WANTED, BREWERV ran romp! mull- harm 1m w My!“ mm“ .19th ie, "manor Car Cram Mr, MOP WAHTE0,GER+ 'Wit '"'rt my "Ms ‘JIII'PVWS M; 3691 lease "M"ssaap WANTED: STEREO/VCR ‘n Good (manor! and lam Gales In [men hams mm a game» Please can 8F"? 1860W70S HASBRO G frF Four foot ‘englhs and}! least 5 feet mp 4 5 newer} Nase call 6191682 12dlit OFFICE DIVIDERS Wa 'rlett as CT diamond engagemen' my 14 halargola $350 621 0216 mo $40000 377SS tun rams. Wk? relout0 on 919%, good hack on tast 58% ‘mn 74077605 CAR STEREO C mm Gem Wtl" a co changer. 2 Legao class A arms. lfXh? mus equal-IQ! li?" subs In cuslo‘ Us: 2 8' Kenwoods art] 2 E M?" mam $850 8360r35, DISH NEIWORK sayyue syslem race my ash 3rd vemme Wert an": card al'eacv pvngvawueu '3 recew " :harneos 56m? 0 no 6253559 machine encellem common $50 "?Eit-2524 BABY GIRL domes 6 warm to BX. 120 paces $40 624-0370 FURNACE. 100.000 am. $75 6N-2Uil 'ti' ttF ET Hi unVrc'ic nymn mod guide "use Nes hs'e50 awn-g $58 HS? 2521 iWTROWTmmr-T. been otRyer, body far "weeds exnausl System rc, mass aamss-cns test 830:: " tS SSE-9W} â€mi COAT " (er-gin dam Drown sale 13 $150 Mm 5:05 so? brown 800w " t9)ver tog Wye IreTC.', m“ head awn paws KC, Al! w 90031 Cordmn 653-4595 1988 PONTIAC EOC0 '9Cvrothm good 5800 o o C' 62241855 BLUE GRACO buggy 535 Gram Docsler seat mm cup new.†S30 Flshev Pace we all tor bed 55 3874854 FISHER PRICE bam ml; ts Etersaucer good cavalier S30 824043? CC†STEPPER exerose anus and Mao moms a Kenwood dual tassel!!! deck model "Y89t; mm luau) Swere Research Tow-er stmatersNOg 553581? 5 NEW 6 Starret1 level 5100 am l M! horsepower 14' only mm case $30 821. SVPE New amnion genes bones Included FAC retpre0 aza-Exsm mmvnm *esser 0920: we 8 legs $3% 824 2‘98 FREEZER. OLDER worhmg McClareI, was: we 42' E 32" , 36' 530 ?63-(YK% twtom, (not canvas m lube name mm tool stud $25 Fne mutual, 2 (raver. lock ante. oak Inn-5n, Dena me 525 mm "ttt aovs nuke Lille Tyies Cory coop car $20. boys Bus starlet - " 651-9295 KENWOOD RECEIVER mm GLASS COFFEE table 545 8i' 30?: ENIERYMNI‘ENI WALL ,ml malt veneer Tir x 36' I 2135!.†KH 5613 COMPOUND HUNTWG um- 6189 $225 6in 765 ' W MICROWAVE STAND Jan lush lawnaleo " drawer am: starage 35 tttip. " Wide and 25' Jeep $86 816 THERMAL sum mm atâ€: Imam-9 SIS Honing Stone amcett :rsmn $‘5 6504975 TODDLER CAR beitl, 20 was Gracc new wallet an wheels ass Ihan ' peat m Newborn baby gm mun-cs sue '5 moanxs All w cub lam common 65: $13) BRAND NEW Wm»: 'tre P‘xmum sets Siva nu ma SHIH mt moan am mm '3 mixt'.tttr y0 Fan: mean new W WANTE0, BREWERY My gala? tRtutwy Damn side by mp g m and? bx and: AW SPD, Eur 50m n good mm m; rmmn ti?' 233° WANTED INSULAIORS. old lays ham!“ Hulk arm ov, homey callecrahtex We!" Hesceky Preston am Gan arm Berk 658 5126;: grhitTEtr. UNWANTED gum lor nit-mo Mrbv germ man have FAC mu ark .9 an: W12 wANI’ED. GUNS l, WANTED, PRE '930s p9st :avds Top SSS pan: 6% SONY 10 dISC CD change and deft New neve’ seer used 2 ( was 200 max! amy mm was am) my sons 844': c t; n 8214308 suds. 'rost Ivee Image Ercetiery common 523-3 83Ci793. BRASS FIRE' {-xlmgmsrev ATKIWE, 24" ta" SVCIC a to Ct TETM22 SNOW BOARD new Mtg w packagmg '49r,m Vaaue $350 askmq $225 7-4? CM') 2 FISHER has momma $25 eactt G'acc sw-rg 525 Gram sun-"g 563 "i6-4305 WATER WHEEL hu'WJIlm ? speed not»: gram $75. a Cu: 884 2934 ‘OHUIKIOI'I $65 um; 65C 8027 WOOD SIOVE. aw ugm grey ename- Made by Jmul Glass [3001. sneer manned $500 new, 35mg 3765 C I: ll 8233444 " TEMPO. rurls new parts. am Dicker $380. we pay the Iransleriee 650-1531 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER Mel DIDCSSSOF 436 WIN" mu! mum bum In speak el and track bat Excelenl continua $395 our) 824' 9236 WOOD BURNING stove High e'loency t'85 03.' Kenmore vangeSVES Funday to' range apartmem we 5100 36F0655 ELECTRIC UWNBOWER admstable wheels $60 Hydraullc Door IrrPey tack $20 653-1615 1904 usacunv sugar 'cr tre Pena/mar Never tes gas Iank and muiier replace. mm engine S475 52-14397 , DRAWER mple dresser mm very alga mmc-r $25 Crud s Den. soho wood 3am ed Dngnl '95 am: the 5513 T36-428t DESECTING KIT Manx leather anache, here used $343 Lealhev Jacket. mens medlum Brown "Ntther shouldev lapels $15 624» 1367 MAPLE DINNG Vane, lewd ano a chars, 40" plus 2 (eaves $450 .7534422 PENTIUM ts Packa'd Sell compute' 852 megatmes were me. CD rem am: 3 5 “may Jnse Irzmdes Colour mannc' HP Desk Jer MX', puma, Wmiyows 35 Mncrcsc’l O'lwce 97 muse and keyboard may chr E mm: PM; man $20 c t a Curlew so: am Vt'esi green New: meg-3mg gN never used) 75646-75 HAIWEST GOLD. sde m tux "‘k max am o tam pm! with“ N" goon {on-nun Sui: ct/ 76043508 STEREO COMPONENY. xecnnques, [ape Mayer $50 Genume NISSJD Bid to: Nasar Alyma seo 836-126! CHINA CABINET. alumnav ea. walnul 3400 653-793E HEAVY DUTY sleppel VGA "oot, an hum ans wotlung 55372594 mF CuTes, 9mm great WOODEN OAK Jest 2t" MAGNASONIC wolvr, M wcmnggooa an 'ICAC cm MANUEL mm l Haynes ky alow Very WIRED 1937 my H; “was MIC mm pun-UK "mm â€mm; mm, wr-k ft?? 39'l WANYED ad 'Ott Mtttp km F"esp, MW' 168d WANTED how mum and memwhu a ‘mm Hark BMW": Prmxm am Borntae WWW; Gae as; Reasonably priced wanled Galt Prestor Hespele' Mahdi WANTED. GAMES foe anqndn Nan Turto claim TE ohms 753nm _ unnamed) “30% THE; ENGLAND Magazme Salaam hon Warner 19tl IO Spnog i?X,1 " w Mutual burners 520-3 Suease m'h ham 5:065 wheels anc keys CM" x ur. blue Great 'or at: navel 510 8666664 5' comma: new " chew 975 hrm 12 v3" warmer-bode! brand m m but $10Cmttn 623-5356 2 MATCHING are seats 8“me cusmm made 620 2 GUIDE my casl awn-nu: got! an: $56 each 65-: ISI' 8 PLACE setog c' Cd Comm: Poses Crma w: newts Team] salt ant: my} per snake's. sugar am; creamy, ac SSOO'Inn E21} 15tt 11:12. very many $250 a D o Classcal goiar mitt case Etude model like new. gaeal In! sludenls or beginners $256 Frsher Pnce svolle' pedecl “m toddlers Ialge w’aelers clue, mm sun canopy and unde' seal stor. age$60 8364179 BUSINESS DESK ml" 'e drawel$55 8213939 2 MUSIC sorts Kern, black, meow-1&3}: Plus Dam ans Ina-games $40 623-X67 FISHER PRICE rugh than awe named sea? and Dan Exceuenl amount $50 Toy 10chrg horse, Ltt1le Tykes blue molded mode surlaue lav _ year old and up $25 Elem»: Wankel, Sunbeam Dram. Queen sue dual com Ival 525 743.-3265 TRUCK Box liner a . Its on 193571997 $35 586 534:; 1971 YAMAHA ET 250 5mm mob e Yew saves and sea: Excelten’ sandman Sag-3y 'r: e L' 7259976 PREGOUS MOMENTS lug .urues Tor, many Ts “arm $15559 an f c-ngma bares tuvsepower, 1 year an Daughl how Sears S500 Burk beds tubulal lame, nuntetgreen we mevoou me emailent comm-c0 5250 Pickup [mix 2000 Sdveraay Swan 50: qrttt beercap mack Take we; use $4c5 [19' morm plus lax 28/324) 740 6'83 OIL FURNACE '20 0130870 748»va MICHEL!" '95 35R†new Mounted exam-hum W's Wh: 9 oo Ping Pong lame $1Ciy Talge saw Rockwell 31-3-3 8843025 GIRLS ALMOSY new. ui" bee Pine, nanny wheels and luck slam: $40 624, 4650 RIDONG LAMOWER I' "059mm, 5 speed, home My“, Jacohsen RMX (Hearst start $30C 6220.50 WOOL Harm iiarte hook mg 78" , 43' um Mtem on :1515 884-5185 WEDDING 60W†Ba er19th, completely heaved mace Fun 5mm sann sue 11:12. very many $250 a D a 3 fr. 65045991 SOFA, LOVESEAI, w. ottoman and twee IE Black MIT Mtde 5500 .3 6241460 TREADIILL. FOLIING. FRIDGE. NOT WIN ammo glee! Ice Hither: $725 a t u" .Yeer human an gas 5 gnaw oo, usec J was saw oUC Ram! cage d n A arge 2 moms an *neee, se 065.: bEWs6Mmms Bar-anew lag Wit or Sue mg 525 837 19U, " WALL m: “5,3 WM also and 7th cttmr ram Q I: c, “20%! tn. WW my mama HQ“ MW WANTED, tr' KYA'VP mm a'ea summon WANTED, DEALER "PY WANTED. GERMAN shay Nsrd all black lamp 632 8749 TRIM. 0'18"!)le 'm tradty wt a: 92m . cal walla: WHVYV ram 9riprtat my "tth pvemmnq JkF new 'r: 'Mt% w a luv-m 62? V26 WANTED COLOURED - boy, reasonauv mean 766 7759 WANTED, ort "we Labans mun-alum Siam Cops, any year ii2b8?% each Elm-6699 VOODLER BED. “tea mod» en Name pins we was mu: Mon W Dover covets lo man 5100 5.233067 2 WALNUT hexagon era rabies mm doors on tH; Columbna 'urquose tame 2p col une' wmmacmale can Ston 575 $782836 “SEEM BEER can co- Vechnn "Lake " My "r, 8953 PLASTIC BEERS mules lot THICK" blewenes tpc NCr 8953 BELL TELEPHONE mama 80t mm call Malay wsual call wailing Computerueo Jeeciury, emad, amour r5 me, $165 74' 8202 SIMS FIGURE sales we [in Made m Canada While tts 74mm: trms ICE states we": tyace " «can $35 74' can: Due We new we 40 S35 7405953 Pl JACKET aoes kw pans News (71000710507! new pans S300 52:00“! HW'nmen. 3 speed, EIecImhome 360 Small desk IT x 28" â€Jamel SK li21 0255 DOG KENNEL age. may: 12‘: 22 1t2't 23'Wgh Never usec 54734499 IIOYORCVCLE JACKEI. 19a EAGLE Premier as ' SCREEN DOOR rtyirpr. Jesar Mule. exceIenl cwr swan W" l Mr " "arm's mauoeu 5125 725-9975 MEN†" 8ell a New realm $91515 534mg? DOLLS, 2, back t 19505 new wasâ€. $85 19Br Ynuwoltna $4t czceclen' common tics SSUE TIRES AND "ms Po: Pains " enceIenlcomtllor- 2 25 I Irri', 225 x 1240’ $200 3843840 www.peo.on.calC hapterslGuelph _Cam/default.htm or cunluul us at Grand River Chapter PEO Box 31 I41 Guelph, ON NIH 8K1 For more information on local professional engineering aclmlics. \vml our website: www. peo.on.calneweek/new.htm The Grand River Chapter is participating m NEW'S Engineering In The Classroom programme, m which engineers vrsll local elementary classrooms to provide students wrth Information on ungmccnng as a career opunn. and the importance of contmued studies m mathematics and science as a ham for future technical careers. A number of events are avurluhlc to the public m celehranon of National Engmeenng Week INEWI 200l Of note. TV Ontarto's TVO Kuis chtldren's programming wrll feature varmus engmeermg-related acrrvrlrcs durrng NEW. Also, the Ontario Science Centre wall be hassling special events throughotrt NEW. Call (416) 696-3127 for the latest Sumac Centre information. For a full calendar of events. vrsrr the PEO1s website: National En . eerin Week ELASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 1990 Nsiar Professional Engineers Ontario Grand River Chapter WANYED. sun Wav< â€$71985 ePhrciPs (rum awn Wynn an! Mama bat-m 8Pt ?'51 NAMED, ROYAL M990! ZEN MN m (Tm-r FSI IN" WANTED, NEWER amqw ma'Itvy MW at “hr“! Mr, wvll Cay 1.39 may 320 2525 s10 was! We"): R 7 C. fat»: .2me Karma WANTED. tTAtt W WANTED. BABY slmg Mean 10 Mean bland 621700“ WANTED. BOVS small Wmcvcle helmet or "0100065 helmet 767 2524 WANTED. SLIDE when (â€99 E l 8 6531255, WANTED‘ APARYHENV SONY All"! snares. cas- sene lurrHatge, deitysvslem WW 2 weaken ZE'IIE'XS' $85 ob 0 7634422 PM0ToC0thErt tam recemly sewed Mar. egal and 1m? Exceller! cm tem â€may 837-3230 LARGE vows mg, saved ‘vom James Bay $50 Mus "eutty agleewen' Very mendly has Camerrope may “63303 Tir- " Had} mir; at}? by $50 8294042 AIR CONDITIONER 1.3003 BTU, use!) 2 seasons Si50 mum cove! and 039er 6209065 IIElialilhTl BEIUTIFUL WELL mart nered 4 year gerrnan shot ha" punter neecs swung county home Super mm chrldren great watch 2109 Pee 62r9746 METAL BRAKE 5 SESC otyc ni3M?33 SPOT WELDEH $650 c b 2 7834233 NYDHAULIC JICKS tor,lie "w and truck nmsnusmn. E 12osaptttNens 1534233 KITCHEN TABLE and los Chan's Itght grey with 00!" seats on the chads Tarte :5 M" and a 15' ataee0 Neal $300 Beimrlur our; am: “new vase mm punk and grey Sl'k "av/81 arrangeml Slanong apprca 39' hvgh $25 ans-mm ITEMS FOR SALI VCR SEARS "new $30 Stem: fame Cassette recorder Sears mace: Web-e $20 621 1&9 3 SHELF macaw 575 t: t; u 2 [names tramen and m gass $50 saw 763-0113 ELMDRA Am lIgm 'KAti1 slam has tan mm m 3 years an Poo $200 ask-m; $650 Wm FREE WEN Teq ne BEST DEAL N ne REGION 384-1021 votitf' -March3toll WANTEDJO" "Wu H W TV! tn " m ty:rasteryy_7tr"t a- Ef' am I /" 3|th rig» Madam 52; Ram maize. Laptop I mm was "Jean bound or raw Bantam] 'mwhe "mew In! basement span M Drywalt having lum oe. ciumbmg hxlures and Mama! supoes 329 2626 WAIVER STAYIONARV 'm?tose (I? ii5(r 58N WAFITE0, SIWOUSY hrw mum). KITCHEN mm m mutt be ttttyt you Mash " on up t 370(- 8292626 tutitE0. 60temitettty; 5.00081,1 Used we! l sea- son SIX} 'tio 1422 BRASS TROMBONE mm case Good mndmm $85 Mahogany wood me With mmot $75 “613226 WHITE WASHER and dryer. Why'oool mt '.?xtenayd war am 1 march: 5500 the Foss:Wre stave $200 All M 90011 tendI'Ion 22mm» WKLL UM? large 3 seam jam 'ommt $:95 886-6600 MtCct tlt Wale sys~ Iems. HU cart: 'uliv pro gvammea $550 826-9285 AUTOMOTIVE 1†CNN') ky, Caprice slang" 'miFr1 As Is. o gnu share, many new pans 5500 6234568 DRAFTINCJDRAVIHG labia 'trattst$25 Exercnsemachme Cswmlav Io Me? $25 Women Yunnan? am. can.†:uTlvng mam S??, BH‘GFS Mt COMMON-EA Wrecoy clean. m3 latmls, wagheu mainted 55 per dozen 62r Ci85 venom comm Excellerzcm when $110 2 " BS3385 ANTIQUE CHINA cablnel $600 2 amque sroe sham; $350 A1 .n etcenenl cano- la)" 6224530 PM OWNER mth TNT? Men Caro. v,'? gig hard awe and move $950 780-0?6r WINE BOYTLES 3000. 13" GE cumin TV, ï¬lm to‘ me u' Ions 512 Mm drama t'stats. 331118 up lo Sh' mg $8 Pnnce 3 CD muecbon the umne B we :30 367-0674 armsl New Mir inslmauon book Mo 8241128 CHESTERFIELD WITH Miami; Chan gale: table and 2 and ulna $200 'at " 6234325 CURTAINS. PEACH mum wt]?! Mlle shee' panels each BREAD MAKER 1 some tot. - um“ inn-Hr. WANTED MOTORIZE D Imam“! N" Y2?! we 10 lad-es valevgalgs and Ward ty ()1 Collet 1atyes 813-320? WANTED. DUNGEONS g D'agons Hard comm in ms Mule Wemmn aw! PM 901w grey ham MR 438‘} WANiED. Itook C8SP ml WANTED. MINE much can tor 1996 Dodge Ram no 2226 Wm} tftxwiHr, war Ice maker and water dvs WV 220545 WANTED. RABBIT" cage Is mp "omelers 3 , engune new 653-5625. CROSS COUNTRY shes and votes tm a 00 Cross four W was 2 Dans we I 'rc" and mans we 1' 52mm DURACELL "SWIG and barley sue 312HN. 4 Oat Woes oer pack $4 each pact 65NXBI lame $600 Ant-Que stoe board 5375 " r excellent madman 622W ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS Ivee li Wale $7 elm 886-3556 IMVBERETIA ic., pans As ALMOND, APARTMENT saeo healer 5 3 mm: lea 3150 Mother ot the Buses mess. teal green. sun 13:14 $65 Champagne Mother ol the Moe’s dress, sue Wlt) $55 All In exCehenlcdeKn 7634535 KING 5125 water bed book- case head board 6 diam base $75 York vow-n9 mast-ma like new $50 ugh! wood - $25 8292622 FREE VEGETABLE sleamel and ace woke! Good condu- uon 3837386 NOKIA 5120 can phone with banevy. leather case, charger am: vnslrucuons we Homer elecln: pant: awaken! mn- dulon $35C a h 0 658-5698 UTNTY TRAILER 515. all nee. heavy (my M" Ives $750 Olaexelecmc cash reg- Islev SIX C b n 8244708 NINTENDO 64 mm 5 games. 3 conlrolters. 2 meme"; cards 5253 747-1875 KENS CLOTHING, t my sleeve am: 5 my s‘eeve shuns , aatt ct leans Ma? An 494's new MW, 8530029 PINWHEEL CHVSTAL ram use 50M. excelen' condu-z-n $25 651% ANTIQUE DINING room , “-165: C an? t5eE “0" brand tte Sewog damn? Kenmore, hardy used $15, All m good Gunman 822-9084 ERIC Tami For»; sttit m Mr Pet $156 35an $80 Must see 824-9?3E 50or?f?AiEstort, Phnlxps rung snaps Best a, no 2641. TIFFANVLAMP, ttr dame tet, ambermnm $35 Mame "laffn pr; 31 each 823- PrsuF2trtatrrrxxriurc 1379 KZWASAKI Invade! “ECO Inqu 'cool Runs great $975 a o D Snow otmtletracttora Jd'nDeete Excelem common $53 a tr tt 6510666 WIT E, MODERN china cab me! sax, Microwave small, works 1 mule al a me $30 321 _9361 mm ""m†tE $50 653. 'exto $35 Ladies sue 'c, greenlealteache'. $25 Mr excellent madam] 763 6727 FUT TOP Ionsxer trap mm Irass lop Great for Wee (am $35 F636T27 Spams CARDS msebal, tootbalr. oasiemall 1:300 cans“ 884-3676 ctrgtott BUILT Illeblace Manna Used mm eleam: gluten hrsplace Slay 826 OVER IKE range mmowaue me" try Quasa' d speed Ur 2 nuns an Exceuenl Lon anon $50 622 V26 AN‘HOIJE ROCKEH dam up! $50 Barnum-c Kenmore“ 654-9684 WOOD STOVE, bsnes at WES ts" 550 tiehumotw WANTED. PHOTOGRAPNIC dam mom equm'ml Fume: dwevs entity's "an etc 6562719 WANTED. QUEEN sue Km! head board and mat board Mama m u: “C 821 9361 WANTED. OLDER M Ma oeao Cr awe PWH’WCC 651 (566 WANTED. RADIO Mummy any mam pretty an “ranngtg m mun rs: mu WINTER FISHER Pure c, Malawi-nucleus NO S13( WANTED. BABY 1mm Cot mam MN mm W" 39? WIS "tttr my way were Danem 9:083"! qualty and cm Inn $195 Sula bauhaus. 3 sealer, 7 b2 mg or Mlle Stay 623-8158 , UTRE plashc beev Domes $3 pev dozen 836 1909 NO?" SPIRAL araceIet, 2 band rungs and earrings mm 14 karat good acoenr $300 mm Bunsen chm mllk and sugar bowl purc'wased n 1960s 590 hrm 62041362 2 EXERCISE takes. trom "okextahlenttHeacr 836 Sega dame Gear. cGG. console system. 4 games with case May 747-5107 CrETWityEiet §35 SistT/t Barbel wagms and bar mm bench $45 Rortutg machine S20 All In excellent cannon 8370343 (mil? FALL ano valley 1 Ion ml" 25 steel beam Excellent canon-on $300 34443840 {iciCHEW 'RmturaCArgc Van 76 200 plustrn hnleic safely 5800 8235693 Wr Ed? 1985 $50C 0 a a Runrung cormm 621 .49C2 INTEL 'ttmutt "is. 32 megs Oltce a} 36 SK modem. 24t Corom, ur VGA mama HP can fl 60:- onnter, sneakers $400 331 9257 C6KptTTttt" DESK 45x30 $75 623-0343 WEDDING DRESS a m length sheaves. sae 9H3 Mia) 62341343 FREEZER, 23:51:34 srs 6230343 FUEL (Ill home heallrg ol approx 150 ganors, you pm) and lake away 5200 “3-968? 19" (BLACK. colour TV mm cable box 35C Samsung Karie double Iape deck machine on" 2 â€ICIWDTIES $100 8PF4342 RCA DIRECT W Saxellne System New In book em HO card $300 hm 905-383, 5633 SOFA BED, 3 sealer camel Spur Swill. Geo Mano, Pomac Fretrt Chevy Spun! Mlomalnc apple: 30me $35C D t; a 62b287? QUEEN SllED mall'ess excels"! mom S75 62 2595 SIIELE BED Vlllh metres and Mae wave Vecy woo mm $75 6232547 "star Mx sum: mm with Santa Cruise matings slum) pans $200 " n a iWF 10fl, _ ITEW 'DEHuHBiFI'E’R’ a, Kenmore. V causally. Mule 5149 New amung anew lar camping "any 8x13. SN: 8rti?, sun was with pole 1659965 FREEZER. LARGE. mine. 17 cum1ee1$200 83443114 FISHER FHICE portable unlanl sung $50 821468? trortittttt Fania: js/mt [Smllumel grower) iramed my: gas New Wm $30 ooo 385-3955 F’RAI’ET)’ 'rtrtit ___ ftii& mama horse) Named mqass 31"h25' s300bo 886Hi956 .itrrttttiotTirittiu- garriaésV 2 counters. may on and a Wave $200 APARTMENT SIZED uryev $40 “08018 SOLID WOOD aval milee lame SIN Han hue $200 Cano have $225 Ag m exact lent common 74573'92 YRANSWSS‘ONS FOR was v a 1,9 m WIRED. RIFLES. sham or hmtAFrrs, have lmnse 62207†NAMED, LARGE amma mm " swam: reason we once 836-Y?TI Sat. mi? ii _ 7:30 1m 4130 am Arena lf of gargains' St. Jacobs "an: 130. Annin ther We SOFA. LOVESEAT. Chrstr and onnman taupe colou' SHIN Excereux conolan 220N419 'ess than I year old 5210C- 7806078 SUNRDOII IDi2t Inctudlng dad and venellar s, lemma. no damage lo eusl-ng wanna. 52995 822-3405 !†Slum" 2 we! gala cluIse. auto an duo's an! WII‘ICOWS 92 300m 5115):! cemhec 5272403 ex: 239 FUN CAB. mean on gas New paml, vale: pm, alter nalov, etc 1989 Pontiac Sunburn 2 door Cemleq. $3201 1100me 623- 56" RCA home weave W, lent mnmng owe! Samoa alarm sysla.“ Arr comer» mg $6500 623M301 1995 ATV Polahs 425 Matin. 41$ Automabc 9 unacouleo 53800000 24'. 1768 Call Tony 669-2533 LADES JACKET. M shorts' elegant patch walk eltecr Bah up and ounon Iront, warm. ugh! may“ shell we Met M 525 ODD 763-9830 LEATHER CHAIR, sma‘veunev mm matching enema" Black, new Sm: Wicker than mm cushon 535 meter mes maxumng pmrS45kvset Aumacetr Ienlcorumn 6963960 SNOW BLOWER 8 hose power. ar mm eiec1nc Shin 5350 Fora Hansnussm automatic. 4 speed horn 1989 T Bud $180 622-0798 WOODEN ORGAN mm bench. tteauhtty, was presets and speakers $300 884- 2129 1 In HORSEPOIIEH wan Cy‘noev at CW 1m tN 220 volt $275 Bar as- pulsar. holds 3 Dallas $40. gram itor home Dal Wading Ieamevs see medlum. bland new. silly CI package. DESI CITE! 7637380 FISHER PRICE mod up sprung $35 Sesame Slveel my!) Fvsheleze rowing Nurse $9 836-39tl iWWifTK’ $172156 CD SThtttt halos 433 males. thack, new acrw, $neevtng, round base, :1 Ptotessamat mace lot 'era or business 575 u b a Coo; name: tor computer. Ike new Lexman: 231, current 'ttMitt anal .Ilndge Wixts penect Dy easy In Install $50 763 Smgles. hockey baseaat; mama" and lacuna? Mit SPORTS CARDS 1y, good body and " Wlmjsol Molar 3275. m motor. $315 lakes " all alt tW6 POM Van East sate nwkaa sets