by Jennifer Doede Evervorte tS stressed nghl now With d lot of projects And assignments due Report cards came out last Fnday, and trttr dents are trying to rrrtpr0ve the†marks as much as they can Parent-teacher mlen’lews are thes evening Wednesday, Nov 21irom 3 pm -5 pm and b p m Al pm Best Friend's 1999 Christmas Ornament now on sale The omamenls wdl also be available at all area Canada Trust branches m Kitchener and Waterloo begmning Dec There will also be a special blitz day Dec. 4 where the ornaments will be sold at van- ous locations Including most Zehrs stores The ornaments are also available at the Big Ser ters House. 37 Allen St W. in Waterloo, during regular busi- ness hours or by calling 743» 5206 Year tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas Ornament Col- lection is now on sale. Nine ladies Dancing IS sure to go quickly to both collectors as well as newcomers to the series. Each ornament is priced at $4 and the previous eight years' ornaments are boxed m sets of four at SH per box. Best Friend's of Kitchener- Waterloo and Area Big Sisters are selling the ornaments each Saturday at the St. Jacobs Farmers' Market between 7 wm. and 3:30 pm, from now until Christmas ( ongrstulauor1s to the Jr Welcome to another year of Waterloo Youth Council coverage Welcome to the second year of the City of Waterloo Youth Recre- anon Counolr Youth Beat will appear bi-weekly m provide council event updates and other programs [or youth around the (My Approximately 75 Indi- viduals are trwolved with the caunul's three fan- lasllc commtttees - arty. muse and culture: community service and volunteers: and sports and parks, BCI (ml: basketball team for quah- fymg lo CWOSSA They played last Friday night M Grand Rum vs our Ovals, WCI It's almost here Bluevale, the producuon of Knights on Broadway" Pedormaaces start Wednesday, Dec 1 and can tmue until Saturday, Dec 4 The show suns at T30 pm each mght and tickets cost $10. Buy your tickets early so you are nol disapporrued. Permy Poker, which started on Monday. IS alr and lic chal- CHALK 1lllMalllllt tit Your“ Bum As the beautiful colours of fall surround us and the cold weather hms of wm- ter. remember the warmth of friendships and volun- teertng. If you would like to become Involved with one of the Youth Recreation Council committees, call Dawn at885-1203, Imagine meeting 75 new friends! Melani Keller ty' a mem- ber of the City of Waterloo Youth Recreation Council. leage to help nus: money for our charity. The Sunshine Foundation Over the next two weeks, put your money tit the correct brn as the two groups compete against each other bomng very soon IS the 12 Days ol Festive Fun Everyday there will be a festive acuvuy gomg on. One of lhest events Is the Mrllenmum Dance, which IS on Dec 16 Stay tuned to the am2ouncemettts for deails on each event! Hey Vlkmgs! Only one more month of school left to go! Do I hear some cheering? Save up that energy for the hockey game wuh Jacob Hespler and the swnm meet wnh KCI iomonow. Thursday ts going to be an extra busy day with tnps to see King Lear In Stratford and the Royal Ontario Museum for Linn Students. YWCA looking for volunteers Help enrich the lives of women and children In the community by volunteering for the YWCA of Kitchener, Waterloo The YWCA depends on vol- unteers to successfully mam- (am programs. If you enjoy spending ume with children. you could help walk them to an afterschool program. Or consider sharing a skill or expertise. Practical asMstance such as unloading the food- bank truck, sorting donations or doing kitchen clean up is also appreciated, For more information, call Saundra Schmidt, coordinator of volunteers for the k-W YWCA, at 744-6507 WCI by Julie St. Cyr Thursday IS also the opening of CONCEPT!! WCl's annual performing arts extravaganza, There will be Singing, dancmg and drama It plays Thursday. 98EscortZX2.20r.,black tr.-' TiV 98 Contour Sport, 4dr. green r . 97 Taurus GL, Mr., silver _ . . _ . _ 9rEscortLX,40r.,green .. Trr-r, 96TaurusGLWagombogts . ., .r 96 Windstar GL, 7 passenger. red . 96 Plymouth Grand. 7 passenger, red 95 Taurus GS Wagon, green T _ V _ 95 GMC Satan SLT Van. grey 94 Explorer XL, 4x4, 4dr. blue 94 Taurus LX, 4dr., clue _ T 94 Aerostar XL Sport. black . 94 Pontrac Grand AM, 2dr _ green 94 Lincoln Contmental, Jar. red 93 Escort LX, 20r, green V 93 Cougar XR7, 2dr. grey T T . 92 Grand Marques LS, 4dr, grey _ 91 Explorer XL 4x4, 4dr, srlver 90 Tempo GL, 4dr., blue T . _ St. Jacobs 664-221 Est 7946 - 52 years otservrng you, our valued customer 98 Ford Ranger XLT, SIC, red 97 Ford F150 XL Pickup, red _ T 95 Ranger XL Pickup, red _ . . _ T 92 Ford Ft50 Pickup, brown . ' _ 89 Ford F150 Lariat Pickup. Blue ‘We tDefiver 'Top MARTIN‘S GARAGE "A Short Drive Away" audity Service 664-228t ' TRUCKS Friday and Saturday nights at 7 00 In the WCl auditorusm All Vikings and [hen parents are named to come out for a great evening $12,500 $13,500 $14,900 $12,900 513.900 515.500 $14300 _ s9,900 $14,500 515.500 $8.995 S9.900 S8,995 $13,900 $5.995 Sti,995 S5.995 $8.995 $3.995 $21 .000 515.900 S9,900 $7.995 $5.995 27