Shun Volley nlogmm aims to mt Ill ulna in Canada’s brain drain The Shad Valley program ly, doing us best to put a. plug m Canada's brarn dram by identi- fylng the country's best and brightest Pugh school students and gwmg them a chance to develop their entrepreneurial skulls, Mary Dever Ford. the national director of develop- ment for Shad, and the nonun- umg solution to Canada‘s skulls crisis is lo identify the court- try's incredible entrepreneurial talent at an early age and nur- ture a The program does thrs by immersing successful candr dates in what she calls a “com mumly of learnlng" - a summer program that com- bines Intensive IHSU'UCHDH from some of the best faculty at institutions like lhe University of Waterloo with a work place- ment In Innovative companies like Research In Motion that sponsor some of the students. "They're exposed iD things they've never seen before," said Ford. "We expose them to things that help them under- stand a little better what it IS their talents lend themselves to More importantly, u gives the Grade ll and 12 students a sense of the opportunities available in this country before they're lost to companies in the US. They're able lo put what they learn into practice, givmg them the inspiration to carry those F. IS YOUR WARDROBE READY? In! that Weddina or Special Occasi< Expert Fittings a Alterations - NO CHANGE (tJ,l,igiiiiiiii Save now the PST ' EST on any of our Regular Priced Spring Suits & Sport Coors For that Wedding or Special Occasion FACTORY SHOWROOM 21 Allen St. w. 585-1000 Mm .Wed $5,111..» 5. hams“. ' . Bot, Vrbanac Chrone le my WE ARE! ‘31: Waterloo Town Square Cac ms; from shnppcru Drug Mun MEN'S ' SHOPPE 746-9156 q (L111 in Uptown Waterloo , bryl"rr,F18,,31'1' "We're more than just tables and chairs!" skills tnto the work world One of the more than 0,000 grads of the program IS Dave Dougall, vuce-president of operations for SST, a division of Woodland Canada Ltd. In Waterloo. The 1985 graduate said the program, now m its 20th year, and based In Waterloo, brings together groups ol highly- motivated high school stu- dents and exposes them to new concepts in business, science and technology "lt is a challenge for Canadian firms to spread the word out there about the strength of the products and the innovations they are developing so that young grads know about these types of companies. " --Dave Dougall "l feel it provides a strong springboard to rejuvenate Canada's leaders of tomorrow and provides them with strong seeds of entrepreneurism," said Dougal]. “I think that's the type of spirit that is gong to be crit- ical to Canada's ability to remain in the forefront of Tttll' 2 Fine Home Furnish . Livingroom Suites . Bedroom Suites . Kitchen & Dining Sets . Chairs . Office Furniture . Lamps . Bar & Kitchen Counter Stools . Home Accents countries worldwide that hung forward "rchnological innova- tton and new product ideas." The skills have served Dougall w.ell m SST, a smaller entrepreneurial company that was looking for fast growth in a high-technology sector. 'Tve certainly been challenged and enjoyed my mm: at SST," he said He's also a behever that the program could help solve the bram drain and keep Canada's talented students In the coun- try by showing them more of what these local technology companies have to offer, "lt IS a challenge for Cana- dun firms to spread the word out there about the strength of the products and the innova- tions they are developing so that young grads know about these types of companies," said Dougall. "That's certainly an area that needs to be focused on more and more, and Shad Valley provides that opponu- mly through the sponsorships and affiliations with many of the bighuech companies across the country." Shad Valley is still looking for candidates for the program. as well as companies looking to sponsor any of the 525 pro- gram participants For more information or applications, call 884-8844, visit www.shadxa, or email COME VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION . -_ 1ilr.1iugyg 208 KING ST. 5., WATERLOO 745-3972 “All CANADA WEN-L†Hummus . chuucms - Fem Wars o (owns; . PMS Wumo . lim-ll, q Sun humus - Puma Imam menzs . Prawns q fit humus . Amuc NAILS email: fridayshaircanada® Expires Apr" 30/00 Be in over 25,000 homes every week of the year. Advertise in the Waterloo Chronicle - 806-2830 Leanne. Mon, Chris, Connie, Anna, Judy, Sue, Addng Monday Tuelewu Friday-, Saturday HAIR STYUNG HOURS Friday§ 9:00 am. to 6:00 p m 9:00 am. to 8:00 pm .9100 am. to 7 00 pm 3:00 0171.00 d:15 pm