1 5 FT coupunzn om ti Excewm .ar'dlhar‘ mm 9 man m cayerieatmetemt) g adaptel swim“ 525-5356 = OMEN SIZE mm: [nanny 'ii " Mn sue name sneels a the sets 510 6534595 Fi, lov'IEs. STAR Wavs Wag. = Speom some Jau "mu: if am: new l was â€Bar iv,.; F g also 623 3554 " cAPfAms BED wt an... Frauen 93% accuracy vale Lave money career and heallh 1"300-651-56?7 $2 99 made AMAIING PSVCMICS guns 'rr retrted dder gtrlte- war have FAC, mu am up 5546592 WINTED. GUNS. 12 gauge doubts barrel sde try suds 9w Sue by we A10 shot gun Bar In yxx1 work mg comm-on 6211239 IBGO‘SITU'S HASBRO GI Joe'lgu!es clothes vemcies Any nonunion Cat Crasg 748- 53933; _-_ , WANTED. GERMAN VIII m Cary news souvew's 742 36T been: message WaNTEty,BREqrtRr tmer ties mllk Dunes and ad tWano nos! cares 6588260 WINTER PRE 19305 'post cards TueSSScaIa 65071644 -rWtari, IEU-EATORS, an: lays "allies malt and old tomes collectames ‘wm Haney Preston 3rd Gat and Btr"r 653-3260 WANTED. UNWANI’ED OFFICE DMDERS Wanted Four tcot englhs and at leasl 5 See! mg" 4-5 neeoeu Please call 6195624 260 SILVERWARE. ROGERS IM? Sewn-s lot 8 plus MC wees tt wood crest 5456 c be Saver tea sen-nee 'at lea ca. cream and Sugar Best giteroret 5203 7434422 CAPTAINS BED mr Old!- ers and shelves an: mamas 5200 8222398 I PIECE dining vow sel I'm "rs'Crs $35C ?67-tiiE2 1989 Gm: 515 2 a L V5 Star-dam New gas "arm vac MES mamas and Datlery Per1ect mun-Hg canon-:1» News new mm 5800 c D 3 622-2877 MrtTttmGHT ls cavwg m-wogsvmal and were 'o Halo tou thvouw your meg rancv Free and cor! dental mam) PROPANE Pt $33, “123995, Mum) cam: camp ment Youth sue large or adult sue small 8366824 WANTED 00 wk Dome trom Preston 65846“ WANTED nllel shclgun cr handgm. nave Incense leave msg anc pnoe 622-0798 WANTED Mer tomes ant: memornm-a new Rest Brewery Preslon aHI Rumba" b'ewery Gal 654r 3260 WANTED BOOK cases and 397%? 1'ir1T @2930†leerdc Man. Yuma gm: 16 (Me's 753-8709 WANTED. OLD marbles Reasonably paced. also wants: Gall, Preston and Hunger meme'atulla FM“: WANTED are “3335 card we coha' para 'T0r6rlciLE “in navy true we mans sue " $75 American beet can wlecnon Best ole: Push: beer not Ms $20 "08963 WMED. BREWEHV beer Domes mulk have: and yo Omano any caros 658-826i' WAtltEtt GAVE? SCREEN DOOR, Iwughl 0esrFr. name Exoeilem com umn 32" x 801 all hamware manned $125 725-9976 VOYAGER STEPPER exer 359' X130: $35 SEW-5538 PILATES WORK 3m "Eachxne ‘cr comrg and stvexcmng $200 Care lane anc chairs SM: Whge Gap lama bed Irarne on", S40 5856299 1957 HINDU"! Heller! New mes ant: cranes $5CO ctc 6202204 Jury, N ’ Ives 3 V? x 6 $250 SGJVSVET SONY am SIBISO cas sane Iumathe Dolby syslem with Mo speakers 23 I '2 I e $85 763-1322 AUDIOVOK CELL more mm canary, angel and mar-aw 540 65073068 ANSWERING MACHINE Sanyc casse0e, remote mes gage vemevak $10 Arhque gale three 1.3; mmol may curbs marvel M' mgr opens 1056:an S25, Chance-tel 5 gene lug“ uses slanoaru *vgntbmbs 58 767-0674 WHITE FAN wlh I-gnl Four WOODEN SHUTTERS. named mgr: gloss *'1tre Butane"? common Hinges nauued 3n waexz Ir mgr $20 7.174375 DRYER. 51w 6614533 WIFE WEE " sue heavy 3uty GE Ode-damn 560 We“: wait 9A5 74? QUILTING SYICKS plus stands S40 88t 'LTS UIILITV “MILE“ Weaw mam 3-5 irramrig lame Dune small sue 550 74?» DATED LEATHER stcra-ge owners (at Nanonal Geopats magazlres 1984 to “399 $5 per year 884 TEMS WANI l EHIIL'MK‘ PM" ISN'T IT "IE you met someone N117 Can Mrsly Rver InlooucNms, (Mann's Iraamcnal Walchmaker al 25193658 4204 may??? 6302 and). HuF and musuc aqua "enl 30 years or other No Ian-vary aynsoles 85372157 WA'NfETIf can’t boo-ts £91573 WANTED WOODEN shot- was tor 2 mums 35' , 35' WANYED.H0 MI slea'n :1 diesel b"9rles also _ "ouses 653-1%2 WANTED. TWO was T Lon K-rg. Smithy Mart» Il 622-224? meEn. AEOusnc gm tar 6237997 WANTED. POOLZaue f. x8 my'alle: 65171548 WANTED, SMALL apattrerit See 'reere. {we awn-re. Demos" SJIIE made cu ol Dune m oak DUN Small desk 6584333? WWW), TEEKWLL m WANTED. OLDER mam saws Tr pans BS} 7088 WANTED, ALL on: nine romrg Naming 8319852 WANTED. I I‘vvuness Diane: mm 522- 3663 I 5 , We ghss mm): was WSW (Jane's all some mm MIMI at Dean way SWO Malone Jana manger arm wash shines 3'33 mum -0011 Slam: smalt $r25 6224ill? WHITE st0rtKCRAFT Cub nev- ra: 6640323 FRENCH PROVINCIAL save and chair Sage and asam calms m meaning Re, upholstev Great 604'“!er $3000 t; o Awnommoge am: slowe- $350 lo: no? J, $20C eat Du smug-0‘ SVSL a D 2 6514335 FOLDING GROCERY Can Sm Hocueywos tests-"e: 1'4 sum SH 827 flag my FORD Ae'usla' ILT, EEC-21mm New Ires exttasst me up 0eflecr,y xmnmg scams an: Runs areal 5903 6247253? SOFA. LOVE seal and that An ft ex:e¢len1 Cunning-n Halal Ml"? wood mm 3530 385 4979 FUEL OIL tar sax: Home healing ml About 150 gaton 'for, come and lane away 5203 M3-968F MEN'S LONG “gm woo- Jress coal Dam g'een Sae age 510: Snowmobile coal "ads ty Skv-Doc 8949,'6t CAR ALARM security syslem Haynes keyless entry aarm 335 74281376 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERI- CANA Very gooc 02-mo- ton 5200 623-254? HAND CARVED CARES ait ongnals 621 1523 ADJJSTABLE ELECTRIC bed Tr "t new: $800 [Imam Papal! bar am We slanting llama SW5 Rammelseum an arnvESI $50 3mm COMPACT COLOR 15- "mm MV'5CO, 2 was at: 5‘90 MMe smalls-raw and chair $35 Sew: melon ‘ess malemea mamas: 1 years an SN J63-4852 BED, DOUBLE suze. man tress. bolspnng and have $40 523-2381 ANIIOUE WARMOBE an PORTABLE v t2 cw 13 TAROT READINGS (Nipr mg a "lad nap and 'nsert or you! Me now Call new 834 SPRING ls luSl around the comer _ why am comm us '0 slarl a new. romance". Msly Drum Inv'cducI-ans Omano‘s rradolvcnal mam» maker (519W9-4206 REAL PSYCHICS. HEAL ANSWERS We mam rate Ourselves " You thor Y, W775??? Ot VisaMC I. 3774134410 Myshcal Com nect-ans " hours ( tge , S? 99 mm mm mysI-ul- Ctmnetmrmscott CANADIAN PSYCHIC An, swers you! concerns Inslam‘ Iy War/Ides vamable magn- IuI halo Love, money car veer relationships, Ionenes Anvv me Fvlendly , 900- 15t 9607 ($3 991mm VB. WANTED TRAILER. Fury endosed, prcessonMy bull! 62341795 _ WANT ED BABY Items doth mavers sleepers. blankets 8912025 sr, Dead Of awe 1985 1c 1997 65HXi66 WANTED OLDER Dln we dead or alive. Bu to m CC 558966, WANTED PIANO bench 3265;}? 7 WANTED BIUTARf Me Cf "and gm Have may: 622 WANTED mo 0tXV mugs with water and Ice mic! Nol "T, ck! $31322 WANTED USED Umvemey tri Watenap back eaiher Ia_t?etf63Pf5, - _ WMED MOUNTAIN lake MP Shamans " a! XT com- power-I; 8854638 - WANTED KITCHEN Aroe kxxl mev {20-0339 WANTED LARGER dog crate 8235??? WANTED NEWFOUND LAND dog 343-320? WANTED THREE sealer ‘el S350 Wrg char 3203 Anna»; mung lame 5150 8224593 ACTIWI'Y GARDEN. $30.6 months and op Car exerr saucer. 6 mums and up $30 311L320? mum " System mtt 5 games Hammers. 2 memo rycavds $250 “$1875 llCDONALDS HOCKEY cans $5 835-2664 ASSORYED PRE-SCHOOL and an»: age lays games and pauses Tm; boxes fat $60 lakes an Chitorerrs among was tet mack Set al 12 new salt KI so: 825 6530029 1990 MAZDA 323 " 5 $peee. sIav‘dam new Mes gas tank, Drakes Best one! 5510076 CD. PLAYER Dar-ear " Ian am Sun-)6 my page: 5700 36wnewlt|es 8le 524-0013 gum 7m} ‘Magut Mm 8539723 PASTA HILL Luke new. 486 only mom")! â€In speak» W. Dullhn Ham oat Element common $395 with case KM 4236 "" PtVllOUTH mnsmc 2 mm nalchback, excellent mes. may Needs manque As 5 $500 a no 386-6895 Plus" By Sunrise -Gnnas glam mm trash Ilthw 475 ILUE “US cumin Hams may com um Nm nun S225 653-9723 FMI PRICE 1er an homey WW‘WIM "N N†youth emu large sanng panel, mule! grail black and urine $20 Northern Gel Away 3% mg!!! bloc-r 59an metal Suzec mean"! $20 62r5101 IBIS CHEV, Caealser Wagon Runmng S700 asis 6202480 SWIVEL ROCKER. Upnosxereo m "Mite "rout 599 823-238! HIBSTER CAGE Sh) 6321599 NOTEBOOK comma: CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE THE KITCHEHER.WATE+ LOO SYMPHONY 'Garage Sale ol Nana" Samoa; May 5, 2N1. at The Game ' 69Agnes St Kamen. er Jana'. 21’s Warned chsercld ulensvls tocls spans goods usec bouts DUSIHESS ecuupmenz. exc Phone 885396? ITEMS FOR Sl YARD SALE Saturday. Fan?! 8 1m . noon 532 Clair Cunt Blvd. Waterloo son oak lame g chars 2 sersl Ivlmg catvnels. chairs lamps MIMIM‘S‘ lays and humaves was $5 each Reierame king sue duvet uc White waled sheets M' I Bd' $35 6216538 MOVING JOIN ihggym Free STEPPER EXERCISE] (ma/wee my $5 826 7970 FWK GRAPHITE spun rung we Wham that; one time 5103 ot 5351 My 336579? SAW, MCKWELL vadla‘ compound mere 2 no Indusi'la'm $135 622 07% TWO LOVE seals, blue punt custom wade Inc FAI carts, casl aluminum Bag But $50 each 620-1W OIL FURNNCE miner sgnr 104 Hz). with spare wands S50. John Woods ualer healer used we months 02 gal $56 anIIcueIaDIe seals '3 1m pedesxals 3 legs ear, ' leg ear; and News 1-: be venmsnec S20C 527 988t 1979 KAWASAKI Invader 3400: Laura we. Runs glean $975 a b w: SHOWBDIIE hack "ty Jam Dee' Exceitenr:x- S53 0 t n 6510666 THREE CEILING 4tr, (Ix Sat. April 28 7:30 a.m.-1I:30 am. Arena full of bargains! “on into. ' 27 . ", q" _ ‘5; .,.,~'/ ,t T q I -er A I 'r'e, ’. "t f l if? _ _ l i,' l C 4"?" 6e t 1 ‘W‘ ' _ k. _v, m" q psf-_-rs, ' _ i "t St. Jacobs arena 13th Anyual Garage Sale Call Tony 5552533 . D‘xounts for when. students & mum: moments _ . Refunds In atom 2 weeks wtth [We . Personal . Business remrm . Investment 8 Tax Planning . Personal d Busmess Income Tax Preparation . Small Eusmess Accounting Services . ntvuvlu) ", auuvl I mu wun (we , Personal . Hugues; returns 581-5668 Suite 201-“ Guelph St. kit. Mon-Sat. 9-9. Sun. H PROFESSIONAL TAX SERVICES 7 Yms Or Sammco Cusvom Saw“: KW Income Tax Service ' "EHLE Return Specialist" 745-9615 Or 496-7200 "II COLONIAL ACRES Mature valuable premier. 24 tears expenence In pnvale :h‘ldalre. smoke tree pel lree home Receupls Many relersnca Nancy sauna FORECLOSED HOMES Lou. cw so Dmr' Crownlanc, 'ax Siges Fmancmg ava lame For We can Tcll Free 1-5420 882-388! ESE-388' HANEY REALTY INC. SOEcalmng " Waterioc s m- versvly Y' campus housmg " vex. are look mg If: any cr sen a sluaem property Ha- way Realty 6 you Eaxaled Chmce' Realtor (5r9j884, T88 m naneyrealycom BUYERS MEET SELLERS canatSarThtxnesetler 20m Cir nadas premer To: Sale By Owner website Ihew hum dreds or prcperlues here Zero comm ss an Llslmgs any 539 00 In! 6 month To; Free '-8776ir.rE5, SMALL AIRTIGNT wood 0umog slave mm name " ‘ureaaoe, s 1 on New gas iire, pave was and screen. $50. (Babe (rune: 5k: boots $25 Nil-085. T aunii no dustyrose $50, double swollen $35 7461779 COUCH AND am chad m rah pastry calms Lute new 54-30 set Wand glam mmme reclangle table. good armor Mm . A malcnng padded crews. crow can! $30 set 53684813 Cl 8274624 SET or ‘my heavy duty 'dir' "as am true $35 821 5694 PEG PREGO Double stroller, oxuevwmte gotta thy $300 other baby dams emulate 837-3134 6 " HARVEST [me arm macDnirtg much. am who me $800 620-a)34 GODM ELECYHIC gum: Mack and mange Must sell $300 VSBC- SkrDoa 95N, tons at upgraom, very mod- em style, goes we neck. 185 Mes per how: $900 yyd mam 10k '00 grams. awe 'mk $950 trrp SSHXRS nel an ttilt angelica-um shelves Good coauthor! $450 Slave mm on pine, 8 it rang. mason haul goon comm $300 “$3320 sue 36 $40 SW S25 Men lr blown learner momm- De lacke1 sac sad-772‘ FOOD DE~HVDRATOR. Haw Bauer 24" x '5' 6 large Shame: 3 drying s4NM0S 575 653-9723 FURNACEJIALL rnounled direct venl 'ur wage $150 my†loan Mela: $60 560 BRASS ORCHESTRA comma Mmmunauun User! my scnml seesaw Ian Mum pieces Made by Malta 5353 821S3?8 IBMGIC " we pick up Power stetymg, males at SIEer ng. cause C00triJi, 1552mm Bodysobd Runs my well 515w 14-31515 VOTJWS tham sun REAL ESTATI ‘i' VIW‘ A: , 'ii' l ‘53 3'14 fr 'cl, F ; .1, v " "s, {-9 ' - V. ‘ _ a“) T , g , ,, , _ 8,e,ts,1d Ir, s-a" T , 'tr, f T ',' Its h. wsse_ass: ram? ’3’ " -,cse:rur-crry',, "t "aor cf bungalow semi Shun tern lease Negohable rtyN Lakeshore area 579» 9413 THREE BEDROOM, Apm ', anm Heoghls “nuances. rec mm Car mn Immacu- late $895e No pets Rental Centre 579-9613 THREE asunoou min, STUDENT RENTALS A Grear “oases good ma Ions. Coct Lanmovds' S ‘ngles are gtC-uns welcama M6- ld1'. mm hanewealty "AW? baby cm 525 Gveco playpen S70 7403783 â€OMEGA" COCK-A400 9 years old Needs 10mg 1ome with exnenemed mm calmer Mo oleaoevs $900 Imam large cage 6510310 I BUY PROPERTY' Any we Marrow» Call? Ball 51988845874 BLACK iVETlLi than“? futon bummed arm beopavd cave! Pad $650, 2 years old 5450 22071732 _ RAIL RIDEIi mm Dad to m Wmsor styte mans While ana natural Ctplot $400 new. :3st 65b2276 BELL CVBERUNK m qrttlt call dtsolay, visual call waning, warmed Star low E-marl amusiable sound, Mme New Sisal Ladiestguls hgure skates, Mme Excellent shape $18 Hens a skates bee 10 Black Hockey 539 m- LIKE NEW Davy gm dunes several news never worn an less than W2 ungtnal arm? New Dom up IO 9 moans. $2 to $15 snugh baby came, - comm m Happy cus'ton makes breast teeth In; mm cmnlonabte $25 32! 66 76 COUNTRY STYLE tathe,4 moumcunv Iopaz Fa nails on» Best our ii26- 2531 COUNTER. PENT1utd 166 64:3m136 WWI! It 'ul C B Row sonnets key DOUG Mama" ana W at 250C $225 a c 0 74741327 CONNETSOFZI, four chews neg: Excellent common S150 WtttNycttitir, $50 740 8310 or Mth0554 BEDROOII SET, mm animus head/ho! 00105 2 my! mums named waning my most Sears "unless and no: sprung 3250 mm: SOFABED. Mutaestrtlike new, brown and beige $'50 Couch Ta0i'amaisye, men» an tune moped with hgnr 'eval enamels Good cone than tttN, Original who mane bed mamas! board ms wanress ant: 50: 50mg $Y0 12579325 *1 if 'tatessualhtsai+ess if; C" Ila-e In â€with = __ - - T lust-atoms MN WA K I l- CALL NOW 725-4277 HAS Columbua St W AWalerloo. Conestoga Mall (By Shoppers) _ Waterloo g i; , New.“ Penna! ' Miss: 355 7 Ila-e In human _-, - -- __ -e mm: X W l " l lt CALL NOW 725-4277 , 1445 Cotumma St W AWalenoo _.",,,.' Conestoga Mall my Shoppers) t Waterloo ",' , tmittii Increase Your _ 'git tmitti Increase Your that the: Us Help! Call 651-2391 mm to advertise In this feature. __ membership or ttmesrare7 'We " Take II" America s mosl successlul campground and timeshare resale clear- 1r9muse Call Resort Sales Intervuhonal 1-8tyF423-5967. 24 hours mm 195an- sales com GOT A CAMPGROUND " 1 45’ ong Dark Hue $60 one SZV-GIK' SNOW BOARD Rossqol mom; and bras we 9ND Used me season $250 Desk Cf caboet mm mailers ant: shakes 545 o t 0 885-1638 BEtM6A4tAG Queer sue. tyue rose. Mile and queer $50 ooo Dushes sel at 5. Commgvnare sel ot 5 :35ng pane: bowl and we paces Mmalcrhng 52400 t c 621- 6180 BWK BED mmoouhlebol- tom. Mule we new $150 651-3333 HulDIFIEH. 3 speed used 3 months Paid $200. sellSIOO 8218834 BABY SWING. stroller thaws couch. table Best Mter Everything must go 8294†FUTON COUCH. 6outye, amehame $1% 8384939 AIR CONDITIONER, Ahatxxal 5000 mu Used one season 5300 71631422 DOWN SLEEPMG Bag new. raled -9 4355 than 3 ts ttls person up to 6' $20C Stames sleel Mel tank, 25 gal Sues he! was, S‘CO Chrysler sh, rack, his any Jeep Cherokee Nes ur no: $60 651-0199 LANE FREEZER, 30: In I ar, 3 my: MI qratttt Ian-510 " $50 each 624 89†(SCI OM Hews! mamas SIC“ Bram steel desk with marten 55 I 30 I 29' $20 under me sunk Kennlms ms pose! $50 SZHTW WU" TMLER. S x a " see! heavy duly tt" was $750, one! alarms new reg 'slem $100 0 D a 824 1% VIEWING GOMi, mg sleeves beaded booms Hench skirts, Frencr pleale6 ham Sue ik10 5158 Two Gone With The woo plates 370 each Induslnal 3 mead serge: Sngev Very good common $400 on: 568, 8013 BLINDS. mo sels an" ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE [RAVEL VACATIONS ORLANDO FLORIDA. Condomlmum seeps mm Everything there Mamas "a!" Disney Word Avax! able Mwmeek Canadian {5937635634 PUPPY LOVE an: Care Pets-Mg Service v , TLC, exerc‘smg, reed-n; hasn: rcme Security ccmpelllve "ates 896-6262 puppy‘cr veatr:harettttoma com LIVE m or genomc vrsemg TLC by bonded speoauszs Since 1993 Also ask about home cleamng Housegam Housesmevs 7424442 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup was rel weaker: de wormed. lust shots tawny rausecxeaw now 5500 Cap 699-66iy? '9cSuna1rcahs Ammaup 90w Izmzllncr Semceo regularly $36CO 622-5 'oc days QUEEN SIZE 5le piece slyl- att bedroom sutte Enemy! com-hon Most see SUB; a t, 0 620-3731 1993 WI JETTE In excel. Ienl rummg ome' Sumac! ararrn syslez" " Landllnonr mg $6500 523301 PET I HOUSESITYING ms DELTA 88 60300 km Goon work-n9 common SZSOOIIn" 6249057 THREE YEAR our] Umcrevla Cockaxoo mm cage and actessones Sum†62: 9337 Ni) '7 VOLVO - 3406‘ WOOD SIWE. nu grey arm. an tum 9mm gass 0001 and scram 9500 neo- $775 6259444 necuuug cum. new Lowered Teal glean S55 Howe! mung)! “out" $25 82247l0 “FORD Prone Mam/new pans Very rename car t'NC as us $1600 cert 8278257 “no FORD Crtwm Winona good mum $1500 a 2c As 6 Easy Damned 632 7378 my 6 p m