Cliiihiaiiriikd'ii' All Highway 7 options need careful consideration, Witmer says Kitchener-Waterloo MPP Elizabeth Wilmer's opposi- tion towards construction Wilmer, who is also Ontario's current Minister of Health, has at least (MC: in the past expressed wrtt- ten opposition to construc- tion of the new proposed four-lane highway. The provincml Ministry of transpiwtation would like to construct a new high- speed expressway approxi- mately one kilometre north of a brand new Highway 7 between Kitchener-Water- loo and Guelph appears to be waning, Elizabeth Witmer lll’mmlonell lumlllll slle geaemtlag melllnne nus in eltr mull An abandoned City of Waterloo landfill site m Moses Springer Park IS polluting nearby [Aurel Creek and generating methane gas at poten- THIS MONTH'S SAFETY FEATURES 539%? ,itsiii,7 $29-,-l-,!,.i-'i"'hzs'i' '28!,-liililitifhvat $499; fjtistt" m-yklmldh. Tim Gardner Chronicle Staff Tim Gardner ( hronule Mull See pamcinating Midas shops for details or visit our website address at 656 Fairway Rd. s., Kitchener moo q 70 Westmount Rd. w., Kitchener 744-3500 q 15 University Ave. E., Waterioo 885-5410 “LC-Cu "hummus-Intimi- of the emsling highway pending the outcome of a renew of the project's origi- nal environmental assess- ment. The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group I5 currently mountmg a public campaign to stop construe tion of the new highway. Instead of building the new expressway, W'PIRG favours development of transporta- non alternatives that dont rely on cars, thus reducing the need for toad space', or just expanding the current Highway 7. Former provincial Minis- ter of Transportation and now provincial Minister of the Environment, Tony Clement, called for the environmental assessment renew the; past Jan. 20, Provincral officials will be organizing a public meeting in the Region of Waterloo regarding the issue some- time this fall In a letter lo Daryl Bender of WPIRG In March. 1995, ther said she was deli- (Continued on page 4) A prelumnary Invesugauon of the mus prepared by Conestoga-Rovers & Assumes Ltd oiWaterloo for the Crty of Waterloo was to be discussed by Waterloo ccuncd at us last meet- Ing Aug. 16 However a my report “Alma-D mMyuh the but: mm pulled Sarah Mesenbrink, seven, of Waterloo tried to beat the late summer heat last Sunday by going to Lion's lagoon Splash Park in Waterloo Park. _ 7 _ . I"mBBC- lrom Jouncrts agenda during the Aug 16 meeting Sunda Siva, the cut/s leader for storm water management and who prepared the my report, sad last Fn- day the Issue might be dlscussed by m,,t a ham n- Gardner piou- councul at It: Aug 30 meeting but more Gely would be dealt wuh Sept 13 At that ume counol ts expected to approve funng a consultant and/or contractor to conduct an envuon- mental Investigation and remove the waste located at the sue or take other Li0. 485 King St. North Waterloo, Ont 885-5090 Province nlessules “Mellon Region lo get on wilh local governmenl relolm Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Gilchrist announced Monday the Region of Waterloo IS one of four regions in Ontario his ministry would like to see immedi- ately bring forward local government resrructunng propos- City of Waterloo pohucuns are wormed Ontunu's new Minister of Municipal Affairs plans to promote further regional amalgamation won't slop with the Region ofWaler- loo. Gilchrist made the announcement after he also announced the provmce is arbitrarily taking steps to further streamline the Regional Mumcipalos of Haldimand-Nor- folk, Hamilton-Wentworth, Ottawa-Carleton and Sudbury within the next 90 days. The changes are to come into effect in time for the November, 2000 municipal elections. "Despite a consensus m each region that munlmpal gov- emmenl has become too costly, loo complex and too mam cient, nothing has happened." (illchnst said In a news release, explaining his ministry's actions. "Thats why we're acting decisively to protect the interests of taxpayers." "lf you take it at the bald-faced facts that have been put forward, it would appear that hey followmg his provincial mandate and he's going to make sure there will be fewer politicrans and fewer indivrdual communities." Waterloo Mayor Joan McKinnon said Tuesday from Toronto. where she IS attending an Assocrauun of Municipalities of Omano conference, "ln the first light of day, that seems lo be th message he's sending" McKmnon said she was reluctant to say much more abuul Gilchrist':; actions because she and the SIX other mayors of the Region of Waterloo, and regional Chairman Ken Selling. were to meet with Gulchnsl m hls Toronto office Tuesday afternoon, McKinnon said she wasn't exactly sure what would be discussed. The prelummlry mvesugallon um- ducted by Comsoga-Rovers found that measures to solve the problem . the presence of buned waste (m Moses Spnngel Park) Is adversely (Continued on page 2) Tim Gardner Chmne It; staff (Continued on page 12) VOLW COOLANT FLUSH & FILL