Last week in the Waterloo Chronidc we asked readers what they felt about the City of Waterloo possibly allowing overnight parking on all my streets during the summer months. Response to this issue was great. We'll publish as many of your (ommenn as spam allows this week and wall publish more of your responses next week. Here's what some of you had to say, It's a great idea Yes, I am In favour of overrught parkmg m the Cuy of Waterloo. ll Just makes sense 1fivmg lo employ peo- ple to travel the neighborhoods trymg to [Ind parkmg vrolators just does not cut " " 15 a tax saving-area and d "mm-vs“- mg idea and I thmk ll ls fusl J grul idea that resndrnls of Waterloo an park overnight wuhoul rucwmg a ncket That is not our image I don't think 1hey should have parkmg on 1he smug fur a few reasons. One ts safety Several streets are very narrow and It would be very hard for the emergency vehicles to manage if everyone parked on the streets. Number two. the new developers with their neo- Cititt CLEAROUT!‘ till“! Special Clearance on all Irr.stock Audi Models & company vehicles! Call for details 2500 King St. E., Kitchener 894-9300 Ask for an Audi Brand Specialist 1 21 Allen St. W. 535-1000 Mon Wed 9-5, Thurs a F" 9-8, Sat lO-4 CROSBY AUDI FACTORY SHOWROOM W n , Mark Hill nadumnal homes should have thft ked mm the bylaws beforehand and the rest of the my should not have to com- pensate for that new concept Also I lhlnk that Waterloo IS a very neat and clean my to [Ive m and if we allow thu; parking on the streets we wall end up looking Ink d Toronto suburb and l really dont think that Is our Image I would like to know whether the city or the devel- opers - that have developed properties on such small lots that they haven'l taken Into consideration enough room [or ade Imm: parking and they have probed from the; prop- erty building on small lots -- are going to pay the unzcns of thrs my who have pad emu money for rum wude dnvc. ways so that they can gel than vehicles off the road. There IS also no proveuorts m any of the traific acts or any of the oty bvlaws that allows for gelling nd of delinquent cars, lfl had an old crock that I wanted to gel rid of, can 1 just park tt 1n the street down In front of your house and leave ll there? 1 wall take the plates oil, file off the number and let the city I'm ticked off Kai Llenhan Fine Home Fumish’ in Uptown Waterloo l "We're more than just tables and chairs!" . Livingroom Suites . Bedroom Suites . Kitchen s Dining Sets . Chairs . Office Furniture . Lamps . Bar & Kitchen Counter Stools . Home Accents decide what they are going Io do because they won1 have anyway of gelling nd of " That Is some of the comments that l have, and I am really licked on that now all of a sud- den after those of us who have taken care of our own prob- lems, the developers have allowed themselves to get mm d predrcament where they have prohled so much from making big bulldmgs on small lot. and nol provided lor parkung that new all of sudden the rest of us have Iv be." the brunt ol " 1 reallv am ticked oiP 'h Bart}: mum SOFAS as low as $1199.00 SAVE <gBy ON CUSTOM ORDERS noon MODELS up TO DEE interiors leln Chuck Dietrich Numoom T151. (519) 576-3323 SALE ENDS OCTOBER 13m A FURNITURE STORE, ART GALLERY, & So MUCH MORE HERMAN . ARTISTICA . TAPESTRIB . LANE . WOODMARK . WATERFORD . FREDERICK COOPER . CHAPMAN . MICHAEL THOMAS . COUNCIL]. . FINE ART [AMPS . Cusror2.FRAMrNG l lure on {Street-where pro- ple already park between 2 30 a m and ty 30 a. m The pokce do not want to do anything about ll they put you over to the Cay of Waterloo bylaw the bylaw olhcer tells you to call the police We have nenghburs who have cars that are old and decrepit and leak all and u lust messes up the ntnghborhood Both side: ml 1he street an parked on, and I tlunk they should be on one srde of lhe street or the other ll Ls very df (Continued on page 8) I totally et?1llf I Ge an A \IYPPI w ere hm WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, I999 AT 7:00 PM. at the Canadian Clay 8 Glass Gallery Please RSVP to Margrit 0 74l-0770 Goliger's Travel Plus 607 King St, W. Ste. 204, Kitchener, ON N26 IC7 CRUISE NIGHT! tordiafly invite you to ioin us for our Tat %]