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Deadlines up to Saturday 5:00 pm. prior to next week's editions This offer subject to change Haveyuu encountered problems placing your FREE ads in the Classified Markpnmamz nu m... .---= ___ A, _ " . - - - 'is-h-rc.....-,).", . - " so easy and FREE, Get rid ul that hike or that old Chan, lust have the following into ready: description of Item, price and phone number, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES NEH INCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILD- CARE OR BUSINESS ADS. stisiiiiii' (an. m Selling " Buying 1ttttrtthttMhttt "WEB 81,000? s-gns iPtcture ham"; ' Openi- sales enamels rash register slat walls mm at- cessonss Duster tprss poster sleeves 30m races elc Call weekdays IO-E J5rgt57tr336a SroRE_sur'r'ws Gon SAWMILL 54.095130 New Super LuMDe'male EEC-C mrger capacxnes more up tons Momma Inauslnes manulacturer a! Sawrmlls, sugars and shudders Free m- Iormaton was 566-6899 Used Yamaha Kawy c‘he's new-Mans Ht Mam S' Cam nudge 624-8798 HO MONEY DOWN" 'lc nay/marl; H 20C" Ideal har :hIIdvens euucaxmn 633 MHZ CPU punter mamm' We"! burnout." Damage L-maec Quaotrty $49 per mo OAC “8881355552? HOCKEY EQUIPMENY - Fol boy age '2-15 Shame! sacs se, Elbow pads $7 Stun pads S! 3 Hockey Dams 523 Alt ment swat Exzet ‘enl carved-1v and QJEIHIV 886-9765 I have several Ihausanu yards cf new Siammasler and 10m. Mum carpe1 Wvll no Iwmgmom and hall lor $349 Pnce Include navel, pad and Installation '30 sq yards' Can Steve 576, 738? BED, QUEEN. Ollhopemc mattmoeiranm. mack Iron headline! board Never slap: on $495 [cost $1200: Can dehver 572-2776 BECK APPLIANCE We buy and self useu ap- nuances We also speoallze In last, wolessmnm serves Io all makes a! appliances “24%! titil 651 41083 PIANOS amps? Wm :o’rapnge may» $25 836-8597 oak, m nas- arch-mi be}; 3353597 newborns or older mint; $i0 822-4029 8324029 mm? 1242 "' m TUNES set NC 622 '29, - Mnew WW5 and brakes 20an and m excellenl 3875 653497! :m " m: 8393an M I - irmmra 'JW 13" TIRE J-rrriiiir"cfi'so 536-2388 -- -- ' um Mme! scene‘ "s,rwwnkAsiruc'ii'i' ,eeos may wad: $600 a a c 7Er345a alter if m mm _-rr-gr v. v n- so: age-3433' We new a; G) is} "E2136. MTD sass sielmé gROWNmemak "us! see $3 and up 621, 3765 MENlrmr-eTrtrias-. 4 'tPts. 3 Speed renew-me neverused $40 763422 ""V .m - eIlecirairtfa-ie-e- Ti- Iovmrlade 622-1523 Mlrarltmmmsske-r, GOLD RINGS. 10k. barm- stone Blue samme sale 5- M?, Daugllers pone. aqua manna and true sapphire sue TGA, small am ng, we 5-1.2 525 each 621, 2155 W " 585 836:84E‘i aFurif tw, SW 533 52143st we} 1Ahftes, 1eiriirsa"iiiG2l I inm- am Tor W. 5 a ' Iv 4 Tairs" run 5 PIECE 3;? crrnirrr, In??? Classified Marketplace, the iis/ JeiiiTtii, Region! Em mood ERR; retNrgMye battery ‘50 a b c BJTWS IT each (mm 5 - iMRr'qutRgTas-s ' tr, " one! s canvas m magmas? NT WWI 52736 T8341 8329 EXBRgWaieE w: m 8329 W'msraa sue 7 3250 8210592 SKATE, STOVE bicuTFtTsotaiio, $_1!_k1'ii8si?9 mate. was. 0095 an? -soiG $3 52113765 55131: 1mm Ctgorires" 63* made by Smmts, 53 u 52 35mm 555.9009 - mm Hm Tis 88 Grand Mann; 5125 524. 8250 comm: FEL0tC$re 52243788 6mm Crass??? discs m 8220296 EVIECEWD'S T fscs Ste 32243733 verxhrtg machine is? his: all} gemamzruigo 335.3505 ShABs7FiriTs-aiiimrira snow mes $250 886833 "R0CT0TTRm7rit7re-r. tNM I" trox 960 000 62L 127t W w [ IIICHUWAVE. rriiiiniti tumtaNe $N 621427! stand alone, padded we; and armrests WI chrome loo! rest and "Side shell i185 §2l»V271 632-3173 AWalmmr,Tniriaas “on 900, 7408166 al5lEga15mersirrt-o-e, 12, some new. 82241045 TtBmWTaPmprpriGTa, SOwaCD, 56Oxxhsm.ap pyAytceSote97 $495 as 3712233 Carl some HEAVY BhG use @3597 09000 0ver 100,000 Homes! yam-main It will cost you ONLY " No writing cheques; licking stamps, No VISA or Mastercard.. u is conveniently billed on your BELL- phone bill " that easy! All you need tO have ready is... descrip- uun of item, price and phone number, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES um INCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILDCARE OR BUSINESS ADS. kyle} one Irie Selling or Buying marcnamlm IWEB 81,000? .ti1t.lr1r.tItyr-atiriiii'i in) $70 ttiii" 7676052 mm. ma cast won burners w: 9ass door on sun excellent cm moon $525 836-r096 F--ROTRhrmtg' You}? $25 8.510% 1500 cu n 935 In} Tr/i 1637 BULHN OVEN ariCst%s trange Best war 7titr Kenmore Best ori/ I 489 HUI" CEDAR ma: laughs. my quality and soda! slumps lor decorum 767.9386 Mamas; cross can"): SKIS a: DUES 51132ng Ii22-534g Coflr blades tifiaG ik HEALTMRKEIt6eTos7, hie wrv‘deo Besrollev 622-5368 wood. holds 2r TV, door: kmer shxage W door and 2 miners. 60 x 37 x 20 32w " b 0 579-4708 , t Yen , IE“. Ba * w $20 3229660 trme7sitmisrrtiieri7nii. W15 ram. reams. tapes. .r.lyf?nit horns $300 622- and youth bed Gd, F5, 831-3905 837-306 "m GRmmTREakaat months, revenue handle, hood art0bootamtornrnac, ulahe no 1il95frXi "htatrrWeTrrxTrH,m ream dd m cage talung but 51m was won 3359215 76 BUICK CENTURY. 2 Woot. VB. aulo. 55.000 mules 3000 o tr 0 3232669 m T0IRtriimiais *7 was $200 7675052 cudiiliiiiiirjNE I [WSI-iii-i-iii-ii-ii-il RACK ‘HH lit IBELETD ITEMS FIJI Gat-tair size-, car 166. a: yummy, 2 and MEI; Queen sun Wm, large Grassy w 9 mm and mu. mr $400 a b 0 623-5032 $50 935416 an WI. 5545;; hon $40 82‘620 __ m. electnc WW) Huck. new recha'geaMe battery rests 'or. 2 lo 8 year can $165 6963530 [mm FeTNirse ammrw'sbde‘ Ho , ans dd 5"!) 636$30_ 'iar'hth'/r'ilarifls3t1l, m' We; 16 I " x vs 350 swam Puma? Eiu'ri Laee " 8133mm Damet "eaGTcrdgiii' up: $35 8834129 Manon. 2 sledmé GG; Jun; dishes $12to $50 8225253 moaeE SET? Fat; mm head Nance Ms 840 5225253" gm WI. CONT Names; â€loudness iid 6566795 gtWrgmEtytiraiv-ei 155 man: $50 o h o 658-6795 r-TT-aria-Mia-u-s 530 3235253 m7 sue large, never idk, Eu @4941 awe HOME was tWaT. deluxe Mada. mrssmg l meal $50 888404! '%mTmeRg'tgsiraiir, RE mmttt"ahnrsT-a'ia, [I'm 3884041 rm $100 321-9325 t Ek El Im! "GMERulEEaFTrE um 3900 63-2290 2tt ta/gGrTa'fiiiii; Nev-gals: . all aa; ftigs$t06ptr3556 3mm: _--__ "um... my /er.1wr M toy bar $75 520 2 - END TABLES. 20 I 24 $15eattt 8210834 B SAll Queen SIZE swam-f G racé Doctor Ounon. sue a Home "lbs $45 621-2437 - maxim. swollen! comm-on $350 0 tt 0 827, l m Century Smanm Em sec 52A-2637 -"e 'UMRtREaa star-Wm new no box no 621-207 attire, shod sleeve use Tttr head pee and vat new worn PM 31200 ash- ' $600 82609: 'rvll'hk'i?lllf 655qu brown " Rmets $45 cam 822605 llmr.hi M97336: that; anus 25e eacr 8214!}; mm Imam tea lea! may 50 "I new In Mr $20 383-3985 Ford mnemithW-yvmmwl was $600139 8214:17 IRm0EraiirnrAh 53;. am @2150 azulu Chnslrnas waiting; "a; green, purple and black "out wag 5301474990 Mat controls. 2 messabri, spinalmessage “000000 6244": 'emMEjgrrsirerirari, " 2 pece, lop Wality :30 earr 7414990 WMRWartaritic- heavy duty good caravan 5350 000 621416 swarm-a Ivory. 5375' $20 LIr_1lm bed " mum} Mia's? hxg was. excellem can hon 81000000 6244115 RmRNIrmiarInyiiqm "has! 9800, 2 Mt Mom ped'ts,28rtFts.autti um. loaded, walmn fimsh $425 on o 322-2744 CRWNMRriiiiiagria ilrfra- ROCKER BECLIIER, may. 1nlfmthttr $75 tr b o 623- wi " DUMP CIISSIIIIIII and WISHES! Ills [eclinen 3Trrfiir SEW, see I $50000 ROOT, mm FEE Evan-or V5003]; us; season 3300 SIMONE 3"? reupholsleved $500 firm 8227763 - may». c mans, Mass and bar PllMchuty_8i2yti3 WEE»; anB no: mg May 522]“): manna "tlWrsir7rgiri sear no réi'eign' -v T' new r not, We! LeBlanc MIME wen hassl Vacc'uem 30m $13 t m'2reMs $25 $36258 $53998 - fl - 'ih"i'iiA'lu?a'a5g-2e-', WHEYGirame. male a samobo @9316†- me lt In: "W5 $250 a b 0 mm lub alum 883-3990 manna bath $25 7670477 'uurerarsrurr-esie We? inoR6ard we 'c l? WWF Undertaker! boots, very good cannon w: mask, new wow 3'5 $45 82348573'3624857 Rikki“ , ---.---== 885-5612 mem sue and. "aFai; Ee/er $425 6533456 aucx LEATHER iatTtei, Sears unpaved sleeves, we 33m $75 62310337 - mm WFs afar?- 98mm $50 6237038 paper. parents can be seen; vet aged. unarmed w call 651-2397 or Fax 351-2355 8214703 tss,oewsusansrsdideui. Ienl 'conditron $950 725. 9976 LUVESEAT very 9% cover. excellent common. muslsae 3310 624-0356 WV. w. bias mm. /s riiiiTsiir' 821-9373 _ - darts and utuVpGU/ $20 523mg mattress Pad moo me; $350 W4 Pltrmmrirr-siis-s HO TRAIN SET. lull “you! on 4 i 3 Que. Henry ol cars, er19ne. track and buuangs Emmet 6610552 tM 822-7atriy my TtRBmtr 77m Ta W Way'slovuaemiooé maximum: cat) t?T can 557577330“ mama and ssarrriirs, a; 929857 trr 3W185r 'FNRlrrirrtisai, and 105mmt25 Arid; am 8218115 '0tm3WnBtewrTairir,. Dadx.asus $999 337 3253 'FRtT?'ijh" -tiEis 88S2697 -"-""it ., n- mica: it8hiiiiMit Jacket. leather Hack sale 42. padded shoulders. elbows and Man Vented an m lune! S'75 btrn drum sme $25 '8siiiii' my tor [mgrru'gaoe SHOE“ WNW 55 Tur. new 3150 622-5705 'Tmlrm#etrtarerar, mane! :75 6223705 ,,alrP'r0TFruiirtairrtr- - NW N, , 350 8227163 'BLttgli-rwma- taMrwtrimitkhti-rii, 51m. new, $150 622879; st.agteranatretsicu, ti? x 96 and ID x 96 $60 cad: 822-N63 M! smut, mo wall head 4 , 12 cab-mat. exmlem comic. In" 8900 3902633 Jason r--SEtWSREaRr,tii'trr.? msuusnm. Kenmore, tel comm $75 763. bot?