Tuition is a provincial matter, finance minister tells students Attracttng the best and the brightest mdivtduals ttt Canada, as well A) keepmg those already here were two of the goals behmd the 2000 lat eral budget, according to Finance Minister Paul Manm, Martin expressed thcsc views Friday afternoon to J standing-room onlv crowd of students at Wilfred Launcr University who .lllcnded thc talk to hear drunk ol the bud, get, geared to slash taxes by $58 billion over the "ext five And though some students questioned hrs logic behind some finanual decistorls, such as allocating a one-ttme pay- menl of $2.5 billion to be split among a variety of areas such as health care and education, years, ’Petals tr Pots 1an flowpr "ll stop' tFryiitter 41 King Street, ST. JACOBS 664-2286 a) 59 Church Street West, ELMIRA 669-1521 "r,'d'l'.Cc" It was, Arms a» Lunch or Dinner Andrea Bailey Chron) Stall I IDs - Lunch or Dinner Monday to Friday March 13-17 This March Children IO years and younger can order from our Kids' Menu at no charge* rggEtM2Q.uKNiQtLeEtlfillNlV 'iiiiMiiMMiil) ROSES MINI CARNATIONS Assorted colours. Cash a carry $495 7 H " II II II II II II H AND... To keep those little hands busy. each child will receive a PLAYMOBIL colouring hook, compliments of Toy Junction in St. Jacobs. ll-ll-ll-Ill-ll-ll-ll-ll-, MARBLE MADNESS Restaurant & Gift Shop 'Limit of 100 for Students at Wilfrid Laurier University welcomed federal Finance Minister Paul Martin with handshakes and gifts last Friday during his budget talk at the school. -“This budget set the tone for where we have to go as a coun- try," the mmister explamed. Martin chose to focus on the posuives behlnd the budget process. children per adult entree '1vs 002 BUN ll order. Ami-u Inky plum: "Quite clearly the wealth and the nalure of our country IS to be found In those who walk upon the ground, not the resources in it. W A person who stops advertising to save money IS like a person who stops their clock lo save time "Our goal isto keep the bcsl EH" DISCOVERING MARCH BREAK March 13 - 17 St. Thomas Aquinas School. Waterloo Ages 5 - 12 Non Denominational Everyone Welcome SlOO/week or $25/day Extra Supervision Available 8:15-5:30 Call Heather at 744-7001 The Waterloo Chronicle C YO presents: and the brightest here, and attract the best and the bnght- est la come t And while the focus of study now seems to be on erwneer- mg, technology and science, Marlin sud the need ls sull strong for those skilled m arts and humamnrs "Nobody demes the need for physwl suture," he said, addrag he, tour of the Research m Motion lugh-tech facility earlier In the day proved that paint m spades. "But In the modern world, the ability to think and aruculate 15 just as Important. "We are not Just cconomnc animals. we are better The arts and humanities play an impor- tant role in humankind." With the thought m mind of achieving such excellence, some students blasted Martin (Continued on page 12)