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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Feb 2001, p. 31

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”SOLDIELV FREE I“)! an gr mic mum ”.000 $5 ”mum-n m ezwwwec‘ .w Ecsss TO A 9ng a." Wyn My" Mum: r u SSWSWCDU WI $5CCril, tit. I8'lr'Crj'74n m CartNtea0nctt CC!" Cedargrove I Lakeview Bamngham I 8rerttclitte / Cairncrott / Gatestone Benningtun Gate Fredenck Banting I Sandloro Fleming I Sandy Ridge IShauohnessy Batavia Pl. / Columbca St. W Marshall I Noecker t Regina Bridgeport Rd. E. Blueva|e [Cardinal / Erb/ Terrystone Charing Cross / Stand River I Squire Ct. man I Cabot Trail Bona Vista t Prince Edward Clipper Drive I Mooring Post Columbia St. w. Phillip St. (Student Resndgrpcegl NM SERVICE Same Gav ”may [.3 alt Fogps qlri'.trss washevs dvyn's "perers dishwasher“; MI warm "ea, Pr5 $15 sew-cma‘ Guar ameed Id; C38f arMtmf? THE CRITTER EXJSLZLS (23%“ _ J .1 b it! _.xys\‘,\ _ [ I ,.. ii::i'i')'"iit! w“? l ..,‘\\ W rr l 1 _gNh _ gt I' "P- V31:f»;~ tHh ".,. 1rrn A; _ 'it5Y " 'ite" G . t1 _ck T REQUIRED FOR A GROUP 0F QrALITY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS. "-4v"--‘-4v - __-___ _'-""" _ If you are a sales prmcmunul looking w scuurc a pmrllun wuh .1 ,.uccessful and pmgresuvc community ncwxpapcr puhhshog operation. we now have a rare opportunity for you lo scrum: ac cstahhshed temtory In one of the region's must prosperous marketplm‘cx Previous advertising or telemarketing experience is a mnsl. Supermr cusmmrcr scrvrcc and orgamratiorul \Lllls are essential Resporeubliiies will Include providing a high level of guslumcr wrwrc and min suppon. coordinating and selling classdied speoahty pages, regular clasoroed adverusing and directories, coordmalc and expand promononal schedules woo the department and meet aggrcxswc growth cxpenalmns. Base salary and commnssmn a) well as J comprehensive benefit package Please send your resume [n Lynn Banal. Regional Ciassined Manager Fairway Group 240 Holiday Inn Drive, Units B & C Cambridge. ON NSC 3X4 thtis than.“ mdwnlum'x "in ted In! an man-um u rl/ N ( mu... m: FOR ALL YOUR WILDLIFE REMOVAL NEEDS BUSINESS SERVICES Inside Classified Sales Representative POSITIO CARRIER itaJFEs AVAILABLE AMAZING WEAUM Free In... ew.currc" EL FESSL’U": "may Var oi,Cei';f"i'ssel',,i, K PROFESSIONAL AND Rah am: we": pvacegsmg arm "attslrsMm :F-Mrn and Err; ‘sm Fm g'cmm grhnen' saw-(B mar 1mm] the day LDUISE C-emcrhq'w 513632 9?9C m 's-mad Imm'ransla Fresh Faces for Spring 16002658535 "ales cl ' ages tcur tasttitrtu" P.' 5213 S9T, pe' WA'niiiir6tTi'iiijNIc1E Sunwew, Hickory St Crunch“! DICK St . / Dawson St / Melbourne Sugar Bush Dr Budge St W if interacted in any of these routes please call 886-2830 1125 ON-LINE Cres tWestmotsntRd Em sr W / Roslin Ave s Blue Spnngs Drive Umversrty Ave E, Caner Ave IWII|owdale PI / Dune Cres I Marshall St Goldbeck Ln /Bndgeport Rd E Margaret Ave, N I PIitewoo0 Place Klnqscoun Drive Grant Ces., Colonial Unve. “WE - "s' n a-sms? _ r F :,iisipef ARE YOU mom: and Wang It" alum 'wagazw'e teau' "g m mes aw LUV'EIIUUU ppeiA, We at: nun-Mn sud ttare an wen-m; m L auve’ixsnng sake, 3epacmen Ch. m” Ce ante It to" 'pct "ome new Ifme am 531nm Cu" $20lvcat Fu van-m grounded l 83798-36438 AVAILAB EXPERIENCED CLEMIING ad‘; “was": an can Retcureres C'rl mum! E'mme's St (we Ca, PHGHAMDYI‘AN Cal-gm s Pare warn-ran}? Dcar nsalmtrs. mans can mus Ouar‘y mort-a-str D A "yertrcrys Cat 8856445 ALLSORTS OF SERVIC- ES law on". zean.ps te"Lwatta"rs 7sarrunq H": 9er removal D' warm; W 574 SW? SNOWBLOWING‘ PAID"- MG; plurt"rg eeU'H'aO P'rrfriy vegans “hump: Raiph 896 '?le" GENERAL RENOVAYIONS HOME IMPROVEMEH m m: 931 we "oPrrret't Pledge la: res BANFF IRAVELLERS Hmsaeemng‘ mow enter": arm 5 supewuo: Mirlme pas lion: availacde Slam AL ammo-oat or' sh pass & torus Fax resume Anti-.762 5916 a We '33- NO, 7288 Nutra8lend Fo00s currently has an opening tor a araducllon supervisor 'ms nelson mll be resporenthe tor running day-m-day produchon runs ot the mod muxmg plant as well as supervise sum. report direclly 10 the plant manager. and prance Invenlory and small purchasing reqwemems m acumen thrs 005mm will requ-re heavy mung aiming lorklm. assvsung m pro0uc0on and helulng the Plant Manager If' all aspects ot the busrness The Ideal canmdale mll have prevxaus supervisory expenence I" a product-on lamllly preferably ln a loud envuonmenl. musl be lurkull osmium. mechanically manned. and have a great enlhusuasm for cleanliness Experience 1n HACCP. lSO 9000 and GMP's IS a dehnlte assel " mterested please send vemme 10 Math Lahine ttBtrablend Foods 162 Savage m. Camhridge, (In! Fax I 519-822-9087 J DRIIIHIE INTERIORS cram ordessmnal cusmvv rnmwlev gamma} WK mqu Urmlu'e mynn‘s ‘cnm: 51 y at": AW Food Production Supervisot Revavahons ' sttallai Us . Matrttert amp. . Wrte Basemms . New. Audit-ans CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE, . Maren; 8 View. CALL Hugo Ila Silva CtrrtititNi Elenrician 51+656-2900 " DRIVERS Flee Estimates Reasonahle Hales TI " BE YOUR OWN BOSS" Be tum? arr mlropevamv a {we Van 5 Iur Sm Fuck L" Vaclav Iva he cant gamer! mm an waved 2'50" he EIWLE mquusa will I'am 1935v5C' if?!) an I M8-8i7-ti044 '95 Manny Friday Guaranteed. Call memav Cum! Hana-r The Victorian Order uf Nlrrses Wairloo-Wellmgion-Dulterm Branch n ,cckog amine. dynamic. enthusiasii, Inmnalnc mdlvnduals trom ”nuns hackgruunds. pussuwng a uncu ol skulls, and from d1fferent parts ol the community, In \crve on Ila volunteer Board of Directors (twelve members) There are a number ol vacant punnons on the Board effective June 2001 VON WalerlnmM’ellmglun-Dutfenn n a not-for-prof" chantable health care nrganlzalmn delivering high quality cummumty-trased programs and services to restdents uf Waterloo Region, Wellington County and Dufferin County An Informanon session for oterested odivrduals Will he held on Tuesday February 27, mm. 7:00 pm at 255 Woudlawn Road West, Sum: 20). Guelph, Ontario, NEW FEARS HESOLU TION Lose If, pt', wards m 30 Gays MEN: quar Weed Dore" rem-”mm ml neural" sale and easy mu Free l mun we gr mteverslumuwn 25.155 code 85941 For more mmrmalmn about VON wateryoo-Wellingron-Oufferin Board at Dtrectors or lo suhrml an application. please contact We can In you! bad cram Nr, ham al b"itle"'e"ry Tam-"f; 1888-4144230 Loam V mung _ ham by ensl "O 345135 mean .3 STOP $50K _ 1 Million Available 1 4300866 -3258 VON WATERLOO-WELLINCTON-DUFFERIN BOARD OF DIRECIORS felephonc "tlit Vane with Ms Sandra]. Hanmcr Executive Director VON Wacrloo-Wellmgton-Dutterm 55 Wmdlawn Road West. Sun: Illl GUEU’H. t)N' NIH MI ' .519: SIB-SUM tWellington & Dullrnn Am.“ tyut)yrtt)4m8MriWatcrlooRc.yuvrr, Fax i519) x3519: Email klemoo mud mum ATTENTION! ACCESS to COHPUYER? Wu”: no" new: " w: 5603-53500 pytt L09 gr lo 0w ecglotulocome com "BYE-9994332? You Fm meED: 39 peep-e IO ore 560 m use up Ity 20 pounds per month Log or devevshm commas 0' mom: 5'9L33343989 FULL-TIIE EXPEN- ENCED 0uIocar0iStem Drive Mechanic [squirm tot wed estatAsned Dealersnm w m large cusmmev base Can for delans Boat Mart {Flea been AB 403-3A2, F: a wee: m :mnpuxers' h? :13qu sum and the opportumry to in)“ me What 7? my Can Duane at AOL 7015 LOSE UP TO Y) LBS In K. am we". sate aw: nanny Gwanreed "25% Call 395 1291 mess WEE EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! FRAM E RS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Own r Y' Sconaum prelerrty0 Comm Gem Jacqueline Montgomery ourcn Deep Muscle Therapy/Reflexology ENJOY A m MINUTE. MANNAGE FOR ONLY $35.00 iReg. $40; UNTIL FEBRUARY INT”. 20m PLEASE CALL FOR ' . sttHi266902 749-0318 “To: “max anAKEIr 5|"an . . . APPOINTMENT 725442] JOCUS TOYS SproiySum- we: :00! carmogue has at wed 3co. urn-c prawns who ordet VY Fm nlormar won mom mug.» mum Lornmny V my $99 Can l 8.43038 4587 End 9337 QUINN CONIRACHHG L'B Ity curenny “naming sup mums fu' qualms-3 1-3025 people 10 mprt al or Jas 51'": wrv-z-memmal sees ", Cerlrm Alberta , ya. are an rnuertluteu accent-c9 and! 'Jr houmeyrmrt, Teasetax or man in the mw'namn listed been Ptease Induce a pho meow a! weak on you! re- sume your awlemmshlp or Jou’ney’nan new numner ioclu0ere0 sean', audit-mine} along mm any satay MAels ml you 'xMiess mm me at my Oates Only Ihose se- laden In! an memes! a! he ;cnlav:lec QUINN CON. YFIACTWG JD PO Box 539 Blacxta)0s, " TOM {div Fax 433-885-5688 SOCIAL SERVICES CA- REEF _ Boston, USA Adm; meme! heallh never Wlasabnllnes Wow-aw Tcomo, February 27m and 288t Bacheesrsmiorw'Car mm hamsrev com 1-800- Btir0076 Fax 'ir81t340- 5257 'lt ' ummunmhly (57400.1) .7 a ili I Cullomor " sum. much put-nod}. '2: Accounts ’10ch ol “WV m WW" res Midway-Fray ate 3 , m A p m m tS Dvckscn St Sore 202 t or CarNm0W leo Of “a; resume In 624-88 31 no- a apihy to ree m willing)!» cow 'te'. mm Pm suing "1!“ch ABOUT womng overseas' szsssas-m No exuewance necessary 18» $25 Mal vale Ca" t.900. 565-5ti2? my Camtrttys%tctterw Waterloo -iiraaiairssistant Needed Permanent. pan-time pasmon available Immedi- ately 24 hours plus per week Hepomng to the Circulanan Manager, you mll possess a pleasant tetephone manner, excellent Interpersonal skills, customer same experience. aullny to WOIK mdependemly and Micmsott Othce expenence Organizanon and multetaslung abllvlues are a must Dunes ocluoe general mince keyboarding m. mg, hung. photocopying preparing recruitment materials and Inmacnng wnh ptsteMal and current newspaper carrers and customers Please tax or send your résumé along with wage expectatmns tty, 1vATEii'i'j"'l'j""'i"ji"i'"iiijMcui A PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU WANTED! The Waterloo Chronicle requires responsible adult carriers for door-to-door delivery on Wednesdays. q Various in-lown routes available "Classified Special Only " call 551-2397 for into No phone calls or drop-ins please Some restrictions apply Akin: Carolyn Ansley wilerluu Bhrnnitle 75 King SI. s, Ste. NI Walelloo. Onlavio tttd 1P2 Far. 519486-9383 886-2830 F” l "-4 Phonic (15' _ 33gaf'2‘5 2307 an |'\\ (15I _2355 RMYED CANAL WM- ws and Cass 1 Duvets In s'att, mom marMarrm IQ ma Sewerage: Must be able u, m! up, Ina: Gown anu non sql ices bl man an 005 also avahanle tor spouse Mus! Gum; duvets absmu w you Hesse man or lax resume 'o West Coasl AWusemenls Llu 6982 cii6T Siteet, Langley, BC Viv IR? Fax ISDIISJU 5’2? No P'wone Cams 'Nose _ GIVE '; us l 'l'I-IE _E THIS SIZE M 651-2355 "osoacss Ad lk- Itritc v "

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