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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Dec 2000, p. 33

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GENERAL RENOVATIONS I Rona-vs Basement 5r penny pamhng Free as!) "was Sneaks Engnsh a new. PERSONAL In- Home spruce iov you: loo scum needs Fax-19. W and uroatmg Compwnve macs 622-8853 or , 877 07-7776 end-I P'amos Man your cleans made Dr IWbyWilma Jnhamanmmem “WEN-" I.“ SERVOCE Same day papal! ltr all Images. stoves visitors, dryols healers m. no! allow ttttgt- at: $15 sen-wooed GUI" am "24388 - " mm ot deals Beams Bibi“. com-cs. manna: at spans cards. Penman a Digimon Cards, V-nlage Hockey Collect-ales. Hal .ttmrts_A&nission I! Fu- "Ewan “.2001 A-I GOVERNMENT FUNDS Govemment Assas- hme Programs Inlormanon madame " your new or er lsting busmess and tarm In Meantage ol me Gov- Ommenl Grants and Loans Cggt4i0th505-8866 MM). $500.00 or more p31 week sanding [new II home No experience needed Send a sell ad- dress! stamped envelope Io: Bum: F295 thasen Street East. Sune 274 Ret 100 BMW. Omano. Lew 186 WED Erma awfiry WI ma. humus. dan- Enticing-Wm 742- m Attention CHO- COLAYESSS Ssll x-mas chocolate bars and cho- cnme coalod almonds and line a M of money Fund lining "mime Manages -nttttu7alt M0th363-3589 'tttt in an DAYS! Even vim no money oul of your m. the has! hone nus» nasal-9mm "88AXF 675 th 1-r18-387S625 -ttue1irisr7 um b your. -amtitmanamasorr" 't8LIe16ir1ri Michigan [any sue), may ttTrpmtmt, lays. am "mam-q amt-mg lot now consignmenl shop Open-no Soon" All Items mm! In n " no" com um Hausa call 8309104 .amEtrWTiirir, LLliu1g T8mEnWiraiidTktrm" A A WE'” WIWJW CARDS, COMICS ' COLLECTIBLES "man man no ELLIS no. Mt 1mm. " 401 5 Sum. Dr. nth dim 2t9b759 "hervrtrrtsg, lo i9, :3 M WILMA'S I. have Ham and Bl" QUALIYV VIVAMINS and herbs! supplemems ' vua No mam" We sale was Guavanleoa m Merv " may '0' wtrtitryeh_srCartatMr, catalogue You tree '-877 9001372 or order onlme trauma)!" EARN m" $310, $5a2, n! more not wash assemolmg products m the comlon al your own home Send a selv- aourased slammed envelope In ty PH 6 - 2600 Dundas St West, Suns 54t. Rel 700, Mrssissauga ON LSK 288 6igiTht "T6itr) "0U? etc Ftetitiasr-miusin youratea NoseIuF/TP! t Mm Imeslmsm §l3.980 V'BBB-5T7'5375 [2thrsl W!AVA and0 " MAKE HONEY trom home In your spurs lame. 2 “my new trpportumlies', Send SASE lo: vepon Omnu-X. 2372 Yonge St.. Une 9 Tu- umo. 0N WP 2E6 mow: A9ERME WOOD-E ushgrour-utsr$500to $1543me SSOOOImo FT WRtWMTEiaiijE5iF6 m‘mmrvmeu I" '.it VIE) 211a s1etiatVt6ibLNp 'Nrtwas7tiaEaq EM”!!! @5012 'WrtSIrt7eri.-Fmmm prfirM113 $27679 munch. mam have msg WISE 4 are 1 65141176 wmluIyuioId used Mss,st+orrtanalMts 767-1737 .NtTEtrWFsiiirdiiiiiiiiie trees, a on up 742-2050 1-800-392-8880 mm myrn- NMTEDM tor nae on Imam/0mm ctmst. 1tCsqtl 524-7301 - LLliuag Deep Maude The-tReflex) IS a istrrn uf Manage thar, mm"; him“ m the hvdv N Crrerttne urculauun bGkaees and rehevme was Eng-w the hem-ins M a rull hum massage Mt mlv $4C 00 [mated In Nuth Lakeshnrr _ Waterlot, ITEMS WANTED '" Wm! JUST MOVED? Our Hostess Glfu and Information am the key lo Your New Community Kill-u Nr-tm For momma" phone ”$2421 ANNOUNCEMENTS Jacqueline Montgomery CR, DMT PM} HEALTH CARI POFT, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i. MAM OUSV? DEW Chast- mas Sttttttt mod and GUM and compleie mm all the mmmqs 340 ll? Vuviey unsung. alumna; wage nuns done! vols Nashua Demons U'WV and one Cnvvslmas log $99 99 Snacks To You $91520- I" SON..JTS Christmas. so I'll be manhole At has] he has earned somemng mus year alumpolnoal l'dbe mimic give hImloagood home re's Men and can prepare us own meals " mtetesled. contact Frustrar ed Father PM Mm Clam Same (loaded mane: each lune Vary the Job. Same Maury Rate Free Bum-mas Call Ghana for due-S The Hammers mm 15 hours per week total LOCAL BUSINESS ne start up His than $900, In! speaal people mo wan I-on-t ham-nu Nome kldt- earn $1103 00 all" sis or lazy mummy; Io week It you are amour: waste my m You mug he unenmmded and self n senously eager lo be suc- "ted calt um Wolre t cesstury sen-employed and 8520 _ willing 10 work har0 Var 2-1 FREE CLASSIFIEDS ...1 years lo creme a “st-me re- BEST DEAL I THE sodual Income DIEGO"! Cal 1-877-233-2892 m m Worm com - You are ambitious and tzraNtAs,andcanfoms1ih ESCAPETHE RAT RACE may: seeks w to 2 pro legs horn Waterloo area um and my Barn ml new yooosaupwurimnprrg- name mused harness WORK FRO. NONE. In- lemanonal campany Flex flours. Mtmm. ParHirnal fun-lune $1000a50t)th' mnnlh mm 123nork- norm Yon tree 1-871 1lWttEtf 8231457 wmmasp. slaw or wagon any m non 5261" MHZ N comm v4 E9329??? ”3‘49 FrNttStf WRtrB WEI memory, tjaRtttniiiai dramatist 1mm HASBRO GI Joerhwrm.t:bhes,vrrtitAs Amen-lama Cdeg no WANTEDused uudsebh unkindo board Custom Drapery & Bedding In home 6331ng semce try meet tour mm llslas and W T) years 8W 249-0759 PETES PIINTWOG and re paws Unwed-Me servrce Free eslumales Hesse ca" 577 '28? VES WE CAN HELP' "Mr W” a all types cl amass unancung on lecelvable. mm a more $20: to $20 Milken Cal Carmen at (906FW3793 CWERIOHS _ Inlm painting and borders Why pay quanv-ly lav qulMy" Reason-ale mes Prue ttstr males Call Duane at 519. “51513 Cal Wm Cred“ Reps-r 4399 for ‘urther details or ms" our Henson; It wt-ash net SHORT IM CASH? Borrow upm 86m unrg payday Bad cred"? No orouem' thou: phone will Toll Irse l. 866v3-PAVDAY " houvs Any-here n Canada CASH ADVANCESIPAYv ROLL ADVANCES - 0qu Cash us now Mung mad or- der TPet' Ca" FREE-255 " 1mSEClm0 LOANS $25,000 and up Lodsed mm- slon, saveranca packages Locked RESP No crud-I checks no up "out lees {all Free 1-8r7-50irL0AN (5626) HOIIEIIORKERS NEEDED Io assemble out products. Start mallow Full-lime or parrorne For he: inter- mauon package send S A S E to Calls. 87777 Keats St, Department TOI. 0mm, 0mm UK ly? LOCAL BUSINESS needs speaal people mo um lo earn $1103 00 an"! per week If you are ammums. wenmmoad and salt 1mm med can Mrs Wolre 884- OPEMTE your our} Igtttr mate“ RSI: scapa maintimamar a snow mutual lemme n Kimon- -*tCsahrs_$V00 oil HAIIEY REALTY Inc. spewing In WIIsnoo‘s um vusary on campus mug If ym ale may to toy or sea a swam! propony. Ha- ney Baily 5 ma fouled Cnmoe' Realtor (519)831- BUYERS IEET SELLERS atnatNNtotttttsaMrtmn Cr man's [um Tor Sale By Owner webslle VIBI nun~ weds ol propenlas new law commussmn Listings only $99 00 lot 6 months, To! has tlr74itB-7355 "scary/ttmesa, Dunn: and Ctm9mrtot STOP 1 600-866-3258 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE SYAPLE BOOKLETS for $2,500lWmrkly? Avg, $5t booklel‘ Working ll home. Inc may. Saul lee new FTIPT posllmns animus. No ttxpethmt Toll Fm 1- 8004459956. 1-800-367- scm " my Glut nouns. good lou- m. Cool unions! Stuns and groups welcome 746- 14" Fairway Community Mm- patmrsiassurtantmtqr humanism“ tummy srunénr RENTALS WEST TEItA6, USA Prop- emes Only In!“ 20 an parcels null-Die $8195 each 0mm nil Mama at “sum Cl IWTS DRIVEWAY SPACE Io: mm W mugs to! m lam CaITILIMS REAL ESIATI "o.......................-..............." George Irvditiiitar Studio Professional player and teacher with over 30 years ot experience Private lessons for all ages and levels in Classical and Plectrum style guitar technique. Also electric bass. Music reading and theory are stressed throughout the courses Gift Certificates 571-0770 CASHIOMEV. Payday m unces. cheque cashing, cuvronoy enhance. may m. " Inning. sale MF Iecnon assistatttttt. Min. 250K. Call Randy Preston, 416240-0332 all. 225 ml 'pmsttm9t-rm km, Laloshore, rec rodrn, {unplug Pals t) It Gas m'tFEfElmotm harm va. Dec. I, 579941: “was has» ' 4. 5 or 6 months. Mm aunt. on» mom I or2tmottxmt lrnmSTZS/Iml'n 861-1116 THREE BEDROOI semi Doc _1 Kenny/Amos Ira: Gunman “one; DE 1 “0579-9413, gran; pap-budge goganon‘ ALLSORYS 0F SERVIC- ES, Lawn wort, cleanups. rmovanons. pamlmq, tree shrub mammal or planng “11 574-5t97 Custom Awnings. display skins. PIMesslonaI quality mA. We Wynn: not good GM mas! 249-0759 CANVAS REPAIRS GAMBLES a DESIGN _ _Hetirtg , AIC Baum-Imam “any” own-9 Games-mm rngmmm InnlranahevS! N THE FAMILY TREE cur-mm awn-5M Whip.» “STREET“ mmwumua Lunar-mam (Lawn; HRISTMAS Til Improve body shape adn function. bunld strength and flexdtditv. Morning and evenlngclasses start the week of January 8'. ZOOI. Pilate: Eureka time: c a tr, sumElgcmc 9 Best Wishes This Holiday Season! 1lLiiiLiL'fhlEiiLlL'i%Em C Hutu: Plug-Ins: Adult MIMI Call Stephen FlllpOWICZ mcnpmrmwcmuulluamu-rm It: EWSC Phi/01w“ - Aim "e-em-Arr-r-o-rar.--' a mum Cr2"eCUTu',"i%%a,=,%%"G'a",TG'w'81"C'l7S' spawn-mum RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS IEGISIIATION HUME IMPROVEMENI Winter «awn murmur Januears a Part Far la4ormuttoet, (at! 1519/ #2065972 (u 21 Or In our "eh-sire a! wwwl’wsr my At lb: Carotro My Skating Centre From Office Monday & Thursday: 1200 to Til) pm Saturday: 12:!” lo 4.00 pm Fimtuars.Fitrss, Ctmtmlhits._ars EhamNCAIra-s FasIWSam'ca mum “mm-$59.95 oGasf'tietg8tha0rork WG-ZGasFmav MM HIM“ mm mm tltd 2'htfldt'lf was t,'h,llit,t',ilu') -L51trm"N' w Sci-gm"! or “Luau... oruano NIL also tom-w REES '1 thiiiiiUs .Camha'eh_titqr "uaottee9s"mimt 'Athlllt Rec-um new; IImm In Share, [am In Dunc: .Social Dal-ct Session (arr-h- Fed, Slum-g (mm ' All)!” McCormack Anna Grand Arver, Loos. INeensmmeru. Pl Dawn and Km hrrsrr Memorial Amhrormm (imp/n at 896-3538 R0835" REMOVAL - by“ mung, basements, mics. garage damn. “I using. tf) hts, Call Jen Hammg eel-2331 Apex. Kimberly, Ski BC [salutes the Imam slu cm dos. chalels and hotels m BC Mariam 143834576 9917 0' VB! “~me mus-mm www.mxm hols Guam Wm! remains alum fl PETS PM: Ei

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