ii,' Police launch crackdown on violence and vandalism in local parks Continued from page I Northlake Woods public school the same night the swarming occurred; while the City of Waterloo has been battling a vandalism problem in Waterloo Park that was capped off by the release and slaughter of Mark Hillis, team leader of Waterloo's park services department, said it's been one of the worst summers on record for vandalism in the local parks system. Vandals have caused a record $15,000 in damage so some rabbits from the parks mo earlier this summer. "We've had some very extensive vandalism at Waterioo Park this year," said Hillis. "The incident with the rabbit enclosure has been one, but most of the vandal- ism we've been focusing on is grattitL" far this summer. The city has stepped up Parks services is also try- ing to quickly clean up any damage to the affected parks to prevent any copy-cats its park patrol of Waterloo Park in an effort to create a presence and to dissuade would-be vandals. However, those patrols only operate until midnight. "We make sure we deal with gratmi as quickly as we can, realizing that graffiti breeds gramti in a lot of cases," said Hillis. “If it's gone quickly, a lot of times it solves itself." from joining in on the van- dalism. The parks department is Let us know what you think Call us at 886-2830, ext 220 (please leave your phone number and spell your Frrst and last name), fax us at88tr9383, or e-mail us at wchronicleeserttex.net Your response may be Pyblithed_irt next week's "We think the stepped- up patrols, plain clothes and uniformed officers will make a difference" Do you feel there Is a problem in local parks? lho you feel unsafe in certain areas of the city? "You can't reason with them," said Smith. "They're not the type of kids that will listen to you, so you have to take a more aggressive approach with them. "We're not going to just move them on and tell them to leave. We're taking them home, and charges will be laid. What do you think? Last week, a Waterloo man was sent to hospital after being swarmed by a group of teenagers near his TUrinflower Crescent home An increase in violence and vandalism in local parks has caused Waterloo region- al police to Increase patrols of these areas What further action can be taken to combat the problem? At the other locations, like Northlake Woods, police will also return any youths involved in incidents to their parents' custody. Police oth- cers want to ensure parents understand the gravity of their child's actions. He said police are step- ping up patrols and will be more aggressive in their treatment of lawbreakers at Pinebrook Park, Waterloo Park and Northlake Woods school. For instance, any- body found in Pinebrook Park after 11 pm. without a reasonable excuse, will be charged with trespassing. also working closely with police services to address some of the after-hours problems in local parks. Sgt. Rudy Smith of the Waterloo detachment is in charge of the police services' response to vandalism and graffiti in the city. Smith himself witnessed the vandalism at Northlake Woods school from his home, and directed the arresting officer to the van- dals as he talked to dispatch. "We're not going to just move them on and tell them to leave. We're taking them home, and charges will - Sgt. Rudy Smith Waterioo regional police be laid."