ll didnl take long, Students M both of Waterloo's universities have been back m town for hllle more than a week, and already we're getting licked al them. The fina complaint? Garbage, A mammoth pile of debns was piled up on the curb of one Waterloo street last week, and at least one local resndenl was not at all pleased with the mess And nghllully so. It was quite an eyesore and a poten- tial hazard Give'em a break Complaining about unwersuy students IS something weie gotten used to doing m Waterloo Aha all, they do tcave too much garbage on the streets when the/rc movmg m and out And. yes. they have the odd loud pany now and thncxn wt Al Hw ( hurnule uartt lo gtuerulr d thunderous ff~rltln>f hum out fmthlul readers, we al lhnu what 1hcv dunk about pcl hvlasw, or parking bvlawt, ' VH- St' xskcd lob ol quantum In (hr P.le that wc thought mulch might he mnwrnul dhulll but some luhl hssertt gamcred the rrspunx we upward var askcd shout amalgamarion Nad., [he doctor shorugc lip Ihcrautcol our educauortsysrcm tdch But when vu- bk ll dogs should be allowed to run lrcr d ml mun-n should be tequlml to get licrete, lor than pct', or 1 ior example “in should hr Allow-d to he parkcd un nu slrcety owrruglu the phonrs fl light up cnnugh to gunk In J laudrng Clirikiide VI uhs rcadcrs an cAlgtr m “was (hen _ 8 ' uplnlnns nu [hrw IssuL‘y and valid "rs i upmlnm [ha art' I m always Impressed ( '. - 4* by and rcypccdul of [ht mnvunung ) e ‘ arguments on both “do of any tsyue cxpreywd bs our readers Ti, 'itr.3ll Amalgamation " something that wrll probably happen Sometime Nottoday Deborah Crandall l he family phrucran shortage likely doesnl boiher you j you have one And the education system wont be of concern to you if you dont have children or your children are grown But pets and parking, now they're dlllerem, ll you dont have a pel, your neighbour's likely uses your backyard for vanous, em, necessary functions. And Ill bet the farm that most of us have cars and have to park them somewhere. Take me, for example I park everyday at Waterloo Town Square. And unless every two hours I do the parking lot shuffle (geez. 1 hope nobody from the bylaw enforcement office IS reading thes). 1 get ticketed Hence.1hc amount l pay In parking Imes. I'm convmced, has a great deal to do wah the City's operaung surplus So here's a question ior you, I think rdunm of community newspa- pers should be exempt from Waterlook, two-hour parking llmu m uptown city Lots Dorit you? 75 king St South, Suite 201 Waterloo. Ontario, N2) lP2 Phone: 886-2830 Fax; 886-9383 E-mail: wchronicieesenrercnet EIIITIIIIIAl Cliririikle The phones are lighuhg up already hum-maul S F†, m “mm: THING... Park it here ,9}. 95153 3 “a Standard S'nnl Numb" ISSN M12 34m sun- ot u Icouldn1 wrung a both (Hm whv read both elk-ct m why readers , opinions on upmlons they on u rm not kn ol what's "an then. But they're young. That's what the/re supposed to do. Instead of focusing on the unruly activities students have become nulonous for, lets look at some of the wonderful things they bring lo ths community. WLU's annual Shmerama event, for exam- ple, raised $62,000. for cystic Gro- SIS research last weekend. And each year students at CW pull out all the slnps to put on this area's only Canada Day cckhratron The fact PS, students are Involved In lundnnsmg and communlly events throughout the you And many will, aher school, remain In this Communuy to raise their lamuhes and continue lo make valuable contributions l ugh-c n are leo :cl most dcrs are mg F, on these "heyarc ll respectful [ So Ids gtve'em a break not knocking knocking our {math mpurunl and what tsnt more that both pen and ' Important mun, and a of us everyday That's 3 Luger lo cxpre3s therr r?» (rr', L 1â€,} " mmunluu 1sde h phi-:1" (mum Ina-p Nun-(m ly-HM â€I... rum-Hm may"... qFverhquhr mun .mth-'or. (was Ghoul Scorer: l was down m the Excited States last week- end, and the stores are all set for Halloween, Holy cow! The whoop-tee-doo for ll approaches that oljolly old Christmas, let’s not Illuy nuke: will! the amine wri, not as much G Halloween. In water-short Waterloo Region, we have to do a reverse on a Halloween custom: We fill a lub with apples and bob for water Too Many Hands: As Waterloo Region moves Immutably towards one-tter, one-city govemmenl, not much has been made ol the emu-55, personnel that can be divested. fake polmcums lhe Iolks most vocal In therr opposnlmn There are lots to take of all the world's coumnes, youd have to mum Canada as thc most over-govemcd. . I-""" For starters. the benalc is a dvsgraceful redundancy But the Commons with its over- stuffed ranks is no comfort either, and the provinces are equally oversraCed with nrpre- semanvcs. In the last demon Mike Harris made a stab at lnmmlng the numbers of MPPs, but more could be done, Which brings us back locally. nghl now If we mustered the politicos from our seven mumctpalines rtkl look like the march-past of the Chinese army Never mind the maXIm that "Too many hands make light work; lt should say that "Too many hands make a minimum of work, oft delayed and oft nduulous " Bul what of that mnllnumg Llaplrap from “I (umhndgc, the drwel that says that municipal poliucaans are closcr to the \olcr than dandruff? Thats phoncy baloricy because SldlBllLS show that, ands from "actovres" (mad busybodies). most folks never bother their councdlors In fact, they probahly keep away from other kmds of con men, loo Not only do we have an excess of pohuuans, but we have all the local olllcmls who mady to them The staffers stand m danger of losmg their cosy spots when one-tter govern- mcnl lakes oven and that's why Iheychorus, "Blggcr Isn't be!» ter" whenever their local mamas give the stgnal ,._. >1) - -"-----, ""e-- " l Rrm I f -1 , L“ " _ " ff; r / ‘";' ' ., . Illt Ili' F/ ass (, - 'k, " "c," _ I a} u " . s"t'.1' " 'rteCrsrprucle 's' " a, "1 --, . © 'ik" A _ _ c; _-ea. v «Q. ‘ a B. ' e" ‘K, u-, -, - a _. ' an»... n- Gare-. any“... (but we. ". W W nu- Icy-u! tsrelai-M.- "e4tth- M“, As I've sud below, ll smaller PS bellcr we should slice our IMP-(DIN T ,, ,r"urlir,,,,' 0W (IVER new municipalities Into neighborhoods and govern them on the basis of, say, a few my blocks - _ _ _ Come to think of tt, that SITC would be more fiumg for the talents of most of our polocrarts Wasted Effort: B/the way, Munlupal Affatrs Minister Steve Gilchrist has Issued the pm Jorma the-people-wall- decade plalilude. but Waterloo Region folks should knuu this tsrt't so, Gilchrist also sad that when laxpaycrs m: the â€Hugs m reform and the improved services theyll be begging Gr " Gosh, he holds all the cards, but hes velvet-glove approach ls [I But meanwhile we'll be erillL‘d lo d lol mart cyewash Ah ycs, thet person wnh thc lust cxpemsc alwavs has Jw most opuuum Talking Trash: If ghosts dont como back io haunt mumcipalines, you cart hm their ohsuscd landfill sues will, Landfills-thair, the geruecl name for garbagr dumps-- have popped up again and agam (a (rule real or mmgmcd problems Iftruth be known. most mumcipalrnes dldn'l keep au‘umlc records of where the dumps-prwale as well as public--- were. Now when the nuisance shows up, cvcn'unc looks sup prised. Its not that lung ago, but " shows hos cavalier we “rm about the environment Say, now what holhcrs me Ph srlimp, In a cab that's gelling 22 mlll‘s tothc quart of od and 1lurrer, d sign tehng you not In smoke By contrast, is hllanous to see the more bet. licosc local polllluans gnashmg their molarx and flexing their muscles al the Ida ot Queeris Park setting their agenda Their ann-wavmg wull go for naught bemusc. as everyone over the agc of ll knows, thc province wields the authority What little power the municipalttws have they hold only on Sul- {trance intrigutrtg, So the local yokels had bctter not clcu to play poker with Queen's Park, The" pan of dcucey will go nowhere against thc provmcc's [our Aux Waterloo Chromchr Is published (wen Wednesdav by The rasrway Group Fr, A desmn of Soulham tru. The Vlzws of our t ulumnlsls arc Ihru awn and do not nu (sunk represent the News ol the newspapn Mailed subwnplwn nuts 36') vratly In t aruda $90 yearly outwk f mada o G N 1 REGIONAL REFORM POOL newspaprr