Yet another silly bill passed by the Harris government Mike Harris appears to be crankier then usual these days, His government. passed the silly bill requmng a refer- endum d future governments fail to balance their budgets Could it be that he fears his government might be the first to fail to balance us budget under the new legislation even though revenues remain high due to the red hot us econ- omy? After making drastic cuts to the health system 1iuring his first mandate, he has had to Piatkowski I has again I reinviihttd & history l Once again. Scott Piatkowski chooses to re- Invent history with his latest left wing News re: Augusto Pinochet Typical of left Wing losers, they choose to gloss over sociahst or communist alrocmes around the world and concentrate on the few examples of right wtng atrocr Hes. Not to downplay the fact that thousands of suspected and outright opponents of the Pinochet regime disappeared as he Mated, Scott would be reluctant lo admll that hm snualm and communist homes m the last century around the world were rcsponsnhlc for the "dvs- appearance" of approximately 85 million people lrylng to create hes workers paradigms In such places as The Sons! Union, Mainland ( hm, hm Crcrmany, North Korea, en etc Let's see If he has the wurage In defend those mlm- has m hes biweekly rank Ralph Schippanouu, Waterloo lE'H' A message to all health-care providers, support staff and volunteers: I would like to rake this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all of you throughout our province for your ongo- ing commitment and dedication In pro- viding high quality and compassionate care during the past (ess weeks You deserve lo be congratulated and applauded for responding so effectively lo the health care needs of Ontarians during a period of Inmeased use of our entire health care system, when so many Thank you to our health-care providers an C2iiiiiiiiiiie throw nulhons back Into ll wuh few pusruve results and no end In srghl He us strll commuted to more Income“ tax cuts He has already prormsed Io donate money to the owners of Canadian NHL teams If the feds do the same and they have Just announced we (the taxpayers) will puck up the legal costs for Tony Clement's personal dispute with Dalton McGuinty. There is also the chance that interest rates may rise, thus reducing revenues due to a slowing Eil!,e"irlririj l Ai (i',i,'i'i'i,,i'i,l,i,,'li.,'i!ti1i' I “ o u u- - a unique shopping experience _-... - E All of us at the Mimary of Health and Long-Term Care have appreciated your commitment to work cooperatively m frndmg mus Io alleviate the pressures our health care system faces during peak periods of utilization Thank you for ajob well done. Elizabeth Wilmer. Waterloo M PP, Ontario Health Minister, people have been suffenng from the flu I know that this year's flu season pre- sents sigmfmam challenges to all of you Well, If I were Mike, 1 wouldn't worry about u There still must be some ser- was left that he can down- load to mumopalities, and still some fees for services that can be Increased or intro- duced, And even if these mea- sures won't make up the difference, he will have no trouble paying the penalties Included in the new balanced budget law by cashing in his economy and Increasmg car- rying charges [or the record high provmcral debt large unlocked "deferred" pension benefit. EW Hill, Wat Winter Blow Out Sal 51r7180rTsSkisxar25%iXT ammazm (519)te42442 / Linda Lundstrom mm: mm, mmâ€. may“ f r ,Wram " ml? Flax & Subtle Tones in Paste, gazing tsouth - (Slaying _ mine / A 8 ', mm, Judd/o 5m. aomplcfc Auto-“01hr- cholr 1tgjirh Down The “my?“ v v n u C"' - Automotive In? 430 Albert Stmt,.Watu-ioo 747-22 you - NEED map If your span the lust boa-c (In: string on the can... WE CAN HELP! ampletc 3:32.?“ mt mu: 6f Mum - - 767-2220