He IS Just beginning to reap the rewards of the dedication he has put mm Irarmng and Improvmg his limes Cume also was named MVP of the Unl- vcrsuy of Waterloo swnn team m his first year on the team, Twins split twilight twin bill with Owen Sound Selects The Waterloo Twins finished their regiar-season schedule by splitting a doubleheader against the Owen Sound Selects last Thursday at Hillside Park. The Twins lost their first game 4-0 before bouncing back with a 4-2 victory in the night- cap. Waterloo Cmished the season in fourth place with l7 wins, 10 losses and a tie. Bob "but pbotos There havent been any shortcuts to Suc- cess for Waterloo lnathloner Scott Currie. just add it up lo hard work and perse- verance. The 29-year-old tnathlete Will be com- petmg m the World Triathlon Champr- onshlps this September m Montreal and he enters the compet1t1on with an impressive resume m the span Last year. Currie won the presllgmus Presudent's Chums lrlalhlun SETICS in Ontario. "ity considered one of the biggest m the world In terms of sheer numbers," said Currie, a member of the WUerloo Flying Dogs Cycling Club and the TrrClly Track Club. Two weeks ago he placed lhll'd In a half, Ironman marathon In Peterborough, which included a two-kilometre sme a 21-kilometre run and a (JO-kilometre hike ride, He has been mmpellng m about one lnalhlon every three weeks In Onlano mice May, and hasnt flnlshed any luwer than fourth place Local triathlete high on sport "Five years ago it was totally unlmagln Srri)-trts Charles Kucpfer Spa ml to thc Chromde able of where I am loday because I was a rmddlc-of-hrpack junior racer," sud Currie, "l wasn't even close to the leaders, I couldnt even fathom how hard you had lo push (to be among the leaders) " He has discovered that his trauung Is proportional lo his performance and has ~wen his lnathlun Itmes drop from around two hours, 30 mmulcs as a Ie-year-old to l 55 He's also gone from placrng mom m hrs first iriathlon, l0 placing hrs! m a num- ber of Ontario mmpcuuons His goal ly In lnLTt‘dsf hes lralnlng hy 10 per cent every year, which WI" help Improve his urncs He's shooung for a lime of I50, wluch would get him on par wath international competition He considers the kcys to suucss mums» Iency In training, perseverance and not "chompmg " mom than you can chcw t" I Jusl have 10 lake off five mom mm Scott Currie ( urns plans lo attend a chlmpmuu college In Toronto the; fall, after lust (our plrnng a kmesology program at uw 'When I gel oul of school I want to he one ol the better tnathletes m Canada, consnslenlly gomg overseas" And Curne sees he, goal as a dehnllc povuhhty He is driven to succeed and knows the importance of being inwardly confident and intrinsically motivated. He also triesto eliminate the external pressures some triathletes put on themselves. He hopes lo be domg the Inalhlun long after he retrrcs. "I'd love to still be focused and sull cnjnylng II when l% 80 or 90 't There are age groups for people of all ages. even d 7rrplus group at mayor mathlon cnmpcmmns Cume puts countless hours mm 1ram- og, whether that be swummmg, runmng or cycling. The lrlalhlon has a grip on him "You just gel hooked." said Currie of his mouvauon to tram and compete "The feeling and the natural high that comes wsth working out IS Incredible Feeling [it 15 such a beautiful feeling." Currie said he also loves the animal lnsllnrl of going head-to-head wrth other competitors utes, and it's quite feasible that within a few years I'll be at that level," said Currie "lt's an absolute must to be confident m yourself," "l lhlnk we'll do really well." sad Cumer “Our team has sort of come lugclher We dehmtely have a team and we Nlcholls cap- - lured the women's [am l 0 0 - m e I r c freestyle race In d mm of 56 25 seconds, then raced lo gold along With her teammates Manannc lJmpt‘rl, Joanne Malar and Jessuca Deglau. In the 4x200-melrc freestyle relay Nicholls was quoted as say- S h .1 n n o n L: Carter. 21. of Waterloo ts Shaun headed to her second National C hampr- onship lhlS year, She already helped puch her (cam from 131atort Fraser Lanersuy to vrctorycapturingthc National Assocranon of Irttcrcollegrate Athletics, [NAME wflhall Illlc al Palm Heath, Fla In thc process Now tar1icr and hm lurnmalcx from thc Kmhcncr Khe,wcttcr Juniors are looking for gold at thc (anadmn [unmr sohhall thampmmhlps next week m Brandon, Man. Waterloo swun- sensauon Laura Nicholls struck gold not once but lwlt. Monday al the Pan Am Games In Winnipeg A Waterloo softball player IS trel lo conquer North America, Waterloo softball player pitching towards success Nicholls strikes gold at Games Charla Kuepfer Spend! (a [hr C hrorm Ir .' "1itltrt'-h" IIMmeg “w ‘hdan _ _ - " Vim PM W l Sat a n 181 King St. N., Waterloo Sun ll a Shannon Cartier Laura Nicholls .45 II was dt last years natronals V that l arm-r 3 was mum-d bs .731 ’ r' Mikv: Rama _iiii),j'j\ thc coach ol I V Mmun Frascr T.' Untvcrhityw, . womcis sol). I Cartier ball Imm _ At that porut l didnt cvcn rcaltcc thl d unncrxm In tanal, had " softball program," mu] L Jritcr Iurleu that week wmwm had nwnuoncd In her that Iln' 'xuuort Imwr couch "ugh; “Jul In MIL lo her \hc lellll "vii, Luke Il \crmuxh um/ thc cud of (lit wcck when hut “huh Inlrnduu‘d her In Rm no' 1hr cnsumg conversation led to a softball scholarship "MW She did better than [usl get close lo the podium She ended up on top ol u 1wlce Nicholls [S m the hunt for tnple-gold today as she swmb the 4x100 freestyle relay. she may also be competing m the 4x100 medley relay on Friday, (Continued on page 20) mg _ Id like to get to the medal podium or at least somewhere close to u" In an Inter new with 1hr: Chronicle before she was oil to the Games really work hard." INT_.N FAEet st 'riltAt "