NAME“ Ji) Mt 'jilTr:tflfi5 . businesses for sale . open houses . properties wanted . lots, acreage . commercial) industrial . oiticefretaill storage . vacation properties CLASSIFICATIONS . shared accommo- dation . accommodation wanted . townhouse! condos . houses for rent . apartments for rem I furnished suites . music instruction . lumnng classes . camel uanmng . dermal! . heating . plumbing . palmmg and dernranng m . FrsGais" . tenders . births . rhildcarp an??? . childran- avallahlr . atmunlmg . taxes lk fmance - computer wmax ' mngages. hams-1r SHARES Let's tummy Your tbias For Fmanuai hammers Far Tax Mnumhon For RetrerrrnPartm.g Wm not. MP. It's so easy and FREE! Get rid of that bike or that old chair, Just have the following info ready: description of item, price and phone number, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES um INCLUDE GARAGE SALES. REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILD- CAREOR BUSINESSADS. ---_ .----.__ Music WmmFREEandWADSmnbeplaced 24 HOURS Aiay, 7 days a week. Reach i00,000 homes and met 200,000 poten- tial readers Your ad will be seen in the Guelph Tribune. Cambridge Times and Wt1tedoo Ontonicle. This service applies to private party was __ _ _ - __ -____ --_--_-- ._.._ ---ittam-...i. n. ... - - - - .LA _-_L. .A A---;-., 1 "A." on] G. n -ur.,r., hurt" a um [calms ruur an WI" or: your in urc uquPu luau"... mllurrubw “um, u... "aw...†_..v.._..-V _ ___" w, 7W- ,1. _ . . . only. (LITIMItgwpMiTaa2tigNilumiKmiRtit2ulitili9ll21-. WE reserve the right to determine if your ad is a private party ad. Deadlines up to Saturday 5:00 pm. prior lo next week’s editions This offer subject to change Have you encountered problems placing your FREE ads In the owned Marketplace? Did you remember to all before the deadline of Saturday, 5 pm.? Did you remember to leave your phone number and price of the article? Did you limit the item dmiprion to N words or less? Did you limit the number of items your: selling lo 3 or less? "you've followed these procedum drenyou should not esperiesttxt any Mathis placing your FREE ad in the Oassitied Mnrkcrplace. tsa when St, E lat-vino. oot. 5|$57IJ722 tEs In Selling or Buying merchandise uunm $1,000? call 851-1 computer Over $1.500 m Somme Ind Ideal tot um mes mum. um and enlenammem $29 99 per mo OAC ‘888-6556527 BECK APPLIANCE We my and sell used ' plum We also Wile m last. professional semce to all makes of appliances "2%! BED, QUEEN. Wthopemc mattressmoxtirBme. black tron Woo! bond “95 (cos! $1.200) Can deliver 572-2776 BEDROOM SET. Queen cherry, 4 poster Trt-ttr-r. MINE". dresser. 2 mgm stands New $3500 icost $75ap5?2-?776 I have seven“ thousarut yams of new Summaster and 'm Nylon carpal Will do living/com and ban for S349 “mammal nadand nslalatm a: sq yavus’ Cal! Steve 576- 7387 CHRISI’IAS SPECIAL! Free Salelme' Complain; home theatre package mm sunmsum WWW? Used Yamaha Kawau others, rev-laws. H4 Mar St Cam 5-3: Never opened $800 We M?-5657 I BUCK A DAV" 700 MHZ . No money doanFirsl SC bum - Free Satt0ttf TM Free t-888-528-88t8 snags; 624 41m PLAYSTIYION 2 SAWMILL “.095 " New Helnlzmann unngrl :wca Suce’ Lom'oeretate 2000 19%1 fumed New?†amen arqe' 'aoames move on Weâ€! ctmdrtttyt 5999 885. mm Names“ Induswet: 5328 tnamyriturer o' saw-u" mm WEE E, edger: an: Skinners FREE Cherokee Spwtrxsmtar sail Normal-on l wmssevswa A no: we 65'fJ199 as»; Suce’ Lumbermave 2000 was? raoames more on- hc~ns Momma Indus‘vret: maw'acluvev 0' sawtths, Myers an: skt00ers FREE PIANOS CARPET 0083 a%,'BxAf, (ClChlifiillip(ijl(), " iit Mrtot: I, 600' 9' bug at hardware $25 823 1457 77 fl - ------ BEAUTIFUL MARBLE SNOWBOARD. Mm Rat. kncnen lame tet 4 chars 160 an lap ot the line ahr $950 6214109! _ mm Mugs $215 651- FCqtrcWNtTBtr.7-x2 i2t9Ctrrft evenngg WTWMtgrTai7fW, may $250, 32mm WttRmmlWnirtiF7ir 'ted Baum acuon pm! . the Jay one Hanks '. $200 tX trade ior German WWII Isms â€23,69; - 30S. tor pansa h: Lo 3400 Loo 6234397 _ mmNW%W.TiFWr- meters In! pans 01 met car $350 on n 6234397 WEEK [LCinsl alter 8231457 _- 'a0amWTiirviTstTitre m Worm) Md! and Pl?? AEIWTW l TRACK car seneadapter $30obo 650 9794 eNItmtERFrd at!!! 330 000 £59§E 6mm" _ m _ "V 'Gil 17;?!†wr' slave and counter smut $1S E14A311, ____ FrNtErNnBtrTd c_urttAt2t $25, 621-8632 WW Slave $25 82t [new 5 years ad BesI we: E53533- no" you 6614572 SIZE S, \mg we, awn mum 6fr-15r?, - - GM: eoTr%ttfirsd Vanna hunts! year! SIZE 6 $60 iki1 ‘5]2 - - - Caiiiiiii'ji'iiiiiral , aaeih"'"i"fii'iylNi, I (_,h_ptipir_ipt-ii1-iezl slam mi? Deauuml $900 cow pm I50 053 Wuhan sum Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! Reach over 100,000 Homes! $30, 767-03“ and A than; wispod law 3300 653-9171 Win-as E oltet 5229255, ---___- now seems. Hermes. all mm and ma $80 651- I11_%!gttertetc, - __ -_ _ $2501lm 767OM4 tmtatitirei: 9mm '. - - hit/aug yral outwr $31 885-5745 Cranium 510001“: as 5745 'RmRmEc-amrra. praise tuwand memo} labia. may has swam boots sun Mai and notes. gas 658-9!" ttatrtrqRyTRtCairt Monte Cnsto M agar: Best otter 5220255___ JV good condom $900 ias Mala: green. we 21122, 'ypst_te_se8r_t Ho 621-3765 _-__ - Y-'"" mu Fe'nTva TX 32mbram '3PHO mum“ motbrr Wo 95 $195 82" $778 WlmNmRR 671: Jen full we Blame. ammunum _ 70 n 96 S150 can 33:3211 - i777 --- mc gingham! 5210,67 “that bumssze ti) m gages and In! Best our It will cost you ONLY " No writing cheques, licking stamps. No VISA or Mastercard-. it is conveniently billed on your BELL' phone bill. " that easy! M you need to have ready ir.. descrip- tion of item, price and phone number. In 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES NIH INCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE. ACCOMMODATIONS. CHILDCARE OR BUsy11isli ABS: call 1 amass-141 4 1'8a'al, alRW2SE? 6RrriiiirrTlim mm m7 Selling or Buying tttttrettttttti" WEI! 81,0001 "Wr" vmyt 'oi $300, 3399353 lmrtalAratdrti_sttt* huttn,t-,txxqteatme 0mm ELM tMr-Wort-Er-sw, M can: Us m. (an- lay salad 1t1 MI, 5 you way- ram 350 6580226 m. Am. In $3 tan 8MA733 W" CROW†VICTORIA wagon. 2nd omen as :5 8650 62Hi972 tytrr2atmem __ - ilnéw' Mm Med sheen. good Don- cimrl 320930" 6530029 WATERLOO um lama mm 1939, Gauge VI an from and Bitty Ellis or [averse $25, 822-5318 59000110 767-1115 mm‘ 45202213 um 621-7002 rftatn r N, VCR, 81m â€4373-1043 $35 821-4733 _ WHEN tttrom new: 3244733 salts Raul Jail Samoa Superman l CI 7500 $125 88657947 --- until East Ham scale Acnarv Jett Golden Petm 2000 mm be: t75 83657947 - ,,, trmomEti,aTwTrETr naIrnlgar Yamaha. 2 keyboards plus mm 3399 tiye9i5, 'extagtmtttmmtnrr$60658. 5555 - - - ,iA 'iiigtiIrniipasi-mo t scale Jo" Golden 2300 W mm but 575 Mir M‘Jsozaamszo Wr-as-t m ITEMS FOR SAL! To? ikFimTer asts in? LARGE BABY SLED, ar kxN oi meta! slim $20 @1067: “mm†I Wit m___ '0trmXKrTTsrssnm7prt van. bow. "r" an! m- tet um. seals 51va gmme‘GZIOE‘M aIRrTRgewitTE custgmrmaW. We leaner. sue 9 a: MK Conquest Plamar um, never worn tat tatt M FER Lani. a muss. 19q1rmr% #stt and stand Bttst Mar. $046M mgdoovsmdsaSan $65 7_4(M1A5r_, Show (or Wane $125 140m 1:1erer $5000 744. TBBWItMRrrT, gear-Tunas 'taIaR9Itrm6Nr7r4T, now and lower keyboarm, wood enemy, candle"! com W BBSLW @553; “EFFORT?! was $50 62$st -gemaaB50rsIFirlfr. rures and dug lads. all " $375 sums _ -- (new aFFir rev 51(1) ePR26tr, H _ 03an In! arm and Must sum used 6 monlhs $250 mmgmv 100resoi0t21vtmUr m_aet_aeptuttifyr_Eepf?lt brge a gd -rTWikaiFi%it' scanty swarm! lot IO m 12 arok: Miq 535393 'rtehtk' mum Coleman P'eren 500C $309 was! gang 52m 76T2' 'MttA9kE_S, ms gtt $4tyy 62179“ gg' mow L'LI hl "rr, Ford 23:10 ZINC Fro Wm? miss: 56 seem-unconcku wt_txs_r92kiA8Arfili6, ttthtm-tar mom suqestmattmssand tmxsprir9darelimslt saw §2+5ms tMrRyegtWRa6Fiiii57 as. 22 cal sail-min; Irm0W%iiatgiW.diih walnut. excels"! common mo $46385 $300M: 822-0158 La'%g"arREiT, "13.5%.6,oeluu Memt,$r5,6219ei8 TrmrTRmerrr-nacrfairi m, 12 W. WW, M arwyetqtitt2.1M28t, “.i. . AmR2Wrumd It! heme! (up 5100 624, m. @3211, “me Flagged 5202035 nMtt1trt " trt m sic mom swam ann our, rum! male {leaves $225 92441822 . 1""- W TIE: pas/7mm $150 mam -riiigxmtiwrrrtss mVTRrlR00TCsuitTr, atattt,tq8tttaNe mm as rural. desk, New!!! and “WWW WK, mom-re, 3 years do u: acutssomrs,e_ttry4 hon $350oets 92335 iifthEETrnetr-iqra w blue um no "auras $25 8223259 - - W 371822251 - m mo Bags 1 "gramqRW7ssrts-rd mmmnms $300 763 Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday's edition is Monday at 12:00 pm. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 12:00 pm. Payment: Ads prepaid by Visa. MasterCard. Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for l incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, ran-making WSE 5500 RF-iiirf will sel EVEN; $75 call 851-2387 or Ftttt 851-2855 Wm IKE. gas. 24' m, la'lrame. 18 sum. new mm. $65 6513535 60mNFTNrr0it Fain 001,921: T, no 65ihN38 gab: $29 7454412 Falr0Wt6ralrirotttkar ham. GHQ , 46 $20 gogmw MR, Karma, 5mm may 3100 mam whim, gummy Ho my; u†Fi'rir'i-,% .TEyrRgrfWTiW%Ti, 60.000 mites, law We". w my car. ass um 61041330: 5755490 my“. Rama, extra em 3100 mam aw, M. $25 837-†possum-7205 as Ko wages 95w use GIN-7261 WV WWW at C595 M33153 £50 9.395535 530 3355535 - - rmMttTtTSRfrraaaTe, hm Cram, 795 cm Sou-on bum-rugs and hauls sue E. la) an notes $60 BESSIE TBOW-aa mm: W. 'fmiace dun tatrtTTmNi7nifha-di. gallon $500, mosses dam hush trs am 824- 5385 'TtmmIOaWTiFriaf 3100 7632908 mam TABLE. m nah top, li mans trf was: seats $350 624-5385 Mtn 290814 0mm 662%, 'tm6r.milirr7ar0rr, ttxtMtrtt and†$H Mg. 6. a wars, 2 leaves. mm andlutgh gown-9w 151101081“ Costt500aW nfl $175 701% 'RMRSTWaWrai6rgr"rsift conduct! " was! bor, mapolP"0 charger $35 “I“ TIE]: am am. super Marni !tfit?VAPi, F _ _ MLE? 6680590 hm»? 'arm val comer we seims '95_668_41591l, BNWTR8FFsTaNedxk any)" t150 122-2088 -"e IENS LONG virg’n wool drascoal dart ween, lam Moo 394-9761 STYLE Tiarmaise CAFEiiirsire my" rm Faqng