" I reduces the level of bacteria, yeast and mold micro- organisms in carpeting by an average of 92. 596 I wall to wall and area rugs ’Petais ty POLL/Miriam & Gift ood Gary 17qu CARPEI‘CLEANING â€tamer 725qu St s Watering: @mn: " E AVOID mmmmmm ttttttER run run mamas mam Long Stem Renee _ Sweetheart Roses _ Camatioets...... Romance Bunches N.o6rC_etter_Ste-rstget L-' (519) 893-0046 "et.trt--mo--h-rrt1 a-ti------- "-----orm-.-rr-"--""-"""ir"-""' III mi! Hul- - I -1 Callus MS" doz. " o" doz VahrkPwlton Tlhmted, one charming. witty. entertaining 'eltgrgeter' to Mt: Volunteer noundutl Waterloo':; Volunteer Resource Network IS looking for the Angie Hills, Dave Schneiders, or even Mike Bullards of the community to audition for the role of master of ceremonies at the fust-ever Volunteer Roundup. "We are looking for quite a character here," said Mary Thorpe of program and com munity development for the City, "a real funny man, or funny woman." The "chosen one", she said, will be responsible for intro- ducing equally-amusing guests who will be at the Adult Rotary Cintm on Dutton Drive Feb. 11 to recruit volunteers for a number of positions. Andrea Bailey Chronicle stg "The guests wont Just be giving a presentation," Thorpe said, "they will be gmng a per- lemme. "And If thes goes over as well as we hope, the guests might have to soon Stan auditioning for a part as well." _ Betweeninterview segments, entertainers will generate more than a smile with, in Thorpe's words, a variety of "schticks". "We are hoping to even develop a character who is for- ever coming in telling of their recruitment limos. and gener- ating new ideas for place- ments," she said. "The person will talk about missing the bus, arriving at their placement only to Gd that is has moved. and coming back requesting another opportunity. The things they will come up with should be pretty funny" Lng M. I EER'S Cum “up Though Thorpe hopes to focus on all volunteer opportu- nities in future shows, the cho- sen recruitment areas for this event will be directed at those with an interest in the ans. Positions with Communities in Bloom, A Brush Wuh Art. "We are looking for quite a character here. " --Mary Thorpe 3it Dunn SI. N. 100 Mm An “than VII-rho 743-3630 M10 t1r8iWMt1 'c “a†M. I £3493? WOMEN’S WINTER SALE Regular Price Sale Price 94.95to110.°°............NOW 71 114.95to144.%.,.........Now 94 149.95to179.95...........NOW 11! 184.95t0219.95...........NOW 14! 224.95t0249.95...........NOW 174 SAVE ON BOOTS AND HANDBAGS 'Sorne shoes and handbags may not apply and the Community An Cen- ue will be the featured on the stage. _ - “It's a good chance for people to hnd out about volunteering opportunities," she said. "l want everyone to feel like an insider who knows what's going on in the community around them." Thorpe hopes the fast event of its kind will be a spring- board for future benefit shows in all sectors of the community. Upcoming plans, she said, may include opportunities for university students interested in a volunteer placement to get up on stage and find an organi- zation best-suited for them. As well, with the election coming up near the end of the year, local politicians may also have the chance to take center stage and address the crowd. "We'll see how this first one goes," Thorpe said. "Then we'll evaluate and take it from there" All of this, however. depends on the success of this first endeavor. Big Brothers of Kitchener-Waterloo rolls out Bowl for Kids Sake With room for about 80 Big Brothers, m partnership wuhjack Astor's, m pulling on its annual major fundraiser slamng Feb, I and conun- uing until Feb. 29 m the hopes of raising 5100000 In 2000. The funds will go to provide programs and services to more than 165 little brothers In Waterloo Region, Including 55 sull looking for a Big Brother, Have fun, wm fabulous prizes and support a great cause Call 579-3432 to register your team Big Brothers of Kitchener-Waterloo 15 hoping you can "spare" some lime and "strike" up some support for its " tle brothers 1n the annual Bowl for Kids Sake Fundraiser, Sale Price NOW 74.99 NOW 94."9 NOW 1 1 9.†NOW 149.†NOW 1 Ta." guests the show will take place In a cafe-lype selling wuh round tables facing the stage Though most events held at Adult Centre are geared to folks 55 and over, Thorpe sud everyone ls welcome to attend. "l'm hoping the even! wull gwe everyone, reared Beople m pamcular, a taste of the vanely of roles they can fulfill as a vol- unleer, whether ll be between say a trip to Florida and the cottage, or on more of a long- term basis. "I also hope the show bnngs In a lot of new faces who have maybe recently moved to the area, or those who thought it might be nice to offer help as a volunteer." The MC, whoever he or she may be, will take the stage from 9:30-11:30 aan.,while audience members enjoy cor fee, muffins, and give-away prizes such as bat boxes and flower seeds. Information brochures on volunteer opportunities will also be available for Interested applicants. "This IS sure to be a lot of lun," Thorpe said. "Once we have our MC, 1 think every- thing will come together in a great way" V Those" interested in filling the MC shoes can call 888-