A FAMILY FUNERAL HOME INC. . Booking Utensils . Clothing . Bathroom Accessories WE HAVE TAKE" . cooler Bags _ q Camping Supplies I . thtlitttttttttltt lamns l" . Cooking Plates l . Pan Sets q Mugs LF “FF . 1tttttttMltittrs . Unique clocks IIIEIII IEEIlulI CIILlll I'll: ', a. Photo Frames c trays 8. Much More! CAMBRIDGE: 150 Illulw III Mt. EEO-NW jf/iiilitii)h"" t 'ariny Protissio"ul Service 617 King St. It., Waterloo 888-7700 WA Dunlap. Dilute! Fun: lug Avall‘bh 0.11: Summer below the covered bridge Harm. com 'i-iii-l-l-lt-lil-." - 7 . \ ‘ "TT' THROUGH VVVIE.’â€E‘"?- :“999' l a l _ MYEYES as?“ . .iiitii:i':'_,i)iilllf', 2,t,,. [ _ ' " t a: 'iii,,',,'),:!)';;. {Sign 'ij.',',.',,',), _'atv-,i'i_'_,,ir,g.i,r,,, y is, (s' i? ICeit? 'tss-rr?'-,,,,,:,,.,:'; ititllMillllr2'i' 'i, ' 3 i . '. Fr 'Fr. Ci C?t) v y' Ed M" i PETER _ sic w" ‘5 _ K _ P, f Ice, The following is part of an ongoing series of pieces by local artist Peter Etril Snyder. In the series, Peter “OI’ Man Rive?“ .iTtwoitnstaleatioh .Ryl-Set vice Consulting -Web Hosting fii:i).F,lll:,i!f,i),--,,tg)l,l _ ii?atiik'Kir'7r {Computer Training -....‘ ='."C2mC-a -- -"-- - oSearchable Business Directory! . Free Classified Ads! oNews and Info about your community!, Qisit uptta,vnWztt.e-rLo.s2 CENTRE These are a few of the memorable songs you mum-v will hear when you buy tickets to any one of these great Broadway Musicals coming to CKCO The Centre In The Square. - Order Your Tickets TODAY! THE RE! E i Jil/li iiiilllir "iffF?i'N.lf 'ttr 'i , 10 :29an ftreftin the mdd netter tsitn 886.1099 www _moertetter.Com madnetter@madneitercorp, 101 QUEEN ST " “104mm Mon-Fri 10 am - 8 pm Saturday 10 am - 6 pm vtonmecer""t-sqoare<om will describe for us some of the works he has created which celebrate the rich history ofWaterloo. Subkvlhors Choice l Gimp] ot 100 SAVE " Rhythm 4,5 ttpm . April4 2pm Row A at special pricn. 519 578-1570 1 BOO 265-8977 llhough it is tempting A?, look upstream from his point towards the picturesque covered bridge at West Montrose, this View devoid of buildings is also most attractive. Over the 30-plus years that I have been painting this area. the trees have grown and have almost obscured the view (If um idyllic setting, Over the years, mum views around the reglun have shifted as the land, scape has changed. Many times the paintings that Ide, are taken from photos that l have taken many years ago, Peter Etril Snyderr is a life-long resident of Waterloo. This artist oper- ates a gallery at 59 Erb. St. E. in Waterloo. Hometown News for an Awesome _ Hometown wAmii7fimi'iiijNIcui THE RECORD SNOW SIGNS“ DYNADI EC.