Herbal Magic has the solutions to all of these problems with their herbal products. They retail over 100 different blended products unique to their centres, These products arc manufactured to the H erba highest standards, and this is what sets Herbal makes Magic apart from the rest of the herbal market, loss The centres carry prod- ucts for everyone. There are remedies and vitamins for complex- ion, cellulite, women's health, stress reduction and so much more. The enunseuon at Harm] Magic in Waterioo an ready to help you achieve your weight loss gods. Glenridge Plaza (University at the Expressway) 888-9963 The Natural Way to Lose Weight Herbal Magic makes weight loss easy The stafrs attention to customer ser- vice is not restricted to weight loss either, Through their int) sive corpo rate training, they r','r1r,vll'eT1:'iud rec- ommendatioris and sug- . gest other alternatives. M ag JC After purchase, staff mem- . bers provide a follow-up weight phone call to address any additional concerns you Easy may have and discuss results. So drop by any one of Herbal Magic's three Kitchener- Waterloo locations - it's your first step towards healthier living, Cobblestone Gallery The area’s largest selection at unique pottery, glass, jewellery and crafts by more than 300 Canadian artists and artisans, plus cords, music, books and more in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Pottery. Jewellery. Water Fountains, Stained Glass, Baltic Amber, Oil Lamps, Native Dreamcatchers. Bees Wax Candles ti:-GiiiFrrrusss, Giassms Unique Jewellery in all media including Celtic and Native, art cards, tapes & CD's for relaxation. meditation, easy listening and children. SIMPLY FINE, WINE 33 Erb St. W. Waterloo 746-5829 Mon-Wed. 10am-5:30prn,murs.-Fri. man-9pm Saturday 10am-5:30pm, Sunday Ipm-Spm 620 Davenport Rd., Waterloo Quality wine you make at affordable prices T1 The Atrium "Chai Maison" Great Reds & Wonderful Whites Exclusive to Waterloo Our Newest Line 888-6272