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Ortt swsrnm In 23) Selling or Buying merchandise uunm 81,000? call 851-0083 Jsee Tamra Kawat c'tteT, Wagias 'uMar St Cam t-rdqe ficM-k,'98 SAWMILL 9.55500 New Super turTCtrrtratty 203-3 was Narnia Induslre< mam'a..1ne' c', sawmlls Edgivx an shad-‘45 FREE mémancr er: fiE6-fye'99 ell 234% SEWING MACHINE 9.1.: 5;? mm at "rul Cr, 53‘ 791*; ena' I r ve FREEZER, UPRIGHT BOX OF l,', BACK MASSAGEFI um“ WASHER INGUS M; we: 195, 585 EE/3 8964 Fr" 4-? 9-1-1 CROSS COUNTRY COWDJ‘EF Over StSC-C Ir Sahwa'e ma Idea 'c' chtd 'en‘s saucer-0'. MSIHESS and enlenemmen $29 99 pe' mc OAC 1288-855-5527 27" TV PLUS you ctroice VCR, DVD, Bookshell Slat- eo. Doral Camera, Saddles: Phone, 2 Items r" 93er '2 mm tree denvery #30:» 267-9465 WWI! crazycalsdu- BECK APPLIANCE We cut and 5el user: as p ances We also speck! W,? tT I257 pzfess era sew ce tc al makes ot aapuances 7424']? I have several 'hcusara yams ct “new 53a "may? and Cir, M an away Wu 3349 Fir, 33: at") q "r.. "No! miyrea %337 1 BUCK A DAVE! 700 MHZ STEVE seonravs/fur,a,ttt'tir" Kwatiy ' PIANOS -'"'""""""-res About Time Everyone Had A Well-Made Car 1295 Courtland ArenqtuittgttlWitrener, Am» --u--2----, _r . 7 --F-e-F CARPET 06m and rar "y ire IrclAes carpet sliraMm '30, Si Calt Steve F,r'E Cur alter 2001 RIO qt - __--- - I limiNll1tiilPUkrtm _-__ __"_e- -_-e-- 7 N0 FAXES ACCEPTED 'f, Cat "we! 5' I»? tli? SPRING ALUMINUM MEN 5 BLACK stale, LEATHER SOFA f @71le i":i7ainTyiii nng Male god 545. DEC K?t, 267E 'arerirRRaLo (Fire, shakers $2 pet sei 621 umnv TRAILERS M steel tees, LP: If. ““3 $75: 82.1 '7C8, OLD ELECTRIC Gas" "tPs ter s'x c, b 3 824 17C»? xrrcuEu IABLE w a mars 55374339 9m. SLEEPING bac tH?, am _ TELL6te FEMALE (Delta 23Y? ’ KITCHEN TABLE Wave 5!??? Yg'u RANCH mm a; sew, Pear." r KITCHEN TABlE STAINLESS STEEL t CHRYSLER TWO FAIR EV†pa “r b DWARF BUNNY. DIaCk. mate Low ng home needed S20 8863804 GIRLS NEWBORN sum sul S10 Fer-3344 BRIDES "AID dress mule: green Sue 2'322 Musibeseen S35 62' 3765 FISHER PRICE sear; $35 BABY BATH m StL' 767 SOFABED 6 :rawhablé S1II one MOOSE»: tekyre 7 cm or 3405313 are: E 7614334 :8er Sue Ir, 52C cage Icon SIU.) 827 iCAMBRIfj‘GEMTIMESI I Guebhvi"iiiBimE l ierniiriirrsiiracuil SE"- E Hui}! SKI Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! We" we f. Bes' Reach 0ver 100,000 Homes! THREE HECE c:-hee!at-e smoke glass 8 warm“; 4 shed' Iuett Luke 'tew Pm E'Zk 3600 6213082 TUROCK '2 Luke Pew Pam seo Asking $3 76151848 19MCHEV Capnce s’ahon may?†W 9:01 shag-e mar? WM: sans As IS 575': 623- 456? 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All you need to have ready Is. dewnp- non of Item. price and phone number, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES NUI INCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILDCARE OR BUSINESS ADS. am cor-MP" 9 Exceilent comMqm 676-7056 call 1-900-565-1414 'rs'"$rl") Selling or Buying merchant“: om 81,000? m" Crft0 Ft0terstrttE. New $22: 7494002 91an MASSAGER. VF Paul S154 74mm: YAMAHA BT50 mm my} rasw-e TsCrsrOer Mr; "cb% SW] We!“ BLACK SHIRT “m nun amt; Sup "E [up new V Ci' up: an? SADDLE BAG M Tehnrcyrbm GUITAR sauerqn 6 5mm; Mn case Sim 653 11.723 year um maméw cohe News (some 'un $65452 Great With km - EYENFLo ULTRK carseal Excellent can-1mm†One owner SINCE ne* 360 821 C555 138‘ JEEP -- 77356399 3 (low 4 wt F. sated sle’w, sunroof 5950 as s can 7660910 FREE to munm old male callus crass " sheds Fey salable with small childâ€! 6504083 CLOWN COLLECTION pctetam arc ch ma Same play ms C. $75 â€272363 NEW PAPERBACK nrsvels Gr, Nr-2363 â€IVES BED w mrscress ".151 go $909 t 3 525 9787 GOODYEAR ULTRA ,9"? wow "as bee new P25 GUNS SHO 522213? Fbun snow was mans Fl'd tk Chen rims plus huh caps Less mar 1 wxntev SCO 83? 3788 ARCTIC PIRKA La'ge we" 5 Navy down mm mm CUWDE'tC-nd Dress, UH: Ne son mm SX {‘8‘- 8R RE o SHOES. W" FREE TO 9000 none Grey 5 while lumen Female 780-1366 WEDDING GOWN Mlle. long ram. head pace Brand new never mm S75 ’50 ‘366 FEE t6 $35 E-RI month old male All shols MI ITEMS FOR SALI HARMONY STEREO CABINET, ma mu' WM“ Mars oceleatcrec " tra" Je won Gass 1'36" [19 new 51.7% 82t 4238 TWO STEREO spealers Ewanenv CW'IO" $25 pa" 8rl238 STOVE. HOFFAI Se! cleanmg almond m'h baa 2ass or.“ Ski? r; be 786. ENE "In COMBINING" sole who warhrg and aura maltc wyiom player m be 'euamec Catyret 16" x 60' unvage 5C5 52- 9‘33: Post Free Hi a; , Good common $260 621-2245 andâ€. aeei2"pkrriiitte TV $26 521-2245 EVENFLO BREAST pump $25 767-3499 COSCO TURN aoout car seat FPO ty 530 £70499 FEHEI Wilt!" tiaVfg a tub " EEOâ€? mLKCANS. Some elhtrar: tor seal some "2 m m 29mm 5355 $25 653-0265 CHAIR WOODEN wen, CHAIR WOODEN we", Mean Exceient Lpr0oco 520 65370258 ANTIQUE REFINISHED mode" than Dame's seat 550 8530268 DINING ROOM tame & 4 ("an 2 eaves. ty.sl'et am: but.†5120 62213345 "10 BOYS SPONSUIS Neve'wm Stre4 4256mm b22 9345 DISHWASNERV MAVTAG Duul' w New motor 8 pump Black Eme‘lev‘l concalmr 530: c I: c, 1465036 STOVE. "OFF“ Se! LEATHER SOFA a 'rav ANTIQUE WOODEN TW" mg beam Beauhlul mm 56XIT Umque. great harm! couch or as hall lame $65 653-9723 TWO SNOW tres PIT’SIBO'RQ on VHS 98% read MO Dan 62243798 FRPDGE. WHITE can Spot KO FAXES ACCEPTED yrs-er 1:514 T] "17"} COMPUTER. PENTIIJI‘ 433. EA SC) Ra- cvrym rmdzm u S. Mm 2UCC, 'ryrrsstr.r'a rd rm"? $95i 92C- c')5T mm 5% F.23 12E? UDIESGREEIISH lea) long coal ma tear-9’ t Frcehent nonunion Small‘medmm 6.231106? CHRISTMAS TREE MEN 5 BROWN QUEEN SEE 'r1attress set 3 years on $330 musl sea 6514320 Nb LoetHttTs and cage Forsate 822-2398 JEET’VJ pans IQ was}: sets ol windows loos. was A "J's 2490994 Beslonev t9t {ALE In good home Whne mm mam handles, ILH SIIE "as: 'ree ‘noge 763- 2337 MASSAGEH. FULL ash. Ion lorshoulder and legs We senmgsvnth heal (madame wduded $50 K?IE023 rm; so smear-3 $730 an; trio 1659 CIIIZEN MICROWAVE T'0Cw Excel en’ coroncr' Mo 65,341}? BUZAC SNOW was Sun? BUZAC SNOW mes Sue 215:5!39'6 Four "mauled ' haunted on steel "ms User: $04115! 4350 836mf19 FIVE “:6???wa Sum sen we $53923 _ CELL PHONE WII' chapel ear phone ano 'nanuel Ast; $50 6593068 ANTIQUE BAHBERS rran Porn 50s Tolall'g mac-nan were] S350836 "302K; eaun ZN": may FREE ro good We Floppy grey when m traoe0 52364†0' 63iy P5573195 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENY TRAILER sox 38' I 8 ft S:epoed to 54" wide Urts, his Sh Dar [mile 565 821. sat 34 .9th Tum: or éheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for I incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 Fm. Wednesday?, edition is Monday at 12:00 pm. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 12:00 " Payment: Ads prepaid by Visa. MasterCard, Cash blue spruce Wan: rm new! we! tro 52'122-1' MI DUMP ehtgttltittd and BIISIIIESS all: call 851-2397 or fax 651-2355 LADIES BLACK lung 'ealher coal Sae 12 tor Trimmed coliar F45 small $50 623-3067 RCA' thrtEtt TV salelllle swam mm Imball cam (HU cavd15275 a Ga 19061383» 5433 Hamllton CKRSEN EVENFLE' 'tk my way" cameat came: ml? base Excellent canalrm M5 5.244302 JOLLY JUMPER anwlly awn-:81 0-8 months Luke new $20 824433? GREG?) stphttG.Goitlt new swung Tm: pas-non reclining seal Ouuel molar $45 Like new 624-IN2 FREEZER 28 CU. FT. Good emu-1:0" Stnll m use Too argeess 5150 6212445 SIMESE CAT. 3 area's alt: spayed 3 Jecawee Free In 93m rare 22371245 STAINLESS STEEL :Wrnw gnu By Shae Swain New w malted $70 mm cue- 5313-? "9.. 7.544436 HOT PLATE Two Lumen good work m; annular SW3 744-4406 EFENFL00EFtSAlttWt ms TENNIS HACKER New cprion $5 each m 2 hy Ir Mr 19 MN 335‘ _t),,fl3,:r,,360)) Mo 822 3336 Gallium muoutlIow this space BEE] KENMORECLISSIC stove, eleclromc liver Excer‘em DOMIlIm E yrs on Used Duty 2 $250 6248351 a 6244161 teave message Sullable 'tx pers 20 oGus sures 520 anew GEE-WEE CROSS COUNTRY suns notes IRE-15 $64: 622-sz" PIANO APT, 5:29 G'eax some Great Snipe $525 $224.11? HIGH BACK otVe char Black 463 622-0121 KEWORECLASSIC 5mm BABY BASSINET qrx;ker $25 Great shape 322-9398 EVENFlO CARSEAT 525 822-9398 1366 MAit AvenueGrer cola: min red menu! Loaded, new '.rar6rWssttrri, ailemalor. gas tank 5750 6246897 Imus APT. sue washer a dvyev Goon oonauon All one UM $325 8361096 KENEORE ALMOND slave Cast my burners Glass 000: Excellenl conun- ION $225 ll t: n 8364096 OLDER INGUS washing Name Sullrnwodwommg or6er $50 8364096 KENMORE wisumc mama Exoeltem conmIor $150 74061? VOGUE†ANIMAL cages