Alexander said m the recent Interview he was indeed pleased the sooety had agreed to develop a business plan and volunteer policy in order to help prevent problems that have surfaced at the society in the past. Former Waterloo Coun. Bill Butler accused the society of financial irregulari- ties this pasthmuary while lor- mer society volunteer, Fred Batsoum of Waterloo, said last January he was fired by the society after speaking out against the way the society killed some dogs and cats. uves on the society's board bemg able to vote, the society's letters patent only allow elected board members the nght to vote. He also said he knew of no move to reform that position. And as for term hrmis for board directors, Hodgson said in the past the board had imposed term [Imus of three years for all its executive mem- bers. However he said agam under the society's letters parent, there are no term hunts for board members. He also said he duhtr balms there was any momeruum on the board lo change that policy WPIRG to offer transpirtatioi lecture series WPIRG IS presenting thrs senes as a public service for the community at large Transportation is the third-largest compo- The Waterloo Pubhc Interest Research Group Is presenting a free Thursday night lecture senes begrnmng Nov 4 mulled "Transportation for the New Mrllenmum Transportation 1n the Pubhc Interest " Humane Society "There's nervousness there, I guess," Alexander said. "They want to look at it themselves And they feel that they're board passed a motion to bring forward a business plan at its meeting in September but then also passed a motion not to share that plan with Alexander once the plan was developed, Alexander said. However Alexander said he sull had some problems with the way the society was devel- opmg Its busmess plan, The "I think the taxpayers have a right to know how their money is being spent. " --Bruce Alexander The group hopes lo raise the level of awareness In the communuy and provide a forum for omens to corunbute to an Issue that affects everyone. The frrst lecture, to be held at Terrace on the Square In Waterloo at 7:30 pm, will nent of household expenditures In Canada after housing and food "The issue of voting mem- bers of council being on the board of directors I think is an accountability issue," Strick- land said. "There's public funds there (at the society), I think we should at least have a vote on the board of directors. I think that's something that needs to be addressed." And Slrlckland sand In a recent Interwew he was sull not happy the board was unwilling to allow appointed municipal representatives on the board the right to vote. Alexander said he believed he had a right to see the busr ness plan because although the society is a pnvale non-profit organization, the my currently pays it $184,500 a year for any mal control "I think the taxpayers have a right to know how their money b bang spent." he sad elected board members and executive board members." "And what can 1 say? At least they're developing a business plan-. But if you develop a business plan, I don't see the value In not sharing that, Thats the whole point of why we asked them to do ll." (Continued trom page 1) focus on Highway 7 alternative transporta- nun. WPIRG is convinced that a better transportation solution exists and IS work. mg to see that an effecttve and less-costly solution IS Implemented, The series conllnues every Thursday until Nov, 25 For mart information call Michael Parkinson at 5703976, And Strickland said he was drsappointed the society sent us lawyer to talk to council as opposed to us chairman or general manager, He described the action as an "adversarial mponse" to legiti- mate council concerns. Both Alexander and Stnck- land said they also were still dssappointed the society's board seemed unwilling to Impose term lirmts on Its mem- bers. 2 king street north waterloo on (at EN, and King in the Waterloo Hotel premises] Clir6iiicle 836-2830 News ideas? Call us. We care. 519 q 883 0 8776 to choose L, from d "