a M 2 _-__-_-- N IlilllllllIll i lcd ERRORS, FOf L oltty 52306†C. manna "g. 51013de J 5 52mm _- KITCHEN ji, Danna 5x5 ts' g POOLYAGLE g 2 :awem se ' tr% 3(1th . WASHER l 'tl on C) mm 653 2 Demo»: 5 a , We am a: com $20 V'ler F, may beoram E 52".smahnme f ti PLAY SCHOOL E "up atatr, M : Been-3mm _ 53% 3 â€up.“ muons. FOft sale Best one: 82305H PORTmLE GARMENT s1qatpsm 36' mm my KITCHEN UTENSII. amuse! $15 62}6490 POOLTABLE a til mm 2 Welt! sets ot cans WASHER l awe $220 c tr 0 mm 65b926l DESKONE 7Wme et, 3 we want-s mam Calrv,S2Ct Imenov mo: wt we " mourn new ar 1 50', small hue 55 664W PLAY SCHOOL, La} mrtatart,tssooatganWnas Emelemoommm $60 653 BIRDCAGE smaovass new used 536 8?2-03?9 ANTIQUE CANDY ash IMF lud Punk depression glass $35 822-0379 "mouEC0utltttY MI ML Syl M1032? POMKBLE JOLLY Jumper. M to! noon corms mm stand $30 9000 com:- [on 821-7433 Hedonifos new: Barnes 2000 mum mm» mete set mdumng cusplay case 8estaNr 321-7433 OARttritt - new} Km, net tir x (gr x 251mm mnlage 50s $50 one 82r 9476 momma mm red tum unmet coal, yawn mm large $20 6216101 KILL m5. will [we and we Gets sue u $20 621-5101 Matt - _ ORCHESTFA coma mmtayttV 2 mum was $350 82r9378 BABY Ham. 0 Fo 2 “We“? , mm} itratrqrss'topeses ttio WARM} TrgtyFtssCmt " mace exvaclov $75 653- 1579 Hun Wm" suli New 3150 82347511 whim, ' Esksxi in} prrte"at"I Runs we“ rum Ctt am m sun "wk Iemaie sue Awmd me! $230 Asko9 $tiXI 78tF 1391 tyiturt5%txEtt rocking aw $130 B24~U97 LEATHER soft me seat, chair Cream Excellem cmmm $299 each or $499 Mtl 6219270 30" “MIME meant vange Mm Am; l' yrs yo $r65 (2 b c 822-6141 l. LETYK ' chIonan jaw mange wheel than accessoe $500 'm 82iy 614‘ WWW“: STYLE glare la'rT 001 mm SI obs kt6141 Oil SWEBOAHD. 7 tt my. 29' "g, $305 on 6501035 1957 hutttrttim Coke my van dram span $200 000 6501035 NINTH), COMIC ms 2494872 WIRED. WOODEN knchen wave 013p Isa! Mar sue 36" x Mr Must be my“ my: NAMIBIGGLF dune Mama Hon! Tons and 91mm shaft woods 623 1422 VINE). Wu) tr, coaton My W1 (me Negotiable 821»7433 tvattrEtt,LAftfgt mm mmlure, terrelty and an dew 81541)?! tmtrEty.rttreR PM; PM â€was Kawasaet Nota, d wheel bess ity chdO's (“may 5241mm Make Some Change. 6 W " ALLAHDS UP. wATERi7kTt5iiiiNa,E cussmm 551-2397 teoothmcatr BLACK LEATHER sec nonal Asking $600 622 desk ctmPuttr' ready i? m ante mam tMe Isa-$00 LADIES was: mat Near-em sum mum sue smail JeIachatge "000 Excellent 9000va 885 "o012 1908 FORD Yempa exceiWnt Condition New brakes. was mums $675 65379“ END TABLE wooden mm answer} magaznneracu $20 "09%? GUILT RACK. wood tm 1409(59 VKHIOUS HOUSEHOLD 0900mm, pictures Pnce vary 7409069 ithtt JUKE Txi, had 80 records 5800 8238666 LKUnEunm’ mm. Chair $175 8238666 SUNBEAII ELECTRIC Blanket mm iN come see SW?“ cmlrol A25 823, sirenâ€: SYSTEM Direct Ill mm working HU card $850 725-4869 FREE To a good Mme, said grey Indool male I W 00 cal 7851866 Elli BEYS cloths, 0:3 yrs Assorted box $50 Ex: amd 6203552 BABYGTRLS Band dime clam 04 yrs as com $50 be! 6203552 NORTHERN __ TEIICOII mack Wales We wllh calla! ID $50hrm 620-3552 HEAVY troty sifs" F- and Karim need wacky $100 0 D n 65ihliB5 WEN/DO " Norm tttNeo. 6 games. steerm9 miusogoo 622-9259 ahrtlTCtr STYLE - Grte tum Padt22al,astirtg8est oirer, 826-0514 $ttTrt, Maw am 9206. askmg $500 one 8260514 DOUBLE STROLLER. mo emu 1WPOOITWC’ Twat-,5! pans " whole 530$ on 28 t, " news wont 620 (My. "ell Hammad 5206 653-89M BEtrHBt,WthT IS" Em}. 11mm FREEZER Tn 9006 Mm; cm $75 52341260 STEREO CARMEL wal. nul Mush Marty ruse teames 58Tn 122": gass 000's Lee new rm 8234238 WEBB EYEREO rename! Exceilem mm Working order tIOC 82x- 4238 mstaneo’ some? excellent osmium S25 new gamma tTrrETCrNWfETtT tWt. was 2r w. m Ivor“ mes W m long E 5 t mgr: $75 mu 3944295 BrTrttDt, "Diwaliâ€. ter. “531451 US 894. WMEO, SKATES, txrys, Bauer 81125 685-5012 mm. “mm 10 cover 500 SQ It m has» ment, used at new wm puck ITEMS WANTED up B2505" WANTED. LABIWS mumarure Stanley CMS. buy or trade 624-8250 WMYED. BREW!†beet homes walk was and oh1 Oman: post was titi8- 6260 WKMTED, GEiiiAi WW2 Mummy new souvevvrs N2 369t Leave message WANTED, PRE 19Ws post was Top SSS new) 650 11:an " mm human Myth-r n ' Irnwdlh‘mr rrhuM-mr m fume up 'htrr ' M heorr plat r In man wmr , hung? bm unh u .fmm‘ml Ad In rhl er'lm f'hnum fl v, plo f u Mr, ufirdad Indm hr, mar ' hung, n nun] CAKORD. PNtAS0tttC - balmy Iva case VCR may u- soon‘ cool no. max A man pain was! WHEN 19% mm- ng 8944295 1’5‘IOYOTA MM I TRACK tapes Most), wry 25am SHANE “19100 " Suva slash brother game Purchased Cttnstmas $69, 56 $40 624501!) DOG l ml palm $20 each 6202690 mbi ttEhtEttrttTS, drive Sith, not up Inâ€: 199,iXX) k luv was Rial mm mm Leavemes» new his aunt $992000 $275 one $293194 MENS LONG my" woo! class coal dam gnaw large S10) 894-9N1 MEN‘S Hm style coal. reversible tram remnant wool man) no tmgnt yen canon Sue urge 5150 894-9761 LAMSBUCK Hum seal M coal Sue ti) mm manner he“ am can team mm $3.30 8949761 CENTURY BATTERY operated baby sum Eaasllemartthtton wr 520 9214 cactus“ 54m Enid mthaetacnalgecarseat G20 ttr Goottamditron $60 621F $214 cimm _ when» we munowezg HAIR tgrew, 713wa3 asly‘e $80 8?349511 . 82305tt 1it0trottt one low mileage. good shape runs great 239-653 at 624433] nbeOOTlMPLE Fog room sulle. ml canal-or; Bullet, mm. 5 chants. labia 2 leaves $995 him WIFE? tank?!» metal 51300 $60, 109 inst tank 320 650-2190 BEIrureTt" [0113103061 box 94 ' up Excellent amde llon non 6502490 Fulani 'nms.15' ar, 205600215 mes ' bail Excellent corotsor $550 334nm Emil BED. lam my}; In ahor with Hume's 3150 82351151 DRIFTTNG “iii. 36Mi0" aduslabIe Itlt (up and shoe arm with than $200 ib23-50V Mt CottpresstyR " HR . "0 DR 220 V 3311) 763- 3(3qu BILL. "in: Mr shoes, we a $15 763. MOBLE SIZE [1841.900 6237791 PAIR of 80w Technx: was $50 623-7791 tttws BAUER skates sue a Good common m 3855012 otyttmtTirtER, “Sign CRAFT on good on» damn $65 746-0950 “WED. ISMTORS. do logs, marbles. mans om bot yes Galen-Mes MW WI, WW and Gatt and Berlin 6684mm WANTED. nits? 0mm gm Have hearse 5220799 WANTED. GOOD camera mlhlens 8360562 WANTED. a In " Nassau tor pans (my unmnl Must be reasonable 82ir Chan 553515 Joehgnes mamas. vet-um My common Call Cwg MO WANTED, WOODEN an?" 1M'Sl70’S HASBRO a miria6 BOYS BAUER “a sue A Cow norm " 8855012 PLAY PEN. $50, Aity â€@9190qu $20 62! lo $200 m-NT ANTI/M mom-mas $50M 14076“ Aptsttt dryeronsand, 9006mm tm I†F0510 bums. new e1sii?7ammsaotikr STEHEO SPEAKERS 250w Brand new new: used " In " $500 a it a 620 9597 SKATES. BOYS COM 5118 I 354 Excel!" so» am 90mm 623-3067 LEATHER COAL ' lathes, mg rm collar itts smalb'meown $50 623. COM. LADIES. W. wool gleenlsn teat black leather canal SMestt ms mammedmm soo 623- smmu. "5.1.510 no 3700 325mm 5 m. gtyttétMAttttER, dome Insulaled. mm lop HOOVER CMVERI’VBLE W vawum (Seam. new: hose Emerson wand. 3 mad-nuns. new amusi- mem Emmi Wm 1631422 SILVERTEI semce.trar teapot. awn ' sugar Best m me! $23) mun 1ELE§CTFE tURtW0rt oh svmu woo mm Cost $189.M5125 TEHQI $tartittTt T chanfSSd Falwell-anew" WM tttn Wm ‘m _, WTEDT ' Life TPes prts strt tprtrs6, Manlegs mciuiied Value $350 Mrnt ttrttetort use 766%, SHALL m 00: mm nay, new $5, alarm ' mm mm cassette thack Works and. $20 Water filtet to stop sale In hummus New In box $10 "aa406, TFT. DEEP treezer $75 624-151? WINE BOTTLE hd0as haMpamtMstano wanna one vane Dom: on as we $8 each 7632738 COLLECTORS TEN. 1910-19133 0mm depen- ment an mime Wm 70 Issues $25 837-8446 COLLECtORs trEM 3949-7965, Tttts Day' Lutheran magazines lt? Isa-5 $20 mums RETAL BRAKE. 5lt $750 763-4233 Hum?“ Met. m 624-5385 624-5385 "ma Em W cam net. m wood $700 62F " DRUILIM Drive, $39: nawFBumen area m Cam bridge Clean. execulwe non-smoking hone I tmr rooms 2 ti2 halhmnms. open concept mam “DUI Den. 2 suitcases to Base, ment km 6005 to deck. central an, security warm custom blinds throughout Owe! oergnlmurhoM. nu- merous wanes Alt buck euterlov. uMtmshed base- ment No agents Viewing by â€monument only $257.31) 519-621-0811 new cum Cr nada‘s um Tor Sale By Omar Ioebsale View hun, dreds cl urnoerhes have Zero comm-55:0" Usonqs only $99 00 Im 6 monlhs To! Free 1377668 7355 FORECLOSED MODES LOW Mt 50 DOWN' Crown land, la: a Show"; we; 1'i1J,n,e,,'q ave-law Cal. '0' “sings" whee 1 300882 38gt CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE tranttay REAL ESTA“ in? ITEMS FOR SAll "It†"ME MG mus, said My" oak lop 52‘va MR NE tWy can an Luna-n no 4424i23t Chills. troam neck: Ewe-anon m mama 5 tt4tets, do has a. 57¢ 5971 03m thtttt at). u: my $75 76% 33764133 not " was $75 7tiS44tB Umroyal Tiger Pam Ines 2151605“: Bougrt to! W244 $190 EMT?! before 9 p m SINGER SEWING mm. sage sum $45 manque V tum labia. SlBIDO 475 Otto 826- 6721 were 9 p m Hanan marble ‘00 war A mars Beaunlu $900 62r 1924 RATER'COOLER' minim Mrs$60:areatugemmirt teypm0hhcarstsatio 40ltr 520 2204362 MOT POAT misled!» um. Mm. 6 means and Exoellem common. 650- DOUBLES!!! minim mm mg“ may mattress SiSOoho Fm? LABGES iVaiiessmsss- ef mm mm mum. SSO one Fas1otNecarmuter. 56k mot%m, 12 speed co phone. speakers, mommy $450 IBMOOT HEW" -' T,' 1Vxt8' Fblal " 7474533 hum.cm$200 Mjshng $40 on. than mums. 2 yam Err mutton :35 031011006, no: tot hard covenmmymdwmlmm overlay $75to$1 cam TrtMtt10ttAr SOFA A than. ugh: begs, beamHuI slam reststant mammal Excellenl cannon $250, muskral " my)!» iur coal mth lax collar See u Best one! 6234863 3fsttrrtrEit Whom. Came to ptesenL Permian dots. (item! slyles. warms paces. suede hinged radial Paid $600 Sell $250 one LADIES SKI sun we 8 Ext: Cond 350.6115 ooihes, a A iir Good tuna-Inn. Reasonable 2 new luggage set. huge. $15 sasmz M COMM couch aM man best Mer mug back mar El: and kt SKATESBOVS CCMSKIE I, used one season $30. cage, small animal $10 Leather pixel, laces, bled WSW Exc and $30 6233067 19736606E fizlon cus- lml 100 "sets new: $300 obo 6244690 NANEV REAUV INC. speaalmg m Walerloc s um vemry on campus housmg ll you are 10001an to buy or set a slunenl property. Her new Real; 5 you! “Emma Chm' Realm (519)884. STUDENT RENTALS . Great Muses good Inca- tttrs.CotgLatxNntySis and groups welcome M6- "ll. -Mnee mm LARGE noon mm m madam with W ‘esom sue couple Pwate lam Close to unwelwes nus se'v‘ce and plaras 884 6221 aim UTTV "RES snags lame luv large mam MIOBNMTI L590 on - rmamm new $65 nun my m mm custr m. nun ago, he mm $125.anessoMpmecttttst $225 ar n 405106 5’ 323 mr TRUCK CAP. Meme! gag 75' I tyr mm 8 mn- daus, his comma shot! [In put up mm 5150 658- FSHER PRICE tip man Peg Frag) strum lemonade panning 3240935 mm: l ’ sum Exc com _ ar Nice 5500 5918238179 ELM" - EEC?“ organ‘dmmellemam pet) ass $100000 62Hu06 2mm: balloon mm mm mm mm Induned 3150. our turn naming $35. 4 area my a» dusty rose SN em 7427382 CHILD'S DOWNHILL starlet suns 660 90 cm Emma" landing. Normkee bootssczen SN 725-263? AIR PURIFIER. “Dons We mm T310, 5 stage Mersyslml. paid $900. ask mg $350 Dream catcher making supplles, atthyal Sinner, natural and black. beads. haters, animal and real, peacout "Heart and plasma! Leamer Mm. new sun. beam,» mm several neutral shades, gmat decuanve accessory. S55 em 65T9723. imatFTMiEttT-ait stag heavy any. 14" ms "50 324<WM EVENFLO PUNFEN. meshsue, 38' x 38' kids Ion easy snags $50, 767-2214 imf" - FoTiirtsrrkg hum. 5100 Mods Ttty. Gen stews! amaze: mm 350 as com! 767-2524 FREE-T6 _ 'Wmf 5 year do 99; short nan cat. Mam. Mum. canny, M (a bus mm: 651% TR? SGUATIEVM - izgke tame. mth matchmg and table, 32003. M Garnet eel We mm charger 580 68-4959 $EtmthrActthrtM, hie m.mqoimaut 5350 62212875 mm†'L|.§Ki§' m MINE BABY an!) ' chargeable SM 5mm CAT CAGE and ewes» stmes, nan WIS, we! bout scoop. bag my cat has. ait $20, Tarot dean never use0, Masomc symm. owgnax hot, woman! Instnmm mom beauMuf large cams mth slow $35 all pamnng, Ballnese onqmal woman Ileamg only sarong on beach Attractme cuslom Imus $250 7639811 HICROWIVE. DIGITAL works good. 348 Tue, Goad year. brand new. E392 Has-wane Cost 5212 new sel tm 62243798 PUPPY LOVE and Care Pelsmmg Semce I 1 TLC, exevosng. teeoog, has»: heme secumy. competitive ares 896-ii?ii2 'yuppylo wtsan6caretrhottniHamt FLORIDA. “ADE!“ beach axt6o Fully equator Shad a long red rails Photos avaulahte Call 1401056 ORLANDO FLORIDA Condom-mm sleeps fem EUerymmg mere “muses hum Dsney Worn! had we 34ka Canada! fS19)76r5034 - AVIILABLE Es um are“ m k-W area nmhev and wandwmel W meme lung cave m your mm home Call Mare R76 1176 ADORABLE BABY ttttrr rues. new bang name $6 mm IN-5578 new â€WIN! my - and arm almond $175par 8224ii64 FREE tthkt thgsse My Iowans am 620-0156 WI. KICK bar fmot,BO Harem COMPUTER 7 SOFTWARE J pvogvarns, 23 games 1200 o b 0 6209441 MtrrtyTit mm mamms $50 823-03" EVENFLO CIR seal " In 3 nasal-on Retire and we! head sine†S75 767- 22M Female tatht cai. declared and some 6212595 K.qCtgftt M151 mug we we Mustard color Rio. Lathes mess pants 3?" wast 29' legs t black, 1 lime Lovely malenal Very Me mood viewable 59 742-253 SAPPHRE SHEAR Iadl- et "h smug gum sue " New nevemom Pmetag swor- $25 1422363 HEAVY DUTY car mats, can thue Almost new $35 821.5694 BUCK man TOtt was canopy bed mm mal- lress and box sprung Excellenl and $201] any Leooardbed ensemble $100 otto 6605952 ll co. PT I FW, tist lree, no freezer, Mums wood walnut bullet. 2 (ta-lets. 2 Mom. heauMulry mtmishat, no dealers $350; Ikea me one". nemal wot Period 00nd 3115 1 yr ad 823- “minim “WEE. alrrmd. IO yrs old ttim o b 0 7.07337 mu ARMFttTt 400 Raoul", Sinai block engne 4800 a D o 740 6939 mTRW, mm: CokSpol Frost Free 26006. 16 cu l1 Good con-anon 5200; Back a we panama TV 526 6212245 WINNIE THE Par Crt male tN, WING up swung. $20. Even Mm Car seat s25 all gealcondmon 658-0271 CHILD‘S FIGURE skates, we“ 12 $10 l DOGSIIB 5 5. we; gages used one season 5125 a b 0 sin rack. Mitts t pair suns, never used $95 C b o 832559 SYROLLEH. BLUE waev Mrsuze, inks Good madman sm. Dog cages, l sleelmmray. $25 Ipeltax: $20 WWWm we [in 7717 STANLESS REEL Iuel tank sotatgerormtRod 25 g $100, wrysvev sh: rack. wall m aryJeepChenAee New" box 560. Senna down Men sleep-n9 Bag. harm used Rated -9 32w 65141199 14K, Ulla“) dunnér ting For your special Valentine. ongmal desogn $803 D b o " r.1587 Page claggltleds! sett " - with cAMrittfrR;TNMrs l (wArearri5pzrriiiwrcrr) Call Btill - 0083 Wmmmraages 54; Esc and BN $175, $120, Man was“ h m mmnwszszaar we cots, gamut goon comm» mm m linen sheep 820930" 6530029 Emu" "AME bass Iaupe banner style tacket may: Wing Mo can In 1587 Gamma, new: any Coma! mum on rub Del was Exc Com $600 000 6635321 FLOWER Gill dress. sue a. raw Mk Ivory From England Sat, BTW um [arm summed T-srm. pants. sweat stwt and scan $20 8240266 SILVERVIAFIE. comm " mutate. semngtol 8 M some pines m mm "74533 see Sue IO Elegant Mao m. WSW, mg tram Veil mutated PM “200 ammoho 8817956 ms PIECE m gass- es. new new, hazel aw ml l EictslleacoMitiort $25 eat s tr 0 863-7956 TORCH LAMP, new. Tir M}. $12, Flour lamp. m. mooem we, Mme shade " an want; wmng beam or lame to be used my: cut- ting wheel. 24’ new $5 82¢ 2149 GIRLSCLOTHES. sire4- 6x 156peces 624-0370 - â€a, gym an ogys_ mmtyym to 9234 321- trttEtrftCtt.titlt -" - Rind {mi nine: $85 7451779 WTanoBo‘m tihrtrtruitFtE' -tcto 'ttite (am. Home raised $20tmh836diti09 FREETO gammayr old Latdeue, Lanes our amrs,Notsotathttror young mitten E32816 SOILES gamma Mom unit. - trade tor Sega Sega Dream cost $300 o a 0 7406709 SOFA, LOWE seitdTrk blue 5 yls me 3235 Central Vac, Mer Queen 2 yrs old $450 home: FEE to 7 good home. shepheramuund cross. lemme 8-9 yrs ad Fnendly. we“ behaved 7635042 [kl-BOY tWtrrEWrtEu) Sela bed 2 reclmers, (1me Ext com $525 I: , 0 884-6650 C LOCKS. Praaslmx mmatura. Emellenl quality. $100 each, Hockey magazines, saw Io mud 60's vantage. Engush and French 510 each 322- CROSS DOUNTHY sins, pom txmts2parr.rNarr8 200 cm. may skates sue 8 the new $20 sportscard, commas stars. sets 886- 3576 BOISE PLANS mum! my 91%, trom SI C 10 $35 3562333 FiANKIJN 14'“ . . .tw/Aau/ 5ctt,r'er- a"y GMSTIC EXERCISE "all $65 an o 8244086 hm $85311 125& FEM Balm We $660, Mug mess sue t2, long tram, mama nodes, can!!! and boxed we, 36 x46 tenants to64" $20 82% ELECI'W " my mama $25.tme baby cradle $40 000. woman‘s Stu boots. sue a no. ms cross country slu m. $35 621£291 WW3. with mos bench mth matures 8100 Love seat. mime 8m $46 Old mom plays: came $40 822-0753 Two, Just the new S600 â€marque moi. dark We like new. see an $75, Imam" beer can 011311100 Best Mes 74ir8953 CRIB WITH maxuung mussel. sold ash. lite new - atBatbs World Sax, oh t) 660-2196 KHCHEII TABLE mm 4 mars. MO. male tWeen we Bead and too! board 550 “FUEL EiEimSE treadrmtl. good CW $50 6535042 tht-mf-ot-t e mus manltoiu Mo, small black engne $75; 1881 3mm Avtotoe6t,4stxmtautrrpm game. many tttht pans, no was man, syn tMgr smmmt6kr ttak with 4 Sides. great as unity tadet tao, 827-1463 (able. my gas Pan: 3250, Ashirtg$150 ammo 47cm contest best me! okr Mb5514 $295 mm Merry mm Hue mm 4 cttatts, amends lo 88" 5200 “4-4645 OW OAK WHI?FI, 2 speaker wooden camel. 'iMiiM!6. r legs, ant-qua mmage Mrs 821-9378 mmâ€) Wt EGAGEIERT rung set, matcttog pan ot red Mg rungs :smdded} be: set Less than IQ prune $1800 5703650 iii Viv tld ban, 2 dual 112.00“ $7800 66ir7449 (Aim WRIGHT was. may CE7 Excelienl Mr nan merry fun-sh S3500 837-1626 1307 we Cube van. 1 Ion. sote rear mes, liyt Me glass box with workshop. an mummy, l m1. sad certified Ian dean an $6000 hm» 7400320 Fa-r8thrRgl i b%iGeie warranty. um In