14 '3nr,: Cased a†am Air 8 mam:- The 2000 A4 1.8T Quattro LOVES Starting From $1†$35,890" Crosby Audi 2500 King St. E., Kitchener Or you can visit us on line at www.crosloyvwuudi.corn mm 5 weed manual xra~smssucr r"erght, PO I wad-0'13? Downs and appcable rages Mt glam 894-9300 The A4 with quattro. All your neugnoours are smvellmg thew cars out Mule youâ€: out for a lovely jaunt m the snow The A4 with mad-gnppog quattro" ail-wheel anve IS making snon work of Ottt Man Winter You're negouatmg tums and drmbang mus wnne everyone else IS camng In late tor won In short, the pedect nde m a - unmet wonderland AuOI New chair and vice-chair appointed to Centre in the Square's board of directors ihe boardoivhrccrors ul lhe M ho way chairperson hum Ctrntre In [he Mun: A! II) 199510 1900 December "wrung than] J " am town. lo work mlh .1 new vhinrman and vicihair- chairman wuh Bills rxpvnmuu Newly appouued chairman Willum LBIII' Poole has worked m the cultural sector smut 1975 He sent-d " ayststant gen- eral manager of the Shaw Fes- tival m Niagara-on-the-Like from 19.75 to NH) and spent the next hve wars as thrector of development [or The National Ballet School man In january of 1990, Poole was appouued durum of the Centre for Cultural Manage- ment all thr. Uruversity of Waterloo Poolc holds an MBA irom York Uruvcrsny, .m MSc from the London School of Ewnom- Its, .Illd a BA from the Unna- <In' of Toronto, Poole, who served .15 nun chairman of The Centre til the Squares board lor the last two years, replaces Valerie Hoag. The House of Friendship is pleased to report that its annual Christmas Hamper Christmas Hamper Project wraps up “l am ecstdttu lo work will .1 \ hairrnan wuh Bills npcncm u m the dnt, ll Po truly d [Art lux my sud Jaime Grant, gun-ml manager of The Centre III the Square "Bill Is our ul the >emur arts adrmmstrators In Cunada--he will bung much l0 the centre m hs new capar- It»: “ll IS .111 honour to be elected by rny peers to play thes Impur- Iant role," sud Poole "The Centre In the Square plays An Important part In our raglan and therefore It IS very easy (or me to volunteer my lune Together With the new board and staff, we Will work thd to makc sure the (cum: rennin» vital for all m our commumtv' the newly-clected um» chalnnan Ted Bleaney, Is J sys- tems consultant m the hnancul «wuss scam Deuguaid wuh an ASA and FIMI, Nancy has an honour, bachelor of maihemaiis Some hampers Were also dehvcrcd by other groups through [ht coordinated ciloris, M Elm (hnslnns Bum“: project wrapped up last week and delwercd .1 total of 1805 hampers, This total was down from the 2.965 hampers delivered 1.le ymr Thc Hunw of I'merulslup thanks (RA Dcvelopmcnv, (ss! Hum: no. 29: Stem no w Cambridge Guelph ( 521.395 0235521 Bri3iil au “a, 30 Oman St Ft, 160 University Ave, Kitchener Wuwoo “3-3639 â€$0610 _7 PASSPORT @108 i L degree sxuh .1 \ulllpulcr «Iv cm: nujm trom, (he t nu (mu mi Waterloo All .Mnc mlun teer lor IIIJHV vt'arN hm wnlu’ triludes past dulrnuu ol the Kuchencr Parks .md Rare anon Advisory L umnuuuc cxrcum: “Immune member of dw Forest Heights t ummur “My 1ssocotron and premium oi hes condomimum uvrpora- nun He l5 the rcuplcnl ol 1hr llilh Anruversary of Confer Hanan Medal for Voluw teensm "The Centre m the square must continue IO meet the nerds of the ssrdcst possible demographic." sand Bleaney, _. the centre's Irwin ollering of Ward Al Yarokovs and La Travuta In the same week, was J pcrfect cxampic of the spec- mun we an service 'F Other recent Appomlmcnls Io the centre?, board of dire, tors an: Douglas Row. Brun Stort2 and pm Wilken. The House of Friendship would also like to thank the ooo volunteers who ssssiytcd m packaging and drlnrnng the hampers, as wcll " Ihu ilaousand ol other d F.,. dunnlcd both food .th “uh m wppurl ol (ht auuual pmlul Poolc and Blcaney begin the†now dunes Immedmlel) Ltd. a dnnsion oi Conestoga- Rover: and Assocotes, for the use of the companys wart house .11 HO H.11hurst Dr In Waterloo Adults loolop, to mm (hm Pugh school dxplum JU' muted la Mg†up lvr Opal Door sccoudorv "hool lor adults, 55 Didevustt “1&3an hr1dge,startinglsu1 IT Open Door oluo ollcrs ol lege or unn'cmu' prqumm'n courses and willpuu-r Jails classes Thr. prugmm also oWrs full davs, [naming nr afternoon classes Clasws begin Feh 2 information call 740-3800 Open Door holds registration or