goods, electronics, clothâ€" ing. jewelry, videos. books CDs. Iresh and smoked meals, faim fresh eggs massive bake table. fresh bread. cralts and so very much mare all under one root Come: Saturday and Sunday 9â€"5, 261 Hespeler. across from the YMCA in Cam Sunday March 25, 10. 30 a mâ€"5 00 pm â€" Ramada Hote?, 716 Gordon St _ (comâ€" er of Stone Road & Gordon| LP s, 45‘s, CD‘s & posters Relaled Collectibles . 40 Vendors. Admission $3.00 10 am Waterloo Inn Tc serve. call 742â€"8544 Personal Home Cleaners Same Bonded cleaner each time . Vary the Job, Same Hourty Rate . Free Estmates Also ask about Pet & Housesitting . Cali Charles lor detais . Housegard 742â€"4442 MAYFIELD/BLUEVALE â€" Child care protwdier fullâ€"hme or pariâ€"ime Safe: secure environment . First Aid & CPR Retarences & receipts Call Sue 880â€"9720 GUELPH RECORD & CD SHOW Grand River Flea Market