I Mayorny Anatysos Ngumenl Manual-on Cast C aucus Chan Chant Chm Chy Conservatrve Constituent Council Count Crown Domain: Federal Fm! Furs! Funds House L meta! Loser Minnie! Mammal "CALL AN ELECTION" Solution: 12 Letters Pram! Pmdonl Programs Party Plan! Put'orm Policy Polling Palmer Last pulzh's Maw NORWEGIAN NAMES Regina Seats Slate Strategy 51 ma W Word T my U Unnan (2 Words) 1montmtt Vow-g machine 9. Personal bravery 10. Incus of the inner ear 12. Babylonian 13. Destroy a contract 1 5. Literary gossip 16. Guevara of trimming 19. Rocky peak 20. Jamaican dance music 21. Hoisting machine 22. Actress Monroe 25. Government agents 26. Compass Argentina 18. Blouse direction 27. Rowing pole 29. Lift one's hat 32. Pamelia 36, Swiss canton 37. Zodiac sign 38. Rose' color 40 Pay attention to 42, Public Columbia 46, Wrongful 49. Not at anytime 50, Discontinue Iransportalion 43. Yoko - 44. Capital of 1 . Individual 5. Weaving ACROSS M, Tear apart forcibly 52, Roll call number 7. Elliptical a. Ophcal illusion 9. Snake poison 11. Transparent 12. Used a chair 14. Ouills I. Key fruit 2. Mr, Whitney 3. Abraham‘s nephew 4. Skin spots 5. Behindhand 6 Lowest cardinal answor DOWN '1? if -tT, a [st 17. Manger fodder 20, foense against 23. Hockey otticial for short 24. Person unrivaled 25. To and - 28. Excitement 29. At a loss for 30. Diana's hunter 31. Point out 33. Inuit knife 34. Pheasant kin 35. Have a feeling about 39. Letter part 41. Holy Ghost symbol 42. Celtic poet and minstrig 45. Playing card 47. Born with the name of M, Shake by sudden impact ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S CROSSWORD FOUND " CLASSIFIED PAGE i TI "