Garbage switch goes on without a hitch In what many have called one of the first steps toward regional amalgamation, Waterloo joined five of the region's other municipalities m a 23-month trial run of a jornt collection service. Monday went elf without a hitch as the city of Water- loo marked us first day under the regional garbage collection system. And according to Jim Archibald, director of waste management for the Region of Waterloo, the local con- version will save Waterloo residents about $130,000, or 15 per cent, for the ser- vrce. "There shouldnt be any giégésixzw pouat,hrtehes draws-9r rttArAr,i,?f, Ita1ttl.tltttt tttttey, e, ’ vol was selling mbrushcs aoor-tomoor forgg ewh. [Wyn als_o buy.a Brush with Art auturi. ift bashet.Justisk ur 2lluell'L'e'll “gamma, yo Proceeds mu sup ' . The Oman" 5; u Class (mm BEE] . The Kitchener _ Waterloo A" mum ith . An endowment mud lot the usual .Im _ W1 a. a." min-um mL' "ttrr - ./ roam Andrea Bailey ( hronnh' Stall The local resportstbthty factor, White said, was the main reason Waterloo didn't transfer systems will the five other municipalities m January. noticeable changes In ser- suce," sand Susan Whue, customer SEN/ICC supervisor of the retyon's waste man- agement division "ll Will be the same service, other than that Canadian Waste Sen vuces Inc, has now taken the respomubihty from the city stall," "The region took over the contracts of the other municipalities," she explained. "Waterloo had us own workers doing the col- lemon until now." The township of Wellesley IS now the only municipal- "They are already con- tracted to collect the recy- clable materials m Waterloo," White sand. "So they already know the routes." The only thing that may change, White said, is the ume the garbage IS collected m some areas. "The way the routes are done may change," she said. "For example, Canadian Waste Services Inc. may start at the opposite end or Whue sud the fact Cana- dran Waste Services Inc Is provrdmg the servrce wull make the current "amnion m Waterloo that much smoother my not taking pan In the new system "lf they're not there by 5 pm. then there might be a problem." - _ But overall, the quality of service, she said, will not be affected, "This is really just a change in administration," she said, "Residents shouldn't notice any significant changes to their service." at a different point of a mule from where the any started "Some people who are used to having their garbage collected at say 9 " might now see ll picked up unul 10:30 am.†Changes like these, What sand. should not cause too much concern. So you want quality and performance, and you want to buy Canadian, Eh? We have 'i, the answer...NORCO _i,i:i,rr, BlCYCLES. Til April 8, we have E fantastic deals on selected ':,"y,'r,, Norco Bikes, plus get a free 'i') Bike Guard U-Lock with your t' purchase of any Norco Bicycle. _ Pick you destination. RIDE! E We'll help you get there. httoem Wa(ttgih(oyo) 7225026863? Mon-Wed 10:00 - 6:00, mem 10:00 - 8:30, Sat 9:30 - 5:00 (tiiltgl,iltlliilt, ournoon FY MOM :4 A Division of Moser Outdoor Maintenance Inc. q Turf Plans Available . Single Applications . Aerating & Rolling - Fertilizing Programs q Deep Root Feeding . Prepayment Discounts Available (on " plans only) TRUST as m TAKE CARE OF YOUR TURF NEEDS LAWN SERVICE INC. tt