l mother shares the story at her Illattgltter's huttle with leukemia KnchenerWaterlooy Hope- Spnng Cancer Support Centre on Allen Street West wall have two very specral veutors Nov, 12 - That's because Wilfnd Lanna Um- versrty sociology professor Juanne Nancarrow Clarke and her 21-year-old daughter lauren, a leukemia survivor. will be at the centre at 7 pm. to talk about Juanne's new book, "Finding Strength: A Mother and Daughter's Story of Childhood Can- cer." The program director for Hope- Spring, Nancy Scha- effer, said in an interview last Friday there was a special reason she recently invited the Nancar- row Clarkes to speak at the cancer support centre. "She Guanne) has Juanm actually known daught about HopeSpring Ioo‘s l for some years," Nov. 1; Schaeffer said. "And when we created a group for parents ofchildren with cancer, we Immediately thought of her." “And she Uuanne) is an extraordinary person," $chaef- fer said. "I just trust that what- ever she has to say is going to be extremely useful to parents and to kids who are going through this." Tim Gardner C hmnu le sag, )uannc Nartearrow Clarke (left) and her daughter [amen will be at Kitchener-Water- Ioo‘s HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre Nov. ll. Juanne said In a recent mur- wew Lauren was diagnosed with leukemia In October, 1995. when she was only 17 "She was med," Juanne sad, when asked how both Lauren and Juanne knew there was something wrong. "She was really tired. She was having to sit down on the side ofthe tub in the middle of a shower, for instance." "She didnt really have any other dramatic symptoms - things like bruising or bleeding or temperatures or a swollen spleen," Juanne said. "She did- nt have aux of the other sugpif- a. I COLUMBIA GIVE THE cm or LIFE BLOOD OONOR CLINIC 12EttMtttft1g2ni1ftAEEIV mas MUS! snow nun l [1 THAT snows mama: mac: l moor or m: Manulife Financial Mon. 4pm - 7:45pm, Tues. - Thurs. 8am - 11:45, "calms 4pm - 7:45pm, Sat. Mat . 1pm. (parking available In Red Cross parking lot) A family tradition of ttl service for over 44 years 150 Colnmhla smut West. Waterloo MANULIFE FINANCIAL BLOOD COLLE‘ aloud donor: mat no bemoan the an: at 17 and TO (on tor tint lime donors). not! would In lull». well on the day of donation, Donors as required to luv: idettMegtlott, For tooth-r Into:- lnatlon. plan all 744-61“. Envy day, 5000 pawl: tn Canada "who Mallow! Ink blood M blood wounds. Volunteer mood Mon an the only some at In blood they new. CAA APPROVED FOR OVER 20 YEARS AU'I'O SERVICE 'ettetmt 'tw-ttr. conch-u. 'asrerir 0911mm Supplies of all blood types continue to be very low. Healthy adults Moon the ages oft7and70amurgerdtomakaobexxtthmatioro. Patieotsirttourttrmthospittys are depending on your continued generosity and support'. 885-3520 Kant symptoms. But she was really tired. And she looked very pale." The doctor who examined Lauren drdnt determine that she had leukemia nghl away However the news eventually - came out. l her As she cared for her 'ater- daughter, Juanne trttre began writing notes to herself about the experience beginning in the summer of 1996. last fall, while visiting an editor about another one of het books, she asked the editor if she felt the notes she had been making might be suitable for a book. The answer was yes. It has now been over four years since Lauren was diag- nosed with leukemia and she is "l was m shock," Juanne sand "l dont know If you'd use the word devastated I dunk I sud to myself, IDK, this IS whal IS. I can hardly believe tt What do we have to do next?' So I was in shock and l was very practicaL" Juanne, a medical sociologist, had writ- ten a number of books about cancer before, as well as many, many research articles in academic journals And she had had an aunt and uncle in her family die of cancer when they were only young children, so she knew a lot about the disease before Lauren was diagnosed. Red Cross Headquarters 186 King St. s., Waterloo CLINIC IS OPEN now in: of symptoms. if she experiences no other symp- toms 1n the next three years, she will basically be cured. [ESE Egg; 1 zehrs MARKETS When asked what she had i)!) " off everything omumenis. trees, millennium gifts and all mit? ART Lett. FRAMED MIRRORS MID MP5 " To 60% OFF 59257.: ONE 'ttt1LNkCSl_tTMtBltr, NOVEMBER 61'" BARBER GALLERY PRE-CHRISTMAS E31113 ieamed from her experiences will Lauren in her battle against leukcrma, Juanne hesi- rated for a moment. CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES "l guess I'm more aware of AT THE FORD SUPERSTORE ." IN WATERLOO.’ ILedl Ca Ludggggn life ififitili")" PARKWAY FORD Head Office: Watedoo, Ontario N2J 4G4 Telephone (519) 886-4610 Christmas Story by Leah Anderson and Stan Goldberg Many new releases by other artists "ije.tei.i.re.S' all your favourites. 455 King St. North ins: south of the Padang the vulnerability of families to unexpected forces," she said. "And 1n this case, it was tau- ren's vulnerability to a special illness" next to Waterloo Inn 884-5110 "