Tree festival in support of 2, new Cardiac Care Centre C St, Mary's General Hospital Volunteers are once again set up to help [amines launch that holiday season With beautifully decorated tress. wreaths and seasonal entertainment galore including a wsu from Santa. The Festival IS centred m the Kitchener City Hall Rotunda and as open to the pubhc Nov 26th from 10 am. - 4 p m, Nov 27th from 10 nun _ 10 pm and Nov. 28th from noon-4 pm. In 1990, the volunteers of St Mary's General Hospital decided to plan a fund- rarsrng holiday event for families, modelled on srmilar celebra- tions held by other hospitals across North America. Over the years, the Fesuval has grown from Victoria Park Pavrlron to Seagram's Museum, and now tt's celebrating us third year at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda. of Waterloo professors Don Cowan and Colin Mayfeki, the purpose of the WIN initiative is to encourage and stimulate eco- nomic development m the area by providing more derailed infor- Mon about local business and service on the Intemet, Thanks to the prototype pro- ject, which has also been sup- ported by the City of Waterloo The hard- working Festival of Trees volunteers have raised over $250,000 during the past nine years. This year, proceeds from the 10th Annual Festival of Trees will be donated to the newly announced St. Mary's Regional Cardiac Care Centre reaching our to heart patients from Waterloo, Wellington, Dufferin, and Grey- Bruce counties. The Waterloo Information Network (WIN) was a big win- ner this week when it was named to a short list of five community projem now being considered to mxive one of the federal govem- menty 12 $5 million Smart Com munities destmtion grants. As the brainchild of University "amianuueraftigivtehkxsg imiustries,everybusineswitha loanon in Waterloo now has a grant comes through, hopefully aher the New War, the intent of the ptojoa committee is to make agbusinessesintherestofrhe 1hue+oReg'rmaseasilyazztrii- ble to Net browsers. Canada: Technology Triangle (CIT). the formal group spear- heading the W, submitted us application to the gavtmmem a number of months ago Matmg why WIN should be chosen as a 'meer)'""'" on the World AmiiftheSmmammumhes Information network earns a bin 'WIN' byAndrea Bailey Chnmirle Staf "We ale absolutély ecsthlic," said he: Palvetzian, CIT bound Friday at 730 pm . a Holl- day Gala Fashion Show IS being produced by Audrey Wil- son of Gemini models and " tures holiday wear from furs to comfortable, cozy clothes from downtown Kitchener mer- chants. The models will be vol- unteers and some surprise "local celebrates", winning initiative over other Ontario appliamts The group is now up against camqren'tots from Ottawa/Carleton, Lanark, Kingston and Windsor for the titk of top technological dog The annual Fesuval of liees kucks " the evening of Thurs- day, Nov 25th fralunng an Edr ble Forest (hots d'oeuvres from several prominent restaurants on tables nestled among glitter- mg trees). an auction of proles- sionally designed trees, and a Silent auction of many [numb mg delights Eastwood High School's Drama Club u, provid- mg Mane entertainers to add to the delight of everyone The rest of the weekend [5 packed wuh vanous entertain- ers to delight young and old alike. They range from local school choirs, to the Fairview Mennonite Bell Ringers Satur- day at 11 a.m., to Erik Tmplin. a children's entertainer Salurl day at 3 pm. to the KW Slat- ing Club Saturday at 5 pm†and various other entertainers will help get everyone in the holiday spirit. in addition, M&M Meat Shops are donat- ing the proceeds from a barbe- member and chair of the com- mittee, "tty awry corrprehensive project and it will be marketed throughout the world "We are now seen as a wodd leader in technology with [He infomation we have aeaikhk," Palvetzian said the project is aimed to improve a variety of development areas such as eco- mun," he said "We have the atsr ity address the urban areas, and we can transform the system to smaller, rural communities so they have their own ponhole. I think thaty what makes us most appaling where Smart Grmmu- mums ts concemed" Waterloo Conn. Scott Jones, who took pen in he Smart Com- _ . li . , m the fad the system can be trmk ferred to other municipalities nationwide could be the ace in the holc "The government was looking for pmjects like this that other plans acmsCitada could use " well," he and. "I think the whole concept of a community net- work, and the friendliness sur- "lt wally covers the entire spec- The Festival of Trees is proud to work m partnership with CHYM-FM who light the "Tree of Hope". In front of the Knclr ener City Hall at 7 pm on the Saturday aight. This IS the beginning of a month- long series of events m support of the Chikhen's Services. Then, a candle-lit proceSSIon sets off for Victoria Park and the launch- mg of the "Chreamas Fantasy of hgth", The St. Mary's volunteers are pleased that again. this year's major sponsor ts Gama. For further informauon about events and tickets, check out or call the volunteer oilice at 749- 6922. cue to be held Saturday ought (mm $2 donation) General Adrmssuon to the Festival IS $2 and parking Is free In the Cny Hall parking garage on Young Street Waterloo Town Square (across from Shoppers Drug M411 )1469133 tae Clirikikle du. ON NOW THRU THIS WEEKEND )t,,, DRESS SHIRT < 3) filllllil,ralali,1,f.i,I.,j.,llti,-llt, lit Saas, My. II cre â€JALIEF DESIGN JUS‘I’ m TIME FOR TME HOLIDAY SEASON . HUGE SELECTION . VERY LATEST COLOURS Major coverage of minor sports Guy Laroche SHIKIM‘ATEI 1; "