LICENSED CLASS A TECHNICIAN Regular work week to Include Tues, - Thurs t p m . Mulmgln Frldays 4 p m _ 10 p m Saturday 9 a m t 5 pm We are looking for someone wuh above average abihty and diagnostic slulls. who will also work well with fellow technmans Previous Toyota experience preferred. but ttut essential Above average wages and benefits commensurate will experience Please send resume & references to the attention of: Steve Zehr Manager of Service and Pans Operations Has An Immediate Opening For A 3131 King 31. E., Kitchener 17211181 FAX (519) 743-9995 FOR OUR EXTENDED HOURS SHIFT With 1.392 stores of which more than 900 are supermarkets in ten provinces, thousands ol wholesale customers and the country's largest and only coast to coast food service operation, Sobeys IS a brand-new giant in the Canadian food industry. As part of our aggressive expansion into the Ontario market we offer part-thte positions in the following departments at our future Waterloo location on Fischer-Hallman Road. Cashiers Meat Seafood Grocery Bakery Floral Produce Dell If you are interested In an exciting challenge and feel that you are a friendly. dynamic, ambitious individual who recognizes the importance and value of exceeding customers expectations, please bring a completed resume indl- catan the positron you prefer to: Bingemans Embassy Room Victoria St. North, Kitchener " a.m. to T p.m. Friday, January 12, 2001 Dunng this lune. all candidates will be required to attend a brief 10 minute hrst Interwew. Applicatlcns must be completed and will be available at the Job fair It is not necessary to be first m line as our Interviewers Will be available at all times between ll a m. and 7 p m f 'iir"r'T, wu- c,-i/Tfotl"1',r-aige" "tgs,,!,',," (",d,iiii_se)r'i'r/iiiiir ri-j/r "ij:) iii)..? ..v" N iiis,, i-iiil"iit)j, -.;: J, e,,," " trt 'E, 5',lli,, " iii"" - Iq th, 't _ ies'.'. /‘*dl "cl) " pm mt an mdnulual “Mung In csi,ihirsh yisur,elt uth " sucivshtirl my] lungrcssu‘c utIMpdpL-r puhhshmy upcmlmn. “a muy haw " mm opporlumly Int you to scnk‘c " Icrrrtory In (Inc ot the (mlnln's most [Ir-prcmux murketplaces Due In growth. thc WJterloo Chromcle and [he Camhrtdgc Times fun- an Immcdlalc npcmng tor 21 Jumor Sales Representative. The MIC-ll candidalc In†haw mmc ark-nun? In pnm and-"n! .adwnmnp and will hung a [ugh 1m cl ol unlhuxnmn plus unrrg) In [bu positron Remuncnuum potcmol ctcecUs 'ndustry standards Work In a ugh! knll [cum cnvmmmcnl known Int tis prott"ssorvalvun and ahIlIIy to generals award wmmng newspapcrx " you haw u hurmng desire io succeed and mam In esiahhsh yourself In the ncwxp‘lpcr Indus"); thrs pmmnn IN tor you Package includes salary. bonus. cnmnmsmn, Inccmlvcs. rIulmnulwc allowance and cxce0eni Nrnetits Please send your résumé ro Gerry Mattice Retail Sales Manager do Waterloo Chronicle " King fit, s., Ste, 201 Waterloo, ON N2J IP2 Fax “Mr-9MB No Phone Calls Plane Retail Advertising Sales Representative POSITIOI JOB FAIR - Waterloo Sobeys is an Equal Opportunity Employer fobey/ ' M. -e ES _,Ciriiii,'"P' “M Mix“ A“ AVA Craig Dawdy Retail Sales Manager (In Cambridge Thoes 240 Holiday Inn On, Units B&C Cambridge, ON N3C 3hU Fax 6Sl-BSK Grubs! Inc a leader In animal nulnlmn has an Immediate opening for a SHUNT DRIVER The wshim IS permanent tulHIme and Includes " plant waremwng dunes and loadmgyuuloadung product Wants Shwld meet the (0140mm; requrrsmenls . Must passess a valid A: Incense . Forklm experrence a must . Be able to lift 25 G bags . Ramble mm excellent attendance recurd . Bond commumcamn and memersonai skulls Stariog wage Is $1300 per hour Benefits wrll commence after probationary uenod Forward your resume no Later than Jamar; N Ml by fay M ttal It) amber Inc. 162 Savage Drive Cambridge, N tttT 154 Far, 5t9.622-94Br For Contract In Cambridge FULL TIME POSITIONS HOME DAILY Runmng Southern ' Central Ontario 6000 IMAGES & BENEFIIS 9tt5-361 41420 or 1-866-874-S291 Int-WAY INC 25 AZ DRIVERS SHUNT DRIVER Muse m prime calls CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE AHEW mamvou Lose any“ new! Al natural, 100% guaranteed. wsnl a": 4eselslnm corn code 26306 Jr cat) , 888-395 ABSOLUTELY FREE MFOt Earn m-me meme $2012 . $5.iXXWmmlh m was! now: _ ATYENHON “OTHERS . Omen Access 10 a WK- er" $500 _ $500me PT 350% ' " 143003928880 mrwmymcommmloecom AYTENTION! ACCESS w a commie!" Work trom home on me $3500$35C0 Dish Log on tun in": en:- gtotralirvsoMe cam 175.71 999032? BECOME YOUR mm bass" 5m your mm busmss mm a Cube Pan, 5 Tan Snang hum. or these, Tractor Poienlnal (come up tc. $3 500 plus oer week No down laymen! mm waved cram ht expenence ve~ nun/ea In" tram i905)50t- 8779 th 1888-82760" [9-5 Mortoar-Fn0ay) HELP WANTED h1xrhlake mm. I 7-00: “mungdak s' Nrsthiake :0l4l02500t Cedapeve l Lskevies lol A)i -UT)0t Sunnydalr :01 .0c70f1: Barrmghoml Matchlie J Chimcrort l Gummy: JU mum): Laurelgm 'fr. Nina“ Btnnmgh-n Cape .5]: ' l mm: Fredcnck [inn-n; , SarWord 5 F Sandy Wdge i Steaaghncssy "" Erhshnt' Rd V 3R.I:A.ll Hui " t Ron" becch Um: Ill lei mm Parksnju Dru:- Argrmcnn all . Baum Pl ‘C.uum'\u s, lk (Alumina s: y /fll ngmvn Rd E Ml w, Cliwt Marir.ul. , be; h- Ascorpl tHarvard ' WCSIII'I‘III I? mm- Opportunites abound lot you at Yam Central HOSD‘IN. We otter a diverse dmtcal envwonmenl mm mogresswe speaally areas, Our employees may the benefits of a salt Manor‘s Mince. a progressive educalmn rmmbursement program, an enenswe onenlauon program. an ensue chMcare lacmy, and full and pan-m benefits programs after only one month of employment! We'd love to hear trom you. please contact us tor more Normal-on. Human Resource Services, York Central Naepilal Io Trench Street. Richmond Hill. ON LAC 423 Tel: (905) 583-2250 Fax: (905) 883-2273 e-mall: "tsumesoyorhmrotraum=a m1“ , â€x Ti-Wet r.. In hull»: . Etccllenr comrnumiatmtt, 'rree'itatron and orgartualrorr am, . A prrwcn mteeu m language and whims . A mild hackgrrmttd m cdunahnn or related held Cultural Exchange t Homestay Coordinator . Well rsuhhshed Jud acltye m yum Lnrnrnunuv . Mnnvalcd and ynu may prohlem solving a . A rehahle and odrpendenr worker [ . Computer New: and have acC0s In Email and In the Inlemcx Vin-r reaper-Mia will be . To promote the pruram£ offered hy the nrgammnnn m your arm ' To srltxt lamina and students wishing In take pan m our program . To awn-c and umrdmalc all aspects of the program m ynur arr.) This I year-round, parHimt ('0!!!an pmirioo.Toitftmt Ind wwon will he would In the “Instill ondhUte. New low-n1 mun" lo Naret I‘m-d- lnr ll Inn-elem an“ mama M hy In " ISICI IMF-ml or by um! " 1932 Mount! have. BM“ Grow. ttN. NON tco, Applitltinm mun In MM by Jimmy "th. M], ":00 pm ([511 Only “new!!! (Indiana ml be rum-end. mftitt é; jfs, WEI! ROUTES AVAILABLE â€In Naccl Canada Inc and Imemauoal student cnhungc nrganuanun rrquuw a rorr"vmlarr" for the CamhruigrKhelph and KrtctencrtwaIrrloo areg L. prnmnlc and umrdmalc " lull yr." and sumnwv homeuay [Imgrams 14 "r-m, I "II" For Onlano. Quebec and U s lo: vans. Ila! was and Bump trucks Clean abstracl and cllmmal recon: Good Denehl package Must be we (a mu U s co Der weenaam Iufiprn 5?? 632-N64 CLASS AZ DRIVER COUNSEL TROUBLED YOUTH n o S mlemew Tortrto, Jan 23rw24m arm 25m Relaxed Batperots De gree Cat and Drwers L sense t-8tXF863-iN76, Fax ',78ty3aiN5i?ti7 EARN UP Io sumovwm m more processing man! from your home Proven success. We mic. send s A S E an Jobs. Box 31076. Guelph. Dnlano m H 8K1 Fcrrirgl "dClitly :me. Jun wATEiR'iiii5i'iiiiyNIcui Bluevak l Cardmai I Em i Terryuore Bridle Tart l Shadnwwnm t' Wmlulch N' 0143- 1100b Charm; C my; .-' Grand River i Squire C Acadia , Cam Trad "T “Imp . Rona VNaiPnncg Eduard til-Ct',))', Clipper Dun- l Muvmg PM 'Ol u-IIUOI ("YR Cm "IX-I'll If!“ it interested in any of these mum please call Sikh-2830 1235 Barwrct t Slanuck IOLJQIOOU rhd3)A_8Lat Lcric. [hr, a All! 44.:"m’x 1armsuth In Mi 4H7!“ IOI-H-DIOOI Valasiremaltrs ot an ages and sues tot Iasttioo/hair, catalogue W $20-$90 per IMIEDMI'E PART-HIE work In Krrchener-Water1o0 and surrounding areas weekly Inspect!!! ot vacant homes. gtassisnow light cleanup, mnnor vegans and more Musl be bondab‘e with own awmment car and ac- cess to a m: macnme Monthly comm-swan The Hummus Canada, Wm 30645873 ext 80’? EARN WHILE TOO LEARN! Fa a was m cm' IQ day In sum and me Wm; H) non- m one: M? day' Call Dime aIAOL “9-0318 ' tor Fall/Winter Fresh Faces IMMS UFEGUARD â€TRUCI'OR posmon available 5900 ve- sums mm photocopy or quanllcalvons lo imll, 530 greg' Ave _ Walarloo N2 2N5 by January 22, entor mommy mm older adults? We are seeking Home Support Womars to ass6t mm mean-1g, mummy. and other MusetttA' was, m me homes ol older am In Waterloo Partmme, ex- penence maimed Please call Irene at 579693) WATERLOO none Suppon Services _ HOME SUP- PORT WORKERS A Do you Requires pan urne star, car and computer necessary work out ty? your home Plenum hours. Ior more un- Iotmahon Can Danna 888- 7445 FEySrggtbgtt' REP. an [on tuning In matchmaking & hawk-Mm at mum _ Mall mm . Good people “in: . Wort inhuman!" . Flu Imus l-t my Mttttetth, lawmaker: or mine: (905) 852%†PERSONAL HOME CLEANING ADULT CARRIERS REQUIRED We .lfl‘ kinking luv ttsponsmltr mdivrdu.ils h prm "le turner-r _ â€dunner 'rervrue and to "T-'" um umqunx m a mum [mun-mu .Iml pruk-wnunAl “mum-r x... â€maul “I†lmu' good um .In-I mums" umlmunmmun \kllls. hc ahh. r.- work “uh minimal nun-nuns“. able m pnnuulc me and he an elk-(Inc mam player Apphcams toust he axatlattle to work mnrmng\. Jury-muons and sthrrTt" fiaturNy, Vic "ttcr pard ".Illllng and gcncmm crnployctr disuxller Ntpiy In lt5 tmas,, Sr No phorre calls p,leuw For door to door delivery of the Waterloo Chronicle. Must have vehicle. atternoort shut from 2 “mm lo ll WIN“ We at?" gnmpcvmvu wagm and hermit“ m quahues Im‘lmduak Durward yum rerttttte nu lam thart human 'sl, mm by (an at N9 622 Irl75, Attertr"trt Ray Kroeger. "I S teel free m mall nun rnumc In WELCOME WAGON Full-timc, Exrcrienced Meat Cutters Butchers for Production hr glad-M min all: "rv ' may.) V. _ nil: rim-v wATERih"iji'l"iii'ii'mcIE 336-2330 x225 EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTERS Dem Blue (â€humus of Groher In: I a Irmhng wmhnrr of veal has Immedmc openingx for the inlkvwmg [105»!an TraWECiEAN ERS 42s “ohms â€Tut ( mnhrlduc. UN NI I th"? Artenrion Ray Kmegcr t519t 1M) RVI‘ Days up to $950M. Pan-time okay. days Experience required Transpon prtfemd Please call DELFI BIAI‘FA drain-am (may; up.) M Emu (than) om Canon-u m (Fl-na- prim-d). About": B-uttte _ AM m person mm$m new Searchang lot 3 hair)» momma optimistic persons who wan! lo make smug. per mm from home Call Bob to mange an meme: 8854403. EARN $5M we», pumm- mg mall mun home Free supplies Rush sent ad. dressed stamped envempe In DB Marttmog. Depart mam C31, Box 21242, Guelph, NIEGVB WE NEED SPECIAL PEO- PLE! Who want Io earn $110300 cams per week " you're envious. open-mund- ed. sell-momma). a! 5tiF 5705188 Neue, Dry C leaers COUNTER CLERKS Of fax mane 10324-8631 or am to m mutual-5 com WWI-g Plus Sum-lg gamizpm' HOWE! 5mm N K "chem-r WANTED! 2 We can